Jan. 1, 2023

Happy new year everyone God bless













The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


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Netanyahu says Israel not bound by ‘despicable’ U.N. vote
Israel condemned and the Palestinians welcomed on Saturday a United Nations General Assembly vote asking the International Court of Justice to provide an opinion on legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.


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Bird flu vaccination may be the only way to have free-range chickens
Tens of millions of poultry are being kept indoors or have been slaughtered because of avian influenza. Without widespread vaccination of birds, free-range chickens and eggs could be off the menu forever in some countries



Flag Israel Animated Flag Gif


The report below talks about Iran’s proxies against Israel just so you know the proxies that they are talking about are the people who are in the shop 83 war.

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Netanyahu’s New Government to Settle All Biblical Lands of Israel
The policy of Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government includes settling in all the lands of Judea and Samaria. On Wednesday Netanyahu’s incoming government published a document listing its policy guidelines. Among them is a pledge to foster settlement in all the biblical lands of Israel this side of the Jordan River.


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Iranian forces holding military drills in the Straits of Hormuz successfully targeted a mock-up of an Israeli base Saturday, according to Iranian media accounts. https://worldisraelnews.com/iran-bombs-mock-israeli-navy-base-in-military-exercise/?utm_source=newsletters_worldisraelnews_com&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Kidnapped+for+Ransom%3A+Israel+Rescues+Palestinian+Captive%3B+Netanyahu+Seethes+at+UN+Vote%2C+will+Punish+PA+Leaders%3B+Iranian+Success%3F+Israeli+%27Base%27+Bombed&utm_campaign=20230101_m171126598_Kidnapped+for+Ransom%3A+Israel+Rescues+Palestinian+Captive%3B+Netanyahu+Seethes+at+UN+Vote%2C+will+Punish+PA+Leaders%3B+Iranian+Success%3F+Israeli+%27Base%27+Bombed&utm_term=IRANIAN+SUCCESS_3F+Israeli+_27Base_27+Bombed


So this is how we start off the new year!

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Home Depot Co-Founder Rails Against Socialism And “Woke People,” Warns ‘Capitalism In Dire Straits’
In an interview published Thursday, Bernie Marcus told Financial Times that “nobody works, nobody gives a damn,” blaming socialists and “the woke people” for the country’s troubles.  “‘Just give it to me. Send me money. I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid,’” Marcus said,



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  1. Laid-Off Silicon Valley Workers Panic Sell Start-Up Shares As Valuations Crash
    Silicon Valley tech companies have benefited from over a decade of low-interest rates and easy money. But since the Federal Reserve turned off the liquidity taps to combat inflation — at least for now — tech firms have been forced into aggressive cost-cutting measures, such as reducing headcount. This brings us to the workers who were fired this year. Financial Times reported, “employees of embattled tech groups are flooding secondary markets — where stakeholders in a private company sell shares to third parties.” And as they unload shares on the private market, the valuations of these startups are collapsing.

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America Enduring Second Largest Home Price Correction Since End of WWII
The American housing market is suffering its second-largest price correction since the end of WWII, and one expert attributed it partly to people’s concerns about economic issues.


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