July 10, 2020- Iran To Help Syria With Air Defense; UN says killing of Qassem Soleimani was unlawful



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  On Anniversary of Roman Invasion of Jerusalem: 60 Rabbis Call on Jews to Enter Temple Mt.

Sixty different rabbis renewed their call on Thursday for Jews to make pilgrimage to the Temple Mount after immersing in the mikveh (ritual bath) reports INN. The call comes on the 17th of Tammuz in the Jewish calendar. This day marks the anniversary of the walls of Jerusalem being breached by the Romans three weeks before the destruction of the Second Temple. It is also a fast day for Jews worldwide as it marks the beginning of Hadrian’s siege over Jerusalem. “For many years, Israel’s government has made it hard for Jews to ascend the Temple Mount and instead, strengthened the Jordanian Waqf ‘s choke-hold on the site,” Rabbi Wolfson explained. “In recent years, the phenomenon has been reversed and we’re seeing a serious strengthening of Jewish sovereignty in the area. Things that were considered a dream just a few years ago, now occur on a daily basis on the mount.”
July 9, 2020

***Note: 17 of Tammuz begins a period of mourning leading to the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av).  Many calamities have befallen both the Jewish people and the world on this date throughout history.



Third intifada will closely follow annexation, top PA official warns

Latest Progressive Anti-Israel Campaign in Congress

Israel can expect a third intifada if it moves ahead with annexation of parts of the West Bank, an advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has said. In an Arabic-language interview with France 24 TV, Nabil Shaath said the Arab nations would stand by the Palestinians as they have done in the past. Asked by the interviewer whether there was the possibility of a third intifada, Shaath replied: “Absolutely. We have the right to confront them [Israel] on the ground everywhere,” according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute. He continued: “I will never forget that one day after [Ariel] Sharon entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and the outbreak of the [Second] Intifada, [Saudi] King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz sent his plane to me, to Amman, and I flew to Riyadh, where he pledged $1 billion to support the Intifada. The offer came from him. If this continues and if the economic siege on us continues, our brothers will stand by our side and the world will stand by our side by imposing sanctions on Israel.
July 10, 2020


Egypt carries out military drill near Libya border

The Egyptian Army carried out a military drill near the Libyan border called “Hasm 2020”, the military said on Thursday. The drill, which included Egypt’s Armed Forces’ land, maritime and air defence, was carried out over several days and was attended by the Minister of Defense and Military Production, Mohamed Zaki, and Army Chief of Staff, Mohamed Farid. The military manoeuvre included involved multi-task aircrafts, including helicopters that use live ammunition. The drill came a day after the Turkish naval forces announced that they will carry out military exercises off the Libyan coast. The Turkish Navy said the maneuvers – dubbed “Naftex” – and would take place off the Libyan coast and will include 17 warplanes and eight naval vessels.
July 10, 2020

Iran To Help Syria With Air Defense To Repel US, Israeli Attacks

Iran will help to strengthen Syrian air defense capabilities as part of a wider military security agreement between the two countries, Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on July 8. The statement was made after the signing of a new military cooperation agreement in Damascus. The agreement provides for the expansion of military and security cooperation and the continuation of coordination between the Armed Forces of the two countries. Major General Baqeri said that the signed deal “increases our will to work together in the face of US pressure.” “If the American administrations had been able to subjugate Syria, Iran and the axis of resistance, they would not have hesitated for a moment,” he said. The major general emphasized that Israel is a “powerful partner” of the US in the war against Syria, claiming that terrorist groups constituted part of the Israeli aggression. In their turn, the United States and Israel insist that Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for the destabilization of Syria and prepare what they call ‘terrorist attacks’ against the US and Israel. In the framework of this approach, Israel, with direct and indirect help from the US, regularly conducts strikes on various supposedly ‘Iranian targets’ across Syria. Often these strikes concur with large-scale attacks of al-Qaeda-linked groups and ISIS on positions of the Syrian Army and its allies. One of the main points of Israeli concern is the growing military infrastructure of pro-Iranian forces near al-Bukamal, on the Syrian-Iraqi border. Therefore, the announced move by Iran to boost Syrian air defenses, including possible deployment of additional air defense systems, is a logical step for them to take to protect their own interests.
July 9, 2020


   US killing of Qassem Soleimani was unlawful, says UN expert

A United Nations expert investigating summary executions says the United States’ targeted killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was unlawful and risked eroding international laws that govern the conduct of hostilities. Agnes Callamard, the UN special rapporteur investigating extrajudicial and summary executions, said that the US drone strike that killed Soleimani as he arrived in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in January could only be justified in international law as a response to an imminent threat. The US had provided no evidence to support that position, she said. “Absent an actual imminent threat to life, the course of action taken by the US was unlawful,” Callamard wrote in a report that she presented on Thursday to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The retaliatory missile attacks Iran launched against US bases in Iraq five days later were also “completely outside the scope of what is permissible” in international law, Callamard said.
July 10, 2020


    Greek opposition & unions to hold nationwide rallies against new law restricting protests

Demonstrations are being planned in Athens and around 40 other Greek cities and towns to oppose plans by the center-right government to restrict public protests, AP reports. Many of the rallies planned for Thursday have been backed by the Greek Communist Party. Labor unions and Greece’s left-wing main opposition party have also organized rallies. PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ year-old conservative government says it is determined to stop small protest gatherings from disrupting traffic and commercial activity. “The right to hold peaceful gatherings must be protected… but it must be done in a way that will not interrupt the activity of an entire city,” Mitsotakis told parliament. Critics argue that plans to prosecute protesters attending unsanctioned rallies and to hold protest organizers responsible for damage caused if rallies turn violent are “legally troublesome.” The government said clarifications had been added to the bill to address those concerns.
July 9, 2020


 US steps up firepower as China consolidates gains in South China Sea

China says it will hit back against new U.S. sanctions over Uighur rights

The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier strike groups recently demonstrated what the Navy called “unmatched sea power” while conducting rare dual-carrier operations in the South China Sea, as military muscle flexing continues on both sides of growing discord in the region. “At a time when relations between China and the U.S. are further deteriorating over a series of topics including trade, the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the U.S. has deployed two aircraft carriers and other warships to the South China Sea for its largest-scale exercises in the region in years, which also coincided with Chinese military drills taking place in the same area and time frame,” Global Times wrote Sunday. The two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups “are nothing more than paper tigers on China’s doorsteps,” as the region “is fully within the grasp” of the People’s Liberation Army with “specially made weapons that can destroy (an) aircraft carrier,” the publication said. To that threat, the U.S. Chief of Naval Information tweeted, “And yet, there they are. Two @USNavy aircraft carriers operating in the international waters of the South China Sea. #USSNimitz &#USSRonaldReagan are not intimidated. #AtOurDiscretion.” The defense leaders of the U.S., Japan and Australia on Tuesday expressed “serious concern” over recent actions by China in the South China Sea.
July 9, 2020


 Job Losses, Bankruptcies And Store Closings Are All At Apocalyptic Levels As The U.S.

The last four months have been an unending nightmare for the U.S. economy.  Businesses are shutting down at a pace that we have never seen before in American history, the “retail apocalypse” has reached an entirely new level that none of the experts were anticipating prior to this pandemic, and we are in the midst of the greatest spike in unemployment that the United States has ever experienced.  On Thursday, we learned that another 1.3 million Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week, and that number has now been above one million for 16 consecutive weeks.  Things were supposed to be “getting back to normal” by now, buy that hasn’t happened.  Instead, we continue to see a tsunami of job losses that is absolutely unprecedented in American history.
July 9, 2020


High Court Rules Christian Adoption Charity Must Allow Same-Sex Carers

A Christian adoption agency must allow same-sex couples to foster and adopt children, a UK judge has ruled. Cornerstone (North East) Adoption and Fostering Service, which only places children with married, evangelical Christians, was told it “cannot lawfully refuse” to allow gay men and lesbian partners to sign up as carers. Mr Justice Julian Knowles made the ruling on Tuesday, following a legal challenge against schools regulator Ofsted after the public body slammed the Sunderland-based agency’s policies as discriminatory. The High Court claimed that Cornerstone had breached the 2010 Equality Act by requiring prospective carers to “refrain from homosexual conduct”. The agency was inspected by Ofsted last year and its fostering work was subsequently downgraded from “good” to “requires improvement”, the High Court in Leeds heard in May. The court was told that this was because its selection process for foster carers was “not inclusive and it does not comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010”. But Cornerstone claimed Ofsted had engaged in “regulatory overreach” and argued that the watchdog is “not a champion for equality, diversity and the protection of human rights”.
July 10, 2020

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