January 2, 2022



The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





 6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 You think governments want you to obey them now wait until you see what the Antichrist does when he rises from the ashes of a global economic crisis.

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In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefield: Dr. Robert Malone
Inventor of mRNA vaccines Dr. Robert Malone, having worked with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for many years, warns that a war is being waged by the government for control of people’s minds, and that social media platforms are being weaponized in this war and are “actively employed” by the intelligence community to influence what people think and feel.


Trying to control!

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Excerpts For The Democrat-To-English Dictionary: Updated For 2023
Bigotry: opposition to any belief or opinion held by a “progressive.” Conservatism: an existential threat to our democracy, practiced by bad people. Must not be tolerated. Extremist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat. Etc., Etc..


Trying to control!


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TikTok banned for US lawmakers 
Administrators at the US House of Representatives sent out an email on Tuesday allegedly instructing all lawmakers and staff to uninstall TikTok from any official phones, calling the app a security risk. TikTok has been banned on US government devices as part of a $1.7 trillion spending bill adopted last week.


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 show us the enemies who attack Israel of which Russia and Iran are allies in that war, so it makes sense that we would see them be allies now in the news just a prelude to the Ezekiel war and Syria also an enemy of Israel is mentioned in the Psalm 83 war no coincidence all of these people are enemies of Israel.

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Turkish, Russian, Syrian FMs set to meet this month

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu had a phone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and discussed the details of the tripartite ministerial meeting with his Syrian counterpart. The meeting could take place in the second half of January, NTV broadcaster quoted Çavuşoğlu as saying on Dec. 31.


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Iran is building two carriers – sea platforms for launching armed drone attack
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are building two naval carriers for launching armed drones and fighter helicopters, thereby diversifying their capabilities for potential attacks on the US and Israel. This project draws on lessons from Russia’s use of their drones in its war on Ukraine. The carriers, Shahid Mahdavi and Shaid Bagheri, will have decks 240m long. Working at top speed, the ISOICO shipyard outside the Bandar Abbas port, is due to finish work on the first vessel, Shahid Mahdavi 110-3, by mid-2023.



6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70In 2022, there has been an increase amount of tension between Syria in Israel we see 2023, the tension continues and it is a prelude to the prophecies you see above.


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Syria claims: Israel carried out air strike near Damascus, two soldiers killed

Syrian news agency says air defense systems acted against an Israeli attack south of Damascus. Explosions reportedly heard over the capital. Military source says the strike targeted the Damascus International Airport.


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Kim Calls For ‘Exponential Increase’ Of N. Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has called for a major increase in the country’s nuclear arsenal, including mass producing tactical nuclear weapons and developing new missiles for nuclear counterstrikes, state media said Sunday.

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For the fourth time, Russia is replacing the head of the Western Invasion Group (WGF) in Ukraine.
This change in leadership has seemingly inspired some new strategic decisions, according to the UK Ministry of Defense, as a new wave of long-range strikes targetting power distributors launched on the 29th of December. It is thought that the aim of the attacks is to diminish Ukrainian morale for the New Year.


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Who Will Start The First Major War Of 2023?
Rational leaders would be looking for a peaceful way out of this mess. Sadly, rational behavior among our leaders is in very short supply at this point..


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Another sign our generation is the one Jesus said would be alive to see his second coming is our generation is calling good evil and evil good.

Isaiah chapter 5: 20 ¶ Woe unto them that call aevil bgood, and good evil; that put cdarkness for dlight, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe unto them that are awise in their own beyes, and cprudent in their own sight!


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That Day Has Arrived: The World Declares That Good Is Evil And Evil Is Good
In times past it seemed that people preferred to do evil, but it was often under cover of darkness. They were not so brazen and open about their sin: today sin is championed and praised. … people not only sin and do evil, but they take great pride in doing so and like to promote – and parade – their wickedness.




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Controversial Scottish Bill Allows 16-Year-Olds to Legally Change Their Gender Against Parents’ Will
Scotland’s Parliament passed a bill last week that, if enacted, will allow citizens as young as 16 to be legally recognized as transgender without requiring a gender dysphoria medical diagnosis.


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Florida Appeals Court Upholds Local School Board’s Transgender Bathroom Policy
A federal appeals court in Florida has ruled in favor of a local school district, upholding its policy of preventing transgender students from using bathrooms of their choice.




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Egypt’s Sisi congratulates Netanyahu as he pushes for Israeli-Palestinian talks
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi pushed for renewed Israeli-Palestinian talks when he called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday to congratulate him on the formation of his government last week. Sisi “stressed the importance of achieving just and comprehensive peace” between Israelis and Palestinians, the office of the Egyptian presidency stated. This would “contribute to realizing security and prosperity for all the peoples of the region,” Sisi said.



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97% of antisemitic attacks in NYC carried out by minorities.

A newly released report covering 194 cases of assault against Jews from 2018-2022 revealed the disturbing state of antisemitism in New York City.  Jews not only account for the majority of hate crime victims in NYC (by volume and per capita) but Jews are also attacked on average in more than 70% of police precincts — twice the rate of the next most targeted group.


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Netanyahu: “Despicable” UN Vote Has No Bearing On Israel

General Assembly votes to seek International Court Of Justice opinion on Israel’s occupation





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Minister Ben-Gvir to visit the Temple Mount this week
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) will make his first visit to the Temple Mount since taking office, just days after he was sworn in last Thursday. Ben-Gvir informed police last week that he is planning to ascend the Mount during his first week in office, most likely this Tuesday, coinciding with the fast day of the Tenth of Tevet, though he may delay the visit until Wednesday.





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DEA seized 4.7 million lethal doses of fentanyl in 5-state region in 2022

Federal authorities seized nearly 4.7 million lethal doses of fentanyl in 2022 in a five-state region that includes Minnesota. The Drug Enforcement Administration’s Omaha Division released the alarming statistic Friday, saying the lethal doses were seized in both pill and powder form. “The amount of fentanyl we’ve seized across our Division has far surpassed our totals from last year,” DEA Omaha Division Special Agent in Charge Justin C. King said.





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Twitter reinstates Christian Post after 9-month suspension
Twitter reinstated The Christian Post’s account Saturday following a nine-month suspension in response to a March tweet that called a biologically male trans-identified Biden administration official a man.





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Strong 5.4 aftershock wakes up northern Californians on New Year’s Day
The 5.4 magnitude quake struck Rio Dell just after 8:30 a.m. near where a larger 6.4 quake struck on Dec. 20. The USGS says the quake was an aftershock and among the largest they had expected from the initial 6.4 earthquake.


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FOX Forecast Center tracking potential severe weather outbreak in the South on Monday
A dangerous severe weather outbreak is looming Monday for eastern parts of Oklahoma and Texas and stretching eastward into Arkansas, Louisiana and western Mississippi as the new year starts on a very stormy note.



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Little Did They Know The Vax Mandate Would Be A Death Sentence

Reading this linked story over at the Daily Mail Thursday morning broke my heart. Reporting that a ‘Great Hero‘ had just passed away, 47-year-old, decorated Navy SEAL special operations commander Robert Ramirez III, who was found dead at his San Diego home one month after taking over elite SEAL Team One, the commenters on the story wasted no time at all getting to what the story neglected to report.


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Government Data exposes the Dangerous Reality of COVID Vaccines: Millions have ‘Died Suddenly’ due to the adverse effect they have on the Heart

A COVID-19 vaccine that has an adverse effect on the heart could lead to millions of sudden deaths if it were to be widely distributed and administered to a significant portion of the population. This is because the heart is a vital organ that plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of the body.


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Netanyahu Admits Israelis Were Guinea Pigs For Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine [VIDEO]
Alex Jones presents video footage from an interview with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, where he admits that an agreement was made with Pfizer to use the Israeli people as test subjects for their new COVID vaccine.



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Anger as EU project sees Police Scotland rebrand paedophiles as ‘Minor-Attracted People’ 
A controversial move to label paedophiles as “Minor-Attracted People” in a top-level report has been defended by Police Scotland, with the force suggesting the EU was to blame.




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