July 29, 2020- Days of Noah and Reprobate Minds



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 Palestine asks UN to pressure Israel to allow Palestinians to travel through West Bank crossing

Palestine on Wednesday said it is holding talks with the United Nations over Israel’s banning of Palestinians to leave the West Bank via the crossing with Jordan, after Israel returned some Palestinians citing their lack of identification registration. Ahmad al-Deek, political advisor in the PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made the remarks to the official Palestinian radio station Voice of Palestine. During the past week, Israel returned 13 Palestinians from the border, including two women with their newborn children, because their identification card and birth certificates were not validated by Israeli authorities, according to Palestinian sources. “Banning travel of Palestinian citizens is a discriminatory measure and a flagrant violation of international law,” said al-Deek. Since Palestine announced the abolition of all agreements and understandings reached with Israel and the United States, the Palestinian Authority has not updated the Israeli side on its civil registration status, be it passports, identification cards, birth certificates or other documentation.
July 29, 2020

As Border Heats up, Netanyahu Warns Hezbollah and Iran Against ‘Testing’ Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday warned Iran and its Hezbollah terror proxy against “testing” Israel, on a tour of the border with Syria after a thwarted terror attack a day earlier. The IDF also reinforced troops in the area in anticipation of additional attacks, the army said in a statement. On Monday, the military opened fire at a number of terrorists from the Iran-backed group that had infiltrated Israeli territory. “All that is happening now is the result of an attempt to establish a military entrenchment in our area by Iran and its satellites in Lebanon,” Netanyahu said on a tour of the region with Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi. “I don’t recommend anyone test the IDF or Israel. We are determined to defend ourselves,” he added. He also accused Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah of advancing Iranian interests at the expense of Lebanon, adding Israel remains “prepared for any scenario.” Defense Minister Benny Gantz echoed the prime minister, warning “Israel knows how to use its capabilities, everywhere.”
July 29, 2020


  Yemen rebels to give up dream of autonomy, agree to Saudi peace deal

Yemen’s leading separatist group will abandon its aspirations for self-rule to implement a stalled peace deal brokered by Saudi Arabia, it announced early on Wednesday in a major step toward closing a dangerous rift between nominal allies in the chaotic proxy war. Nizar Haitham, a spokesman for the separatists’ Southern Transitional Council, an umbrella group of militias backed by the United Arab Emirates, said the separatists would give up their dreams of autonomy over southern Yemen to pursue the Riyadh agreement. “We have achieved our goals,” said Haitham, noting that the announcement came under intense pressure from Saudi Arabia and the UAE. “We affirm the continuing and deepening of our strategic partnership with the Arab coalition.” The power-sharing deal, signed in the Saudi capital of Riyadh last fall, sets the stage to end a long-running rivalry between Yemen’s Saudi-backed government and the Emirati-backed southern separatists. The agreement was thrown into disarray earlier this year, when the separatists seized control of the southern port city of Aden
July 29, 2020

Five Civilians Injured After Explosion in Iraqi Capital of Baghdad

Two Dead After Iraqi Security Forces Fire on Protesters

 An Iraqi security cell has said that at least five civilians have been injured after an explosion in the capital city of Baghdad, the Kurdish Iraqi news agency Rudaw reports on Wednesday. The latest explosion follows in the wake of several incidents that have taken place over recent days. On Monday, the Camp Taji military base, which hosts US-led coalition troops to the north of Baghdad, came under rocket fire. The Majid al Tamimi airbase in the northern province of Saladin was also targeted on the same day, the Iraqi news agency Shafaq reported. The situation in Iraq has been highly unstable for years due to the activities of Daesh*, which lost all the territories it had previously seized in the country, but continues to stage attacks across the Arab nation.
July 29, 2020


   Turkish Military Sees Opportunity in Vulnerable and War-Torn Places

A Turkish government decision earlier this month to turn back Istanbul’s historic Hagia Sophia into a mosque after more than 80 years as a museum has renewed debate over the direction of the Muslim country, with some experts saying President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, through his expansionist policies at home and abroad, is attempting to revive a new Ottoman Empire.  From ravaged Syria to the landlocked Kurdish region in northern Iraq, from oil-rich Qatar to the impoverished nations of east and west Africa, from the Balkans to a practically balkanized Libya, observers have noticed a rise in Turkish military interventions unlike anything seen since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago. Many of them wonder if Erdogan is trying to make good on his openly stated ambition to expand his country’s global military footprint.
July 28, 2020

The Secret China Iran Oil Deal At The Heart Of One Belt One Road Project

Iran launches underground ballistic missiles during exercise

Iranian Missiles Miss IAF Rafales At Al Dhafra US Airbase In UAE

A secret oil deal between China and Iran at the heart of the One belt One Road project will change the geopolitical balance of power in the Middle East. The manufacturing products created by utilizing cheap Iranian resources will be used to crack the western markets through the China-Iran axis along with unrestricted access to Iranian military bases. The 25-year deal outlines that China will help in the build-out of Iran’s core infrastructure, which will be in alignment with China’s key geopolitical multi-generational project, ‘One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR). China aims to utilize the cheap labour available in Iran to build factories with master infrastructure. These will be financed, designed, and overseen by big Chinese manufacturing companies. The final manufactured products will then go to the Western markets through new transport links, also planned, financed, and managed by China.
July 29, 2020


  Judge denies Oregon’s request to stop arrests by US federal agents

Portland Fines Federal Government $500 For Every 15 Minutes Courthouse Remains Fenced

It’s spreading: Leftists riot in Atlanta, Richmond, other US cities in solidarity with Portland militants

Atlanta ‘Protesters’ Embedded Nails into Fireworks, Leaked FBI Document States

Austin City council officially calls for blowing up police station as symbol of ending police hate

Trump administration to send federal agents to Cleveland, Detroit and Milwaukee

A U.S. judge Friday denied an order sought by Oregon’s top law enforcement officer to stop federal agents from arresting people during nightly protests in Portland that have roiled the progressive city and pitted local officials against the Trump administration. U.S. District Court Judge Michael Mosman said the state lacked standing to sue on behalf of protesters. WashingtonExaminer reports filed by Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum this week, the lawsuit sought to bar the U.S. Marshals Service and the Federal Protective Service from making arrests without probable cause. “Because it has not shown it is vindicating an interest that is specific to the state itself—I find the State of Oregon lacks standing here and therefore deny its request for a temporary restraining order,” wrote U.S. District Court Judge Michael Mosman in his ruling. Meanwhile, Portland City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly stated on Tuesday that the erection of a fence around the federal courthouse is a “federal occupation” and announced that the city is fining the US government $500 for every 15 minutes the fence remains in place.Federal agents continue to face nationwide criticism and an increasing number of lawsuits for use of force on protesters over the past month in Portland.
July 29, 2020

Anti-Government Protests Mount in Thailand

Anti-government “flash mobs” have spread across Thailand as tech savvy youth demand democratic reforms as the country staggers forward in the initial stages of COVID-19 recovery. The number of rallies has increased in the kingdom, with more than 40 anti-government protests organized on short notice since a massive demonstration was held in Bangkok on July 18. Protestors are demanding amendments to the constitution, a new election and a halt to the harassment and abuse of rights activists. The initial demonstrations began early this year, shortly after Thailand’s Constitutional Court dissolved the Future Forward Party in Feb. 21 and banned its leader, Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, from politics for 10 years.
July 29, 2020


  U.S. GDP likely sank a record 35% in the 2nd quarter after coronavirus ravaged the economy

Banks are closing credit cards and slashing credit limits amid the pandemic

The U.S. suffered the biggest economic decline in the second quarter since the government began keeping track after World War Two. How much? Try 30% — or more. Economists polled by MarketWatch estimate gross domestic product — the official scorecard for the U.S. economy — contracted by a record 34.6% annual pace from the start of April to the end of June. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the largest drop in GDP on record was 10% in 1958. The government’s quarterly GDP figures go back to 1947. The steepest quarterly drop during the 2007-2009 Great Recession was 8.4%. The loss of tens of millions of jobs and closure of countless businesses during the early stages of the pandemic shook households to the core. The amount of money consumers spent likely fell by a record 35%, according to Wall Street DJIA, 0.38% economists.
July 29, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

   Now Americans Are Rioting Over Mini-Golf And Bagels

Have you noticed that people all over the country are starting to completely flip out for little to no reason?  People are becoming violently angry even over very trivial matters, and you never know when someone might erupt.  People of all ages and backgrounds are suddenly going completely nuts, and what we have experienced so far is just the beginning. For example, there was just an incident in Tennessee where hundreds of teens started going on a violent rampage at a mini-golf center because “the game machines ate their cash”… Down in South Florida, nobody is quite sure why a bunch of people in bathing suits started “pummeling each other” at a local casino, but it ended up making headlines all over the globe…And over on the east coast, three men completely freaked out and caused 13,000 dollars in damage to a bagel shop when they were told that they had arrived too late to get food…
July 28, 2020


 Tropical Depression “Hanna” barrels through Mexico, leaving 11 people dead or missing

After making landfall in Texas as Category 1 hurricane, Hanna weakened into a tropical depression as it barrelled through Mexico, bringing severe flooding that caused considerable property damage, killed at least five people, and left six others missing in the northeast states on Sunday, July 26, 2020. The National Meteorological Service registered 533 mm (21 inches) of rain in 24 hours to Monday, July 27 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon; 210 mm (8 inches) in Tamaulipas, and 87 mm (3 inches) in Candela, Coahuila. Rio Bravo in Tamaulipas saw 168 mm (7 inches) of rain the previous day. As Hanna barreled across the Atlantic Ocean this weekend, both Texas and Mexico braced for disaster. While Mexico saw deaths and extensive flooding, Texas witnessed the storm making records– the state has now nine hurricane landfalls in July since 1851, which is more than any other state in the U.S. Hanna was also the first rapidly-intensifying named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. Its landfall on Padre Island packing winds of 150 km/h (90 mph) made it the strongest July hurricane in Texas since Claudette in 2003.
July 28, 2020

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