January 16, 2017- Earth’s atmosphere can be turned into massive surveillance system using LASERS, scientists discover

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Headline:     Judea and Samaria Leaders Invited to Trump Inauguration

In marked contrast to outgoing President Obama’s platform that it is illegal for Jews to live in Judea and Samaria, President elect Donald Trump invited  leaders of the Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Council to attend his inauguration on January 20. Oded Revivi, Chief Foreign Envoy of the Yesha Council, confirmed to the media on Friday that the group had been invited. Revivi told the Times of Israel that the invitation is a “clear indication” that the new administration understands the importance of his group. He says he is looking forward to working “with our new friends in the White House.” Revivi will attend the inauguration with Benny Kasriel, mayor of Ma’aleh Adumim, a city of over 37,000 residents located 4 miles from Jerusalem.
Jan. 14, 2017


Headline: Israel-Palestinian conflict: Summit warns against unilateral actions

Headline: Trump: Jared Kushner will ‘broker Mideast peace’ for the White House

Representatives of nations at a conference aimed at kick-starting peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians have warned that neither side should take unilateral actions. In a statement, delegates at the summit in Paris also restated their commitment to the two-state solution. But they shied away from criticising President-elect Donald Trump’s suggested US embassy move to Jerusalem. Palestinians welcomed the conference, but Israel called it “rigged”. Neither side was invited to participate in the day-long summit, which was attended by 70 nations, but they were were invited to hear the conclusions. This led the UK government to question how effective the conference, which it decided to attend in “an observer status”, could be in solving the conflict. A Foreign Office statement said it had “particular reservations” about a conference “intended to advance peace between the parties that does not involve them”, adding that it had not signed up to the joint communique. It also expressed concern about the timing of the event – just days before Mr Trump takes over as US president – and the opposition of Israel. Meanwhile, While serving as a senior adviser in the White House, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, will work to “broker a Middle East peace deal,” the president-elect said over the weekend. In an interview with the Times of London, Trump said that Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband, would to take on the task of negotiating peace between Israelis and Palestinians– an appointment Trump has previously floated due to the fact that Kushner “knows the region, knows the people, knows the players,” Trump described in a previous interview.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline: EU opposes US moving embassy to Jerusalem

The Chief of Foreign Policy for the European Union (EU) expressed her opposition to plans by US President-elect Donald Trump to relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem the AP reported. “It is very important for us all to refrain from unilateral actions, especially those that can have serious consequences in large sectors of public opinion in large parts of the world,” EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told reporters in Brussels. She warned that moving the embassy to Jerusalem would inflame tensions with the Arab world. “For sure I’m worried that large parts of public opinion in parts of the world that are quite significant — the Arab world but also Africa, Asia and parts of Europe — could have in reaction of a move that for sure would not be in line with … the international consensus.” “We hope that there can be reflection on consequences of any move that is taken,” she added. “We will for sure not move our delegation. That is in Tel Aviv.”
Jan. 16, 2017


Headline: Gaza power crisis eases as Qatar donates $12 mln to buy fuel

Headline: Gaza youth sets self ablaze to protest Hamas

An electricity crisis that has caused protests and unrest in the Gaza Strip eased on Monday after Qatar donated $12 million to buy fuel for the Palestinian enclave’s lone power plant, officials said.
For weeks, Gaza’s population of 2 million has been making do with barely a few hours a day of electricity — less than half its usual supply. The Energy Authority run by the enclave’s governing Hamas Islamist group said the Qatari-funded fuel would power a third generator at the power plant and help provide electricity in eight-hour cycles for three months. The cash injection could also ease public pressure on Hamas, whose police forces clashed on Thursday with demonstrators in Jabalya refugee camp protesting against the blackouts. The Interior Ministry said that later in the day it would free several people detained in connection with the protests.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:   Anti-Assad group calls for Israeli intervention in Syria

The so-called National Salvation Front in Syria, an anti-Syrian government group comprising of mostly Syrians in the diaspora, have proposed a “roadmap” for closer relations with Tel Aviv, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Monday. SANA explained that the “roadmap” would be to recognize Israel, come to a compromise on the Golan heights that Israel currently and has illegally occupied since 1967, establish ties between the two states, and dismantle all Palestinian resistance forces in Syria. This corresponded with Fahd al-Masri, the group’s spokesman, to call for Tel Aviv to support the anti-government militants, through a set of audio and video messages.
Jan. 16, 2017


Headline:       Palestinian,17, shot dead in clashes with Israeli forces

A Palestinian teen was shot dead Monday evening during clashes with Israeli security forces in the southern West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry said. The IDF said the shooting occurred during a “violent riot” in which Palestinian hurled rocks at security forces in the Bethlehem-area village of Tuqua, near the settlement of Tekoa in the Etzion Bloc. “Due to the extent of violence, Border Police fired 0.22-caliber rounds toward the main violence instigator, resulting in his death,” an army spokeswoman said. The Tuqua municipality identified the youth as 17-year-old Qusay Hussein Umour. The Palestinian Red Crescent, quoted by the Ma’an news agency, said Umour was detained by Israeli forces after being shot three times, and only handed over to the Palestinians for medical treatment after he had died.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:      IDF tanks fire at Hamas targets in response to Gaza border shooting

The IDF fired towards Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip in response to shots that were fired towards the IDF vehicle earlier Sunday, the IDF Spokesperson’s Office said. According to the IDF, the rounds, fired by a tank, was in retaliation to gunfire which damaged an IDF vehicle working near the border fence earlier. Farmers in the area were advised by the army to stop working in the fields and to remain in their homes. A similar incident occurred in December when shots were fired at IDF troops near the southern Gaza Strip and IDF artillery returned fire. The cross-border incident on Sunday occurred as civilians in Gaza organized demonstrations protesting against a serious lack of electricity and gas in the Strip. Hamas is reported to have threatened to resume rocket fire against Israel, blaming Jerusalem for the crisis. “If we feel our leadership is being questioned, we will begin firing at Israel. We will not become like Bashar al-Assad, who threatens Israel but never follows through,” a Hamas spokesman said.
Jan. 15, 2017




Headline:   Hariri stresses Palestinians’ right of return

Prime Minister Saad Hariri Sunday thanked France for hosting a one-day Conference for Peace in the Middle East, reiterating Lebanon’s backing for the right of return of Palestinian refugees. The French government hosted the conference that brought together over 70 diplomats and organizations in Paris Sunday for a one-day meeting to try to revive the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process. “We thank France for organizing the Conference for Peace in the Middle East today,” Hariri said via Twitter. The meeting was attended by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry but neither Israel nor Palestinian authorities sent delegations. “There is no solution except based on the Arab peace initiative adopted in Beirut and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” the Lebanese Prime Minister added. He also said that Lebanon would remain committed to the unified Arab position.
Jan. 16, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:        IMF Slashes Saudi Arabia Growth Forecast on Lower Oil Output

The International Monetary Fund cut its growth outlook for Saudi Arabia on lower oil production, underscoring the challenges facing the kingdom as it seeks to overhaul its economy. Gross domestic product will expand 0.4 percent in 2017, the lender said in its World Economic Outlook report update on Monday, citing the impact of the recent deal by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to reduce output. It compares with the fund’s October prediction of 2 percent, and a median estimate of 0.9 percent in a Bloomberg survey. The forecast reflects cuts in government spending as well as the impact of lower oil production, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, deputy director of the IMF’s research department, told reporters on Monday. “There is a big adjustment in spending downwards,” he said. “There is an adjustment in taxes upwards, and as a result non-oil growth is not going to be as good as it was during periods of strong oil prices.”
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:      Egypt court upholds ruling halting transfer of islands to Saudi Arabia

A top Egyptian court has upheld a ruling halting a plan to transfer two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia. The High Administrative Court rejected an appeal by the government against a lower court’s decision to stop it handing over Tiran and Sanafir. Cheers erupted as the judge delivered the verdict, saying the government had failed to provide evidence that the islands were originally Saudi. The transfer deal, signed last April, sparked rare protests in Egypt. Tiran and Sanafir are located at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. They are uninhabited apart from Egyptian troops and multi-national peacekeepers. President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi said the islands had always belonged to Saudi Arabia and that Riyadh had asked Egypt to station troops there in 1950 to protect them. But Mr Sisi was accused of violating the constitution and “selling” the islands in return for a multi-billion dollar aid package announced during a visit to Cairo by King Salman.
Jan. 16, 2017


Headline:   At least six killed in attack on security checkpoint in Egypt’s Western Desert

At least six people were killed in an attack on a security checkpoint in Egypt’s New Valley province in the Western Desert, state television said on Monday, adding that an exchange of fire was still ongoing. The attack took place at around 8:15 pm (1815 GMT) in Naqb checkpoint 70 kilometres (43.5 miles) away from Kharga city, the broadcaster reported. It was not immediately clear if the checkpoint was a police or military one, nor was the identity of the attackers clear.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:  US & Russia to free Palmyra after Trump sworn in

Some of the ambiguity and mystery surrounding the nature of President-elect Donald Trump’s relations with Russia’s Vladimir Putin may disperse after the new US president takes office Thursday, Jan. 20, because one of their first joint military actions is ready to go. debkafile’s military and intelligence sources disclose exclusively that a combined US, Russian, Syrian and Jordanian force is preparing for a major operation to liberate the Syrian heritage town of Palmyra from the Islamic State. Its capture by this allied force would have important ramifications: It would isolate the ISIS forces dug in in northern and central Syria and disconnect them from the jihadists who control extensive areas in the east and the south, including the Euphrates Valley which runs from Syria to Iraq. From Palmyra, the key offensive for ousting ISIS from its Syrian capital, Raqqa, would move a sep closer. The Islamic State would also be distanced from directly menacing Jordan’s borders with Syria and Iraq. This menace came closer last week when ISIS commanders decided to make a grab for the eastern Syrian town of Deir ez-Zour, after they saw Syrian government forces leaving their bases in the town and heading north to Palmyra. Until then, ISIS had occupied part of the strategic town, while keeping the government-held part and the big Syrian air base nearby under siege for the past two years. The allied operation to liberate Palmyra will be the first joint US-Russian military venture embarked on by the Trump administration. It will be a litmus test for the ability of the new US president and the Russian president to work together.
Jan. 15, 2017


Headline: Syrian rebels to attend Astana peace talks

Syrian rebel groups have decided to attend peace talks backed by Russia and Turkey in Kazakhstan to press for implementation of a widely violated ceasefire, rebel officials said on Monday, in a boost for Moscow-led diplomacy. Russia, President Bashar al-Assad’s most powerful ally, set the new diplomatic effort in motion after the Syrian opposition suffered a major defeat last month when it lost the rebel-held districts of eastern Aleppo. Rebel groups took the decision at meetings that are underway in Ankara, and are now working to form a delegation that will be different to one sent to peace talks in Geneva last year by a Saudi-backed opposition group. The talks are scheduled for Jan. 23 in Astana. “The factions will go and the first thing they will discuss will be the matter of the ceasefire and the violations by the regime,” said an official in a Free Syrian Army rebel group who declined to be identified because the rebel groups had yet to appoint a spokesman. A second official, Zakaria Malahifji of the Fastaqim rebel group, said: “The majority of the groups decided to attend. Discussions will be on the ceasefire – the humanitarian issues – aid deliveries, release of detainees.”
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:       Syria war: Dozens dead in IS attack on Deir al-Zour

Headline: ISIS stage fierce attack on Syrian army enclave

Headline: ISIS successfully splits Deir Ezzor enclave in two

Islamic State militants have launched a fierce assault on government-held areas in the eastern Syrian city of Deir al-Zour, with dozens reportedly killed. Twelve government soldiers and 20 IS fighters were killed, said the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. At least two civilians were also killed in IS rocket fire on government-controlled parts of the city, it added. The jihadists have besieged government-held parts of the city, which borders Iraq, since early 2015. IS already controls half of the city as well as most of the surrounding province, which shares the same name. Deir al-Zour connects the militant group’s de facto “capital” in Syria, Raqqa, to territory it controls in Iraq.
Jan. 16, 2017




Headline: Syrian Army, Hezbollah attempt to liberate key gas fields in east Homs

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), alongside Hezbollah, continued their large-scale offensive in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate on Monday, striking the Islamic State’s (ISIS) defenses just south of the Jihar and Al-Mahr gas fields. Led by the 800th Regiment of the Republican Guard and Shaheen Group of the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army stormed the Islamic State’s defenses around the Jihar Junction; this resulted in a fierce battle that is still ongoing at the moment. Meanwhile, north of Tiyas village, the Syrian Arab Army’s 167th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division pushed another kilometer towards the Al-Mahr Gas Fields, killing and wounding around 15 Islamic State terrorists this morning.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:          Explosions rip through Iraq, leaving at least 21 dead

Three bombs have ripped across several areas in Iraq leaving at least 21 dead and 46 injured. A car bomb struck a checkpoint near the town of Khalis (Diyala province) killing nine people and injuring up to 20 people, including security forces. A bomb also struck central Baghdad which resulted in the death of six people with another 13 injured. In another attack in Baghdad, six people were killed and another 13 injured when a bomb hit a restaurant on Saadon Street. No group has claimed responsibility yet, however it is assumed to be have done by ISIS who are on the decline in Nineveh province and western Anbar.
Jan. 15, 2017


Headline: Iraqi Army liberates several districts en route to Saddam Hussein’s Mosul palace

Headline: PMU believe that ISIS leader al-Baghdadi trapped somewhere near Mosul

The Iraqi Army continued their rapid advance in Mosul today, liberating a number of districts and neighborhoods after clashes with the Islamic State (ISIS) forces. The Iraqi Army began the day by liberating the Kafa’at 2 District near central Mosul, killing over 20 Islamic State terrorists in the process of this advance towards the Kindi District. Following the liberation of Kafa’at 2, the Iraqi Army attacked the Andalus District in central Mosul, capturing this area after another short battle with the Islamic State terrorists on Sunday morning.
Jan. 16, 2017












Headline:       Roadside bomb in southeast Turkey kills three police officers – security sources

Three Turkish police officers were killed and nine more wounded when a roadside bomb hit a passing police bus in the largely Kurdish southeastern province of Diyarbakir on Monday, security sources said. The bomb was detonated as the bus carrying riot police passed an area near the campus of Diyarbakir’s Dicle University, the sources said. Three of the wounded were in critical condition, the sources added. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has previously said it was behind similar attacks on police and soldiers.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:      Iran says it will not renegotiate nuclear deal

Headline: Gunfire rattles Tehran as drone buzzes over Iranian capital

Iran will not renegotiate its nuclear agreement with world powers, even if it faces new U.S. sanctions after Donald Trump becomes president, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said on Sunday. Trump, who will take office on Friday, has threatened to either scrap the agreement, which curbs Iran’s nuclear program and lifts sanctions against it, or seek a better deal. “There will be no renegotiation and the (agreement) will not be reopened,” said Araqchi, Iran’s top nuclear negotiator at the talks that led to the agreement in 2015, quoted by the state news agency IRNA. “We and many analysts believe that the (agreement) is consolidated. The new U.S. administration will not be able to abandon it,” Araqchi told a news conference in Tehran, held a year after the deal took effect. “Nuclear talks with America are over and we have nothing else to discuss,” he added. “It’s quite likely that the U.S. Congress or the next administration will act against Iran and imposes new sanctions.”
Jan. 16, 2017




Headline:      14 clerics in Afghanistan kidnapped by ISIS

14 teachers and 2 administration staff were kidnapped by ISIS terrorists when they attacked a religious seminary in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar Province over the weekend, officials are saying. The attack involving three armed men took place in Nangarhar Province over the weekend, Mohammad Asif Shinwari, spokesman for the provincial education department, said on Monday that the storming of the seminary involved three armed men. The storming occured at the Mesher Mullah Sahib Madrassa while students were taking exams, The Ministry of Education said.
Jan. 16, 2017



Headline:         Libya forces retake Benghazi district from extremists

Forces loyal to Marshal Khalifa Haftar on Monday retook a district in Libya’s Benghazi from extremists after fighting that killed nine soldiers in two days, a military source said. “We now control the district of Abu Sneib” in the southwest of the city, said a commanding officer in the army headed by Haftar, who backs the parliament in the country’s east. “Our forces now completely surround the Qanfuda area” nearby, the same source said. The source said 52 troops had died in fighting since January 1 in and around Benghazi. Haftar has managed to retake a large part of the eastern coastal city from extremists since Benghazi came under their control in 2014. But extremists still control the central districts of Al-Saberi and Souq al-Hout.
Jan. 16, 2017









Headline:     At least two dozen dead in ethnic clashes in southeastern Congo

At least two dozen people, most of them women, have been killed over the past week in ethnic violence between Bantus and Pygmies in southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a U.N. human rights official said on Monday. The Luba, a Bantu ethnic group, and the Twa, a Pygmy people who inhabit Central Africa’s Great Lakes region, have been in conflict since May 2013 in Congo’s Katanga region, known for its rich deposits of copper and other metals. Clashes have been fueled by social tensions between Bantu villagers and the Twa, a hunting and gathering people who have long been denied access to land and basic services. Attacks by militiamen from both groups have left hundreds dead. José Maria Aranaz, head of the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO), said that at least 24 people, including 19 women, have been killed in Moba, a town located on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, since Jan. 11.
Jan. 16, 2017


Headline: Bomb blasts at Nigeria’s Maiduguri University kill 5

Witnesses say two bombs have exploded at Nigeria’s northeastern University of Maiduguri, killing five people. One student said the first blast ripped through the mosque where professors were saying dawn prayers and many are feared among the victims. A university worker said the second bomb went off at an entrance gate. Both spoke on condition of anonymity for their safety. Police spokesman Victor Isuku confirmed Monday’s explosions but said rescuers are still ferrying the wounded to hospitals and evacuating bodies, making it difficult to give a toll. Maiduguri has been attacked many times but this is the first attack on the university blamed on Boko Haram — the Islamic extremist group whose name means “Western education is sinful.”
Jan. 16, 2017


Headline:   Bahrain city hall set on fire after execution of three prisoners

Demonstrators set fire to a city hall early Monday morning after three men were executed for their role in a bombing that killed three police officers. Bahrain’s interior ministry said the fire at Northern City Hall appeared intentional. The ministry posted on Twitter, “Civil Defence extinguished a fire in the Northern Municipality building. Initial details indicate that foul play was behind the fire. Necessary measures were undertaken.” The Shia opposition has called the execution of Abbas al-Samea, 27, Sami Mushaima, 42, and Ali al-Singace, 21, politically motivated and said they were tortured. Seven others received life sentences. Hundreds of protesters participated in demonstrations Sunday, blocking roads with burning tires. The Bahrain police deployed tear gas to disperse the crowds as demonstrators threw fire bombs.
Jan. 16, 2017


Headline:    Philippines’ Duterte threatens martial law

Martial law could be imposed in the Philippines if the drugs problem worsens, President Rodrigo Duterte has said. The 71-year-old former state prosecutor said the aim would be “to preserve the Filipino people and the youth of this land”. About 6,000 people have been killed in six months under Mr Duterte’s anti-drugs crackdown. He says he is acting to prevent the country from becoming a narco-state. “If I wanted to, and it will deteriorate into something really very virulent, I will declare martial law if I wanted to. No one will be able to stop me,” Mr Duterte said in a speech to businesspeople in the southern city of Davao on Saturday. “My country transcends everything else, even the limitations,” he added. Martial rule would allow Mr Duterte to use the military to enforce civilian law and detain people at length without charge. The Philippines constitution says a president can only declare martial law for 60 days and then only to stop an invasion or a rebellion. Parliament can revoke the measure within 48 hours while the Supreme Court can review its legality.
Jan. 15, 2017



Headline:       Hundreds of U.S. Marines land in Norway, irking Russia

Headline: Trump’s offer to Russia: an end to sanctions for nuclear arms cut – London Times

Some 300 U.S. Marines landed in Norway on Monday for a six-month deployment, the first time since World War Two that foreign troops have been allowed to be stationed there, in a deployment which has irked Norway’s Arctic neighbor Russia. Officials played down any link between the operation and NATO concerns over Russia, but the deployment coincides with the U.S. sending several thousand troops to Poland to beef up its Eastern European allies worried about Moscow’s assertiveness. U.S. troops are to stay in Norway for a year, with the current batch of Marines being replaced after their six-month tour is complete.  Meanwhile, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will propose offering to end sanctions imposed on Russia over its annexation of Crimea in return for a nuclear arms reduction deal with Moscow, he told The Times of London. Criticizing previous U.S. foreign policy in an interview published on Monday, he described the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 as possibly the gravest error in the history of the United States and akin to “throwing rocks into a beehive”. But Trump, who will be inaugurated on Friday as the 45th U.S. president, raised the prospect of the first big nuclear arms control agreement with Moscow since the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty signed by President Barack Obama in 2010.
Jan. 16, 2017




Headline:  US woman dies of infection resistant to all 26 available antibiotics

Headline: Drug-resistant ‘nightmare bacteria’ show worrisome ability to diversify and spread

A US woman has died from an infection that was resistant to all 26 available antibiotics, health officials said this week, raising new concerns about the rise of dangerous superbugs. The woman, who was in her 70s, died in Nevada in September, and had recently been hospitalized in India with fractured leg bones, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. The cause of death was sepsis, following infection from a rare bacteria known as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), which is resistant to all antibiotics available in the United States. The specific strain of CRE, known as Klebsiella pneumoniae, was isolated from one of her wounds in August. Tests were negative for the mcr-1 gene — a great concern to health experts because it makes bacteria resistant to the antibiotic of last resort, colistin. It was unclear how the woman’s infection acquired resistance. Experts said she had been treated repeatedly in India during the last two years for a femur fracture and hip problems, most recently in June 2016. Once the bacteria was identified in Nevada, the patient was isolated to prevent the infection from spreading in the hospital.
Jan. 16, 2017




Headline:   Strangers strip off and jump into bed together in a quest to find love on new reality TV show

Can undressing a stranger lead to love? Brave Australians are set to strip off and jump into bed on their first date to find out. In the new reality dating show called Undressed, the matched-up couples must undress each other down to their underwear on their first meeting. The hopeless romantics in search of their soulmate then spend 30 minutes in bed asking a series of personal questions that appear on a large screen in front of them. The social experiment pairs two strangers together, put them in a room furnished only with a bed and a TV, and gets them to undress each other. To get the conversation rolling, the couple would get a range of hot topic questions so the singles could rapidly get to know one another. Questions could include ‘are you a good kisser?’, ‘what issue do you feel strongly about?’ or ‘what was your childhood like?’ To break the ice, the couples are also encouraged to do activities set for them, such as giving a massage or having a pillow fight. In the trailer of the show, which premiers on SBS on Monday night, the strangers are seen awkwardly laughing as they undress each other. At the end of the date, each person is given the choice to stay and get to know their counterpart better – or leave.
Jan. 15, 2017



Headline: THE FUTURE OF SPYING:  Earth’s atmosphere can be turned into massive surveillance system using LASERS, scientists discover

EARTH’S atmosphere can now be turned into a massive spy lens using cutting edge technology. BAE Systems are designing a directed energy laser system that could allow military commanders to spy on enemy activities from space. BAE believe that within 50 years, one of their aircraft could use an “atmospheric lens” to observe people from very long distances using the Earth’s atmosphere as a tool. The lasers temporarily change the Earth’s atmosphere into magnifying glass structures which can alter light and radio signals. This means users can listen into radio signals for thousands of miles. A spokesperson said: “Within the next 50 years, scientists at BAE Systems believe that battlefield commanders could deploy a new type of directed energy laser and lens system, called a Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens which is capable of enhancing commanders’ ability to observe adversaries’ activities over much greater distances than existing sensors.” “Working with some of the best scientific minds in the UK, we’re able to incorporate emerging and disruptive technologies and evolve the landscape of potential military technologies in ways that, five or ten years ago, many would never have dreamed possible,” added Professor Nick Colosimo, BAE Systems’ Futurist and Technologist.
Jan. 16, 2017



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