Is Babylon getting ready to fulfill prophecy?Oct. 17, 2011



Prophecy Sign:  Revelation 18:1-24.   In the Bible Jesus speaks to us about this great and wealthy city of Babylon. Babylon is portrayed during a period of time immediately before its destruction, near the time of Armageddon. The information I am going to give you will show you that his great city of Babylon will come back again.  The link below will take you to my pervious post when I explain the prophecy concerning Babylon, or modern day Iraq.  Once you read this information you will  better understand why I am watching the developments that are currently taking place in Iraq.   I want to bring you through a series  of news reports that I have been watching that shows me I may be on the right track as far as the Iraqi Dinar, and the rebuilding of Babylon is concerned. I think you are going to find this interesting.


50 dinars

First of all on 7/27/2011 Forbes wrote a report on the Iraq Dinar. The writer references the Dinar in the beginning of his report as a scheme.  However, later at the end of the report he wrote the following. 

“If this scheme has any resemblance of reality, it could be an interesting revenue raiser for the government, and I know the government is hunting for revenue raisers and closing of tax loopholes. Maybe the story here is just that it’s a scam. But, if rumors in the marketplace are true, and the dinar does revalue and allow conversion for most to pre-war levels, what are the ramifications for the government, Iraq, the military, investors and taxpayers? Also, what’s holding up the revaluation? Can Iraq handle it?  It does sound like a happy ending which makes me suspicious. How much tax revenue do U.S., state and local governments stand to collect? How many former and current military personnel and contractors stand to become millionaires overnight?”

It was clear to me that the Forbes writer is up in the air concerning the Iraq Dinar, otherwise he would have just let his views that the Iraqi Dinar was a scheme stand alone, but he didn’t.  As you can see for yourself he ends the report in a wait and see attitude


In my May 17, 2011 post of which I have provided you with the link below, I told you what I was looking for when it came to the Iraqi Dinar.  I quote myself:

“Iraq still has many problems but what they do have is a lot of the black gold, oil! This is what I am watching for. When the US dollar dies and oil is no longer bought using the US reserve currency like it is currently the financial system will change in a heart beat. I believe at this time Iraq’s dinar will serge to the levels it used to be before Saddam’s government collapsed, which will in turn drive Iraq into the position Jesus and the Prophets showed us in scripture.”

This morning I just so happen to fall on a report from American Contractor and you will see why I reminded you of my quote in red above. I am going to give you a few short sections to the American Contractor report, but I suggest you click to the link and read the news.

“American Contractor reported the following: “There have been several events that have recently occurred in Baghdad. On 17 Sept the al-Iraqiyah TV news station hosted an interview with the Central Bank governor Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, CBI Advisor Mudher Mohammed Saleh and an unidentified Iraq parliament member. The interview was about the Iraqi dinar currency and the deleting of the three zero’s. The interview lasted about 30 minutes however, we were able to record 20 minutes of the interview. After the recording I had the interview translated from Arabic to English. I have included the translation in this post for all my readers.”

Let’s talk about the interview on the state run al-Iraqiyah TV with the CBI representatives and the unidentified Iraq Parliament member.

During the interview Dr. Sinan Shabibi sometimes sounded confused, at times incoherent and often repeated himself. He certainly did not prepare himself for the interview on al-Iraqiyah TV. The CBI Advisor Mudher Mohammad Saleh appeared prepared for the interview. During the interview the TV producer asked about how the CBI was going to make sure that no counterfeit dinars will be involved in the 30 Trillion dinar notes. This part was odd to me because Dr. Shabibi answers the question with an answer that had nothing to do with the question asked.

One thing significant I found in the interview is that the CBI Advisor Saleh mentioned that Iraq would be selling oil and having the oil be paid for in Iraqi dinar. Meaning that Iraq dinar will be a reserve currency for other countries.”


When I read this news I was blown away because this is exactly what I have been looking for!  People have been writing me telling me that it will take a long time to bring Iraq to a place of power.  In my heart I have felt all along that Iraq could be the key to how fast things change for the US and the rest of the world.  If the rumor is true and the Iraq dinar does become the reserve currency to buy oil, Iraq would skyrocket to the forefront faster than most would image.  I keep asking myself, is it  possible that the thought that came into my mind about the Iraqi Dinar becoming the reserve currency a word of knowledge from Christ?   After reading the report today that oil will be bought with Dinars it shows me that I need to pay even closer attention to events taking place in Iraq. One thing I asked myself is this. Is it possible that Dr. Shabibi slipped out news that he wasn’t suppose to give?  Let’s face it, if this news is true it would be a major blow to the US reserve currency and change the power structure.  In my heart Jesus’ words in Mark 13:8 keep coming up. This is the scripture that warns us the last days events will happen as birth pains.  I truly believe this is what is going to happen in Iraq.  I believe the speed of Iraq’s recovery will shock the world.


I also believe we have  been seeing hints that Iraq is about to begin to move in the direction that will fulfilled the prophecies about it. For one, Aug. 28, 2010 we read this news. “Three days before the official end of the US combat mission in Iraq, US President Barack Obama said on Saturday that the war in the country was "ending" and called Iraq a "sovereign" nation free to determine its own destiny. "On Tuesday, after more than seven years, the United States of America will end its combat mission in Iraq and take an important step forward in responsibly ending the Iraq war," Obama said in his weekly radio address.”

This is one of the steps that is taking place to bring Iraq back to being a sovereign nation.

US soldiers and Iraqi police carry out their last patrol along the streets of Khan Bani Saad: Iraqis to celebrate withdrawal of US troops

Today more news was released about American troops leaving Iraq.  “Washington is all but certain to abandon plans to keep several thousand US troops in Iraq beyond the end of the year, terminating its deployment nearly nine years after the invasion to topple Saddam Hussein.

Despite ongoing concerns about the ability of Iraq's security forces to prevent renewed instability and violence, the Obama administration has according to reports in the US decided that all but 150 to 200 US troops of the remaining 40,000 will go home under the terms of a 2008 agreement.

The key issue has been the failure of the Iraqi parliament to provide a guarantee of immunity from prosecution to US troops that stay.

US officials had assumed that the earlier deal with the Iraqis would be renegotiated to allow 4-5,000 American forces to remain in a training role beyond the deadline of Dec 31, 2011.

But Iraq's leadership has been divided on the issue. Some have argued the further training and US help was vital, particularly to protect Iraq's airspace and gather security intelligence. Others, particularly the Iranian-backed Sadrists, have deeply opposed any American troop presence. Shiite militiamen have threatened attacks on any American forces that remain past the deadline.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has told US military officials that he does not have the votes in parliament to provide immunity to the American trainers, as Washington has demanded.”

I am excited to see Iraq is moving in the direction that I believe shows us that we are moving closer to the return of Christ. At the present time I am doing all I can to open the eyes of as many people as I can to all the warnings Jesus gave us concerning these last days. In one way my heart is crushed knowing that so many people won’t believe Jesus, but on the other hand as prophecy is being fulfilled thousands around the world are just now beginning to see that all the things Jesus warned us about are coming to pass and they are receiving Jesus as the Lord and Savior.  All I can do is pray that these posts will at least encourage you to watch the events a lot closer than you have been.  Let us keep on the watch as Jesus asked us to do!  I do know this for sure.  If Iraq (Babylon), is to be the financial central as pointed out in scripture, than we are going to see a lot of news about Iraq’s development in the very near future.  It is for this reason that I am going to raise up the red flag.  I want to be up front and honest with you all, I do not know it all!  I search the Word, I pray, and I ask Jesus to give me wisdom concerning these matters, and I stay on the watch.  I know that as I seek the kingdom of God first each day, my Father Jesus will point me in the right direction and I will be giving you good insights to things Jesus already warned us about. 

In closing I do want to point out one very important fact.  If we all see that Iraq is taking off as I expect it will, that will show you and I that the Antichrist is very very near.  This also shows us that the rapture of the Church is even closer because Jesus removes the Church before the tribulation begins.

I want to take this time to thank Pastor Randy C. Broodhagen for praying for me yesterday at Church.  Pastor Randy prayed for a refreshing Spirit for the ministry as I have been feeling warn down.  It was like getting a shot from heaven.  I love you all and I thank God for you all. May Jesus also refresh all of you who feel warn down.

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