July 8, 2020- China Inks Military Deal With Iran



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  Abbas Furious as PA Banks Refuse to Pay Terrorist Salaries

Ignoring a directive from the PA to all banks in the PA areas that they must accept money for payment of salaries to the accounts of terrorists and families of killed terrorists, at least four banks have refused to follow the PA’s dictates. This was exposed by PA Director of the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr yesterday. All the banks are refusing to allow these groups to use their ATM cards. The banks responded to PMW by writing to PA Minister of Finance, Shukri Bishara, on May 7, 2020, saying that considering the “risks to which the banks will be exposed as a result of the presence of these accounts [of prisoners, released prisoners, and families of Martyrs and prisoners]… All of the banks hereby ask Your Honor to stop transferring any sums into these accounts. The banks will transfer the balances in these accounts to the Ministry of Finance’s account.” While the PA has decided to try and circumvent the anti-terror legislation by creating a new bank that will serve the imprisoned and released terrorists and the families of the dead terrorists (so-called “Martyrs”), that bank has not yet been established.
June 7, 2020

Canadian PM Candidate Pledges to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

Canadian lawmaker and prime ministerial candidate Erin O’Toole on Wednesday vowed to move his country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if he were elected. “Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, and the modern presence there just cements this. The Knesset, the Supreme Court and Foreign Ministry are all in west Jerusalem,” O’Toole, a member of Canada’s Conservative Party, said in a video posted on Facebook. “I also believe that we need more presence on the ground there, and I want us to explore more exchanges and collaborations with Israel to partner, much like we do with our other closest allies. “We support a two-state solution, but that does not prevent us from doing more with our friend and ally, Israel. As prime minister, I will follow through on our policy and move our embassy.”
July 8, 2020

4 countries warn Israel against annexing Palestinian territories

Germany, France, Egypt and Jordan on Tuesday said Israel should refrain from annexing parts of the Palestinian territories, warning that doing so could harm bilateral relations. “We are unanimous in our view that any annexation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 would be contrary to international law and would jeopardize the foundations of the peace process,” the four countries’ foreign ministers said in a statement issued by the German foreign ministry after a videoconference. “We also agree that such a move would have serious consequences for the security and stability of the region and would constitute a major obstacle to efforts to achieve a comprehensive and just peace,” the ministers continued, warning that it could potentially “have consequences for relations with Israel.” “Israel is prepared to conduct negotiations on the basis of President Trump’s peace plan which is both creative and realistic and will not return to the failed formulas of the past,” the Israeli government said in a statement.
July 7, 2020


   Explosion near Iran’s capital kills two, damages factory

China Inks Military Deal With Iran Under Secretive 25-Year Plan

At least two people were killed and three others injured in a large explosion at the Sepahan Boresh factory in the city of Baqershahr near Tehran on Monday night, according to Iranian and foreign reports. The explosion was caused by “negligence in filling oxygen tanks,” the Kahrizak district governor told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty on Tuesday. The walls of the Saipa Press Company, located next to the factory, were damaged by the explosion as well. The IntelliTimes intelligence blog reported that the Sepahan Boresh factory belongs to the Iranian automotive manufacturer SAIPA. It cooperates with the Iranian Ministry of Defense; the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps is involved in the company as well. This is the third explosion reported in the Tehran region in the past two weeks and the most recent in a series of explosions and fires reported in industrial areas and infrastructure throughout Iran.
July 7, 2020


   Violence in Serbia Over Plan to Reimpose Virus Curfew

Thousands of protesters clashed with police in Serbia’s capital after the president said he’d reinstate one of Europe’s strictest lockdown regimes to confront a spike in new cases of Covid-19 in the city. Riot police used tear gas to repel rock-throwing, mostly right-wing demonstrators who briefly broke into the parliament building in central Belgrade in the biggest outbreak of violence against President Aleksandar Vucic since he came to power in 2014. Seven protesters and 13 police were injured, according to police. The crowd of about 5,000 smashed several shop windows and set five police cars on fire, while smaller groups rallied peacefully in the biggest northern city of Novi Sad and in the central city of Kragujevac.
July 8, 2020 


Pope Francis Dangerous Call For Interfaith Prayer, Each To His Own God

Can you imagine an Apostle Paul who, at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17), invites his listeners (followers of various philosophical schools and ancient cults) to unite in prayer, each to his own god/ideal as a sign of fraternity? Can you imagine an Apostle Peter who, in writing to Christians at the four corners of the Roman Empire (1 Peter 1:1), recommends that they raise petitions together with the faithful of the Eastern, Greek and Roman religions, to invoke the end of a pandemic? For those who have a basic grasp of the biblical faith, this is pretty absurd. Not for Rome, though. Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church organized a “Day of Prayer and Fasting addressed to believers of all religions” under the auspices of the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity to pray together. Catholics, Muslims and people of other religions or of no religion were all encouraged to pray to her/his own god or personal ideal for the pandemic to cease.
July 7, 2020


  Europe faces summer drought following hot first half of 2020

Drought Spurs Australia to Import Rice or Risk Empty Shelves

Drought Emergency, Warnings, and Watches for Kansas 

The 2019 to 2020 winter across Europe was the warmest on record, with the heat not letting throughout the year. Spring proved to be hotter and drier than normal, coupled with a May heatwave. Summer has started warmly, and NASA satellite data has revealed Europe is facing a drought this year. Data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) shows dry conditions that began in eastern Europe have migrated across the continent. NASA said: “Tributaries and main stems of some of the continent’s rivers – such as the Elbe, Warta, and Danube – fell below normal seasonal flow. “In late May and June, surface soil moisture and waterways in some areas rebounded a bit after heavy rain showers. “And all of this occurred as 2020 continued to be one of the hottest years on record globally.
July 7, 2020

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    • Robert Reed on July 9, 2020 at 3:14 am
    • Reply

    thank you for your years of service to the seekers of the world we live in… shalom in Christ Jesus…

      • etrm on August 14, 2021 at 10:05 am
      • Reply

      Thank you for coming to my site. Stay strong it is going to get rough for here on. Do not back away from our Lord as
      so many are!

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