July 30, 2021- Jordan Claims Iranian Drones Are Attacking Country



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Israel Ship Targeted in Attack off Oman

Two Crew Members Killed Off Oman in Attack on Ship Operated by Israeli Businessman

An Israeli-owned merchant ship reportedly came under attack off the coast of Oman in the Arabian Sea, the British military said Friday, offering few other details about the incident. Israeli officials did not immediately acknowledge the incident, but it comes amid heightened tensions between it and Iran as negotiations remain stalled over Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers. Other Israeli ships have been targeted in recent months as well amid a shadow war between the two nations, with Israeli officials blaming the Islamic Republic for the assaults. An brief initial statement from the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said an investigation was underway into the incident, which it described as happening late Thursday night just northeast of the Omani island of Masirah. The location is over 300 kilometers (185 miles) southeast of Oman’s capital, Muscat. The statement did not elaborate, other to say that it suspected the attack did not involve piracy. Earlier on Thursday, the British military group had said it was investigating another unexplained incident in the same area, but it did not elaborate.
July 30, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

King of Jordan Claims Iranian Drones Are Attacking His Country

Jordan’s King Abdullah told CNN on Sunday that this year, his country has faced an increasing number of attacks by Iranian-made drones. The issue came up while discussing the pro-Iranian stance of the Biden administration and its influence on the region. “Unfortunately, Jordan has been attacked by drones that have come out that are Iranian signature that we have to deal with,” King Abdullah said to CNN interviewer Fareed Zakaria. “[Iran’s] ballistic technology has improved dramatically. We’ve seen that, unfortunately, against American bases in Iraq. We’ve seen Saudi being the recipient of missiles out of Yemen. Israel from Syria and Lebanon, to an extent. And what misses Israel, sometimes lands in Jordan,” the king said. Arab media noted that the king’s statement was unprecedented and shocking as the Jordanian press has never reported any drone attacks by Iran against Jordan.
July 28, 2021

Children among those killed in Syria clashes

Six civilians including several children were among 19 people killed on Thursday in the fiercest clashes to rock Syria’s Daraa province since it was captured by the government, a war monitor said. Artillery shelling by regime forces on the village of Al-Yadudah, northwest of Daraa city, killed a woman, her child and three other youngsters, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Regime artillery fire also killed a sixth civilian in the district of Daraa Al-Balad further south, according to the Observatory. The deaths bring the toll for Thursday’s clashes to a total of 19 across the province, which is located in southern Syria. The figure includes at least eight Syrian regime fighters and five gunmen affiliated with former opposition groups, the monitor said.
July 30, 2021

Israel Blamed For Fresh Airstrikes Deep Inside Iraq

BBC is reporting a possible rare Israeli airstrike deep inside Iraq targeting pro-Iranian militias at Najaf, Iraq. BBC Middle East correspondent Nafiseh Kohnavard writes that “Iran-backed Imam Ali Brigade says that airstrikes targeted their ammunition depot in Najaf, Iraq.” In addition “Some paramilitary groups-linked channels claim that Israel is behind the attack,” according to Kohnavard. “Israel carried out an attack on a PMF base” Iran-backed groups-linked claim in the aftermath of a severe fire that broke out at an ammunition depot in Najaf. Though Israeli involvement is being widely alleged in Iraqi social media, there’s as yet been no confirmation from any official side. Separately Tehran-based Mehr News agency is confirming the attack, which it says involved drone strikes during the early evening Baghdad local time. However, official Iraqi sources were not immediately forthcoming in identifying blame.
July 27, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Taliban fighters enter provincial capital, clash with Afghan forces

Afghan security forces and Taliban fighters have been locked in heavy clashes for the last two days after the insurgents entered the capital of the southern province of Helmand, officials said on Friday, as civilians rushed to evacuate the city. With US-led foreign forces nearing a complete withdrawal of troops, the Taliban have made swift territorial gains over the last two months but have not yet captured any provincial capitals. “Since Thursday morning the Taliban have launched attacks from several directions on Lashkargah city,” a government official told Reuters on the condition of anonymity. Lashkargah is the capital of Helmand, a southern province that borders Pakistan. The official added that Afghan security forces have thus far held back the Taliban’s attempt to take the city with the help of the Afghan air force, but operations were hampered by the presence of civilians in the area.
July 30, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Researchers find 110 more secret Chinese nuclear missile silos under construction

New satellite images analyzed by nuclear arms researchers revealed that China is preparing a second field for up to 110 new missile silos capable of housing nuclear-capable weapons. The discovery adds to another 119 silos discovered earlier this year, and form what researchers described this week as “the most significant expansion of the Chinese nuclear arsenal ever.” Matt Korda and Hans Kristensen, researchers with the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), wrote in a paper published Monday that recent satellite images show China is in the early stages of constructing a new missile silo field about 60 miles southwest of the Chinese city of Hami, in the Xinjiang Province of western China. The discovery of this new likely missile silo field comes just weeks after the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif. reported what appeared to be construction and preparations for about 119 new missile silos near the Chinese city of Yumen.
July 27, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Key inflation indicator up 3.5%

An inflation indicator that the Federal Reserve uses as its key guide rose 3.5% in June, a sharp acceleration that was nonetheless right around Wall Street expectations, the Commerce Department reported Friday. The personal consumption expenditures price index, which excludes food and energy, was expected to increase 3.6% at a time when the U.S. economy has seen its highest inflation pressures in more than a decade. That gain was slightly ahead of the 3.4% May increase and represents the biggest move since July 1991. Fed officials have said they expect the inflation surge to be transitory as it has come largely from industries sensitive to the economic reopening, as well supply chain bottlenecks and other issues likely to fade. The central bank targets 2% as its desired inflation goal, though officials are willing to tolerate higher levels temporarily as the economy tries to get back to full employment. On the price inflation front, the PCE index including food and energy increased 4% from a year earlier, its largest increase since July 2008, just before the worst of the financial crisis hit. Energy prices rose 24.2% and food moved 0.9% higher.
July 30, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

DOJ Vaccine mandates Now Legal

First Federal Agency Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say

CDC recommends new indoor mask mandates, including in schools

Delta variant spreads like chickenpox and ‘changed the war’ on COVID: CDC docs

The Department of Justice (DOJ) determined that federal law will not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID vaccines under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization. With the DOJ vaccine mandates, public places, retail stores, places of business (your job) can require covid vaccines if they wish. Therefore, The Department of Veterans Affairs will require its health care employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, becoming the first major federal agency to implement such a mandate. “We’re mandating vaccines for Title 38 employees because it’s the best way to keep Veterans safe, especially as the Delta variant spreads across the country,” Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough said in a statement. Title 38 personnel, who include doctors, dentists, and registered nurses, will have eight weeks to get fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated means getting both Pfizer or Moderna shots, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson jab. If employees refuse, they could be fired. Meanwhile, The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted. Following closely on the heels of these announcements, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines Tuesday that recommend indoor-mask mandates even for fully vaccinated people in areas experiencing spikes in COVID-19 cases. The agency said it also is now urging everyone in K-12 schools to wear a mask when they return to class, regardless of vaccination status. The new recommendations mark a change of course for the agency after it gave the green light in May for vaccinated people to ditch their masks in most settings. It comes amid the spread of the highly contagious Delta coronavirus variant, which has driven surges of the virus across the country and now comprises around 83 percent of cases nationwide, according to the CDC. The Delta COVID-19 variant appears to cause more severe illness and spread as easily as chickenpox — which make it time to “acknowledge the war has changed” and alter recommendations on wearing masks, according to internal federal documents. One of the CDC’s slides estimates that there are 35,000 symptomatic infections per week among 162 million vaccinated Americans, the report said.
July 30, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Record-breaking heatwave hits Hokkaido, Japan

An unprecedented heatwave is sweeping over Hokkaido, Japan, with numerous all-time records falling almost every day. Very high temperatures are expected to continue over the next 14 days. One of the most notable records on July 27 was registered in Asahikawa, holder of the coldest temperature in Japanese history. The city registered 36.2 °C (97.1 °F) on July 27, breaking the previous record of 36 °C (96.8 °F) set on August 7, 1989. Other notable records include Teshio in the Rumoi region which registered 33.8 °C (92.8 °F), breaking the previous record of 32.5 °C (90.5 °F) set on August 2, 1982; Ishikari Numata in Hokkaido Sorachi which registered 36.5 °C (97.7 °F), breaking the previous record of 35.7 °C (96.2 °F) set on August 7, 1989; and Kimobetsu in Shiribeshi region which registered 34.1 °C (93.3 °F), breaking the previous record of 33.4 °C (92.1 °F) set on August 10, 1994.
July 28, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com












Unseasonal rainstorms hit Yemen, claiming at least 14 lives

Extreme rainfall in Henan claimed 71 lives, affected 1.3 million people and damaged 2.4 million acres of crops, China

At least 14 people have been killed over the past couple of days after unseasonal rainstorms hit the majority of Yemen’s southern governorates. At least 1 000 households are in need of basic services, including at least 90 families in the Marib area and 400 in Taizz. Local and international humanitarian partners are conducting assessments, but report logistical challenges in reaching those in need due to roads being cut, ECHO reports. This is the second round of heavy rains to hit Yemen since mid-July. At least 14 people have lost their lives from July 16 to 23 when floods hits the governorates of al-Mahrah, Hadramawt, Shabwa, Abyan, and Al Jawf. Floods have also destroyed crops, roads, and communications infrastructure.
July 28, 2021

Strong explosive eruption at Stromboli volcano, Italy

A strong explosive eruption took place at Stromboli volcano, Italy at 14:47 UTC on July 28, 2021. The explosion was energetically more intense than usual, INGV-OE said. Volcanic products were radially dispersed in the crater area with fallout along the Sciara del Fuoco. From a seismic point of view, the explosive event of the 14:47 UTC is well visible at all seismic stations in Stromboli. With regard to the magnitude of the volcanic tremor, an increase has been observed since 14:00 UTC. All monitored parameters returned to normal levels by 16:05 UTC.
July 29, 2021

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