July 13, 2020 Will America fall!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 8 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora


For those of you who have been coming to my web site over the years know that I keep my prophecy book up-dated each year. On page 42 of my 2009 copy of my book I wrote the following: “People ask me, “Why isn’t the U.S. mentioned in the Bible?”  The prophet Daniel told us it would be the reborn modern day Roman Empire that would rule the world in the last days.  Since America is not mentioned, it stands to reason something must have happened to this superpower in the end times to explain her exclusion.  I believe we are seeing why the U.S. is not mentioned as a strong end time superpower.  Watch with me as you see what happens to America’s economy.  Don’t be surprise when you see the dollar crash and the U.S. cast into a depression.”  

What I found amazing was how fast President Trump brought back the U.S. economy. In less than three years America’s economic engine was on turbo. Then out of no where came the Covid19 virus and in a matter of four months that virus wrecked just about all progress President Trump had made. Trump was forced to give out trillions to Americans who had lost their jobs as a result of businesses closing down over the virus. Adding to the presidents burdens, the Democrats have been working since the day President Trump was elected  to get rid of the man who was elected by the people.  Attempt after attempt the left, (liberals) have come up with different schemes in hope that the newest scheme would bring Trumps down fall.  However, every one of those schemes have failed and they are still trying to find something that will derail the president. The latest attempt by the Dem’s is to try and force the president to hand over his tax returns in the hope that they can find something, anything they could use to make people turn away from his leadership.   

Here is the bottom line, America in just four months has begun to take that fall that just may be the one that will cause the collapse of the greatest power in the world.  America is standing in the way of Satan. Satan knows he has to take down the government of the United States to prepare the way of his Antichrist and the New World Order.  As long as there are people on the right, (conservatives) who go to church, who believe in Jesus, who believe in the law of the land, who believe in freedom, they are a hindrance and must be removed.  So who does Satan use to do his work?  For the most part they are the people who reject the bible, they reject Christ and, they reject anyone who stands up for what the word of God teaches.  This is one of the reasons why recently all the Black Lives Matters riots and huge gathering were not looked down upon yet the liberals wanted all the churches to shut down and even orders given out by many of the liberal leaders to stop people in church from singing.  They want to keep the churches closed.  The idea is if they can weaken the church and give more power to the lawless left the faster they can get rid of Trump and what he stands for.  So what should be expect in the coming months? If the left continues its present course and keeps the U.S. businesses closed say goodbye to American way of life and say goodbye to the way Christian churches work in the near future.  Fact is, Satan is coming and by the looks of it he can not be very far off as the last day signs are showing this last stand has begun. 

The good news is this. Satan has lost the war. Jesus knows it, anyone who has studied the bible knows it and, for sure all the people who have Christ as their savior knows it.  Satan understands his time is limited before Christ gets rid of him and, that is why we are witnessing such an attack on the Right and President Trump.  There is so much hatred by the left toward President Trump if he does get reelected they will lose their minds! In November of 2020, we will see just how far their minds will be blown away.  We are in the midst of the spiritual warfare Paul warned us about so get ready for the ride of your life! 

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