Jan. 13, 2021- Jordan & Egypt could join the Middle East Quartet



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Palestinian and Israeli forces trade attacks in southern Gaza

On Wednesday, the borders of the Gaza Strip witnessed a round of mutual bombardment between the Israeli army and the Palestinian forces. The Israeli army spokesman, Avichay Adraee, said via his Twitter account that an Israeli tank had bombed two Hamas sites, in response to a double-fire attack on an engineering vehicle belonging to it from the Gaza Strip. Adraee said the Israeli vehicle was carrying out a leveling operation at the western end of the security fence at the southern end of the Gaza Strip. The spokesman stated that the cause of the attack resulted in material damage, without causing any casualties.
Jan. 13, 2021







Jordan, Egypt could join Quartet’s Mideast peace drive

 Jordan and Egypt are emerging as potential new members of the international Quartet for Mideast peace after the foreign ministers of both countries joined a meeting of the multilateral forum in Cairo on Monday. The Quartet consisting of the UN, the EU, the US and Russia was set up in 2002 to help mediate Middle East peace negotiations. Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki were invited by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry to attend the meeting, which included French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, according to a statement by Jordan’s Foreign Ministry. Oraib Rantawi, director of the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies, told Arab News that the idea of adding Jordan and Egypt to the Quartet had been discussed by the Obama-Biden administration. “Although the issue was discussed in the last days of the Obama administration, I don’t think that it will be decided until the Biden administration takes over and begins to make its position public,” he said. Rantawi said that Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the UAE also may be invited to participate.
Jan. 12, 2021

Large Soleimani Statue Erected In Beirut Stirs Outrage, Divides Lebanese

A newly erected large bronze statue of slain Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in the middle of the Lebanese capital Beirut is driving outrage and division, causing deepening rifts in the population over the role of Hezbollah and Iranian influence in the country. In the days following the unveiling ceremony the statue created a social media storm of controversy. Many Lebanese, mostly critics of Hezbollah, took to social media to lambast the celebration of a foreign military leader in Lebanon’s capital. Much criticism has naturally centered on the fact that the Soleimani statue represents the presence and influence of a foreign power on Lebanese soil. However the small Mediterranean country has long been subject of foreign meddling in recent history, including the Saudis, Syrians, Israel, and the US – not to mention the French Mandate period in the 20th century. Soleimani’s face has become iconic throughout the Middle East, representing “resistance” to US and Israeli designs on the region.
Jan. 12, 2021

Israeli airstrikes near Syria-Iraq border targeted Iranian weapons

Alleged Israeli airstrikes targeted dozens of sites in the Deir Ezzor region of eastern Syria and in Albukamal near the Syria-Iraq border on Tuesday night. The strikes targeted dozens of warehouses and sites belonging to pro-Iranian militias and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) throughout the area, according to local news source Deir Ezzor 24. The Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen news cited a security source in Baghad who stated that no casualties were caused as the sites that were targeted were evacuated beforehand, but reported as well that ambulances rushed to the scene to transport people who were wounded in the strikes. Regional media described the strikes as some of the largest and most intense strikes in eastern Syria in recent years. Images from the area showed a number of buildings completely destroyed after the strikes. According to the Step News Agency, strikes by unidentified aircraft, believed to be affiliated with the international coalition, targeted sites belonging to the IRGC in Albukamal as well on Tuesday. This is the third alleged Israeli airstrike reported in Syria in the past three weeks.
Jan. 13, 2021

Mysterious Aircraft Pound Turkish Oil Smugglers in Syria. US Supply Convoys Are Blown Up in Iraq

On January 8, ISIS terrorists launched a large attack on government forces in the eastern countryside of Hama. After a series of clashes with the Syrian Army and pro-government militias, terrorists captured a number of positions near the towns of Rahjan and al-Shakusiyah. As of January 12, ISIS cells retreated from these positions under pressure from the army. Nonetheless, at least 19 government troops and 12 ISIS members were killed in the clashes. Meanwhile in the eastern countryside of Homs, ISIS cells destroyed a pickup of the al-Quds Brigade, a Palestinian pro-government group, with an improvised explosive device. These developments coincided with some strikes by some ‘mysterious aircraft’ that once again bombed Turkish-linked oil smugglers in northern Aleppo. This time the infrastructure of the smugglers was destroyed near the village of Tarhin. The situation in neighboring Iraq is also not stable. Just on January 9, 3 supply convoys of the US-led coalition became targets of IED attacks in the central and southern regions of the country.
Jan. 12, 2021


Iran is the “new home base” of al-Qaeda, says Pompeo

Iran has given a new operational headquarters to al-Qaeda, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday. He added that the Islamic Republic is “the new home base” for the terror group. “Tehran gives sanctuary to the terror group’s senior leaders as they plan attacks against America and our allies,” Pompeo added. He noted that since 2015, “Tehran has allowed al-Qaida figures in the country to freely communicate with other al-Qaeda members and perform many functions that were previously directed from Afghanistan and Pakistan, including authorization for attacks, propaganda, and fundraising.” Pompeo went on to say that the Iran-al-Qaeda axis poses a grave threat to the security of nations and to the American homeland itself. The outgoing secretary of state announced that the administration is designating two Iran-based al-Qaeda leaders, Muhammad Abbatay and Sultan Yusuf Hasan al-‘Arif as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.
Jan. 12, 2021






C.African Rebels Repelled In Closest Attack Yet To Capital

Rebel forces in the Central African Republic on Wednesday mounted their closest attack yet to the capital Bangui before being pushed back with the loss of a peacekeeper, the United Nations said. The UN’s MINUSCA peacekeeping mission said Wednesday’s attack was “repelled by Blue Helmets together with the Central African forces”, adding that a Rwandan peacekeeper was killed. The UN force’s spokesman Abdoulaziz Fall said the attack occurred at a MINUSCA position 12 kilometres (seven miles) from the centre of Bangui. “Several rebels were captured, and more than 10 were killed,” he told AFP. Earlier, Interior Minister Henri Wanzet Linguissara said armed groups opposed to President Faustin Archange Touadera carried out two simultaneous raids on Bangui’s outskirts at dawn. Up until Wednesday, the rebels had carried out sporadic attacks in towns far from the capital and on the RN3 highway, the crucial supply line linking Bangui with neighbouring Cameroon. Some analysts suggested the latest assaults could point to a change in tactics. “What the rebels have understood is that the international community gauges the crisis in CAR on what happens in Bangui,” Roland Marchal, a specialist at the Centre for International Research at Paris’s Sciences-Po university, told AFP. “This is why they are carrying out attacks on the immediate outskirts of Bangui — not to take Bangui, which is strongly defended, but to demonstrate that Touadera no longer controls anything, or only very little.”
Jan. 13, 2021






Digital Euro Could Happen ‘Within Five Years’: Lagarde

A digital euro should be a reality within five years, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde said Wednesday. “It’s going to take a good chunk of time to make sure it’s safe,” Lagarde told an online forum organised by Reuters, adding “I would hope that it’s no more than five (years).” “There is a demand” for a digital currency, she added, but that there is a “need to have a system that is secure” and where risks such as hacking are addressed. “We’re moving on, we are not charging on.” Lagarde set a similar timeframe to China which launched a pilot scheme in 2020 and is edging closer to launching the world’s first sovereign digital currency. The comments came as the ECB concluded a consultation on the digital currency, which registered more than 8,000 respondents, according to the Frankfurt-based bank. A digital euro would be an electronic form of central-bank money, which proponents say will allow for faster and cheaper payments as they cut out the administration and the high costs needed in traditional banking.
Jan. 13, 2021







Claim: 750 Christians Massacred By Ethiopian Forces At Major Church In Tigray

Because of the remote location and practical media blackout enforced by the government, information has only emerged in small amounts about the ongoing Tigrayan conflict in Ethiopia and Eritrea. So far thousands have died and millions have been displaced. Now according to Eritrea Hub, a claim has emerged that 750 Christians were massacred by government troops at St. Mary of Zion Church, one of the major churches for Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. On Tuesday, 15th of December, Ethiopian federal troops and Amhara militia approached the Mariam of Zion cathedral in the Tigrayan city of Aksum. It is possible that they thought that Tigrayan troops were sheltering in the church – taking advantage of the ancient right of sanctuary. According to a number of sources the church was full, with some saying that up to 1,000 people were in the building or the compound surrounding it. The advancing soldiers caused consternation: a chapel in the compound is believed by Ethiopians to house the biblical Ark of the Covenant. A confrontation ensued. Everyone in the compound was forced into the square outside the cathedral. As the crowd milled around, there was further shouting and the troops opened fire on the protesting crowd. As many as 750 people are reported to have been killed. News of the massacre has only gradually reached the outside world. People walked over 200 kilometres to the regional capital, Mekelle, and from there the story gradually filtered out – despite the clamp-down on the media in Tigray.
Jan. 11, 2021





US will require all arriving passengers to get COVID-19 test

Greece Urges EU to Create ‘Vaccination Certificate’ to Facilitate Travel

Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing

Police Using License Plate-Reading Cameras to Monitor Drivers for “essential travel”

Anyone flying to the U.S. will soon need to show proof of a negative test for COVID-19, health officials announced Tuesday. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requirement expands on a similar one announced late last month for passengers coming from the United Kingdom. The new order takes effect in two weeks. The CDC order applies to U.S. citizens as well as foreign travelers. The new restrictions require air passengers to get a COVID-19 test within three days of their flight to the U.S., and to provide written proof of the test result to the airline. Travelers can also provide documentation that they had the infection in the past and recovered. Airlines are ordered to stop passengers from boarding if they don’t have proof of a negative test. Meanwhile, an English police force is using license plate recognition technology to monitor drivers and make sure they are only making “essential” journeys during the third coronavirus lockdown.
Jan. 12, 2021


Bright fireball explodes over Norway, ground impact recorded south of Løten

Bright fireball over Kamchatka, Russia

A bright fireball exploded over Norway at 23:21 UTC on January 4, 2021 (00:21 LT, January 5), producing a loud bang that was heard by many people, particularly those in Ullensaker. Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR) said ground impact was recorded at 23:24 UTC, 15 to 20 km (9 – 12.4 miles) S of their measuring station at Løten. On Tuesday, residents in Norway reported a bright fireball with a loud bang as the object entered the atmosphere. The sound was heard by people in the municipality of Ullensaker. According to the Norwegian meteor network, the object traveled at a speed of 50 000 km/h (31 000 mph). The meteor penetrated very far into the atmosphere and gave a fairly powerful bang, an indicator that meteorites have fallen to the ground, said Steinar Midtskogen with the meteor network. “The signal came from a southern direction and coincides with reports of sound heard by people in Ullensaker municipality,” NORSAR wrote in a press release.
Jan. 12, 2021

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