July 13, 2020 Satan’s forces at work during these last days



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 8 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank11Jesus warned a special generation would in the last days face many end time signs. We know for sure who the special generation is based on other prophecies found in the bible. That last generation would see the rebirth of the nation Israel. When did that happen? It happened on May 14, 1949! That last generation would be known as the generation who would increase in knowledge and travel back and forth. Our generation has also fulfilled that prophecies as no other generation has gained more knowledge in a short period of time than ours.  Jesus in the Revelation told us in the last days there would be an army from the East that would number 200 million. Guess what? Is it a coincidence that China who is from the East has an army of 200 million?  No coincidence at all! That last generation was also supposed to witness the rebirth of the old Roman Empire did that happen?  Of course it did. All you have to do is take a look at the European Union to see the EU is made up of the same nations that were in the first Roman Empire. 

Let me not forget the generation who were to see these next prophecies take place. “The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:3).  “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:5-7).

Of course there is no other generation who as Jesus warned in Matthew chapter 24, there would be a generation who would see all these last days signs take place all at the same time and we have fulfilled that prophecy as well. In Matthew chapter 24 the Lord revealed the last generation would be just like the people of Noah time and, that the same thing that happened to Noah’s generation would again take place again, God would wipe out the unrighteous! Keep in mind if you know the bible we are told that our generation will not be wiped out by a flood but by a host of events the Lord will toss at the people at the time of the end. These events I refer to are all found in the book of REVELATION.  In Matthew 24:12 Christ also told us  12 “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” and anyone who has been watching the news knows that to be the case. 

The people who know Jesus have been watching the news and becoming very familiar with just how close we are to witnessing the second coming of Jesus Christ. You see the news is the key to understanding what Jesus told us. Those who know the word of God know the last day signs. But it goes much further than that.  Keeping a watch for the last days signs is a command from Christ as seen in Luke 21:36. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. In Matthew 24:42-44 you read the following: ““Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.”  It is sad to say but I believe there are far to many people who are not ready if the Lord were to come back today and that includes people who call themselves Christians. 

Paul wrote: “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” Romans 13:11. 

In other words, the closer we draw to the second coming of Christ, the more urgent it is that we awake out of spiritual sleep! Indeed, we have entered the fearful end-time years that are the grand climax of human civilization. If ever there was a time to pay attention and get prepared, it is now!   The warning from Jesus that those last days perilous time would befall that special generation has indeed begun and will get much worse the closer we get to the Lord’s return. Keep in mind, a day is coming while these perilous times are taking place Christ is going to come out blow His trumpet and remove the body of Christ who have been watching for His second coming.  That is why it is so important to stand guard, stay awake, and be ready for the Lord’s calling. Those evil days Jesus warned us about have begun and evidence of this can be seen in the news everyday now.   Satan is very active in pushing his evil as he knows his time is drawing close. You can see the effects of his evil via people and their actions toward others. If you don’t know Christ as your savior yet you are against Him and that my friends at this point in time during these last days is a bad place to be!  Please give Jesus a chance to save you from what is to befall the world.  We knew from His word He will not force you to love Him and come to Him but not loving Christ put you in Satan’s court. Is that where you really want to be?   

Cooltextprophecysign2 Timothy 3:1-4  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;


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China Bails out Iran Turning Islamic Republic into Chinese Colony
China Bails out Iran Turning Islamic Republic into Chinese Colony
An 18-page document written up by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled the ‘Iran-China 25-year Comprehensive Partnership Document’ was leaked to IranWire last week. In the agreement, China has agreed to invest $400-600 billion in Iranian infrastructure in exchange for dominion over Iran’s natural resources for a 25 year period. The document highlights the shared interests of both countries which include the supply of crude oil, renewable energy, civilian nuclear energy and petrochemical products.

So Many Jews are Returning to Israel that the Govt. is Worried they won’t be Able to Absorb them
Unlike immigration to other countries, olim to Israel are welcomed as long-lost brothers, educated and housed at great public expense. A combination of coronavirus and anti-Semitism is creating conditions expected to bring millions of Jews home. But the Israeli government, already stretched to the limit, is concerned they may not be able to fulfill the prophecy in the proper manner.

Coronavirus infects Vatican as First Case Reported
The Vatican confirmed that a patient in its health services tested positive for Coronavirus on Friday. This is the Vatican’s first reported case of COVID-19 reports Breitbart. Matteo Bruni, who heads of the Holy See Press Office said that the Vatican temporarily closed down its outpatient services for “sanitization” purposes after a patient tested positive for the deadly virus on Thursday.

Cop Hate Reaches South Texas as Two Officers Are Murdered in Brazen Ambush
Two McAllen, Texas, police officers were killed Saturday in what police are calling ambush after the officers responded to a call of a domestic disturbance. Officers Edelmiro Garza, 45, and Ismael Chavez, 39, were killed, according to the McKallen-based newspaper The Monitor.

Trump Denies Governor’s Request for US Taxpayers To Cover Damage Bill from Riots, Fires
“After a thorough review of Minnesota’s request for a major disaster declaration from extensive fire damage as a result of civil unrest in late May and early June, it was determined that the impact to public infrastructure is within the capabilities of the local and state governments to recover from. The governor has 30 days to appeal that decision,” the statement said. During the spree of violence, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey had indicated support for the rioters.

Under Cover of COVID, Medical Team Euthanizes Disabled Man Against Wife’s Wishes
It wasn’t the first time Melissa Hickson had clashed with medical authorities over her husband’s care, according to the Post. And it wasn’t the first time Hickson’s sister had sided with the authorities. disagreement. In February, Hickson’s sister applied in court to take over as her brother’s guardian. And then there’s the dismissiveness — comments which, if delivered in any other context to a black woman trying to get care for her black husband, would likely be attacked by the mainstream media as both telling and patronizing.

Flooding and Earthquakes Devastate Chinese Provinces, as Jiangxi Announces ‘Wartime’ Preparations
The Chinese regime upgraded its flood response alert to its second-highest level on July 12, after announcing that 27 provinces have been affected by heavy rainstorms that continue to wreak havoc. Meanwhile, the northern Chinese city of Tangshan experienced a 5.1-magnitude earthquake early on July 12. The tremors damaged buildings that were made of poor-quality material. The Chinese Communist Party boss of the province, Liu Qi, announced July 11 that the province had entered “wartime” preparations. Liu asked the province to prepare for “heavy floods” and “a big catastrophe.”

Church of Satan Sues Mississippi for Wanting to write ‘God’ on State Flag
Marc J. Randazza of Randazza Legal Group wrote in a recent letter to the attorney general of Mississippi, Lynn Fitch, that his client, the Satanic Temple, “has asked us to bring an issue of constitutional importance to your attention.”

Ex-Minneapolis Mayor On Cop Reform: ‘White Liberals Block Change’
Before being elected mayor in 2014, Hodges was on the city council for eight years. Hodges says big progressive cities, especially Minneapolis, are home to the worst racial inequalities in the nation. “Democrats have largely led big and midsize cities for much of the past half-century,” Hodges wrote.”Yet the gaps in socioeconomic outcomes between white people and people of color are by several measures at their worst in the richest, bluest cities of the United States.”

Feds Deny Walz’s Request To Help Rebuild Minneapolis
MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Federal authorities have rejected Gov. Tim Walz’s request for aid in rebuilding Minneapolis after the violent protests that broke out over the death of George Floyd. Earlier this month, Walz requested financial support from FEMA and asked President Donald Trump to “declare a major disaster for the State of Minnesota because of extensive fire damage to public infrastructure caused by civil unrest.”

Iran-backed Houthis fire ballistic missiles at Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia said it intercepted ballistic missiles fired from Yemen overnight between Sunday and Monday. The four missiles and seven drones were launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. Saudi Arabia military spokesman for the Riyadh-led Coalition that is fighting in Yemen said Riyadh had stopped the missiles.

Police Wrestle With Surge in Crime in U.S. Cities Amid Defunding Efforts
Law-enforcement officials in several large U.S. cities are wrestling with a sharp rise in violent crime amid a national debate over the role of police, calls to reduce police-department budgets and growing fiscal troubles. Some cities are on track to have their most violent summers in years.

U.S. weighs limited options to deal with China over Hong Kong: WSJ
The United States is weighing restricted options to deal with China over its recent moves in Hong Kong, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, as tensions between Washington and Beijing heat up. Steps against Hong Kong’s financial system risk hurting U.S., Western and Hong Kong companies and consumers, according to the report here, citing U.S. officials and analysts.

Israel’s air force unveils new special forces squadron
The Israeli Air Force on Sunday unveiled a special squadron, which contains all the special forces of the aerial warfare branch, consolidating them under one command. “The 7th Aerial Special Forces Wing was established to meet operational needs and respond to changing and growing threats in the various arenas,” according to an army press release.

Yemen’s Houthis say Saudi oil facility hit in overnight attack
Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they have attacked a large oil facility in an industrial complex south of the Saudi Arabian city of Jizan as part of an overnight operation. The Saudi-led military coalition fighting the Houthis said on Monday it intercepted and destroyed four missiles and six bomb-laden drones launched by Houthi rebels towards the kingdom.

Changes in criminal law as Sudan annuls apostasy death sentence
Sudan approved wide-ranging amendments to its criminal law including repealing the death penalty for apostasy as well as no longer requiring women to need a permit from male family members to travel with their children. According to the 1991 Criminal Law…the punishment for apostasy – or the abandonment of Islam through actions or words – was stoning to death.

Locust invasion in Yemen stokes food insecurity fears
Locust swarms have swept over farms in central, southern and eastern parts of Yemen, ravaging crops and stoking fears of food insecurity. Residents and farmers in the provinces of Marib, Hadramout, Mahra and Abyan said that billions of locusts had invaded farms, cities and villages, devouring important seasonal crops such as dates and causing heavy losses.

Mysterious Iceland Earthquake Swarm Hits Over 13,000 Quakes in 3 Weeks – That’s the Biggest Seismic Unrest in More than 40 Years
An ongoing earthquake swarm in Iceland has now reached over 13,000 quakes since it began on June 19. This is the biggest swarm to hit the Tjörnes Fracture zone in the north of the country in almost half a century, and experts are unsure what is causing it. The IMO said in its statement: “The earthquake swarm NE of Siglufjörður is still ongoing.

Macron Warns Netanyahu To Not Proceed With Annexation Of Judea And Samaria But To Divide Israel For Palestinians In Two State Solution
French president Emmanuel Macron has been quiet as of late, as has Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, and the other denizens of the New World Order. But don’t worry, they haven’t gone away for good, they’re just reloading. In fact, French president Emmanuel Macron appears to have already reloaded, and has begin firing aspersions and orders at Benjamin Netanyahu and the nation of Israel. Vatican king Jorge Bergoglio can’t be far behind.

“Exodus” from cities to the suburbs because of coronavirus fears may last 2 years, says real estate CEO
Preppers are always ready for the inevitable. Months before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began in the U.S., preppers already had stockpiles full of supplies, and some have even readied their hideouts in safe, secluded areas known only to them.

Brace Yourself: In 2018 the Flu Put More of a Strain on U.S. Hospitals Than COVID-19 Has (Fauci Still at Large)
Well, it looks like those of us who were skeptical about the threat COVID-19 poses were wrong and it really has started to overwhelm our medical system.

BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 infection rate may be 440% higher among children who received FLU SHOTS… while health “authorities” madly push more shots for the coming flu season
A new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases finds that children who received inactivated influenza vaccines were 440% more likely (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8) to acquire infections of respiratory viral pathogens which are not influenza. With the aggressive push for influenza immunizations now under way, the medical establishment may be setting up children to be extremely vulnerable to coronavirus infections.

 In A Time Of Utmost Peril For The Jews, Esther Bravely Stepped Forward, Will Christians In 2020 Do The Same Thing?
Oh, how we thrill to read all the action, excitement and adventure that are jammed-packed into the little book of Esther in the Old Testament. The Vince Lombardiesque motivational speech that Mordecai gives to her, prompting her to risk her life to speak with the king, the dark subplots and intrigue of Haman, replete with watching him receive the due reward of his labors. My, oh my, but that little book of Esther is exciting! Do you think God has nothing reserved for you in 2020 to accomplish for His kingdom? Think again. Esther is your wake-up call, Christian.

US Professor Charged for Illegally Using US Research Grants to Aid China
A U.S. professor has been arrested for using over $4 million in federal grant money to benefit China’s research in rheumatology and immunology.

For First Time Since The Great Depression, Americans Must Wait In Line For The Most Basic Essential Items
The scene can be somewhat dystopian and third world when you look at it: as a result of the pandemic and the new way that our economy is forced to do business, Americans all over the country are waiting in line – even for the most basic of essentials.

Russia and China Veto Key Means to Deliver Life-Saving Relief to Syrian Civilians
This past week, Russia and China vetoed United Nations Security Council draft resolutions that would have authorized the renewal of a cross-border mechanism enabling the UN and its partners to deliver vital humanitarian aid into Syria via the country’s border with Turkey. The 13 other members of the Security Council voted for the draft resolutions. The draft resolutions were offered as a compromise to address certain concerns raised by Russia, but Russia and China vetoed them anyway in order to protect President Bashar al-Assad’s murderous Syrian regime.

Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores
A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.”

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