July 26, 2017- Israel Closer To War With Muslims?

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Jordanian ambassador to Israel meets with Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted the country’s Ambassador to Jordan, Einat Shlain, and security guard ‘Ziv’ in Jerusalem, on Tuesday. The latter was in the centre of a diplomatic crisis after he shot and killed two Jordanians following a stabbing at an Israeli Embassy residence in Amman, Sunday. On Sunday, two Jordanians, Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, 17, and Bashar Hamarneh, a doctor who lived nearby, were shot dead at Israeli embassy compound in Amman in what, according to a Jordanian investigation, developed from a professional dispute. The dispute developed when al-Jawawdeh reportedly attack ‘Ziv’ with a screwdriver, the security guard then shot dead al-Jawawdeh and Hamarneh, who was reportedly caught in the cross fire. The Jordanians wanted to question the guard, and initially refused to let him be transferred back to Israel. Following a phone discussion between Netanyahu and Jordanian King Abdullah, the officer and other embassy staff were evacuated to Jerusalem, late Monday evening.
July 26, 2017


Headline: Jordanian FM: Jordan ‘exerting every effort’ to calm Jerusalem tensions, avoid ‘abyss’

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Tuesday that the country is “exerting every possible effort… to calm the situation in Jerusalem” to avoid being pushed in to an “abyss,” in an interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson. Israel removed metal detectors from entrances to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City on Tuesday in favor of CCTV cameras, hoping to calm days of bloodshed sparked by the move, but Palestinians said the modified security measures were still unacceptable. A Jordan-run organization — Jerusalem Islamic Waqf — is responsible for overseeing the Jerusalem’s Islamic sites. “What we need to do is find a solution that would end the escalation, diffuse the tension and then put us all on a track toward working rationally on ensuring peace and security in Jerusalem,” Safadi said. “The solution that people will accept is one that will get us back to the status quo… with a view to ensuring … respect for the historic and legal status quo of the Al-Aqsa mosque at the Haram Al-Sharif.” He told Anderson that Jordan was “exerting every possible effort… to calm the situation in Jerusalem because if we don’t, I think we are looking at what could be pushing us all deep into the abyss.”
July 26, 2017



Headline: Hezbollah issues ultimatum to Sunni jihadists in Arsal battle

Headline: Syrian Air Force aids Hezbollah, Lebanese Army in Arsal

As Hezbollah continues to advance in the Jurud Arsal area of Lebanon, it has issued an ultimatum to the Sunni jihadists who remain. Hezbollah’s enemies are part of Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (“Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant,” or HTS), which includes the al Qaeda branch formerly known as Jabhat al Nusrah. Hezbollah’s command in the Arsal area released a statement Monday afternoon directed to the Sunni militants: “The battle with Jabhat al Nusrah is on the verge of its end, it [referring to Hezbollah’s command] calls on armed groups remaining in Jurud Arsal to spare their blood by throwing down their weapons and surrendering themselves with guarantees for their safety.” Otherwise, the statement implied, militants will face continued advances by the Shiite jihadist group. In addition, Hezbollah claimed to capture several more areas of the Jurud Arsal region. According to Lebanese publication The Daily Star, this means that the Shiite group has captured over 80% of the Sunni militant-held area. However, this figure – which closely matches previous numbers released by Hezbollah – does not include areas of Jurud Arsal held by fighters loyal to the Islamic State. That area has yet to be breached by either Hezbollah or its Syrian military allies.
July 26, 2017




Headline: Clashes rock Syria truce zone: Monitor

Clashes erupted overnight in a rebel-held enclave outside Damascus, which was also hit by government airstrikes despite a truce deal, a monitor said on Wednesday. An internationally brokered cease-fire zone covering parts of Eastern Ghouta went into effect on Saturday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the overnight fighting was the first in the enclave since the truce began. Government troops clashed with fighters of the Faylaq Al-Rahman rebel group in the Ain Tarma district, the Britain-based monitoring group said. The fighting subsided by Wednesday morning but government warplanes then carried out strikes in the area. Faylaq Al-Rahman is allied with former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh Al-Sham Front and the pro-regime Al-Watan newspaper reported on Monday that it was excluded from the truce. Regime airstrikes also hit the Utaya district of Eastern Ghouta, killing a girl and wounding seven other civilians, as well as the town of Zamalka, the SOHR said. The new strikes came after two days of government air raids on the town of Arbeen in Eastern Ghouta, which killed 12 civilians, among them children.
July 26, 2017


Headline: Russian FM supports referendum on Kurdish independence

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he supported a referendum on Kurdish independence during the interview to the Kurdish TV-channel Rudaw, in Moscow, Monday. “We start from the fact that the legitimate aspirations of the Kurds, like other peoples, need to be fulfilled within the framework of existing international legal norms,” stated Lavrov before adding, “This also applies to the decision to hold a referendum, which was finally taken in Erbil.” In March, Lavrov stated that Russia would continue dialogue with Turkey to find ways to involve the Kurds in talks over a Syrian peace settlement. However, he admitted that he foresaw difficulties in this, knowing Ankara’s position on the matter.
July 25, 2017




Headline: Israel, Turkey invoke Ottoman Empire in spat over Jerusalem

Headline: Days of Ottoman Empire Are Over, Israel Warns Erdogan After Incendiary Temple Mount Talk

Further stoking bilateral tensions, Turkey on Wednesday slammed Israel for criticizing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s harsh denunciation of the Jewish state’s recent actions on the Temple Mount, drawing a fresh Israeli retort, as a bitter war of words between the former allies entered a second day. In remarks Wednesday, Turkey also took issue with Israel for implying that religious tolerance was lacking during Ottoman rule in Jerusalem. “At the Ottoman era, communities belonging to different religions and sects lived in peaceful coexistence and enjoyed freedom of worship for centuries. In this context, Jews would be expected to know best and appreciate the unique tolerance during the Ottoman era,” Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. It was responding to a statement a day earlier by Israel’s Foreign Ministry that rebuffed Ankara’s criticism of Israeli security measure on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. In Tuesday’s statement, Israel implied that Turkey had no right to preach to Israel, since it restricted access to the holy site during its 400-year control over the city in the previous millennium.
July 26, 2017




Headline: Iran will respond to any new US sanctions, deputy foreign minister says

Iran will respond if the US government passes new sanctions, deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi said Wednesday, according to state media. New sanctions being discussed in the US Congress are “a completely clear hostile act and against the Islamic Republic of Iran and … will be met with a definitive response,” Araqchi, who is also a top nuclear negotiator, was quoted as saying by the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). He did not specify what actions Iran would take. The US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to slap new sanctions on Iran, Russia and North Korea. The Republican-controlled Senate passed an earlier version of the bill with near-unanimous support.
July 26, 2017



Headline: Afghan soldiers killed in Taliban attack on Kandahar base

Headline: Taliban seizes 3 districts from Afghan government

At least 26 Afghan soldiers have been killed and 13 wounded in a Taliban attack on a military base in Kandahar province, the defense ministry said Wednesday, the latest blow to struggling security forces. The militants “attacked an army camp in Karzali area of Khakrez district of Kandahar last night,” MoD spokesman General Dawlat Waziri said. Afghan soldiers “bravely resisted,” he said, killing more than 80 insurgents. Residents in the area described an hours-long attack launched by a 30-strong convoy carrying “hundreds” of Taliban who assaulted the base from multiple directions.
Air support was called in, several residents told AFP, though that was not immediately confirmed by officials. The insurgents claimed the attack via their Twitter account. The resurgent Taliban have been ramping up their campaign against beleaguered government forces, underscoring rising insecurity in the war-torn country throughout the warmer weather fighting season.

July 26, 2017



Headline: ISIS establishes a new beachhead: the Philippines

Almost 400,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in Marawi, a city on the southern island of Mindanao, according to the Philippine military. And like Obedencio, most face an uncertain future in a region turned upside down by extremist violence. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, views the drawn-out battle as a major win at a time when it is being driven out of its base in Iraq and Syria, bringing greater attention to the Philippines and Southeast Asia as a new beachhead for extremists.“This is what I consider the first significant example of how foreign fighters from the Syria/Iraq battle space can be brought to bear in another part of the world,” said Thomas Sanderson, director of the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.While residents blame the extremists for the violence and chaos, many are also growing impatient with the military and its heavy airstrikes, which are leveling buildings throughout the city. “We are angry at the two sides — ISIS and the military,” said Macapandia’s mother, Nabiliah. “We are trapped here in a war zone.” The fighting has been contained to a 7,500-square-foot area of the city, with 60 to 70 militants holding about 100 hostages, said Lt. Col. Jo-Ar Herrera, spokesman for the military’s Task Force Marawi. The fighting, which initially was expected to end in a matter of days, has killed 427 militants, 99 soldiers and 45 civilians, according to the military. The Philippine congress voted Saturday to extend martial law on Mindanao until the end of the year. President Rodrigo Duterte had declared martial law for 60 days when the fighting began.As ISIS loses ground in the Middle East, militants from around this region are moving their operations to Southeast Asia — primarily the Philippines, said Sidney Jones, director of Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, “The idea that the Philippines is now the destination of choice rather than Syria has sunk in,” she said. “That’s definite now.”
July 25, 2017



Headline: China’s army looks like it’s getting ready for something big to go down in North Korea

Headline: Beijing is speeding up underwater drone tests in the South China Sea

Headline: N. Korea vows ‘merciless blow with nuclear hammer’ if US attempts to topple Kim

China’s military has been increasing the strength and number of its forces along its 880-mile border with North Korea as Pyongyang’s military provocations cause the US and its allies to think long and hard about military action against the rogue regime. A report from The Wall Street Journal says that China has established a new border-defense brigade, implemented 24-hour video surveillance of the border, and constructed bunkers to protect from possible nuclear or chemical attacks. China conducted a live-fire drill in June and July with helicopter gunships and armored infantry units, including a simulated battle with artillery, tanks, and helicopters, according to The Journal. The nature of these military exercises goes beyond securing a border, and they mimic fighting a nuclear-armed adversary. While China and North Korea exist on paper as allies, Sim Tack, an expert on North Korea at Stratfor, a geopolitical-analysis firm, previously told Business Insider that China would not likely defend Pyongyang from a US-led attack and instead try to prevent or dissuade the US from taking such a step.
July 26, 2017





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    • Jeremy Wilkerson on July 28, 2017 at 6:54 pm
    • Reply


       Thanks so much for being the watchman on the wall and keeping us informed of end times events.  I appreciate your good work. 

       We are living in exciting times!

    Jeremy Wilkerson

    Greer, SC

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