Jan. 15, 2021- Will Israel Join CENTCOM?



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Trump’s Final Pro-Israel Act? Include Israel in Powerful Mideast Central Command

Regional ramifications as Trump seeks to include Israel in CENTCOM

In one of his final acts as his term in office comes to an end, President Donald Trump ordered that Israel be included in CENTCOM, the major U.S. military command for the Middle East, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The expansion of the U.S. Central Command to include Israel is a last-minute reorganization that pro-Israel advocates have been pushing for in order to encourage strategic cooperation against Iran, American officials told the paper. For decades Israel had been part of the U.S. military’s European Command, mostly due to the historical friction between Israel and the Arab countries who are also American allies in the region that CENTCOM covers. That changed when the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed peace agreements with Israel, followed by Sudan and Morocco. CENTCOM maintains major U.S. military bases in both the UAE and Bahrain. There is a potential issue on the horizon. If Israel is in CENTCOM and Israel is accused of airstrikes in Syria or Iraq it will also reflect more on CENTCOM than on EUCOM in Europe. The plausible deniability for Israel’s alleged strikes in Syria or Iraq in the past has worked in CENTCOM’s favor. CENTCOM was concerned that Iranian-backed forces might target the US if they viewed the US as complicit in the airstrikes. Media in Iraq fed this rumor, claiming that the US had carried out various airstrikes. The US denied they had a role.
Jan. 15, 2021





Federal Spending Sets Record Through December

Jobless claims surge to highest weekly total since August

The federal government spent a record $1,376,269,000,000 in the first three months of the fiscal year (October through December), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. The record $1,376,269,000,000 the federal government spent in the first three months of fiscal 2021 was $197,337,650,000 more than the $1,178,931,350,000 (in constant December 2020 dollars) that the federal government spent in the first three months of fiscal 2020.
Jan. 13, 2021






ECB’s Lagarde Calls For Global Regulation Of “Reprehensible” Bitcoin

President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde has called for global regulations on Bitcoin, labeling the cryptocurrency “reprehensible.” Lagarde made the comments during a Reuters Next conference earlier today, during which she asserted that Bitcoin was not a currency. “(Bitcoin) has conducted some funny business and some interesting and totally reprehensible money laundering activity,” said Lagarde. The ECB head went on to call for Bitcoin to be regulated by financial authorities. “There has to be regulation. This has to be applied and agreed upon […] at a global level because if there is an escape that escape will be used,” she said. Globalists and technocrats have long begrudged Bitcoin because it is decentralized and therefore impossible to come under the control of centralized financial institutions. The cryptocurrency has also provided a refuge for dissidents who have been deplatformed by regular financial services and institutions over their politics.
***Wednesday we brought you the news: Digital Euro Could Happen ‘Within Five Years’: Lagarde
To institute centralized bank digital currencies on a global scale, the first step is to kill all unregulated digital currency forms; for example Bitcoin. Please see our special report from December 4th 2020Seeing the Bigger Picture
Jan. 14, 2021






Tech coalition working to create digital COVID-19 vaccination passport

A coalition of health and technology organizations are working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport to allow businesses, airlines and countries to check if people have received the vaccine. The Vaccination Credential Initiative, announced on Thursday, is formulating technology to confirm vaccinations in the likelihood that some governments will mandate people provide proof of their shots in order to enter the nation. The organization hopes the technology will allow people to “demonstrate their health status to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy.” The initiative, which includes members like Microsoft, Oracle and U.S. nonprofit Mayo Clinic, is using the work from member Commons Project’s international digital document that verifies a person has tested negative for COVID-19, the Financial Times reported.  The Commons Project’s technology, created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, is being utilized by three major airline alliances. The coalition is reportedly in discussions with several governments to create a program requiring either negative tests or proof of vaccination to enter, Paul Meyer, the chief executive of The Commons Project, told the Times.
Jan. 14, 2021












Three dead, 24 injured after strong quake in Indonesia’s Sulawesi

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island killed at least seven people, injured hundreds and damaged many buildings on Friday, the country’s disaster mitigation agency said, as panicked residents fled to safer areas. The epicenter of the quake was six kilometers (3.73 miles) northeast of Majene city at a depth of 10 kilometers. Initial information from the country’s disaster mitigation agency showed that four people had died and 637 others were injured in Majene, while there were three more fatalities and two dozen injured in the neighboring area of Mamuju.
Jan. 15, 2021

Hong Kong records its coldest temperature since 1988, large scale crop damage reported

Freezing temperatures in Saudi Arabia’s Asir for the first time since 1971

Hong Kong has registered its coldest temperature since 1988 as the mercury in Ta Kwu Ling hit 0.9 °C (33.6 °F) on Wednesday morning, January 13, 2021.According to The Standard, temperatures plummeted below the freezing point in some parts of New Territories on Wednesday morning. Ta Kwu Ling recorded 0.9 °C (33.6 °F) — its lowest temperature since 1988 when records there began. Farmers in Sheung Shui reported large scale damages as the frost covered many crops. Hong Kong Observatory said a phenomenon called radiative cooling is behind the piercing cold.
Jan. 14, 2021

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


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