July 29, 2022 Zachariah 12: 3,Americas decline, Disease, noise last day signs, famine, Psalm 83 war signs,



Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...The guide to life in Jesus Christ


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 29 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





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33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago
Yes, you read correctly. There are (so far) 33 friends and relatives dead or sick since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaxxed. Every one of them.

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German Hospital Federation Demands Withdrawal of Vaccination Mandate After Massive Side Effects Revealed
Even after the Ministry of Health admitted on Wednesday that 1 in every 5,000 injections given causes “serious side effects,” they continue to mandate Covid “vaccinations.”








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Parents In The United Kingdom Finally Waking To The Reality That Drag Queen Story Hour in Britain Is Nothing Less Than Overt Child Grooming 
We have been reporting on the disgusting Drag Queen Story Hour for quite a few years now, and it amazes me that parents in all 50 states in America, as well as in every nation in Europe, are not up in arms to stop this obvious child grooming recruitment ploy. If you allow your child to attend a drag queen anything, you are a terrible parent and are allowing your child to be groomed and sexually targeted by some of the most perverse people on the planet. Sorry, but I can’t say it any nicer than that.


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England shuts ‘unsafe’ youth transgender clinic as Biden pushes sex changes
The government-run health system in England has shut down its only youth transgender clinic in response to an independent probe that found health professionals were pressured to unquestioningly affirm a child’s “gender identity” rather than go through the normal process of clinical assessment.



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Inflation has pushed South Florida farmers to breaking point: “It’s pretty bleak” Farmers in South Florida are hurting like everyone else when it comes to the rising costs of inflation. “Does the consumer have enough money left over to pay a price for produce that will keep me sustainable? That’s the dilemma right now,” said long-time farmer John Alger, the owner of Alger Farms.



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Panama’s Inflation Upheaval Causing Food, Fuel Shortages
It started as a teacher’s strike to protest the high cost of gas, but it’s now the largest civil unrest in Panama since the end of dictator Manuel Noriega’s reign in 1989.




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THE LINE: Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Is Building The Most Mind-Blowing End Times City You Have Ever Seen And It’s Called NEOM
The story we bring you today is so out of bounds, so off the charts, and so fantastical, that at first you will have a hard time believing it, but let me assure you at the outset that it is all true indeed. In Saudi Arabia, there is so much preparation for the end times taking place, it’s hard to know where to look first. In Abu Dhabi, we are mere months away from the opening of the Abrahamic Family House, and in Saudi Arabia, plans have just been announced for something called ‘The Line’, to be build in a place called NEOM. Mohammed bin Salman says that NEOM is ‘from the future’, and guess what? He’s right.


A psalm

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Rocket-launchers are installed next to a mosque; upon being activated, a multi-barrel launcher will rise from the ground, fire its projectiles at Israeli civilian areas and flip back down underground.

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Palestinian gunmen open fire on IDF post in southern Nablus
A squad of armed Palestinians arrived in a vehicle at one of the entrances to the city, one of them got out and fired at a military post in the area. Fighters from the 636th Battalion who were operating in the area returned fire and hit several of the gunmen, one of the militants was arrested and sent for medical treatment.


Zachariah 12:3  

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.



Little by little we are seeing reports of nations turning against Israel. Antisemitism is growing around the world and it is leading to the fulfillment Zachariah chapter 12.





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The Brandeis Center wrote that despite being made aware of the anti-Semitic abuse, “USC administrators did not speak out to condemn or call for the abatement of the anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination directed at Ritch on social media.





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NASA’s twin Voyager probes are nearly 45 — and facing some hard decisions
On August 20, 1977, NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft launched to space. Its twin, Voyager 1, launched 16 days later. Today, they are not only the most distant man-made objects — at 12 billion and 14.5 billion miles (19.3 billion and 23.3 billion kilometers) away from Earth, respectively — but also NASA’s longest-operating mission, continuing to send back data from their interstellar journeys toward the edge of the solar system as they approach their 45th birthdays.


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Is CERN Causing Collective Mass Delusion by Creating Portals to Alternate Dimensions? An Investigation
The Mandela Effect is real, but no one knows what causes it. CERN would like you to know it’s not their particle collider.
Cynthia Sue Larson has been on the lookout since July 5, when CERN turned the world’s most powerful particle collider back on for a third time. Larson is looking for “reality shifts and Mandela Effects,” or evidence of multiple universes, timelines, rips in the space-time continuum, or other evidence that reality as we know it has been distorted by the Large Hadron Collider. “I’ve been paying attention to see whether reports of Mandela Effects might increase, now that CERN’s Large Hadron Collider fired back up again,”



There is no doubt in my heart or mind, we are the generation Jesus pointed to!  This is no time to be unsaved in Jesus. If you remain unsaved by our Lord’s free gift of salvation you will end up in the tribulation and, have to go through all the judgements that fall on the people who turned their backs on Christ including the 5 months of torture. Jesus had all these last days prophecies for us so when we saw them we knew He was and is the true messiah. He did this so you would know there is no other who could write all these prophecies and have them be seen. You have no idea the love Christ has for you.  It is my prayer that my work will lead you to the Lord. Please give your life over to Jesus today. Below is one example of a SALVATION PRAYER TO JESUS.

The prayer


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