IS ANTICHRST ON THE WAY? Israel talks about New World Order-What did DiMora warn you about Gold? Droughts & water shortages-Ezekiel signs coming to pass-Joe Biden warning coming soon?-Disease-FEB. 10, 2009


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Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009


Propehcey Sign: Daniel chapter two and chapter 7 show us in the last days just before Jesus returns again the Roman Empire will have been reborn.  Out of this new modern day Roman Empire one man would rise to take control of the new Empire.  In the Revelation Jesus gave John we see this man take control of the world economy.  If new to my site please read chapters one and two of my free book which can be downloaded here at my site.  In short however, the European Union is that modern day Roman Empire God showed Daniel.  In my previous posts I explain how close we are to seeing the position being formed that the Antichrist will rise to.  

There was more talk about who would be the first person to fill this post.  I quote, “Tony Blair is poised to become the first President of Europe after it was confirmed that French leader Nicolas Sarkozy is determined to help him win the post. A senior aide to President Sarkozy told a private gathering of senior British and French politicians that he is to tell fellow EU leaders that Mr Blair is the only man who can help Europe stand up to the rest of the world. The remark by Alain Minc, a key member of Mr Sarkozy’s inner circle, is the second French blow to Gordon Brown’s standing in two days, coming after Mr Sarkozy said Mr Brown’s decision to combat the recession by cutting VAT was a ‘mistake’.”

The question will arise, is Tony the Antichrist because he may fill the position, not at all.  All this means is that the position that the Antichrist will rise up to is being created. It is a sign that the EU is getting ready to pick a person to a position that Jesus warned us about some 2,000 years ago.  Before the EU can pick the first President they must finish having Ireland sign the Lisbon Treaty.  Once they sign the document the EU will have their Constitution and the 6-month rotating president for the EU will turn into a full time position.  It doesn’t mean that the first person who takes the position will in fact be the Antichrist.  All it will show us is we are very close to seeing everything else Jesus warned us about come to pass.  

One thing to kind in mind, Daniel chapter 7 tells us that when the Antichrist comes on the scene he will first subdue 3 leaders.  After this takes place 10 leaders will give him their power and he will become the leader of the new Roman Empire. It is this reason why I don’t think the first person to fill the EU head would automatically be the Antichrist.  Just knowing that this position is almost here should be pretty scary for anyone who hasn’t taken Jesus Christ as his or her Savior yet!  What this event signals is that we are running out of time and Jesus is coming soon-

In Chapter 2 of my book I give you proof that America is declining.  I give many examples from the news reports reporting on this issue.  Today we see that another nation knows America is declineing and it just another sign of the time.  What is interesting is the title to the headline which reads, “Our World: Obama's new world order and Israel”  There is a new world order coming and, this new order will be run by the Antichrist as soon as the global economic crisis gets much worse.  Let me quote from the report. "As we go to the polls today, the world around us is quickly changing in new and distressing ways. The challenges the international system will present the government we elect will be harsher, more complicated and more dangerous than the ones its predecessors have faced. Bluntly stated, the world that will challenge the next government will be one characterized by the end of US global predominance. In just a few short weeks, the new administration of President Barack Obama has managed to weaken the perception of American power and embolden US adversaries throughout the world." 

I want you to take careful notice what this next section of the report stated. " In the late stages of the presidential race, now Vice President Joseph Biden warned us that this would happen. In a speech before supporters he said, "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama… [We're] gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy… They may emanate from the Middle East. They may emanate from the subcontinent. They may emanate from Russia's newly emboldened position."  Do you now understand what I am telling you?  God wrote down all the details to future events for us.  Israel as well as the rest of the world knows America has already lost much of her power.  Israel knows what they may be facing in the very near future and they know it may be a war with Russia.   Don’t think for a second that the White House doesn’t know what Russia and Iran are up to.  What the Israelis are feeling is the hand of God coming on them soon in the form of the Ezekiel prophecy.   My question to you again has to be, are you ready for what is coming?  Do you want to be ready?  Do you know how to be ready?  If need direction and help to answer these questions email me and I will lead you to the arms of Jesus Christ.  If you want to remain in sin and unprotected by the Lord’s Grace you should be aware your road is leading you to the face of the Antichrist not Christ.   Jesus has set me in this place at this time for you.  He is calling you and I am asking you to hear and act on the voice of the Holy Spirit. E-mail at                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

On Feb. 15, 2008 I wrote a post telling you what items would rise in the near future. This list of things I mentioned came from Revelation Chapter 18.  One of the  things I asked you to watch for a year ago was (GOLD).  I told you that gold would rise and I told you why.  One year later I want to show you what has happened to gold. I quote, “Investors are buying record amounts of gold bars and coins, shunning risky assets for the relative safety of bullion amid renewed fears about the health of the global financial system. The US Mint sold 92,000 ounces of its popular American Eagle coin last month, almost four times that which it sold a year ago and more than it shipped during the whole of the first half of 2007.”   “We estimate that investment demand [into gold] could double in 2009 compared to 2007,” said Mr Reade. “Purchases of physical gold have jumped over the past six months as investors’ fears about the current financial crisis … have intensified.”   For years I have warned about what would take place with the U.S. economy, I warned to watch for another Depression and that America would begin to lose her superpower status.  Everything that I have warned you, I did so because they were warnings, signs, Jesus told us to watch for.  There has to be a shift in world powers because Daniel saw who it was that was going to be the last power standing at the time of Christ’s return and it was not the United States.  Jesus never talks about America as being the last superpower to reign at the time of His second coming because, it wasn’t going to be America who would rule the world with the Antichrist but, the reborn Roman Empire or today’s European Union.  Why is there a global financial crisis now and, why are people flocking to buy gold at the same time?  Because what you are witnessing is part of Bible prophecy.  Let me once again tell you what is going to happen.  Watch the price of Gold climb.  Many of you will rush to buy gold but did you know if you are left behind when Jesus takes His Church out of this world and 3 and ½ years aftrer the Antichrist is exposed your gold will become useless to you if you don’t take the mark of the Antichrist?  If you do take the mark you will keep your gold for a time however, Jesus tells us, anyone who takes the mark will seal their fate to hell for all time.  Knowing this, what good is your gold to you?  The only way to be protected from the Antichrist and God’s wratch that is soon to be poured out on this Earth is to give your life over to Christ right now while the Church is still on Earth.   Do you think that the global economic crisis, the run on gold, and the talk about placing the first full time European Union President in place are nothing but a big coincidence?  You know in your heart something is up!  Now you know what it is.  Jesus is calling you to himself, will you answer His call?

Here is the link to my Feb. 15, 2008 post where I talked about what to look for concerning the many items including gold.

When you read the Feb. 15, post you will also noticed I asked you to watch what will happen to the wheat.  During the course of 2008 I showed you proof of what I warned you about is coming to pass.  Today we see more of this proof. I quote, China warned Tuesday of a severe impact on the nation's winter wheat crop if there was no rain within the next 15 days to relieve the worst drought in half a century. "Right now, this is the critical period for the growth of winter crops," E Jingping, a top drought relief official, told a news conference. "If in 15 days there is no precipitation, the situation in the winter wheat zone will be more severe and the next stage for drought-relief operations will be abnormally difficult."  No only is showing us proof about the wheat but it is also informing us about the drought crisis taking place in China.  This is another one of the end time signs Jesus told us to keep on the watch for.  I talked about this a few days ago when I gave you news about the drought and fire crisis taking place in Australia.  Start adding up all these signs which Jesus said we would see all at the same time and you will have a clear picture of TRUTH FROM GOD!  You know have the proof but it up to you if you will receive for Jesus has sent to you?                                                               

Australia news:

I can’t give you all the details to every nation that is currently having water shortages because of a drought because there are to many and I don’t have the time to post them all but, I think you will get the picture. Here is another one. “Reporting from Mexico City — Already-scarce water gets even scarcer this weekend for millions of Mexicans. One of the world's largest cities is launching a rationing plan in a drastic — and some say overdue — effort to conserve water after rampant development, mismanagement and reduced rainfall caused supplies to drop to dangerously low levels. Starting Saturday, water will be cut or reduced to homes in at least 10 boroughs in Mexico City plus 11 other municipalities in the state of Mexico, which surrounds the capital. The action affects an estimated 5.5 million people and includes neighborhoods ranging from affluent Lomas de Chapultepec on the western edge of the city to poor, densely populated Iztapalapa in the southeast.”,0,3908175.story

California, one of the leading producers of food crops is one of the worse droughts in their history.  “Drought causes the state's agriculture industry to disappear while residents continue to consume water at high levels”  “Bill Diedrich, a fourth-generation almond grower in California's Central Valley, expects that many of his trees won't make it through the year. "It's one of the grimmest water situations we've ever faced," he said. "It's an absolute emergency and anything to get water flowing quickly is needed."  This week many cities in California are finding themselves on water rationioning.

Video on California drought:

In chapter 10 of my book I warn the reader to watch what Turkey does in the near future.  I told the reader that Israel and Turkey would have a falling out and Turkey would align itself with the rest of the nations listed in Ezekiel 38-39, which warns us that Russia and her allies will attack Israel. My first book came out in 1997 so how did I know this would happen?  It is easy if you know what signs to keep on the watch for.  If God showed Ezekiel that Turkey was numbered in the attack on Israel, it only stands to reason that these two nations would become enemies. We saw more proof of what I had warned coming to pass today. I quote, “Official: Israel-Turkey trade severely damaged Political tension between Jerusalem, Ankara said to have serious effects on years of prolific commerce relations. Agricultural, chemical exports note drop; industry fears defense exports may suffer next Naama Sikuler, Calcalist The growing tensions between  Israel and Turkey have destroyed prolific commerce relations which took years to establish, says Menashe Carmon, chairman of the Israel-Turkey Business Council. “  Keep in mind if I say I warned you, if is really God who is warning you, all I am doing is connecting the dots for you so you can understand why these events are taking place.,2506,L-3668362,00.html

In a recent report entitled, “Obama: Direct negotiations with Iran within months. Moscow to complete Iranian reactor in three months" it was stated,"In the coming months, we will be looking for openings… to start sitting across the table face to face" with Iran, said US president Barack Obama at a press conference early Tuesday, Feb. 10. He pledged all US tools in dealing with Iran – and that "includes diplomacy." Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad welcomed talks based on mutual respect but said changes in Washington must be "fundamental not just tactical." Moscow pledged to complete Iran's Bushehr reactor on schedule – in first half of this year. Israeli frontunner Binyamin Netanyahu promises if elected has pledged that Iran will not be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon.”  This is what I have been warning you about for months now.  I said to watch Russia because they are going to keep helping Iran finish that nuclear site.  Iran and Russia have both repeated they will not stop until Iran has their nuclear power site running. Now we are told that site is only months away from firing up. At the same time you have today’s elections going on in Israel and the front runner is a man who has also stated he will take care of the Iranian nuclear problem before it is fired up. If Vice President Joe Biden is right this may be the crisis which he predicted Obama would face in the first 6 months of his taking office.  You had better be paying attention to all these events because they are all leading us down the road to the fulfillment of many prophecies, which will include war and the Ezekiel war.  Am I getting your attention yet?

Keep in mind when you read the reports they say it won’t matter who take gets elected as Prime Minister of Israel, they are going to deal with Iran’s nuclear program.  So does it matter who gets elected?  Not at all the candidates know how important it is to stop Iran’s nuclear site from firing up.  I just looked to see who is winning the Israeli election and it is to close to count.  Here is a quote for you backing up what I have said. "JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel will not allow arch-foe Iran to develop nuclear weapons, no matter what the political make-up of the Israeli government, outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday ahead of a national election."

Prophecy Sign: Another one of the signs Jesus said we would see while all the other signs were taking place is the sign of diseases which is found in Luke 21:11. There is going concern about what is taking place in Zimbabwe. I quote, “GENEVA, Feb 10 (Reuters) – Zimbabwe's spreading cholera outbreak poses a threat to its neighbours South Africa, Zambia and Mozambique, United Nations and aid officials said on Tuesday. More than 69,000 Zimbabweans have caught the water-borne diarrhoeal disease since August, and about 4,000 have died as a result in Africa's deadliest outbreak in 15 years.” Chapter 4 and 5 of my book deal with droughts and disease in detail.



If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Oct. 28, 2008 Frank DiMora’s list of links to hear his radio interviews on the international radio shows The Edge, watch his videos here.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


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