July 2, 2020 Signs of the Last Days with Frank DiMora



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CooltextprophecysignMatthew chapter 24 verse 7 Jesus gave us signs of the last days. One of those signs had to do with pestilence.  If you have been watching the signs as Christ as you to do you would understand by now that 2020, has in fact become the year of pestilence. Locust swarms are eating up the food supply in many places around the world as I am typing up this report. In today’s news we visit what is happening in India.

East Africa facing massive swarms of locusts
A plague of locusts has descended on East Africa, devouring crops, trees, and pasture as they move. The first generation, which emerged at the end of last year, numbered in the hundreds of billions. Left unchecked, locusts multiply by a factor of 20 per generation, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), meaning that the second generation that took flight in March and April numbered in the trillions. Now in July, a third generation is set to take off, paving the way for potentially calamitous food shortages in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

Nepal offers locust bounty as swarms threaten crops
Nepal is offering farmers cash rewards for catching desert locusts to limit the damage caused by the destructive swarms that have ravaged harvests in India and Pakistan. South Asia is experiencing its worst infestation in decades, with the plague of locusts devastating agricultural heartlands and are now entering Nepal.

Now LOCUST swarm heads towards Brazil as the country struggles to cope with spiralling coronavirus infections
A swarm of locusts is threatening to invade Brazil as the country also battles one of the world’s worst coronavirus outbreaks. The swarm – thought to contain 40million insects – formed in Paraguay last month and has been eating its way through Argentina since May 21, damaging crops of cane, oats, wheat and corn. But nine days ago it made a turn to the east, and is now heading towards the border with Brazil and Uruguay.

Cooltextprophecysign“There will be…earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:7b-8).  “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again” (Isaiah 24:20).Luke 21: 11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilence  in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Earthquake shakes Tulare County
5.8 earthquake east of Mount Whitney rumbles through Tulare County; no damages reported. More jarring was the Emergency Alert that went out to county residents moments after the shaking began. An Emergency Alert went out 24 seconds after the initial quake that warned, “Earthquake! Expect shaking. Drop, Cover, Hold On. Protect yourself now. – USGS ShakeAlert.

Mysterious Iceland Earthquake Swarm Hits 9,000 In Less Than 2 Weeks
The number of earthquakes detected in Iceland has already increased to 9,000. The series of earthquakes began as scientists in the country reported signs of activity from Iceland’s most active volcano. In its latest report, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) noted that it had detected a total of 9,000 earthquakes as of June 29. According to the agency, the earthquake swarm began on June 19 in areas northeast of Siglufjörður, which is a fishing town located on the northern coast of Iceland.


Cooltextprophecysign A heat

 Worsening drought forces state of emergency in Puerto Rico
Starting July 2, nearly 140,000 clients, including some in the capital of San Juan, will be without water for 24 hours every other day as part of strict rationing measures. “We’re asking people to please use moderation,” said Doriel Pagán, executive director of Puerto Rico’s Water and Sewer Authority, adding that she could not say how long the rationing measures will last.

 Wildfires in Siberia increase five-fold amid unprecedented heatwave
Wildfires in Siberia have grown five-fold over the past week amid an unprecedented heatwave, according to Russia’s forest fire aerial protection service. This came after the town of Verkhoyansk hit 38 °C (100.4 °F), marking the hottest-ever temperature recorded above the Arctic Circle. The record was verified by Russia’s state weather authority on June 30.


Image result for ocean waves animation after effects"CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:25 “”There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  We know from part of this prophecy that we need to watch for major storms.  Do a net search to see how many record breaking storms have already hit in 2020 and the season is just getting started.

 Severe summer storm Päivö leaves more than 60,000 homes without power in parts of Finland
Severe summer storm Päivö brought heavy rain, thunderstorms, and wind gusts up to 97 km/h (60 mph) to many parts of Finland on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. Almost 60,000 households were left without electricity after strong wind knocked down numerous power lines.

 Severe flooding affects more than 1 million in China’s Hubei
More than one million people are now affected by severe flooding in Hubei, China, after another bout of heavy downpour hit the province on Saturday, June 27, 2020, according to the Hubei Provincial Emergency Management Office.


Frank11  As you will see from the bible prophecy about the last days below, you will see our generation has become the very things God warned us about. In a time when we are witnessing killings in the streets on a daily bases in many cities in the U.S. for example, in Chicago a report on June 8, 2020 showed Chicago’s most violent day in 60 years: 18 murders in 24 hours. Most of you have seen how the anarchists took over Seattle and witnessed the crime rate skyrocket there as the lawlessness spread through the CHOP zone. For the past month we have seen pure evil in our streets while at the same time people on the left are defunding police departments only making matters worse than they are. Virginia, state Democrats are moving to downgrade the legal fallout for assaulting a police officer, are they nuts?  Who do you think is protecting us?  Take away our police and which the lawlessness Jesus warned us about explode.

There is a war being waged between evil and good. The battle between Satan and God has been going on since Lucifer’s fall. It really isn’t much of a battle because the Lord God could wipe out Satan any time He wanted to. However, the Lord told us in advance what was going to happen concerning this spiritual warfare. In short, the Lord was going to allow Satan to be unchained and the people would be given the choice to come to Christ for salvation or follow the darkness via Satan. When Satan fell God already had a plan to restore mankind and, it would involve a love act by God Himself by giving himself over to being crucified on a cross. Satan knows that his time is running out as we are approaching the final days when all the prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled yet will finally come to pass. Part of those final prophecies are listed in the scriptures below in 2 Timothy.  This year will have seen evil in our government officials on the left as they passed bills for example that allows for the killing of babies at the 9 month stage.  Satan is called the Father of lies and, we have seen lie after lie coming from Democrats concerning Donald Trump for the past three and a half years. Stories made up about how corrupt President Trump has been all turned out to be lies that were and still are being reported by the liberal press.  Americans who know what the bible says can see these lies and they know who is really behind the lies. Satan has been working overtime in trying to bring down the American society. America has been the last holdout for Christianity and in order for Satan to bring on his New World Order he has to get rid of the society that is hindering him from doing so.  When you look at who is holding on to the bible as a guide for our society you don’t see it coming from the Democrats. Fact is, the Democrats are playing in Satan’s hand book. Look at every state that is run by the Democrats and you will see a huge down grade in the social fabric of that state.  “These liberal Democrats are talking about an imaginary God they have created in their own minds: a god who loves abortion and hates Israel.” There god is not the God from the Bible. It is clear there is a curse on those who curse Israel and a blessing for those who bless Israel, so why are so many Democrats turning against Israel and that includes Joe Biden?  Even the Washington Post can see what the Democrats are up to. Check this headline out from the W. Post. “Democrats ready to replace worship of God with worship of the state https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/aug/31/putting-faith-faithless/

This is the bottom line, a massive change is under way right now to take Christ out of America and the people leading the march to do this are predominately from the Democratic party. You can read more about this at the link below. https://www.bgdailynews.com/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/democratic-party-christianity-simply-dont-mix/article_f2d83796-2714-5ded-94cc-266132da0a56.html

Cooltextprophecysign2 Timothy 3:1-7  Godlessness in the Last Days

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

 Godless Chris Cuomo Uses CNN Soapbox to Tell Americans They Don’t Need God
This is CNN. Godless fake news. CNN host Chris Cuomo told Americans last night they don’t need God.



 ‘You’ve been warned’: Florida sheriff says he may deputize gun owners against protesters
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels, no stranger to making viral videos appealing to tough-on-crime politics, released a video Tuesday that said he will make “special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county” if he feels the county is overwhelmed by protesters. The three-minute video shows Daniels standing in front of 18 deputies as he derides civil rights protesters as godless disruptors and tells them to stay out of Clay County, a suburb of Jacksonville. “If we can’t handle you, I’ll exercise the power and authority as the sheriff, and I’ll make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county and I’ll deputize them for this one purpose to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility,” he said.

 BREAKING: Black Lives Matter upgrades Rules of Engagement (ROE) to “shoot people in vehicles” — protester shoots unarmed elderly man in a vehicle; CHAZ “security” opens fire on black teens in Seattle
We have breaking news from sources in Seattle who tell us that Black Lives Matter terrorists have upgraded their Rules of Engagement (ROE) to actively shooting people in vehicles, and as a result of this new ROE, at least two shootings have now taken place over the last two days.

 Nuts: Virginia Democrats Mull Reducing Criminal Penalties for Assaulting Police Officers
To appease black voters in the upcoming election, Democrats are doing everything they can to spit in the face of police officers. Seattle is mayhem. New York City now has a CHAZ zone of its own; our own Julio Rosas is there right now. Minneapolis is making a blitzkrieg push to abolish their police department. And now in Virginia, state Democrats are moving to downgrade the legal fallout for assaulting a police officer:

This word from me is a reminder where my news videos will be posted.

Because YouTube is censoring people’s posts on the right and Christian posts in many cases I am going to try and build up a subscriber base on an alternative video site called Brighteon. At the present time on YouTube,  I have 18,100 people who have subscribed to my channel, plus I have close to 8,000 viewers at my FaceBook page as well, so I must be doing something right for that many people to subscribe to my channels.

Two years ago I had the feeling that the people at YouTube were going to take down people’s videos that would tell the truth about what the left was doing to our country. I knew two years ago that the same thing would begin to happen to Christian videos as well because the left are part of the liberal system that has a disdain for God. So, knowing this two years ago I signed on to Brighteon an alternative video site but did not tell many people they can now watch my videos at Brighteon.

As a result of not letting people know I have a Brighteon account at Brighteon.com I am considered a new member even after two years and, as such I can only upload 50 videos. I need 824 more views in order to raise the number of videos I can upload on the Brighteon site. You can help me by going over to the link below  and watch my videos there: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/truth2u  

When I make a new video I will post that video at my prophecy site. I will give you the name of the video I post. Just go to https://www.brighteon.com/channels/truth2u  and you will see the latest video I posted as well as all the other video I made. At present I have 37 videos at Brighteon right now but as I said I can only post 50 until I have more hits at my channel.  Will you help me build up a base at Brighteon?

Brighteon1  On the top left side of that page you will see theprophecyman subscribe. Today I only have 13 people who have subscribed because very few people know my video are there. If you are one of the people who like my videos you will want to subscribe to my channel at Brighteon because like others who post the truth at YouTube they may bring down my channel.  If that happens you will still be able to view my videos.  Please keep in mind, everything I post is always backed up with proof via the news from around the world. I only report facts and it is the true facts that YouTube is censoring.

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