July 17, 2013




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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 15, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora




Starting Thursday July 18, 2013  The End Times Research Ministry will be taking a rest for 10 days. All the staff will be resting for these 10 days. If there is a major disaster during those 10 days we will break from our rest to report on it. Keep in mind,  John Kerry is going back to Israel this week to try and jump start the stalled peace talks between the PLO and Israel. On many occasions we have seen God’s curse fall on America during the times the U.S. has tried to divide up the nation of Israel. If there were ever a time that a major disaster could happen it would be during the time Kerry is in Israel. If you don’t know what I am talking about read the chapter on God’s Curse in my book. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 15, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora

In my July 5, 2013 post which you will see the link below, I told you about a dream I had concerning a man by the name of Mansour. It isn’t often that I tell people about any dreams I have and I think in 7 years posting I am have shared two dreams with you.  However, knowing what Christ shows us I take to heart what I am shown in dreams and, I wait on them to see if in fact that dream did come from Christ. Look what Acts 2:17  says. “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

As you will see from what I said in my July 5th post, I said we will see if God was showing me things about the new Egyptian leader.  Could Mansour be the cruel lord God warns about in Isaiah chapter 19?

From my July 5th post:

Last night I had a very bad dream that may be from the Lord. All I can recall is some women was yelling and screaming in panic and, this person was trying to free someone who appeared to be trapped in a car which looked like it was in a junk yard in the desert with many cars pilled on top of hit.  In  my dream I heard the women yelling over and over the name of “Mansour”.  Up until my dream I did not know who Mansour was nor did I ever hear this name.  The dream was so intense it woke me up at 4am this morning.  I couldn’t go back to sleep so I figured I would get a earlier start on todays post.  In one of the first reports I pulled up for today I noticed something that blew me away and it is the reason why I have told you my dream may have been from the Lord!  I quoted a section from the report which talks about possible violence coming to Egypt.  What caught my eye was the photo which came with the report and  especially the name which I saw when I saw the photo!  The name is Adly Mansour.  In my dream I did not hear the women say Adly Mansour, all I heard was the last name but, it just may be the Lord was warning me about this same person.  At this point all I can say is this, we will see?


Since my dream on July 5th I haven’t heard much about Adly Mansour but today I saw news showing that he was just sworn in as the new interim President of Egypt. You will see the headline below with the link to the report.  Believe me, I will be watching Adly Mansour to see what he does in Egypt.  If my dream was from the Lord He may have been showing me this man because he is the person He warned about in the Isaiah 19 prophecy.  For those of you who have dreams or visions we all should wait on the Lord to make sure those dreams or visions are really coming from Christ.  I am sure that if Christ sends a vision or dream He will make it known that dream or vision was sent out by Him and, He will make a way to show you that it was real.  I have had many dreams which I waited on the Lord to see if they were confirmed but weren’t. If  you have a dream or vision write it down and share it with someone close to you. This way someone will know about it just in case what you were shown comes to pass.  At least you will have a witness.  I will be honest with you.  I get people telling me about dreams and visions all the time but these things are never confirmed and they end up looking like nut cases. As for my dream I will say again, it looks like my dream my be from Christ because the man who’s name the women was calling out (Mansour),  was in fact sworn in today as you will see from the report below.  Was it a coincidence the dream I was given gave me the name of the next President of Egypt or is the Lord showing me something even more?  If there is more, could it be as I said, the Lord may be showing me Mansour is the cruel lord?  Like I said on July 5, we will see.

Headline: Egypt turmoil: Interim cabinet sworn in


As you can see from the photo above Syria is going to play an important part in coming prophecies. One prophecy is found in the Psalm 83 war and the others in Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-27. As I said before it is possible that all these prophecies could take place all at the same time. Say for example Syria engages Israel and things get out of hand and Israel attacks Syria and wipes her out.  The Arabs that border Israel of which are listed in the Psalm 83 war could then move on Israel as a result of what they did to Syria and it could end up filling the Psalm 83 war.  Only God knows how this war will start but it will come to pass.  We continue to see the nations who are listed in the Psalm 83 war messing with Israel and today is not exception.  Below you will find some of the reports for today.

Headline: Syrian rebels seize IDF post in Golan


IDF patrol comes under fire on Golan Heights
Syrian soldiers shoot at IDF Golan patrol after unidentified infiltrators move in
Syrian rebels seize IDF post in Golan
Syrians Fire on IDF Night-Patrol in Golan Heights, IDF Returns Fire
IDF scouring Syria border area after gunmen open fire on IDF troops
Israel trains for border clash with Syria
State Comptroller: Israel must be better prepared for attack on home front
Palestinians attack Israeli force with gas grenades, rocks 
Video: Anti-Jewish Riots in Jerusalem
Jews’ Tires Slashed in Jerusalem’s Abu Tor Neighbourhood
Prosor to UN: Condemn the Mortar Fire from Syria
‘We won’t accept foreign dictates over our borders’
Click the links below for more of today’s news and Missions Updates

 More Prophecy News from End Times Research Ministry 7-17-13


End Times Research Ministry Mission Update Kenya- Pastor Joshua 7-17-13


End Times Research Ministry Missions Update Haiti 7-17-13


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