Is this the beginning of the Psalm 83 war prophecy? Sudan trip news/May 15, 2011



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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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A Palestinian protester holds up a symbolic key during clashes with Israeli security forces at Qalandiya checkpoint, near the West Bank city of Ramallah May 15, 2011. REUTERS/Darren Whiteside Could these events be the beginning of what will be the fulfillment of Psalm 83?  If these events lead to all out war with the nations that border Israel, you won’t have to ask me how much time is left before the Lord comes back.  The Psalm 83 war will mark a huge step closer to the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.  The next few days could be some of the most important events in prophecy and signal to the Christians that Jesus Christ will be coming soon to take the Church home soon.  On the other hand, these events could be another round of huge birth pains leading up to the next war.  If there were ever a time to be watching the signs of the times as Jesus warned us, now is that time.  If you haven’t received Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, now is the time to be concerned.  Anyone who who doesn’t know the Lord as their Savior is living on borrowed time. 

This is what we know. Take a look at the above photo and read the names God gave us that would come together to attack Israel.  Today’s events show us that most of these same nations are involved in this violence against Israel, however I believe if the Psalm 83 war is to be fulfilled the  situation will become much worse and bring the other nations into the violence.  Last week I warned that if Israel starts to enforce its borders which they are now doing and things get out of control, (the use of force), which they are now doing, it could signal the armies of the nations listed in the 83rd Psalm to come to the protecters aid.  If this happens more than likely it would turn out to be war again between Israel and her Arab neighors.  

“A Palestinian protester holds up a symbolic key during clashes with Israeli security forces at Qalandiya checkpoint, near the West Bank city of Ramallah May 15, 2011.

MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights (Reuters) – Violence erupted on Israel's borders with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza on Sunday, leaving at least eight dead and dozens wounded, as Palestinians marked what they term "the catastrophe" of Israel's founding in 1948.

Israeli troops shot at protesters in three separate locations to prevent crowds from crossing Israeli frontier lines in the deadliest such confrontation in years.

Israeli and Syrian media reports said Israeli gunfire killed four people after dozens of Palestinian refugees infiltrated the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights from Syria, along a disputed border that has been quiet for decades.

Witnesses on the nearby Lebanese frontier said four Palestinians were killed after Israeli forces fired at rock-throwing protesters to prevent them from crossing the border.

The Lebanese army had also earlier fired in the air in an attempt to hold back the crowds.

On Israel's tense southern border with the Gaza Strip, Israeli gunfire wounded 60 Palestinians as demonstrators approached Israel's fence with the Hamas Islamist-run enclave, medical workers said.

In Tel Aviv, Israel's commercial hub, a truck driven by an Arab Israeli slammed into vehicles and pedestrians, killing one man and injuring 17 people.”

Palestinian 'nabka' protests turn deadly. Israel sees Iran's 'fingerprints.'

Eight people were reportedly killed in separate incidents along Israel's borders with both Syria and Lebanon – and dozens were wounded in the West Bank and Gaza – during the Palestinians' annual 'nabka' protest against Israel.


'Egyptians united against Israel' (Go TO LINK AND WATCH VIDEO)

“The Cairo rally — named a million-man march — coincides with the anniversary of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories in 1948. The Muslim Brotherhood, The Youth Revolution Coalition and the National Association for Change, have been leading the call. They urged people to rally in a show of national unity and support for the Palestinian cause.
What follows is the transcript of Press TV's interview with Sarah Akl who is a political activist in Cairo.
Press TV: Sarah, we know that activists from all over the political spectrum have been calling for this protest and national unity. What can you tell us about that? Sarah Akl: Well, I believe groups of people are uniting today for several causes. For the start, there is the cause of the unity between Muslims and Christians and unity and march against sectarianism and how we all want sectarianism to be part of our country.”

On order news, Pastor Titus just sent more pictures of the Mission trip to Sudan. The pictures below show Pastor Titus taking out the my books, (The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth). In the email I was told this is where they began to teach about the last days. When I began to write this documentary I had no idea how far Jesus would move this book. I am blessed to see my labor of love for Christ fall into so many hands!

Preparing to distribute Last Chronicles Books[1] 
Teaching session with Last Chronicles books

Last Chronicles Teaching Session 



    • Cheryl on May 16, 2011 at 12:10 pm
    • Reply

    How wonderful to see those pictures! To see your book in the hands of people who will be blessed by it and knowing all the people who will also read it by it being passed around! God is so wonderful!

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