June 22, 2020 Are you able to connection current news with Bible prophecy let’s find out?



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora


 Frank11  What makes my prophecy site different from the rest? If you visit other prophecy sites you will find news headlines with current events from around the world. The problem with these sites is most of them do not take the time to actually link bible prophecy scripture with the events they posted to their site. If you are a non-believer or, young in the Lord Jesus and hit one of these sites how are you going to understand the significance of what the news you are reading about? How are you going to be able to make the connection between what Jesus has warned us for these last days if you don’t know what He said?  That will never happen at my site.  When you come to my site you will first see what Christ has warned us and where it is found in the Bible.  For example, when you see the flashing prophecy signs below it will point to the place the warning is found in the bible. Then right after you read the prophecy sign you will notice the word news spinning as also seen below. Right next to the the spinning word news you will see the headline of the news report and the link to that report. Most of the time I won’t have to explain the connection between the prophecy and current news report because, the connection will be obvious.

For example, below you will see a prophecy about pestilences. If you have been watching the news you should have seen reports about massive locusts swarms taking place right now in many nations around the world. The locust swarms are in the billions and are eating massive amounts of food. Right now these locust swarms are in the process of moving from one nation to another and in the news today we see Argentina has now under a massive locust swarm.

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

‘Plague’ of Locusts goes Global Hitting Argentina: ‘An End of Days Prophecy’ says Rabbi

Locusts are currently swarming on three continents as an outbreak of the vermin has now spread from Paraguay into Argentina. The National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) said the swarm, estimated at 40 million creatures, was passing through the province of Chaco in northern Argentina on Tuesday. SENASA reported that the swarms are composed of the Schistocerca Cancellata species of locust in the subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae which is different than the desert locust currently devastating Africa and southwest Asia. The South American species has an insatiable appetite for crops of wheat, corn, and oats. These are mostly grown as feed for cattle, a  major agriproduct of Argentina. The voracious short-horned grasshoppers are devouring enough crops to feed 2,500 people every day. High temperatures and wind are causing the swarm to move up to 100 kilometers a day. Other countries in South America have been made aware of the outbreak and are preparing for the possibility the swarms will arrive at their borders” https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/152729/plague-of-locusts-goes-global-hitting-argentina-an-end-of-days-prophecy-says-rabbi/

Now that you see how I teach and warn about the last days let me show you how another prophecy site looks.  I am not going to give the name of the site that has posted all the news below today. What I will do is ask you how in the world are you going to know how any of the below reports are connected to Bible prophecy?  Not one of the reports you will read below has made a single connection to prophecy scripture nor is there any explanation making any connection.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to just post news without showing how that news relates to what Jesus stated about the last days.  If you are one of the people who really loves the Lord and has been reading the Bible and keeping on the watch as He instructed us to do than you should be able to see the connection between the news below and Christ’s warnings.

Good luck in trying to connect the dots between the prophecies and the news below!


Israel-US defense tech cooperation may soon get a big congressional boost
A bipartisan effort is making its way through the US Congress that could see new support for Israel-US defense cooperation. It is a unique effort that now includes both a bill in the Senate called the United States-Israel Military Capability Act of 2020 and H.R. 7148 in the House of Representatives “to establish a US-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group.”

Israel vows to defend interests in Aphrodite-Yishai gas field dispute
Israel will insist on its rights to part of the Aphrodite-Yishai gas field in the Mediterranean as a matter of principle, an Israeli diplomatic source said on Monday, the day before Cyprus’ Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides was set to pay a snap visit to Israel. Developing Aphrodite-Yishai is a matter of preserving Israel’s maritime borders, though it is not an urgent matter for Israel economically, the source explained.

Kochavi: Iran is the most dangerous country in the Middle East
Despite its distance from Israel, Iran is the most dangerous country in the Middle East, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi said Sunday evening. “Iran has become the most dangerous country in the Middle East,” Kohavi says at a ceremony marking Strategy and Third-Circle Directorate, an entirely new position on the General Staff, which will focus principally on Israel’s fight against Iran.

Turkey’s airstrikes in northern Iraq threaten Christian villages
Civilians have been killed and villagers threatened by Turkey’s widespread airstrikes in northern Iraq. Ankara claims to be fighting “terrorists” but has used disproportionate force. Activists fear that Christian minorities, already threatened by Turkey’s invasions of northern Syria, will have to flee again.

Teddy Roosevelt Statue To Be Removed From Museum of Natural History
A statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt that has stood in front of the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan for 80 years will be removed amid ongoing protests for racial justice, officials said Sunday. The bronze monument—which features Roosevelt on horseback flanked by a Native American man and a Black man—has been at the front entrance of the museum since 1940.

Inflation dog may finally bark, investors bet
Gold, forests, property stocks, inflation-linked bonds – these are just some of the assets investors are pouring money into on the view that the recent explosion of government spending and central bank stimulus may finally rouse inflation from its decade-long slumber. With the world economy forecast to shrink 6% this year, it may seem like a strange time to fret about inflation.

Georgia House passes bill that could abolish police department after Arbery shooting
The Georgia House backed an effort Friday to dissolve the Glynn County Police Department following its handling of the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery. The House voted 152-3 to allow voters to decide to eliminate their county police departments, moving authority to county sheriff’s offices. There are several county police departments in Georgia, including in Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton and Gwinnett counties.

US China cold war ‘bigger global threat than virus’
The deepening cold war between the US and China will be a bigger worry for the world than coronavirus, according to influential economist Jeffrey Sachs. The world is headed for a period of “massive disruption without any leadership” in the aftermath of the pandemic, he told the BBC. The divide between the two superpowers will exacerbate this, he warned.

Police deploy water cannon at The Hague’s anti-lockdown protest
Hundreds of people were arrested in The Hague in the Netherlands on Sunday, after a peaceful protest in the city turned violent. Mayor Johan Remkes allowed demonstrators to gather at 13:00 local time (11:00 GMT) on Sunday after originally banning the anti-lockdown protest amid fears that people would not observe social distancing.

Coronavirus: New Covid-19 tracing tool appears on smartphones
A Covid-19 tracing software tool has appeared in the settings of both Android phones and iPhones as part of an update of their operating systems. The “exposure notification” tool is switched off by default, and is not a tracing app itself. It enables an app to run in the background while still using Bluetooth.

Iran’s currency reaches lowest value ever against the dollar
Iran’s currency on Monday dropped to its lowest value ever against the dollar and officials warned Iranian exporters to bring their foreign earnings home from abroad. Money exchange shops briefly traded the Iranian rial 200,000 for a dollar and later in the day, the currency was valued at 198,000 rials against the dollar.

China FURY: World on brink as India taunts Beijing over secret deaths
“If 20 were martyred on our side, then there would have been at least double the casualties on their side,” V.K.Singh, the minister for roads and transport, told TV News24 in an interview broadcast late on Saturday.

Report: US administration to hold ‘dramatic’ meeting on Israel’s sovereignty bid
Senior U.S. administration officials will hold a meeting this week on whether or not to give the green light to the Israeli government to apply sovereignty in the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, according to Israeli media reports.

Indian Troops Given ‘Fire At Will’ Orders Against Chinese Troops If Threatened, Enraging Beijing
Beijing is enraged over current widespread Indian media reports that the Indian Army has been given orders to shoot or use “complete freedom of action” in hostile engagements with Chinese PLA forces along the disputed Ladakh border region.

Israel’s New “Secret” Friend in Yemen
As Port of Aden declares autonomy from Yemen, it also casts a friendly eye on the Jewish state.

Backlash surges against Democrat control of cities
an African American female street preacher in Seattle’s CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) explaining to a white woman (presumably a liberal Democrat) why she would never vote for Joe Biden. Put Joe Biden in there. Watch what happens. These Democrats, and I’m sorry to say this and I’m not trying to be racist, but they hate black people. These are the same people who fought to keep slavery in. These are the same people who built the KKK. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks.”

Earthquake strikes Oklahoma after Tulsa Trump rally, shaking felt around state
An earthquake in northern Oklahoma on Saturday night rattled the entire state, including in Tulsa just after President Trump finished his return to the campaign trail before thousands of supporters.

The Only Way to Stop Socialism is to Decentralize the Internet
Power and politics are intertwined in the monopolistic affairs of Big Tech titans who rely on the social sanction that comes from the progressive side of politics to maintain and expand their holdings. The conflation of progressive politics with social utility has made censorship into the price of monopoly. Nowhere has this been more obvious than in the pressures Mark Zuckerberg is facing in America and the European Union to silence political dissent from the right or forfeit his leadership role at Facebook. Big tech is indivisible from big government. Our government is as democratic as our internet.

‘Plague’ of Locusts goes Global Hitting Argentina: ‘An End of Days Prophecy’ says Rabbi
Locusts are currently swarming on three continents as an outbreak of the vermin has now spread from Paraguay into Argentina. The National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) said the swarm, estimated at 40 million creatures, was passing through the province of Chaco in northern Argentina on Tuesday. SENASA reported that the swarms are composed of the Schistocerca Cancellata species of locust in the subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae which is different than the desert locust currently devastating Africa and southwest Asia.

Jerusalem: Satanists get Cold Feet, Cancel Own ‘New World Order’ Event during Solar Eclipse
“Greetings citizens of Jerusalem,” the invitation on Facebook read in Hebrew, English, and Arabic. “We are the Disciples of Lucifer. And we are here to fulfill the Prophecies of Revelations and start the foundation of forming a One World Government. We are calling on every citizen of Earth to stand in support of the formation of The One World Government. So on June 21st, 2020 we’re calling on every citizen of the Earth to start marches all over the place in support of forming a one-world government. “Lucifer is Love Lucifer is Life”

Annular Eclipse over Temple Mount: A Warning to the Nations Plotting Against Israel
The first solar eclipse of 2020, a rare annular eclipse, appeared in the sky over Israel on Sunday, precisely coinciding with the anniversary of the day that Moses sent 12 spies into the Land of Israel. Israel experienced a very brief ring of fire eclipse last December during the holiday of Hannukah.

TV News Host Claims He Wasn’t Hired For ABC Job Just Because He’s White
In America, we used to believe in a meritocratic society, where the most qualified person would get a job regardless of their skin color, religion or any other immutable characteristics. At least we used to. Over at ABC News, management appears to have rejected this principle. According to Elex Michaelson, a former employee of Los Angeles’ KABC-TV who currently works at KTTV-TV in the city, he was rejected for a job at ABC because of his skin color.

Short-lived subtropical storm could develop in the western Atlantic
The tropical Atlantic has been rather quiet recently, but that could be changing on Sunday. The National Hurricane Center continued to track an area of disturbed weather in the western Atlantic that could — briefly — become a subtropical depression or storm. The hurricane center raised the probability of development from 10 percent early today to 40 percent for the system, which was located about 300 miles southeast of Cape Cod, Mass., on Sunday afternoon.

Iceland: 6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off Siglufjörður on north coast June 21
A 6.0-magnitude earthquake strikes north-north-east of Siglufjörður (Northeastern region) off Iceland’s northern coast on June 21; no immediate reports of damages or casualties.

The Real Mob Behind The Street Mobs
Completely missed in the Tyranny of Our Times—The Real Mob Behind The Street Mobs. Though the Democrat-complicit media will never tell you, the burning of America by anarchists raging freely out on the streets, is a carefully orchestrated major distraction for what Barack and Michelle Obama and their celebrity friends are well on their way to doing: Stealing Election 2020 by forcing an unprecedented complete MAIL-IN Vote on a largely unsuspecting American electorate.

Strong and shallow M6.0 earthquake hits Iceland, ongoing intense earthquake swarm
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit near the coast of northern Iceland at 19:07 UTC on June 21, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M5.7 at a depth of 12 km (7.4 miles). The quake is a part of an ongoing intense earthquake swarm, with more than 2 000 earthquakes since June 19.

Resist Or Submit
The objective of the coronavirus response and the riots…During the coronavirus hoax and the George Floyd riots, most people kept their comments and criticisms to private conversations and internet postings. They didn’t respond to forced lockdowns or violence in the streets with violence of their own, although many of them have the ability and capacity to do so. Their restraint has been the primary force keeping whatever remains of the peace in this country.

Ahead Of International Identity Day, Ghana Parliament Votes To Change Their Constitution To Make Biometric ‘Ghana Card’ Only Legal Means Of ID
It has been standard practice for decades now for the New World Order elites to test things like vaccines and technology in Third World Countries before rolling them out to the rest of the world. Africa is usually where Bill Gates tests his witches brew vaccinations, and today we see that Ghana is the new hub of technology. After passing a constitutional amendment, the biometric Ghana Card will be the only acceptable means of identification for things like voting. After this is done in Africa, where do you think it will land next?

The Failure to Understand the Psychology of the Chinese Is Leading to the Destruction of the United States
In the past 24 months, I have immersed myself in Chinese culture, government ideology and military strategy. What I have learned is frightening. We are facing an enemy that is totally amoral. They have no conscience about widespread death and destruction. The CHICOM Party is the posterchild for the ends justifies the means. Government is the CHICOMS substitute for God. Anything, and I mean anything done in favor of advancing the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) is divinely inspired.

Sisi’s ‘Declaration Of War’ Puts Egypt & Turkey On War Footing Over Libya | Zero Hedge
Egypt and Turkey have long been on opposite sides of the raging battle for the fate of Libya, with Turkey providing major military support and backing for the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, and with Egypt backing Gen. Khalifa Haftar.

‘Luciferian March For One World Government’: Satanic Group Organizes Nationwide Rallies Promoting New World Order
A Satanic group is organizing an international march on behalf of The Fallen One to call for the globalists’ dream of a One World Government.

At least 17 people injured in multiple shootings overnight in NYC
One man was killed and at least 17 other people injured in 13 unrelated shootings across the Big Apple during a troubling 12-hour span, police said Saturday.

Black Lives Matter And ANTIFA Rioters Continue To Tear Down Statues Of American Heros Like Francis Scott Key And Union General Ulysses S. Grant
In case you haven’t figured it out by now, the riots being staged by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are geared to one purpose and one purpose only – the destruction of America. On Friday, as blacks celebrated Juneteenth, Black Lives Matter was busy destroying the statue dedicated to the man who smashed the Confederate Army, and helped win the war against slavery, Ulysses S. Grant. Then, just for fun, they tore down the statue dedicated to Francis Scott Key. What was his crime? He wrote the words to the Star Spangled Banner. Now do you see where all this is headed?

Judge says city can ban churches to keep downtown ‘fun’ 
The Pacific Justice Institute is appealing a federal judge’s ruling allowing Salinas, California, to keep churches out of its downtown in order to have a “fun” street there.


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