June 2, 2022 Prophecy signs in the news




Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 27 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


It’s very interesting in Ezekiel chapter 38 we see Israel is being attacked by many of the nations listed in the that prophecy. One of the nations is Iran also noticed that Saudi Arabia is not one of the nations who are attacking Israel. In the report below   you will see Israel’s preparing for war against Iran while at the same time pushing friendship with Saudi Arabia.

This short section was taken from my book on the subject of Saudi Arabia and the young Lions who are not involved in the Ezekiel 38 war against Israel.





Will Saudi-Israel relations happen?

“It’s going to take time,” Lapid said in an interview on Monday, marking one year since the establishment of the government, which will appear in Friday’s Magazine. “The Abraham Accords were an explosion, and the year afterward, I spent the first three months of being foreign minister on a plane, going to open embassies in places we never dreamed of opening embassies.”

“With Saudi Arabia, if it will happen, it’ll happen with baby steps,” he said. “But I think some of those steps are being taken. I think that the American administration is game for this process, and we appreciate that.”

What about Iran?

Turning to Iran, Lapid said that if a new deal is reached between the Western powers and the Islamic Republic, it would not apply to Israel.

“It doesn’t apply to us in any way, and we are going to do whatever is necessary to make sure Iran doesn’t become a threshold nuclear country,” he said.





Shallow M6.1 earthquake hits Sichuan, China 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the China Earthquake Networks Center as M6.1 hit the province of Sichuan, China at 09:00 UTC (17:00 LT) on June 1, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 17 km (10 miles). USGS and EMSC are reporting it as M5.9 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).



Revelation 5-6 shows us that in the last days people will be working all day for 1 small meal. In other words the last days food prices will skyrocket and that is what we are witnessing now.


3 Reasons why CHICKEN prices are set to rise across the world 
Chicken is one of the most ubiquitous proteins people consume around the world. However, its price is set to increase due to several factors – which translates to higher prices for food items such as buffalo wings and fried chicken. Here are three reasons why chicken prices will soar.


ANOTHER fire devastates Minnesota chicken farm, killing tens of thousands of chickens that provide eggs for the food supply 
Almost unbelievably, yet another food facility in the United States was burned to the ground over Memorial Day weekend.


Collapse in population of mammals and birds is now impairing the ability of plants to migrate via seed dispersal
Over 50 percent of plant species rely on animals for seed dispersal. According to a study published in the journal Science, the ability of animal-dispersed plants to adapt to changing conditions and migrate across the landscape has been reduced by as much as 60 percent because of the loss of mammals and birds that help these plants adapt to environmental change.


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