Jan. 21, 2018Should Senator Chuck Schumer be arrested?
http://Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 14 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora
http://Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 14 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora
According to U.S. law, it is a crime to enter the United States illegally. So why is it possible that in 2018 the people of America allow our elected officials to blatantly violate our U.S. laws? Not only do they violate U.S. law, but they do it openly and no one has the courage to arrest them for allowing the law to be broken. Is there any U.S. law which allows a U.S. citizen to violate the law openly and be barred from being arrested? Keep in mind, not only to violate the law openly, but then encourage others to do the same thing? This is exactly what Sen. Chuck Schumer is doing!
In case you don’t know by now who he is he is an American politician of the Democratic Party, serving as the Senior United States Senator. When Schumer was sworn into office he took an oath to protect our U.S. Constitution.
If I was ever elected to office and witnessed an elected official violate our U.S. law as Mr. Schumer is doing I would not sit by and let it continue. Sen. Schumer is someone who is blocking our government from carrying out U.S. law by not deporting illegals who came into this nation illegally. I would use my authority to quickly move in and arrest him for breaking the law and working to keep those who came into the U.S. illegally in our country, thereby endangering our own citizens. Being a illegal in the U.S. is not the real issue. The real issue is our own political representatives not keeping our U.S. Constitution intact! It doesn’t matter if a person is Mexican, South American, Cuban, Nigerian or even a North Korean, if they came into the U.S. illegally, they are a criminal for violating our U.S. LAW!!!!
Senator Chuck Schumer, as it is now plainly seen, has chosen to break his oath to our Constitution, and not only allow illegals to stay in the U.S. but, knowing that they broke U.S. law, he has chosen to stand with them, instead of our own U.S. citizens. This is treasonous! To make matters even worse for all U.S. citizens who abide by our laws, Schumer is now using the DACA illegals issue to hold the U.S. hostage by using this situation to SHUT DOWN THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT! Maybe you don’t know what illegal entry is? Below will explain exactly what it is.
Illegal entry (or “improper entry”) to the US carries criminal penalties (fines and jail or prison time), in addition to civil penalties and immigration consequences (deportation and bars from future entry).
Whether it’s by crossing the U.S. border with a “coyote” or buying a fake U.S. passport, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally can be both convicted of a crime and held responsible for a civil violation under the U.S. immigration laws. Illegal entry also carries consequences for anyone who might later attempt to apply for a green card or other immigration benefit.
The penalties and consequences get progressively more severe if a person enters illegally more than once, or enters illegally after an order of removal (deportation) or having been convicted of an aggravated felony.
What Is Illegal Entry?
The immigration law actually uses the term “improper entry,” which has a broad meaning. It’s more than just slipping across the U.S. border at an unguarded point. Improper entry can include:
- entering or attempting to enter the United States at any time or place other than one designated by U.S. immigration officers (in other words, away from a border inspection point or other port of entry)
- eluding examination or inspection by U.S. immigration officers (people have tried everything from digging tunnels to hiding in the trunk of a friend’s car)
- attempting to enter or obtain entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or willful concealment of a material fact (which might include, for example, lying on a visa application or buying a false green card or other entry document).
(See Title 8, Section 1325 of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.), or Section 275 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) for the exact statutory language – www.uscis.gov/laws/immigration-and-nationality-act.)
Criminal Penalties
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)
But just in case that isn’t enough to deter illegal entrants, a separate section of the law adds penalties for reentry (or attempted reentry) in cases where the person had been convicted of certain types of crimes and thus removed (deported) from the U.S., as follows:
(1) People removed for a conviction of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.
(2) People removed for a conviction of an aggravated felony shall be fined, imprisoned for up to 20 years, or both.
(3) People who were excluded or removed from the United States for security reasons shall be fined, and imprisoned for up to ten years, which sentence shall not run concurrently with any other sentence.
(4) Nonviolent offenders who were removed from the United States before their prison sentence was up shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.
What’s more, someone deported before a prison sentence was complete may be incarcerated for the remainder of the sentence of imprisonment, without any reduction for parole or supervised release.
(See 8 U.S.C. Section 1326, I.N.A. Section 276.)
Civil Penalties
Entry (or attempted entry) at a place other than one designated by immigration officers carries additional civil penalties. The amount is at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or twice that amount if the illegal entrant has been previously fined a civil penalty for the same violation. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)
Immigration Consequences of an Improper Entry
A person who comes to the US without permission of the immigration authorities is inadmissible. To learn more about inadmissibility, see Who Can’t Get Into The United States?
In practice, that usually means that if the person became eligible for a green card or other immigration status, he or she would be ineligible to adjust status within the United States. By leaving the U.S. and applying from overseas, the inadmissibility problem could be solved – unless the person had already stayed in the U.S. for six months or more without a right to be there. In that case, he or she would run into a separate ground of inadmissibility, based on “unlawful presence” in the United States. (For more on how that affects your possibilities of obtaining a green card, see Legal Options for an Undocumented Immigrant to Stay in the U.S.)
If a person was removed from the U.S. (deported) on the basis of a conviction for an aggravated felony (other than illegal entry or reentry), then the improper entry itself is considered to be an aggravated felony. (See 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43)(O).) Having one of more aggravated felonies on one’s record is a huge problem, because aggravated felonies bar a person from virtually all immigration benefits, and are a grounds of deportability (under 8 U.S.C. 1227, I.N.A. Section 237).
Senator Chuck Schumer defends keeping some 11.3 million people from Mexico and other countries here, illegally, which means a continued financial burden for the U.S. citizen, as well as debt. “Illegal immigration costs our country close to $113 billion a year. Our national debt is so high now that it is almost impossible to dig out of the black hole we are in. Who exactly is Schumer fighting for? He knows the U.S. is in deep financial trouble, so why is he using these illegals to shut down the U.S. government, putting our country in danger? Does it all come down to politics? Does Schumer really want these illegals here because he knows that without their vote in the future elections, Democrats will not gain control of the White House? Whatever the reason is, breaking the law is not justified. Breaking the law and allowing so many illegals into the U.S. is helping in the destruction of America. The first step to a nation’s destruction is a breakdown of their laws. A good example is what is currently taking place in the State of California and other liberal and sanctuary cities in the U.S.
Major cities offering illegal immigrants sanctuary include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Anchorage, Houston, Baltimore, New York, Seattle, Albuquerque and Portland. Many smaller municipalities (Aztec, New Mexico, Ashland, Oregon and Orleans, Massachusetts, to name a few) also offer them protection. Everyone of these cities are run by people who have taken the same oath as Senator Chuck Schumer. Schumer has become the banner man for breaking U.S. law! You may not like what I am about to say, but in order to protect our U.S. laws, if I were the President, I would order military or National Guard troops into each of these cities and arrest every elected official who is breaking U.S. law, by allowing and protecting illegals to stay in these cities.
How does what I am saying fit into Bible prophecy? Anyone who read the entire Bible would ask where is the United States in prophecy? That is a very good question. You would think that being the strongest nation on the planet the United States would be seen in many places in the scriptures but it is not! Why? Is it because something could happen to the U.S., causing it to fall, making it insignificant to even mention in the text? Could it be the U.S. collapses, just prior to the Lord’s second coming, and if so what caused the collapse? At the present time the U.S. debt is close to $21 trillion dollars and each year the U.S. is finding it much harder to keep its doors open. The only place we see the U.S. is in Ezekiel chapter 38 where we see a major attack on the nation Israel by many Islamic nations. The U.S. is referred to as one of the young lions. Here is a section from my book on the Ezekiel passage.
“In May, of 2012 the US and Saudi Arabia were taking part in a military exercise that, when I saw the name of this exercise, I could hear the Lord say, “if you’re watching I will show you”. Let me show you what the Lord was pointing out to me. Ezekiel Chapter 38:13 tells us that Great Britain, which is Tarshish in the Old Testament and is known as the lion, the
United States,
and Australia, which are the young lions, break off from the main lion
Tarshish is in the area of Saudi Arabia which is known as Sheba, and Dedan at the time the attack against Israel breaks out.
When you read Ezekiel you will see all that these nations do, when they see the massive attack on Israel, is to give a formal protest to the attack. We read nothing at all about any of these nations helping Israel. Why? I believe these nations will not be strong enough to stop the millions of Muslims who will invade Israel. If the U.S. keeps cutting its defense budget, I can see how the U.S. could simply not be able to help Israel. It also may be that, at the time of the attack, the U.S. will have a leader who is not a close ally to Israel, someone like Obama, who was against Israel.
Could the collapse of the U.S. economy help bring on the Antichrist who Christ shows us that will control the world’s economy? Very possible. In any case, I do believe what is happening to our government is all connected to fulfilling the prophecies which have not yet been fulfilled. Do you think this illegal immigrant issue is insignificant? Wait until this issue hits home in your pocketbook! Go ahead, Mr. Schumer, continue to break the law and keep encouraging others to follow your lead because, hopefully, people will see the destruction you are bringing and do something about it!
There is no other country where an immigrant is allowed to enter and not follow their laws or try to change their way of life. So why are we allowing this lawlessness in our country? Who benefits? Why is a small amount of people allowed to put the majority of the country at risk? This has got to stop. For those who want to come to America, do so legally, by following the law so you may become a U.S. citizen. We love to have people immigrate here to better their lives and others. All we ask is that they follow the laws of our nation, that we ourselves are required to follow. We are not heartless people by asking you to follow our laws. A nation who allows lawlessness to abound will not prosper.
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