January 22, 2020- U.S. officials confirm first U.S. case of China coronavirus


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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Headline: White House urging Netanyahu to refrain from annexation, to wait for plan

The Trump administration has urged Israel to hold back from unilaterally annexing the Jordan Valley, recommending that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wait for the US peace plan instead. Netanyahu has spoken of Jordan Valley annexation since the summer and it has been presumed that the Trump administration would support such a move or at the very least not oppose it. On Tuesday, Netanyahu indicated that he is weighing bringing Jordan Valley annexation to the cabinet for a vote on Sunday and then on to the Knesset for ratification on Tuesday where it is expected to easily pass.
January 22, 2020


Headline: Everything you must know about the biggest diplomatic event in Israel’s history

It was meant to be a rather small summit, but it turned into the largest diplomatic event in the history of the State of Israel. When Israeli officials first started planning for the Fifth World Holocaust Forum to commemorate the 75th liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, they estimated that 10 or perhaps 15 world leaders or top dignitaries would attend, Harel Tubi, the director-general of the President’s Residence, recalled this week. In fact, delegations from 49 countries, including 41 heads of state, are expected to attend the Forum this week, which will be secured by some 10,000 police. Israeli diplomats said that not even the funerals of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres drew groups of foreign dignitaries like the ones attending this week’s Holocaust commemoration. US Vice President Mike Pence, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Britain’s Prince Charles and French President Emmanuel Macron are the most prominent names on the long list of attendees, which also includes four kings and many leaders from such countries as Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Ukraine and Argentina, as well as the presidents of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament.
January 22, 2020

***International Holocaust Remembrance Day is always January 27 as established by the United Nations Resolution 60/7. This differs from Yom HaShoah (national memorial day) observed in Israel on 27 Nisan to commemorate the Holocaust and the heroes of the Jewish Resistance.



Headline: Fresh Protests Blast Lebanon’s New Government

Headline: Facing humiliating controls, Lebanese focus fury on banks

Protesters again took to Lebanon’s streets Wednesday, saying a newly-formed cabinet announced late Tuesday failed to match their calls for an administration headed by technocrats, as a deepening economic crisis engulfs the tiny Mediterranean country. Lebanon’s prime minister, Hassan Diab, formed his government after the Shi’ite militia group Hezbollah and its allies agreed on a cabinet that must urgently address the heavily indebted state. Diab, a 60-year-old professor at the American University of Beirut, now heads a slimmed down cabinet of 20 members, mostly specialists backed by political parties, but without the participation of major Lebanese political parties that enjoy Western support.
January 22, 2020



Headline: Iraq activist shot dead as protesters block roads again

An Iraqi anti-government activist was gunned down in the southern port city of Basra, a police source told AFP on Wednesday, amid resurgent rallies demanding authorities implement long-awaited reforms. “Civil society activist Janat Madhi, 49, was shot on Tuesday night around 11:00pm (2000 GMT) by armed men in an SUV,” the police source said, adding that five people including at least one other local activist were wounded in the shooting. A source at the city’s forensics lab confirmed to AFP that Madhi suffered gunshot wounds. An AFP reporter said she was part of an activist group giving medical care to demonstrators. The group departed the main protest camp in Basra late Tuesday, the reporter said, after which they were fired upon by unknown gunmen. The killing is the latest in a new wave of violence against Iraq’s anti-regime protests, which had waned in recent weeks amid growing tensions between Baghdad’s two main allies, Tehran and Washington.
January 22, 2020











Headline: Turkey deploys 2,000 troops to Libya to Reestablish Muslim Caliphate with Jerusalem as Capital

A new military incursion into Libya is part of a long-awaited dream by Turkish President Erdogan to return the Ottoman Caliphate, a global Islamic rule that subjugated Jews and Christians for six centuries. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Monday that Turkish-backed Syrian mercenaries have begun arriving in Libya. Approximately 2,400 troops are already in Tripoli while another 1,700 are currently undergoing training in Turkey. Activists informed the SOHR that Turkey intends to send a total of 6,000 troops to Libya. Until now, the role of the Turkish military has been limited to 35 military personnel involved solely in training and advisory roles. The new Syrian troops are mercenaries, hired from rebel groups opposing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Turkish government will pay each soldier a monthly stipend of $2,000, far more than the $50 they earned to fight back home in Syria. The Syrian troops are also fighting against the Kurds in Libya. Turkish intervention is a manifestation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s aspiration to establish himself as the leader of a global Islamic nation. The SOHR reported that a commander of the Turkish-backed Syrian troops en route to Libya announced as their battle cry, “We will present our souls for the Ottoman Caliphate.”
January 21, 2020


Headline: Iranian MP announces $3 million award for ‘whoever kills Trump’

An Iranian lawmaker offered a $3 million reward to anyone who killed US President Donald Trump and said Iran could avoid threats if it had nuclear arms, ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday amid Tehran’s latest standoff with Washington. Tensions have steadily escalated since Trump pulled Washington out of Tehran’s nuclear agreement with world powers in 2018 and reimposed US sanctions. The standoff erupted into tit-for-tat military strikes this month. “On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump,” lawmaker Ahmad Hamzeh told the 290-seat parliament, ISNA reported. He did not say if the idea of a reward had any official backing from Iran’s clerical rulers.
January 21, 2020


Headline: Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field

U.S. troops last weekend reportedly found themselves in a standoff with Russian forces trying to gain access to key oil fields in northeastern Syria. The Saturday standoff — first reported by Turkish media outlets, citing unnamed local officials in the Turkey-Syria border region — seems to have ended without any shots being fired or any real risk of violence between the two sides. American military personnel reportedly stopped a Russian convoy near the town of Rmelan, and the Russian forces then apparently turned back and returned to their home base. Pentagon officials did not directly address the reported confrontation with Russian forces last weekend but said there is a focus on avoiding conflict with other “regional forces” in the area.
January 21, 2020



Headline: 15 killed as fighting intensifies near Yemen’s capital

Fighting between Yemen’s internationally recognized government and Houthi rebels in the rebel-held capital Wednesday left at least 12 fighters dead, including two senior commanders, officials and tribal leaders said. Shells also hit a residential house killing at least three civilians, they said. Among the dead in the fighting in Sanaa were a military brigadier and a rebel commander. The clashes wounded dozens of others and forced scores of families to flee, the officials and tribal leaders said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media. Tribal leaders did so for fear of reprisals. Fierce clashes erupted late last week in the district of Nehm, some 60 kilometers (37 miles) northeast of the capital Sanaa, after nearly a year of relative calm in the strategic area.
January 22, 2020



Headline: ‘Death Cross,’ growth abroad threaten U.S. dollar

Storm clouds are gathering over the U.S. dollar, threatening a two-year rally in the currency that has squeezed corporate profits and angered President Donald Trump. Dollar bullishness in future markets stands at its lowest level in more than a year-and-a-half, according to the most recent data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission measuring the net dollar amount of bets on a rising greenback. Analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch say the dollar triggered a so-called “Death Cross” on the last day of 2019. The bearish technical formation occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average, something that has been followed by a period of dollar weakness in seven out of eight instances since 1980, the bank said in a recent report.
January 22, 2020



Headline: Anti-Christian violence, attacks on churches in Europe at all-time high in 2019: report

Attacks against Christians in Europe reached record highs in 2019, as hostility and vandalism against churches, Christian schools and monuments sweep the continent. Earlier this month, the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council published its research of anti-Christian violence after having reviewed hundreds news reports, parliamentary inquiries, and police blotters, and found that approximately 3,000 acts of vandalism, looting and defacement occurred last year, incidents routinely obscured by the media. “Violence against Christian sites is most widespread in France, where churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments are being vandalized, desecrated and burned at an average rate of three per day, according to government statistics. In Germany, attacks against Christian churches are occurring at an average rate of two per day, according to police blotters,” the group documented in a Jan. 1 report. Those committing the crimes are rarely apprehended and the information about their identities are covered up by police and journalists, the group asserts. Because many suspects are said to have mental disorders, the acts of vandalism, though demonstrably anti-Christian, are not formally classified as “hate crimes.”
January 22, 2020



Headline: U.S. officials confirm first U.S. case of China coronavirus

A traveler from China has been diagnosed in Seattle with the Wuhan coronavirus, a spokesman from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Tuesday. The news was first reported by CNN. More details will be released later on Tuesday in a news conference, CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes told Reuters. The newly identified coronavirus originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, and has spread to Beijing and Shanghai. More than 300 people have been infected so far and six have died, according to Chinese health officials. Last week, the CDC began screening travelers from China in three U.S. airports. Besides the United States, cases outside of China have been reported in South Korea, Thailand and Japan.
January 21, 2020


Headline: Chinese Officials Warn Of “Virus Mutation Spreading” – 440 Cases Confirmed, 9 Dead

Headline: Death toll from virus outbreak in China almost doubles to 17

North Korea has temporarily closed its borders to foreign tourists, two major operators of tours to the isolated country said, in an apparent effort to seal itself off from a new virus causing global health worries. Chinese officials have just held a press conference that was anything but the usual CDC “everything’s ok” statement. The particularly ominous warning that the virus is mutating and spreading is perhaps due to the poor handling of the SARS breakout in 2002/3 which was marked by cover-ups and official reluctance to share information. Li Bin, vice head of China’s National Health Commission, confirmed there are 440 confirmed coronavirus cases in this new outbreak and there have been 9 deaths. Some 1,394 patients are under medical observation.
January 22, 2020




Headline: Australia Slammed With Hail, Pestilence, Darkness Plagues in one Week

In the midst of raging wildfires, hailstones the size of baseballs pounded Australia in a mix of elemental opposites echoing the Egyptian plague. While the northern hemisphere hunkers down for winter, Australia enters its dry summer. This year, a stark drought brought on devastating wildfires that have, so far, burned an estimated 46 million acres of land. The fires destroyed over 5,900 buildings including approximately 2,683 homes, and killed at least 30 people. An estimated one billion animals were also killed and some endangered species may be driven to extinction. While the fires continued to burn in the southeast, the capital city Canberra, Melbourne, and other areas were hit by hailstorms raining down golf-ball-sized chunks of ice. A massive dust storm engulfed the town of Narromine, some 250 miles northwest of Sydney.  The186-mile wide cloud of red dust was carried by wind gusts up to 66 miles per hour. The huge storm quickly plunged the area into darkness so complete the weather service described it as “Day turns into night!”.
January 22, 2020


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