January 13, 2017- Droves of Middle East Muslims are converting to Christianity

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PRAISE: Droves of Middle East Muslims are converting to Christianity

A group supporting Christian broadcasters in the Middle East says that they’re hearing reports of thousands of Muslims converting to Christianity. The Voice For Martyrs Canada made this statement on the welcome movement: Despite the mass exodus of many Christians, the church is far from empty in Syria, Iraq, Jordan and other parts of the Middle East. God has been very faithful. There are strong Christian believers remaining, and tremendous growth is taking place in the lives of new believers who were Muslims. The presence of the church is vitally important. People are desperate and see very little hope, but the fact that there still is a church gives them encouragement and hope. VOMC says that they are hearing from broadcasters they support in Iraq of families all over the Middle East reporting conversions from Islam. “They are sharing exciting news of what God is doing in the Middle East” they happily announced. “There are thousands upon thousands coming to Christ.”
Jan. 12, 2017


 Burdensome stoneCooltextprophecysign

Headline:     Trump’s Defense Chief Says Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital, not Jerusalem

Headline: Abbas asks Putin to stop Trump from moving the embassy

Headline: PA Grand Mufti says Jerusalem embassy move an ‘assault’ on Muslims

In contrast with the stated policy of the incoming US administration, Trump’s nominee for secretary of defense said that the capital of Israel is Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem.  US President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of defense, James Mattis, stated that Israel’s capital is Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem. “The capital of Israel that I go to, sir, is Tel Aviv, sir, because that’s where all the government people are. Right now I stick with the current US policy,” Mattis told Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during his confirmation hearing on Thursday at the Senate Armed Services Committee. Notwithstanding Mattis’ contention, the Knesset – Israel’s parliament – is located in Jerusalem, along with the Prime Minister’s Office, the Supreme Court and many other government offices. When asked by Senator Graham whether he would support moving the US embassy from its current location in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Mattis said he would “defer to the nominee for Secretary of State.” Mattis’ remarks are noteworthy in light of the decision by Trump’s transition team to go forward with the president-elect’s plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem despite threats from US Secretary of State John Kerry and Palestinian officials, including PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
Jan. 13, 2017




Headline:   70 Nations to Meet in Paris Will Publicly Commit to Dividing the Land of Israel

Headline: Netanyahu says Paris peace meeting ‘rigged’ against Israel

Headline: Paris draft: 2-state solution best for Israel, Palestinians

A draft of the summary statement that will be released at the conclusion of the 70-nation conference in Paris on Sunday has been leaked. As you will see below, this communique is going to call for the division of the land of Israel, for the establishment of a Palestinian state, for the 1967 borders to serve as the basis for final negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians and for the condemnation of any officials that refuse to support a two-state solution. Of course this comes on the heels of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, which many believe represented America’s greatest betrayal of Israel. Israeli government officials are publicly warning that there is a possibility the principles agreed upon at this conference may form the basis for another Security Council resolution before Jan. 20, and this is something we should all be watching for very closely. Last Friday, there was a meeting of senior diplomats from the dozens of Western and Arab countries that will attend the conference. The French delegate, Pierre Vimont, presented them with the first draft of the conference’s summary communiqué and asked for comments. According to Western diplomats, Vimont said France wants to reach a consensus among the participating states on a balanced statement that would stress the centrality of the two-state solution to the international community, but would take this month’s transfer of presidential power in the United States into account. Haaretz exclusively obtained a copy of a draft of the summary statement that will be released following the conference on Sunday, and you can read it for yourself right here.
Jan. 13, 2017





Headline: Palestinian Embassy Opening in Vatican City on Eve of Evil International Decree

On Friday, just two days before 70 nations gather in Paris to vote on an anti-Israel decree, a new embassy for the Palestinian Authority will be inaugurated in Vatican City. This will be the first Palestinian embassy to be established in a European Union member nation. PA President Mahmoud Abbas will meet with Pope Francis on Saturday. This will be the third time the two have met. When they met last year, Pope Francis referred to Abbas as “an angel of peace‘. When confronted, the Holy See explained that this was an error in translation and the Pope had atually intended to encourage Abbas to make peace with the Israelis. As head of the PA, Abbas has been accused of inciting violence against Jews. Abbas is also the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) which was recognized by Israel and the US as a terror organization until 1991. The Palestinian representative office in Vatican is one of 98 Palestinian diplomatic and consular representations abroad. The Palestinian representative office is one of 86 foreign representations in the Holy See (Vatican City), and one of 86 foreign representations in Vatican City. Israel does have an embassy in Vatican City, but the Vatican Embassy in Israel is in Tel Aviv. The Vatican has an embassy to Palestine located in East Jerusalem. The Vatican officially recognized a Palestinian State almost two years ago.
Jan. 13, 2017


Headline: Syria: Israel Attacked Air Base Near Damascus

Headline: Syria demands UN punish Israel over airport attack

According to the Syrian news agency SANA, on Friday morning Israeli planes attacked the Mezzeh military airport southwest of the capital Damascus. SANA cited the Syrian army, who said a cluster of missiles had been shot after midnight from the direction of the Kinneret, which hit the vicinity of the airport. It did not report whether or not there were casualties. The army warned Israel it plans to retaliate. This is the third such attack in recent months. According to AP, Damascus residents reported hearing a number of explosions that shook the city. SANA suggested the attack used the new F-35 attack planes Israel has just received from the US. The Syrian army accused Israel of helping assisting “terrorist groups” who fight the Syrian government, saying “the Syrian army command and armed forces warn the Israeli enemy of the repercussions of this blatant attack and stresses it will continue its war on terrorism.” Syria on Friday called for Israel to be “punished” for an alleged missile attack on a major military airport west of Damascus, reports The Associated Press. The Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned the missile attack in two letters sent Friday to UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres and the president of the UN Security Council. Syria said in its letters that such an attack would not have occurred had it not been for the “direct support from the outgoing American administration and French and British leaderships,” according to AP.
Jan. 13, 2017



Headline: UN Middle East envoy voices concern over situation in Gaza amid electricity shortages

UN Middle East envoy said Friday that he is concerned with the situation in Gaza amid electricity shortages. UNickolay Mladenov, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, said that he is following with great concern the tense situation unfolding in Gaza after 2 million Palestinians have been left with just a couple of hours of electricity per day in the middle of winter, according to Eri Kaneko, associate spokesperson for UN Secretary-Gereral Antonio Guterres. Mladenov called for the full respect of peaceful protest and assembly in Gaza, said Kaneko, citing Mladenov as saying that all responsible authorities must cooperate to resolve the electricity crisis immediately. The police forces of Islamic Hamas movement rule in the Gaza Strip dispersed on Thursday night thousands of demonstrators who protested against an unprecedented electricity crisis in the coastal enclave. Witnesses said that thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in northern Gaza Strip refugee camp of Jabalia to demonstrate against the unresolved mounting electricity crisis.
Jan. 14, 2017


Headline:    Russian top diplomat to meet with representatives of leading Palestinian organizations

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will hold talks with representatives of the leading Palestinian organizations on January 16 in Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. “On January 16, the Russian top diplomat will receive representatives of the leading Palestinian organizations who are expected to visit Moscow in order to take part in an informal intra-Palestinian meeting on restoring national unity,” the spokeswoman said. “We plan to reiterate our principal approaches towards overcoming Palestinian divisions.” The intra-Palestinian dialogue, brokered by the Institute of Oriental Studies of Russia’s Academy of Sciences with the assistance of the Islamic Culture and Education Support Fund, will be held in Moscow on January 15-17. Senior officials of Fatah, Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Palestinian National Initiative party and other Palestinian political forces will participate in the meeting.
Jan. 12, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline:       Houthi forces kill several Saudi soldiers in latest Jizan attack

The Houthi forces struck the Al-Muntazah Military Base in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan Region on Thursday night, scoring a direct hit on a number of sites inside the installation. Using artillery shells and rockets, the Houthi forces managed to kill several soldiers from the Saudi royal army, while also destroying a number of armored vehicles. As a result of this attack, the Saudi Army had to temporarily abandon this base again until their air force arrived on the scene to help push back the encroaching Houthi forces. Elsewhere, the Yemeni Republican Guard destroyed a Saudi military vehicle at the Al-Faraidha military base in the nearby area, a military official added.
Jan. 13, 2017



Headline:    Police kill 10 terrorists involved in attacks on North Sinai checkpoints: Interior ministry

The Egyptian interior ministry said on Friday in a statement that police in North Sinai killed 10 terrorist  who were involved in a number of terrorist attacks, including the attacks on security checkpoints earlier this week that left eight policemen one civilian dead. They were killed after a firefight followed a police raid on their hideout, the ministry said. On 9 January, militants attacked two checkpoints in North Sinai, including a major terrorist attack on El-Matafe checkpoint in El-Arish, according to a previous interior ministry statement. The ministry said security forces were able to “fight off the terrorist attack,” killing five militants and injuring three others. The second attack targeted El-Masaeed checkpoint on the Ring Road, killing a police conscript during an exchange of fire with security forces. The Islamic State militant group has claimed responsibility for Monday’s terrorist attacks.
Jan. 13, 2017



Headline: Russia deploys more fighter jets to Syria despite announcing military scale down

Headline: Russian trained ‘5th Legion’ arrives in west Palmyra

The Russian Defence Ministry confirmed that it has deployed new combat aircraft to Syria, despite President Vladimir Putin earlier announcing military scale down in the country. Putin ordered a withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria in December, where they had been fighting in support of the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It followed a ceasefire between rebel forces and government forces brokered by Turkey, Russia and Iran. The defence ministry though confirmed reports that Russia had added four Su-25 jets to its airbase in Latakia. Syrian state media reported on Thursday that three rebel commanders were killed in a Russian airstrike near Idlib. A defence US official told Fox News: “[The Russians] say they are pulling out, but we have seen no evidence to support that. On the contrary, we have seen new things coming in.”
Jan. 13, 2017




Headline:      Assad linked to Syrian chemical attacks

Headline: Turkey: United Syria impossible with Assad

International investigators have said for the first time that they suspect President Bashar al-Assad and his brother are responsible for the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict, according to a document seen by Reuters. A joint inquiry for the United Nations and global watchdog the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had previously identified only military units and did not name any commanders or officials. Now a list has been produced of individuals whom the investigators have linked to a series of chlorine bomb attacks in 2014-15 – including Assad, his younger brother Maher and other high-ranking figures – indicating the decision to use toxic weapons came from the very top, according to a source familiar with the inquiry. The Assads could not be reached for comment but a Syrian government official said accusations that government forces had used chemical weapons had “no basis in truth”. The government has repeatedly denied using such weapons during the civil war, which is almost six years old, saying all the attacks highlighted by the inquiry were the work of rebels or the ISIS. The list, which has been seen by Reuters but has not been made public, was based on a combination of evidence compiled by the UN-OPCW team in Syria and information from Western and regional intelligence agencies, according to the source, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue. Reuters was unable to independently review the evidence or to verify it.
Jan. 13, 2017



Headline: Thousands of soldiers awaiting largest Syrian Army operation in east Aleppo

It has been over 13 months since the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has launched any-sort of military operation in the eastern countryside of Aleppo; however, with their recent success inside the provincial capital, the government forces are poised to conduct their largest operation against the Islamic State (ISIS) in this region. With the Palmyra operation on hold, the Syrian Arab Army’s High Command has mobilized thousands of soldiers from some of their most elite divisions to carry out the offensive against the remaining terrorist forces spread across the Al-Bab Plateau and Deir Hafer Plains. A senior officer from the Syrian Arab Army told Al-Masdar News on Thursday evening that the High Command does not plan on stopping their operations in east Aleppo until their forces have successfully reached the Tabaqa Military Airport. In order to reach the Tabaqa Military Airport, the Syrian Arab Army would have to take the key city of Deir Hafer, which is located along the Aleppo-Raqqa Highway. However, there are some issues that might make this military operation somewhat complicated; for one, the Kurdish-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) are quickly advancing to the Tabaqa Military Airport from the northwest. If the Syrian Arab Army plans to take the Tabaqa Military Airport, they will eventually run into the Syrian Democratic Forces along the Aleppo-Raqqa Road. The Syrian Democratic Forces are backed by the U.S. military, so unless the Russians and Americans are working together, this could get ugly.
Jan. 13, 2017


Headline:    The Campaign for ar-Raqqah

The U.S. is proceeding with an emergent strategy to retake ar-Raqqah City from ISIS. The composition of forces and the contours of future operations to clear ISIS from the city remain undecided, despite ongoing operations by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to isolate the city. Both Turkey and the SDF continue to apply pressure on the U.S.-led coalition to exclude the other in any future capture and governance of ar-Raqqah City. The U.S. nonetheless moved forward with operations to isolate the city in early November to apply dual pressure to ISIS amidst an ongoing campaign to seize Mosul from ISIS in Iraq.
Jan. 12, 2017



Headline:       Iraqi forces reach Nineveh govt building in Mosul

Iraqi forces fighting ISIS in Mosul reached the Nineveh province governance building and raised the Iraqi flag there on Friday, a senior US defense official said. Elissa Slotkin, the acting assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, also told a Pentagon briefing on the fight against ISIS that a US liaison team is in talks with Turkey about helping its forces near al-Bab in Syria and has provided air support and surveillance in the past. “We are engaged on an hourly basis with the Turks on counter-ISIS campaign in Syria,” Slotkin said. “We have a liaison team that’s resident in Ankara. They are engaging every single day on the full spectrum of coalition support to the campaign.”
Jan. 13, 2017


Headline: Complete battlefield map of Iraq: January 2017


Headline:   Iraq Situation Report Jan. 6 – 11, 2017











Headline:      US gives boost to Turkey’s fight against Daesh

Turkey’s threat to close its strategic southern Incirlik Air Base to US-led international coalition flights seem to have paid off, according to analysts. The US recently announced its decision to provide regular aerial intelligence to support Turkey in its military operation against Daesh around the Syrian town of Al-Bab. Incirlik does not belong to NATO, but is a Turkish base that remains open to the operations of NATO forces due to Ankara’s responsibilities under the alliance. The US move came after calls, made for more than a month, by Turkey’s top officials — Ibrahim Kalin, the top aide of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Mevlut Cavusoglu, the minister of foreign affairs — for Washington to support Turkish forces in their fighting against Daesh. There was also questioning over the use of Incirlik airbase by coalition forces that were perceived as not standing by Turkey as the country faced ever-mounting casualties in its Operation Euphrates Shield at Al-Bab, a critical location in the fight against Daesh.
Jan. 13, 2017


Headline: Cyprus peace talks end with optimism, but Turkey won’t remove troops

Headline: Erdogan: Turkey will be in Cyprus forever

Turkey on Friday said it has no plans to remove its troops from Cyprus at a conference on the reunification of the island in Geneva, Switzerland. Hopes were raised this week after talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, organized by the United Nations, suggested a reunification is attainable. The Mediterranean island was divided between Greek and Turkish spheres of influence in 1974, when Turkish troops intervened after a coup meant to unify Cyprus with Greece. “From now on, you will have to be patient,” said U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, at a press conference Thursday with Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akıncı and Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades. “There is obviously a way to go; work will continue on Cyprus. We are coming very close to it: A bi-zonal, bi-communal federal state.” He added the negotiators were not seeking a “quick fix” but a “solid and sustainable solution.”
Jan. 13, 2017




Headline:     Iran approved to import additional 130 tons of uranium

The U.S. and five other world powers have approved Iran importing as much as 130 tons of uranium, Iran’s English language Press TV reported Friday. The TV quoted Behrouz Kamalvandi, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran spokesman as saying “the Joint Commission monitoring the implementation of a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 approved the purchase on the part of Iran during a meeting in the Austrian capital of Vienna on Wednesday.” Kamalvandi said that the country had previously bought 220 tons of the material, and was currently in possession of a total of 350 tons, “Given that this amounts to a valuable resource, it places us in a very favorable position”. The incoming U.S. administration and many U.S. lawmakers already skeptical of how effective the nuclear deal is in keeping Iran’s nuclear program peaceful over the long term, they might view it as further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions.
Jan. 13, 2017



Headline:   Afghanistan Disputes US Report on Taliban Gains

Headline:     Deadly Kandahar Blast: Five UAE diplomats among 12 killed

Headline: 36 Afghan parliament staff killed in Kabul attack

The Afghan Government on Thursday pushed back against a U.S. Inspector General’s report that said Afghan forces are losing significant territory to Taliban insurgents and are not capable of keeping the nation secure. “These calculations are not constant,” Mohammad Radmanesh, a spokesperson for the Afghan defense ministry, told VOA’s Afghan service. “Now we have recaptured many areas from the enemy.” On Wednesday, the U.S. Special Inspector General for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan (SIGAR) reported that territory under the Afghan government diminished significantly in 2016 and that the Taliban made large gains. “The Afghan national defense and security force has not yet been capable of securing all of Afghanistan and has lost territory to the insurgency,” SIGAR reported. “Last August, the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan … said only 63.4 percent of the country’s territory was under government control — compared to the 72 percent that the military said was controlled by Kabul in November 2015,” SIGAR noted. But the Afghan government said the report does not take into account gains made by Afghan troops in retaking areas after Taliban assaults. The government said it controls nearly two-thirds of the country’s 407 districts. Afghan officials said the Taliban controls 33 districts, less than 10 percent of the national total, and a recent U.S. military assessment lists 116 districts — more than one-quarter of the country — as “contested” areas.
Jan. 13, 2017





Headline:         President Obama lifts U.S. sanctions on Sudan

The United States will lift trade sanctions on Sudan in a shift of policy, the Obama administration announced. An executive order released Thursday noted the Sudanese government’s “positive actions over the last six months.” The North African country has made improvements in humanitarian efforts, reduced military hostilities and cooperated with the United States on anti-terrorism efforts, the order says. The new U.S. strategy for Sudan, to be revealed Friday, calls for a lifting of sanctions, which will allow Sudan to purchase sorely needed items such as tractors and parts, as well as attract investment. In return, Sudan has promised to improve access for humanitarian organizations and end the bombing of insurgent groups. The embargo can be reinstated by the United States in six months, if necessary. Although sanctions were lifted by Obama’s executive order, the sale of military supplies is still prohibited. Sudan will remain on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, with Iran and Syria, and some Sudanese individuals still face sanctions.
Jan. 13, 2017



Headline:     Russian warship anchors off Tobruk in Putin’s latest move for Libyan base

Russia’s Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, which left Syrian waters earlier this week, arrived Thursday at the port of Tobruk in eastern Libya. The warship was visited by Gen. Khalifa Haftar, commander of an army in eastern Libya and a fierce opponent of the government in Tripoli supported by the UN. After a tour of the warship he held a video call with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to discuss the war on terrorist organizations in Libya. DEBKAfile’s military sources: The video call between the minister and the general was unprecedented. Russia has been cultivating its ties with Hafter since his surprise visit to Moscow in November during which Russia offered to provide Hafter’s forces with warplanes, attack helicopters, tanks and various kinds of missiles.
All of these steps are intended to gain a Russian base in eastern Libya that would enable Moscow to establish a naval and air force presence in the central Mediterranean for the first time.
Jan. 12, 2017



Headline:        Tunisian police fire tear gas at protesters demanding jobs

Tunisian police firing tear gas clashed on Thursday with hundreds of youths who tossed rocks and petrol bombs in protests over jobs and a lack of development in a town in the country’s south, residents said. Six years after their revolt ousted autocrat Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia’s central and southern regions are still flashpoints for rioting in marginalised towns where many young Tunisians see little economic progress since the uprising. Local residents said police clashed with several hundred young men in the centre of Ben Guerdane, and that protesters lobbed rocks and petrol bombs and set tyres ablaze. “Police are firing tear gas to try to disperse hundreds of youths who are protesting in the centre of the town demanding work,” Fethi Chandoul, a local resident, told Reuters. Jan. 12, 2017



Headline:       Algeria claims Israeli spy network uncovered

Arab media outlets reported on Friday that an international spy network operating for Israel was uncovered in Algeria. According to the reports, the network composed 10 members and was based in southern Algeria. The members included operatives from Libya, Mali, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria and Kenya. Algerian security forces also seized sophisticated radios used to transmit information by the spies. Those spies arrested are being held in temporary detention under a court order that accuses them of espionage, creating anarchy in the country and harming national security. Only last month, of Mohammad al-Zawahri, a flight engineer who specialized in unmanned aerial vehicles, was assassinated in Tunisia. According to reports, al-Zawahri had been assisting Hamas terrorism efforts, and Israel was behind the incident.
Jan. 13, 2017









Headline:   3 Suicide Bombers Kill 2 on Market Day in Northeast Nigeria

Three women suicide bombers, including two carrying babies on their backs, detonated explosions Friday at a checkpoint Nigeria’s northeastern town of Madagali where people were being searched before entering a bustling weekly market, witnesses and an official said. The blasts killed the women, the babies and two self-defense fighters who wanted to search the bombers, they said. The fighters’ challenge likely saved many lives. In December, two women suicide bombers killed 57 people and wounded 177, including 120 children, at the Madagali market. Last week, three girl suicide bombers were killed on the outskirts of the same town. Residents blamed Boko Haram Islamic extremists for the attacks. Madagali is 150 kilometers (90 miles) southeast of Maiduguri, the largest city in northeast Nigeria and the birthplace of Boko Haram’s insurgency. “They blew up themselves after they were intercepted by local vigilantes stationed at the checkpoint at the entry to town,” resident David Abawu said by telephone. “Two vigilantes lost their lives in the process.” Two of the bombers had babies strapped to their backs who also died, Adamawa state spokesman Ahmed Sajo told The Associated Press.
Jan. 13, 2017


Headline: US launches ‘self-defense strike’ during raid against Shabaab

US Africa Command announced that it launched an airstrike against Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia, while US advisors accompanied Somali and African Union forces in a counterterrorism exercise on Jan. 7. AFRICOM described the offensive under the guise of a “self-defense strike,” as it did on nine other occasions in 2016, when it was really another skirmish in a decade-long military operation against Shabaab. According to AFRICOM, US advisors accompanied a combined force of Somali and African Union troops on a raid in Gaduud, a town just north of Kismayo in southern Somalia. The area is a known hotbed for Shabaab, which has taken over nearby towns and villages. AFRICOM said the combined military force was conducting offensive operations to “disrupt” al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia. “During a counterterrorism operation to disrupt al-Shabaab, the combined partner forces observed al-Shabaab fighters threatening their safety and security,” AFRICOM said. “The US conducted a self-defense strike to neutralize the threat, no enemy fighters were killed.” AFRICOM described Shabaab as a group of “violent extremists” who “endanger the safety and stability of the Somali people.”
Jan. 12, 2017



Headline:    U.S. troops’ move to Poland unnerves Kremlin

Headline: Why Is Obama Moving Troops Into Poland And Provoking A War With Russia Right Before The Inauguration?

Poland on Thursday welcomed several thousand U.S. troops along with tanks and heavy equipment under a planned NATO operation to beef up its Eastern European allies, vexing the Kremlin, which said the troops’ presence is a threat to Russia. The largest U.S.military reinforcement of Europe in decades of around 2,700 troops, out of 3,500 planned, arrived as part of operation Atlantic Resolve, aimed at showing Moscow Washington’s commitment to its allies. “The main goal of our mission is deterrence and prevention of threats,” U.S. Army Colonel Christopher R. Norrie, commander of the 3rd Armoured Brigade Combat Team, said at a welcome ceremony in Poland’s western city of Zagan. Poland and the Baltic former Soviet Republics requested U.S. and NATO troops after Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula in 2014, fearing further military operations in the region by President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin, which has previously criticised NATO for its reinforcement in Eastern Europe, said on Thursday the deployment was an aggressive step along its borders. “We consider this a threat to us,” Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin’s spokesman, told journalists on a conference call. “We are talking here about a third country stepping up its military presence in Europe near our borders.”
Jan. 12, 2017



Headline: South China Sea: China media warn US over ‘confrontation’

Headline: China aircraft carrier crosses Taiwan Strait amid tension

Headline: Only ‘large-scale war’ would allow US to block Beijing from S. China Sea islands, state media warns

Blocking China from islands it has built in contested waters would lead to “devastating confrontation”, Chinese state media have warned. The angry response came after secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson said the US should deny Beijing access to new islands in the South China Sea. Two state-run papers carry editorials strongly criticising his comments. The hawkish Global Times tabloid warned that any such action would lead to “a large-scale war”. Beijing has been building artificial islands on reefs in waters also claimed by other nations. Images published late last year show military defences on some islands, a think-tank says. Speaking at his confirmation hearing on Wednesday, Mr Tillerson likened China’s island-building to Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that first, the island-building stops and second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.” China’s official response, from foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang, was muted. China had the right to conduct “normal activities” in its own territory, he said.
Jan. 13, 2017





Jan. 8, 2017- Thousands of fish die suddenly in a dam in East Java, Indonesia

Jan. 9, 2017- Thousands of dead fish, plus dead birds found in a quarry lake in Basiglio, Italy

Jan. 9, 2017- Hundreds of fish dying in a lake in Pozzuoli, Italy

Jan. 9, 2017- swans have died due to avian flu in Dorset, England

Jan. 9, 2017- Hundreds of dead lobsters, starfish and crabs found washed ashore in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Jan. 11, 2017- Massive fish kill found washed up on a lake in New South Wales, Australia


Headline: City quarantines hundreds of cats amid bird flu outbreak

A rare strain of bird flu has swept through the Big Apple’s animal shelters — and city officials have locked up about 500 felines in a quarantine facility to stop the outbreak. So far, 386 of the purring patients have tested positive for the H7N2 virus — the first time the disease has even been found in cats, officials said. Two of the cats have died, along with the original host: a Bronx shelter adoptee named Alfred, who became sick in October. But workers have no plans to put down any of the sick cats and instead will treat them for the virus, which has baffled the medical staff. It was unclear how Alfred caught H7N2, which remains contagious for up to three weeks, officials said. Even though it is considered only slightly transmittable to humans, workers are taking no chances — wearing hazmat suits whenever they are in the room with the furballs. The cats were rounded up from shelters in all corners of the city over the last two months and taken to a makeshift facility in an industrial section of Long Island City, Queens, set up by the ASPCA. The sick felines are being tested by workers from the Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and the process could take up to three months, officials said.
Jan. 12, 2017



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