June 19, 2017- Syrian warplane shot down by US jet

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Headline: Netanyahu: I have one message for Iran: Don’t threaten us!

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu advised Iran Monday not to threaten Israel, in response to Iran's Revolutionary Guard statement that it had fired six missiles from western Iran into northeastern Syria on Sunday. They described the attack as retaliation for June 7 attacks in Tehran that killed 17 people in the first ISIS claimed operation in Iran. “We follow their [Iranian] actins and we follow their words,” Netanyahu said. "I have one message to Iran: Do not threaten Israel. The army and our security forces are constantly monitoring the activity of Iran in the region," he said. "This activity also includes their attempts to establish themselves in Syria and, of course, to transfer advanced weapons to Hizballah and other operations."
June 19, 2017


Headline: Jared Kushner to travel to Mideast to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner is to travel to the Middle East this week to meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials in an effort to advance peace efforts pursued by his father-in-law US President Donald Trump. Kushner will travel along with special envoy Jason Greenblatt to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas separately in the coming days, to discuss “their priorities and potential next steps,” a senior White House official told The Times of Israel. “It is important to remember that forging a historic peace agreement will take time and to the extent that there is progress, there are likely to be many visits by both Mr. Kushner and Mr. Greenblatt, sometimes together and sometimes separately, to the region and possibly many trips by Israeli and Palestinian negotiators to Washington, DC, or other locations as they pursue substantive talks,” the senior official said. Greenblatt is expected in the region on Monday, followed by Kushner on Wednesday.
June 19, 2017



Headline: Palestinian militant groups deny Islamic State claim of Jerusalem attack

Palestinian militant factions denied on Saturday a claim by Islamic State that three Palestinian men who carried out a fatal shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem were members of the militant group. Islamic State took responsibility for the attack on Friday, in which one Israeli police officer was killed and another wounded, according to the group's Amaq news agency.
Israeli security officials did not respond immediately to requests for comment on what the SITE intelligence monitoring group described as the first time Islamic State had claimed responsibility for an attack in Israeli-controlled territory, nor on the attackers' affiliation. However, a senior official from Hamas, the Islamic group that rules the Gaza Strip, and the People's Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said the three attackers, who were all shot dead at the scene, were their own members. "The three hero martyrs who executed the Jerusalem operation have no connection to Daesh (Islamic State), they are affiliated with the PFLP and Hamas," Hamas' Izzat El-Reshiq wrote on Twitter.
June 17, 2017


Headline: Hezbollah Marches Through Heart of London, Political Wing Granted Charity Status

Thousands of Hezbollah supporters stepped off Sunday (June 18) in the heart of London at 3 pm to mark “Al Quds Day 2017,” organized by the “Justice for Palestine Committee.” Leading the march was the “political wing” of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrilla organization, which reportedly has been granted status by the UK government as a legitimate charity via the Islamic Human Rights Commission, according to reports by Twitter users.Marchers and spectators were advised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) they were “welcome to bring flags that show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Flags of proscribed (illegal) organizations will not be allowed.” “For example, you can bring a Hezbollah flag to show support for the political wing of Hezbollah. This is because the political wing of Hezbollah is not a proscribed organization. Any flags belonging to a proscribed organization will not be allowed. If we see flags belonging to a proscribed organization, our stewards will ask for them to be taken down.” The Campaign Against Antisemitism watchdog group met days earlier with the Metropolitan Police Service at a meeting facilitated by Sophie Linden, the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, asking police to use their powers under section 12 of the Public Order Act 1986 to impose a condition so that marchers would be informed they could not show the emblem of Hezbollah. However, “The Metropolitan Police Service refused our request,” the group said. According to IHRC literature, the march was intended to bring together people from all over the United Kingdom “for the freedom of the oppressed in Palestine and beyond.”
June 18, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline: Saudi naval forces detain three Iranian revolutionary guards

Headline: Iran and Saudi Arabia offer clashing accounts of offshore confrontation

Saudi Arabia’s naval forces say they have detained and are currently questioning three men believed to be Iranian Revolutionary Guards after their armed boat attempted to breach their territorial waters on Friday. An official source stated that at 20:28 on June 16, three small boats, bearing red and white flags, entered the Saudi territorial waters in the Arabian Gulf. Saudi navy forces were able to capture one boat while the other two escaped. “They headed at speed towards platforms of Saudi oil field of Marjan. Immediately, the Saudi naval forces fired warning shots, but the boats did not respond. Consequently, one of the boats was captured which was loaded with weapons for subversive purpose, while the other two escaped,” a statement on Saudi Press Agency read. A statement released by Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Informational and Culture quoted a navy source as saying that the attack was apparently carried as a terrorist operation aimed at causing serious damage to life and property. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stresses its determination to combat and eradicate terrorism and its sources, as a part of the country’s permanent objective to protect its national security against any external aggression,” the statement added.
June 19, 2017



Headline: 25 Killed in Saudi Airstrikes on Yemen Market

Headline: Yemeni army controls mountain summit between al-Jawf and Amran

The Yemeni army took control of Jabal Ham, the border between the provinces of al-Jawf and Amran, where the soldiers of the Sixth Military Region are clashing to control the ruling areas. The militias were entrenched at the foot of Mount Ham after the National Army took control of its summit, causing the Houthi’s to suffer setbacks. The commander of the 122nd Brigade said in an exclusive interview that the militias are killing the injured elements so as not to care for them. The Battle of al-Jawf can be described as a battle for control of the summits and ruling point.
June 19, 2017




Headline: Police officer killed, 4 injured in Cairo attack

A police officer was killed and four conscripts were wounded after unidentified assailants in a Jeep shot the gas tank of central security forces near the Cairo suburb of Ma’adi early Sunday. According to the statement issued by the Ministry of Interior, after initial examinations, the timeline shows that the terrorists shot the security vehicle after the forces had their suhoor meal. “At around 12.45am on Sunday, a vehicle of the central security forces transporting a group of officers and conscripts on the Autostrade Road was attacked by an explosive device planted on the side of the road,” the ministry said in its statement. “The incident led to the martyrdom of first lieutenant Ali Abd Al-Khaliq and to the injury of an officer and three conscripts,” the statement read. The four injured policemen have been taken to hospital for treatment, the statement added. No group has yet claimed its responsibility for the incident.
June 18, 2017



Headline: Syrian warplane shot down by US jet

Headline: Russian warning: US planes in W. Syria are targets

Headline: US responds to Russian threat after shoot-down of Syrian jet

Headline:US repositioning aircraft over Syria as tensions rise

A US Navy fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane after the Syrian jet dropped bombs near Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) fighters on Sunday, the US military said in a statement. The shootdown came a little more than two hours after forces allied with the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad attacked the north-central Syria town of Ja'Din, which was controlled by the SDF. A number of SDF forces, who are backed by the US-led coalition, were wounded in the attack, the statement from the Combined Joint Task Force said. The attack drove the SDF from Ja'Din, which is west of Raqqa, the coalition statement said. Later, a Syrian government Su-22 attacked the SDF forces with bombs. "In accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition-partnered forces, (the Syrian jet) was immediately shot down by a US F/A-18E Super Hornet," the coalition statement said. The shootdown was the first of a Syrian aircraft by the US military since it began fighting ISIS in the country in 2014.
June 19, 2017





Headline: Iran fires missiles at militant groups in eastern Syria

Headline: Iranian official on Syrian attack: 'Israel understood the message, it should be worried'

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards has fired ground-to-ground missiles from western Iran into eastern Syria, aiming at the bases of militant groups Iran holds responsible for the deadly combined attacks in Tehran earlier this month, the Iranian news agency Tasnim reported. "The spilling of any pure blood will not go unanswered," the Revolutionary Guards said in a statement, according to Tasnim. The advisor to the Iranian foreign minister, Sheikh Hussein al-Islam, said when speaking about the missiles launched by Iran into Syria that Israel "is the main enemy" of Iran, despite the attack targeting militant groups who Iran blames for the Tehran attacks, and adding that Israel now "has to worry about (its actions)," hinting that the missile launch should be seen as a sort of warning to Israel. In an interview with the Al-Miyadin network, Al-Islam said that the missile strike showed the strength of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and that Iran "will not allow terrorism to determine the future of the region," and also showing his disdain for any outside interference, saying that "the presence of Americans in the region is illegal; the US should leave Syria sooner or later."
June 19, 2017




Headline:Iraqi forces launch assault on Mosul Old City

Iraqi forces launched an assault Sunday to retake Mosul’s Old City, the last district still held by the Daesh terror group three years after the extremists seized the northern city and declared their “caliphate”. Military commanders told AFP the assault had begun at dawn after overnight air strikes by the US-led coalition backing Iraqi forces. They said the extremists were putting up fierce resistance. The push into Mosul’s Old City — a densely populated warren of narrow alleyways on the western side of Iraq’s second city — marks the culmination of a months-long campaign by Iraqi forces to retake Daesh’s last major urban stronghold in the country. Staff Lieutenant General Abdulghani Al Assadi, a senior commander with the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS), said the operation was advancing slowly “to preserve civilian lives as we breach the enemy’s defence lines”. “Our forces have moved in on foot because the alleys are very narrow,” he said. “The strategy has changed compared to other operations. There is no room for our vehicles to manoeuvre and there are many civilians.” The United Nations said Friday that Daesh may be holding more than 100,000 civilians as human shields in the Old City.
June 19, 2017











Headline: Iran and China conduct naval drill in Gulf

Iran and China began a joint naval exercise in the Gulf on Sunday, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported.  The military drill comes at a time of heightened tension between the Iranian and U.S. military in the Gulf and is likely to be a cause of concern for Washington. In recent months, the U.S. navy has accused the Iranian navy of sending fast-attack boats to harass warships as they pass through the Strait of Hormuz. An Iranian destroyer and two Chinese destroyers are among the vessels that will participate in the exercise, which will take place in the eastern portion of the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman, according to IRNA. Some 700 Iranian navy personnel will be participating in the drill. Two Chinese warships docked at Iran's Bandar Abbas port to take part in a joint naval exercise in the Gulf for the first time in 2014.
June 18, 2017



Headline: Afghan soldier attacks US troops at Camp Sheheen

Headline: Taliban suicide team assaults provincial police headquarters

An Afghan soldier has attacked US troops at a military base, wounding seven. The US soldiers were evacuated after the "insider attack" in the northern Balkh province on Saturday, a spokesman for the US military command said. The Nato-led Resolute Support mission said one Afghan soldier was killed and another injured in the incident at Camp Shaheen, in Mazar-e Sharif city. But earlier reports of American soldiers being killed were dismissed. It is not clear whether the soldier killed was also the attacker. The Taliban have said the shooting was carried out by a man loyal to them, according to Reuters. Resolute Support said the attack, which took place at about 14:00 local time (09:30 GMT), was under investigation. It comes a week after an Afghan army commando shot dead three US special forces soldiers in eastern Afghanistan.
June 18, 2017




Headline: Is the Tunisian “Arab Spring” about to Repeat in Morocco?

Domestic tensions in Morocco are brewing; unrest and protests have been noted in the northern part of the Kingdom, and the regime is unable to control the situation and calm the passions. In many ways, events in Morocco since late October are a reminder of those that preceded the ousting of the Tunisian President Zein El-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011 and launched the “Arab Spring.” The surface calm in Morocco was broken by a harrowing incident on October 28, 2016, in the northern town of Al-Hoceima on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast. The police threw Mouhcine Fikri’s whole fish catch into the bin of a waste truck. The fishmonger tried to save his catch and jumped into the waste bin. He was crushed to death by the grinder. Protests began in the coastal town of Al-Hoceima but very quickly spread to other northern cities such as Nador and even in Morocco’s main cities – Rabat, Casablanca, and Tangier. According to Moroccan authorities, more than 1,600 Moroccans have joined the ranks of the jihadists in Syria, Libya, and Iraq, and 200 to 240 out of that number have returned either to Morocco or European countries. The Kingdom has embarked on a special religious education program aimed at neutralizing all extremist interpretations of the Koran. King Mohammad VI instructed the ministry of education to remove from schoolbooks all references to jihad. It is crystal clear that the Moroccan regime cannot yield to the Berber protest and will have to repress it.  Facing the threat of extreme Islam, the Moroccan regime has a paramount interest to subdue the northern social and political eruption and adopt all necessary measures to prevent the interaction between the Jihadist organizations, the Algerian subversive activities via the Polisario and other organizations, and the Amazigh protest. Infiltration of the Rif by the Jihadists could destabilize the kingdom.
June 19, 2017



Headline: Tensions rise in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region as Azeri Army clashes with Armenian forces

Over the last 48 hours, the Azeri Army and Armenian forces have clashed in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, resulting in the death of several soldiers on both sides. “The adversary is continuing to shell from high-caliber weapons and artillery guns the positions of Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces and settlements located in the immediate battle area,” the Azeri Ministry of Defense claimed on Saturday. “On June 15, in an attempt to bring up short another provocation of Armenian armed units Azerbaijan’s army suffered casualties,” the ministry stated, noting that in retaliatory fire “on June 15 and 16, six soldiers of Armenian Armed Forces were eliminated,” some were wounded. On Friday, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry reported one of its soldiers was killed by the Armenian forces.
June 18, 2017



Headline: Mali attack: Two EU staff killed at tourist resort

Two EU staff were killed when gunmen stormed a tourist resort in Mali on Sunday, the bloc's foreign affairs chief has said. One victim was a Portuguese soldier while the other was a Malian woman, Federica Mogherini added.  Mali's security minister said on Sunday that a Franco-Gabonese person was also killed. It is not clear how many people in total have been killed and no group has said it carried out the attack. "It is a jihadist attack. Malian special forces intervened and hostages have been released," Mali Security Minister Salif Traore told AFP news agency. The minister said four assailants had been killed by security forces. On Monday he told AFP that five suspects had been arrested. "We have recovered the bodies of two attackers who were killed," said Mr Traore, adding that they were "searching for the bodies of two others". One of them left behind a machine gun and bottles filled with "explosive substances". The ministry said another two people had been injured, including a civilian.
June 19, 2017


Headline: Suicide bombers kill 12 in Nigeria’s Borno state — police

Five female suicide bombers killed 12 people and wounded 11 in northeast Nigeria’s Borno state, birthplace of the Islamist militant Boko Haram insurgency, police said on Monday. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks. But the use of female suicide bombers in public places is a tactic used by Boko Haram, which has focused on Borno during its eight-year-old insurgency aimed at creating an Islamic caliphate. Borno state police spokesman Victor Isuku said the attacks occurred on Sunday at around 08:30 p.m. (1930 GMT) in the village of Kofa, 8 km (5 miles) from the state capital Maiduguri. “The first suicide bomber detonated near a mosque, killing seven persons. The second detonated in a house killing five persons,” he said, adding that 11 people hurt in the attacks. Isuku said the other three bombers also died.
June 19, 2017


Headline: Van rams Muslim worshippers in London

A van plowed into worshippers near a London mosque in the early hours of Monday, injuring 10 people, two of them seriously, in what Prime Minister Theresa May said was a sickening, terrorist attack on Muslims. The vehicle swerved into a group of mainly North and West African people shortly after midnight as they left prayers at the Muslim Welfare House and the nearby Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, one of the biggest in Britain. The driver, a 48-year-old white man, was grabbed at the scene by locals and pinned down until police arrived. He was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. After being seized, the man said he had wanted to kill "many Muslim people," one witness told journalists. A man, who had earlier suffered a heart attack, died at the scene but it was not clear if his death was connected to the van attack. "This morning, our country woke to news of another terrorist attack on the streets of our capital city: the second this month and every bit as sickening as those which have come before," May told reporters outside her Downing Street office. "This was an attack on Muslims near their place of worship," said May who later visited the mosque. The attack was the fourth since March in Britain and the third to involve a vehicle deliberately driven at pedestrians.
June 19, 2017


Headline: 6 soldiers killed in bomb attack in Thailand

Six soldiers in Thailand have been killed and four others wounded in a roadside bomb explosion in a southern province. The explosion occurred as the soldiers were on a routine patrol in the violence-plagued Pattani Province on Monday, according to district police chief Pruk Liangsukwho. “It is likely the work of violent groups in the area because this area is a red area,” Pruk said. “We are still checking the scene.” No group has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.
June 19, 2017



Headline: McDonald’s introduces ‘gay pride’ fries, Christians call for boycott

For Gay Pride month, McDonald’s franchises in San Francisco and in the nation’s capital are issuing “Pride Fries” in rainbow-colored containers. “The rainbow fry boxes are a fun way to show our support of the LGBTQ community, using one of McDonald’s most iconic and recognizable items,” Cathy Martin of the restaurant corporation’s “Pride Network” stated in a press release. She added that McDonald’s is “proud to honor and celebrate the LGBTQ community, including our employees, customers and beyond – each and every day.” McDonald's is acknowledged as a corporate leader in homosexual affirming and enabling policies.  As OneNewsNow reports, “The Golden Arches is a major player and sponsor in promoting homosexual behavior across the nation.” McDonald’s franchises in the D.C. area are also big sponsors of the homosexual group Capital Pride Alliance, which seeks to normalize homosexual practices across the country. The fast food behemoth, which raked in $25 billion last year, supports the 2017 Capital Pride parade theme, “Lovin’ Is Lovin,” to show gay support. The theme is apparently a take-off of McDonald’s popular “I’m Lovin’ It” commercial tagline. Not all customers are happy with the gay fries. Evangelist and online personality Joshua Feuerstein issued a call for Christians to boycott the fast food chain.
June 15, 2017



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