June 20, 2018 Traveling toward Jesus Christ
I Never Thought I Would See the Day
By Jan Markell
November 14, 2017
Dr. David Jeremiah had a sermon series some years ago with this title. Like me, he noticed aberrations in the culture and in the church and stated he just didn’t think he would live to see them.
I’ve come up with my own list as 2017 winds down. It has been an historic year to say the least.
Things aren’t falling apart, they are falling into place.
I didn’t think I would live to see:
- The earth reeling in an apocalyptic manner, yet most going about business as usual — eating, drinking, and enjoying life.
- Every natural disaster preceded by words such as “unprecedented”, “history-making”, or “of biblical proportion.”
- A hurricane (Irma) so strong that it was measured on a device that tracks earthquakes.
- Some people heed the warning signs of impending natural disasters but scoff at the ultimate warnings that Jesus is returning soon and you must be ready.
- America seriously talk about the possibility of an EMP attack and Hawaii warn of a nuclear attack by North Korea.
- Actors in Central Park simulate the assassination of a U.S. President.
- Satanic outfits be granted IRS tax-exempt status while Christians and conservatives are overlooked and ignored.
- A major U.S. newspaper — The Washington Post — call Satan good and call him a great representation of secularism.
- A discussion of womb transplants for men.
- The “powertainment industry” (Hollywood) so weakened due to scandals that its influence is diminishing as people boycott films in disgust.
- The Boy Scouts allowing girls to join the organization.
- Word of a revival in North Korea.
- The son of a Hamas leader, who is now a Christian, tell the United Nations that Palestinian leaders are a bunch of terrorists.
- Rick Warren state that he hoped his partnership with a Catholic leader would become the ecumenical model for the entire world.
- K – 12 U.S. educators demonizing Israel and lauding Islam.
- A Democrat Party leader — Donna Brazille — blow the whistle on Democrat Party corruption. Politicians usually circle the wagons and protect their own.
- The daily scoldings I get from people protesting my pre-Tribulation Rapture-timing theology. (This is not a salvation issue, folks.)
A prominent secular talk show host said we live in interesting times — too interesting. He longs to go back to the 1950s. He doesn’t understand that the last days would be characterized by a departure from the normal and an acceleration of the aberrant. He can’t grasp the fact that the Bible predicted a lot of what our headlines state today.
It’s all falling into place.
I talk about our troubled times with Dr. Dave Reagan and Nathan Jones on “Christ in Prophecy TV” November 12 and 26. Find the first program below. Learn more at www.lamblion.com.
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You can view Amir Tsarfati’s first message, “Where is America in Bible Prophecy?” on YouTube here.
Find complete syndication for “Understanding the Times” radio on 830 radio outlets here. They include American Family Radio Network, CSN Network, HOPE-FM Network, Bott Radio Network, The Psalm FM Network, Sirius Satellite Network, The Word FM, the Life FM Network, The Penfold Network, Salem Communications, OnePlace.com, and individual radio stations.
We are live Saturdays, 9 a.m. CST out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. You can listen live here.
New programming is posted to our website on Saturday morning at Complete Archives.
Awaiting His return,
Jan Markell
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I Never Thought I Would See the Day (Part 2)
By Jan Markell
June 20, 2018
Last November I wrote an article listing a number of things I didn’t think I would see in my lifetime. Prophecy Update even turned it into a short videothat almost 200,000 people have viewed.
Now six months later, I’ve come up with another list of unbelievable happenings that I never thought I would live to see. Sure, we live in crazy times. A lot of things the Bible predicted are now happening at break-neck speed but it still leaves me speechless.
Here’s my updated list I never thought I’d live to see:
- Churches would not just recognize the Islamic holiday known as Ramadan, they would join in on the “celebration” while hundreds of innocents were being killed at the very same time.
- Women’s sporting activities would be curtailed because transgenders can now participate as women even though they are males.
- The WWII anti-Nazi term “the resistance” would be applied to those opposed to a U.S. President — Donald Trump.

- Lucifer would get his own TV show, first on the Fox Network and now on Netflix. In fact, he is glorified as a good guy — handsome, charming, and funny. Some day Christ-rejecters won’t be laughing.
- Netflix will also have an animated drag queen series for children. (But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea:Matthew 18:6).
- I would turn on any form of media and the only story being talked about would be President Trump — and always in a negative light! Can’t the Left give him an ounce of credit? And what about all the other significant stories the media is just ignoring?
- My tax dollars would be spent to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars to better understand why lesbians are obese.
- Seven out of nine Supreme Court Justices would all agree on a religious liberty case — Colorado baker Jack Phillips. There is hope for our Republic!
- The Department of Homeland Securitywould announce that it intends to compile a comprehensive list of hundreds of thousands of journalists, editors, bloggers, and folks like me. They will collect any “information that could be relevant about them.”
- The residents of Gaza would take Japan’s gift of kites for the children of Gaza and use them as incendiary devices to burn down southern Israel. (And Israel is to make peace with such barbarians?)
- Wiccans and pagans had a scheduled gathering in Maryland. God had other ideas. He caused a flood to cancel the event.
- Christianity would literally be expelled from public schools but Islam would be taught and praised.
- The Left has gone apoplectic about the separation of kids from parents at the border but defends and even celebrates the permanent separation: Abortion.
- Private conversation would be at risk thanks to Alexa, Google Plus, our iPhones, and more, literally spying on us. Today’s world has no secrets.
I have left so much off of this “I never thought I’d see the day” list that it grieves me. You have a saturation point. I don’t want to push you that far. But I suspect eve George Orwell would be shocked at the tide of our times!
The Bible says there would be a day when good would be called evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). We are there. These happenings remind us that we’re not in Kansas anymore and things are all falling into place!
God is using the negative as a megaphone to say that “I am coming soon!”
Look up. Our redemption draws nigh.
FINAL THOUGHT: Plan on gathering a group together on Saturday, September 29, to view “Understanding the Times 2018”. We will livestream it at no cost to you.
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Understanding the Times 2017
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Wow. Everything she said is so very true!