June 5, 2015- What Jesus Said


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 4, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora. 


Headline:  After rockets, airstrikes, Hamas blasts Israel for defying truce

Headline:  Hamas Tells Israel ‘ISIS Fired Rockets to Make us Fight’

Headline:   “Battalion of Sheikh Omar Hadid” Claims Rocket Attack on Three Targets in Israel

A day after Israeli planes bombed targets in the Gaza Strip following rocket fire at southern Israel, Hamas blamed Israel for the latest escalation, demanding it be forced to meet ceasefire agreements. “The Israeli escalation is in breach of the ceasefire terms, and the occupation is responsible,” Hamas official Ismail Radwan was quoted as saying Thursday by Israeli news site Ynet. Radwan called on Egypt and the international community to force Israel to meet the ceasefire terms drafted at the end of a 50-day war in between Israel and Hamas-led fighters in and around Gaza last year. But he ruled out the possibility that Israel would start another military operation in the Strip. His comments were the only official Hamas reaction so far to the latest round of fire. Meanwhile, the Gaza-based “Battalion of Sheikh Omar Hadid” claimed credit for a rocket attack on Ashkelon, Eshkol, and Netivot in Israel, and called them acts of revenge for Hamas killing a militant in order to “please the Jews”.
June 5, 2015





The prophet Zechariah told us in the last days Israel would be a burden to the world.  What Zechariah said is taking place right now and we see nation after nation turning on Israel.  The photo you are looking at was from Feb. 2014 and it shows the nations who are boycotting Israel.  Since then more nations are following the boycott.   For example, below you see Israel now having problems with France.

A2Headline:  Netanyahu slams ‘miserable’ Orange move to cut Israel ties

Jerusalem (AFP) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday condemned the “miserable” decision of French telecoms giant Orange to withdraw its brand from Israel, urging Paris to distance itself from the company. “I call on the French government to publicly renounce the miserable remarks and the miserable action of a company that is under its partial ownership,” he said, a day after Orange’s chairman announced he would withdraw from Israel “tomorrow morning” if he could. Orange, which is partly controlled by the French government, announced on Thursday its decision to end its brand-licensing agreement with Partner, Israel’s second largest mobile operator, stressing that the move was not politically motivated. However, Israel saw the decision as a “boycott” linked to Partner’s operations in the occupied West Bank.

If you want to track who is boycotting Israel go to the BDS site you see below in red.  Now here is a question for you.  If someone asked you why are nations boycotting Israel would you be able to tell them why?  First of all  the Divestment and Sanctions (B.D.S.) movement, was  launched in 2005 by Palestinian civil society in response to Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.  As you can see from the photo below of the wall that divides the Palestinians from the Israeli’s this wall is a large part of what the world is now calling human violations against the Palestinians.  Of course one of the main reasons why the world is coming against Israel is because of the failed Middle east peace talks.  Most of the world including the USA now is putting the blame solely on Israel.  You won’t see mentioned to often that the wall went up because the Palestinians were attacking and killing the Jews.  Even to this very day you see the PLO and all the different groups such as Hamas, and Hezbollah still launching rockets into Israel. 

Link up what Zechariah said about Israel and what Paul the Apostle wrote about the peace and safety topic and you see for yourself that these events are linked to the end time prophecies.   In case you don’t know what Paul wrote us as directed from Christ take a look.  I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”   God tells us the future and all who read the Bible already know what is coming next!  For example what about this wall that run 372 miles?  We know that when the Psalm 83 war breaks out which will by the way include the PLO, this wall will no doubt be standing. Once the enemies of Israel are wiped out by Israel this wall will come down as the Jews will feel safe now that their enemies are gone.  Do I have wisdom about the walls future that you don’t. If I do it is only because you did not study what the prophecy Ezekiel wrote.  Take a look at Ezekiel 38:11.  “You will say, “I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people–all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.  When you take a look at the photo below you will see the wall, the gates, and the bars Ezekiel was talking about.  When the Psalm 83 war is over and the wall comes down. The Ezekiel 38:11 prophecy will come into play.  You see those Islamic nations who saw Israel wipe out the Arabs listed in the Psalm 83 war will join up as one huge force and attack Israel who at this time will not have the walls, gates, or the bars to protect them.   

When you read the rest of Ezekiel 38 and 39 you will learn Israel will not need the walls, gates, or bars because we are told that God Himself will fight and wipe out the armies who come against Israel in the Ezekiel 38 war.   So, all I can say is this. Expect more nations to boycott Israel and, expects the entire world to turn on Israel and see them as a people who do nothing but burden the world.  What you are witnessing is only the beginning of things to come!





psalm only

bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:    Rif Dimashq Province

Violent clashes are taking place between Hezbollah, backed by the regime forces and NDF, against Jabhat al- Nusra and Islamist factions in Jrud Ersal (the barren rocky mountain of Ersal) near the Syrian- Lebanese border. 2 militiamen of Hezbollah died in clashes with Jabhat al- Nusra and Islamist factions.
June 4, 2015


Headline:    Nasrallah threatens to displace ‘millions’ of Israelis in future war

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday threatened to leave millions of Israelis without homes in a future war between the Lebanese Shiite militia and the Jewish state. Addressing supporters in south Beirut, Nasrallah said that the “time in which Israelis destroyed our homes and maintained their homes has ended in 2006,” referring to the Second Lebanon War in which the IDF battled with Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon for a month. “I clearly say to Israel: the Resistance (Hezbollah) threatens to displace millions of Israelis in the next war if imposed on Lebanon,” Nasrallah said. He appeared refer to statement from an unnamed IDF official quoted in the Jerusalem Post on Thursday saying that if given no choice, Israel would “evacuate 1 million, 1.5 million residents in Lebanon, and act” in a future conflict.
June 5, 2015


        Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan

Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:    ISIS mounts suicide attacks around Syria’s Hassakeh

Syria Headline:    ISIS militants at the gates of Hassakeh

ISIS bombers have blown up about a dozen explosive-packed trucks at Syrian army checkpoints around the government-held northeastern city of Hassakeh over the past five days, the city governor said Thursday. Government troops and militias have been battling to repel ISIS attacks to the south of Hassakeh, which is close to the Iraqi border. “More than thirteen explosive-laden vehicles have attacked army checkpoints and sowed terror and fear among citizens,” City Governor Mohammad Zaal al Ali told state television by telephone from inside the city. Despite the attacks, the militants has been repelled and the army was manning new checkpoints across Hasaka. Rami Abdulrahrman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said on Thursday that ISIS fighters had moved to within 500 m (0.3 miles) of the city’s southern entrance.
***See also Iran below

June 5, 2015




Syria Headline:    14 Dead in Regime Barrel Bomb Attack on Aleppo

At least 14 civilians, including seven children, were killed on Thursday when Syrian regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs on northern Aleppo province, a monitoring group told AFP. The attacks came as part of an intensified air campaign over Aleppo in recent weeks, despite an international outcry over the civilian deaths. In the village of Hayyan, north of Aleppo city, barrel bombs killed two elderly men, a woman, and five children from a single family, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. North of the provincial capital, six civilians — among them two children — were killed when barrel bombs were dropped on the village of Deir Jamal. The Observatory, which relies on a network of activists and fighters, said many were critically wounded or still stuck under the rubble. On May 31, barrel bombs dropped on rebel-controlled areas throughout Aleppo province killed more than 80 people, one of the highest daily tolls since the beginning of 2015, according to AFP.
June 5, 2015


Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

https://www.facebook.com/syriahroe http://syriahr.com/en/category/news/


Iraq Headline: ISIS reduces water supply to government areas in Iraq’s Anbar

ISIS militants have reduced the amount of water flowing to government-held areas in Iraq’s western Anbar province, an official said Thursday, the latest in the vicious war as Iraqi forces struggle to claw back ground held by the extremists in the Sunni heartland. The reduced flow of water through the militant-held dam on the Euphrates River will threaten irrigation systems and water treatment plants in nearby areas controlled by troops and tribes opposed to the extremist group, provincial council member Taha Abdul-Ghani told The Associated Press. Abdul-Ghani said there would be no immediate effect on Shiite areas in central and southern Iraq, saying water is being diverted to those areas from the Tigris River. The United Nations had said Wednesday that it was looking into reports that ISIS had reduced the flow of water through the al-Warar dam.
June 4, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report June 2-3, 2015


photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline:    Turkey: 1 killed in attack on Kurdish party campaign vehicle

Headline:  Clashes erupt at pro-Kurdish rally in Turkey

Headline:  10 injured as explosion rocks HDP rally in southeast Turkey

Assailants fired on a campaign vehicle belonging to Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party and killed its driver, officials said Thursday, in the latest violence against politicians or political parties ahead of Sunday’s general election. The governor’s office for Bingol province said the 35-year-old driver was found shot dead near the hired minibus of the People’s Democratic Party, or HDP, late Wednesday. It said an investigation had been launched. The attack comes weeks after bomb explosions at two local HDP offices injured six people in southern Adana city and neighboring Mersin and days after officials said two supporters of a small Islamist party were killed in a fight with Kurdish party supporters in southeastern Turkey.
June 5, 2015




Headline:  Four possible outcomes for the Turkish election Sunday

****Erdogan & Davutoğlu are with the AKP

Turkey_Outcomes-01 (1)



Headline:  Tehran expected to invoke defense pact for large-scale troop deployment to Syria

reliable sources in Tehran expected the Iranian government to invoke its 2006 mutual defense pact with Syria “in the coming hours” for the transfer of Iranian troops to Syria – most likely by air. This was reported by debkafile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources. It would be Tehran’s first direct military intervention in the Syria conflict as it goes into its fifth year. Bashar Assad’s regime and the Syrian and Hizballah armies are collapsing under the twin assaults of the Islamic State and the armed Syrian opposition forces and in need of urgent life support. The possibility of invoking the Iranian-Syrian mutual defense pact for saving the Assad regime was first raised in a debkafile article on May 30.
Tehran was persuaded that, without direct intervention, its ally would go under at any moment Thursday when Islamic State forces broke through Syrian army defenses to the northern Syrian Kurdish town of Hasakeh, which sits on the Syrian-Iraqi-Turkish border junction. Towards evening, the Islamists had come to within one kilometer of the strategic town and captured its power station. Its defenders, the Syrian army’s 52nd Division, were falling apart under the ISIS assault; some of the soldiers making a run for it. Although the town is ruled by a coalition of central government and local Kurds, there was no operational coordination between the Syrian and Kurdish forces defending the town against the common enemy.
If ISIS manages to take Hasakeh, it would chalk up its third major victory in a couple of weeks after capturing Palmyra in Syria and the Iraqi town of Ramadi.
June 4, 2015





Headline:   Suicide bombing in southern Afghanistan kills 4 people

An Afghan provincial official says a suicide bomber has targeted a police checkpoint in the southern province of Helmand, killing at least four people. The province’s police chief, Nabijan Mullakhail, says that the bomber struck on Thursday afternoon at the entrance of the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, targeting a police checkpoint. Mullakhail says the bomber detonated his explosives-laden car as he was ordered by the police to halt, killing three civilians and one policeman. The explosion also wounded six people – four policemen and two civilians.
June 4, 2015






Headline:  Isis in Libya: 86 Eritrean refugees kidnapped by Islamic State outside Tripoli

Headline:  No ammo to fight IS in central Libya, says military

The Islamic State (Isis) has kidnapped 86 Eritrean refugees in Libya, according to a Swedish-Eritrean activist. Meron Estefanos, human rights activist and co-founder of the International Commission on Eritrean Refugees in Stockholm, told IBTimes UK that the Eritrean refugees, including 12 women and children, were abducted two days ago (3 June) as they were travelling to Tripoli. Most of the kidnapped come from one city in Eritrea, Adi Keih, which is known for its opposition to the regime. “IS militants asked everyone who is Muslim or not and everybody started saying they are Muslims. But you have to know the Koran, and they didn’t,” Estefanos said, citing eyewitnesses who managed to escape. In April, IBTimes UK interviewed a 16-year-old Eritrean migrant who escaped captivity under IS. Nael Goitom said jihadists forced him to watch the beheading and shooting of Eritrean and Ethiopian Christians, which was shown in a three-minute video featuring extensive rants against Christianity and the West.
June 5, 2015



Algeria Algeria

Headline:   Algeria raises alert level along border with Libya

The Algerian army has raised its state of alert along the border with Libya after ISIS-inspired militants took control of areas in west Libya close to the border with Algeria, an Algerian security source said on Wednesday. The anonymous source told Turkey’s Anadolu news agency that “Algeria’s Chief of Staff of the People’s National Army, Admiral Ahmed Kaid Saleh, ordered all ground forces, the national gendarmerie, Special Forces and Air Force stationed in the border areas with Libya to increase their alert level.” The source pointed out that “the Algerian army received strict orders to shoot immediately in the event of any attempt to infiltrate into the Algerian territory,” pointing out that the decision came “after ISIS controlled areas in the city of Sirte amid significant retreat by the Libyan army forces and its allies.” On Tuesday, an Algerian source told Anadolu agency that army officials from Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia have arranged for an urgent meeting to discuss the security situation in Libya.
June 4, 2015



Headline:    Armenia to sell Iran gas pipeline to Gazprom

Armenia will sell its section of an Iranian gas export pipeline to Russia’s Gazprom, Deputy Energy Minister Ara Simonian has said. The takeover of the 41-kilometer-long pipeline, however, will not allow Gazprom to “mess with” gas imports from neighboring Iran, Simonian said. The decision leaves Moscow in full control of natural gas supply routes to Armenia. Gazprom delivers 2 billion cubic meters of gas a year to the ex-Soviet state and has a monopoly on supply and distribution in the country. Iran’s 450 million cubic meters per year of gas exports to Armenia in exchange for electricity are just a quarter of Gazprom’s supplies. For payment, Armenia provides Iran with three kilowatts per hour of electricity for every cubic meter of gas it receives. In March, Energy Minister Armen Movsisian said Armenia planned to increase its imports of gas from Iran to 2 billion cubic meters per year, an increase of nearly 75 percent. Gazprom, which controls Armenia’s entire gas pipeline system and furnishes most of the country’s gas, has not reacted to the announcement.
June 5, 2015


nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Suicide Car Bomber in Nigeria Kills 8 Soldiers Near Barracks

A suicide bomber exploded a car at a checkpoint outside a military barracks and killed eight soldiers on Thursday, witnesses said of the latest of daily attacks blamed on Boko Haram in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Maiduguri. More than 60 people have been killed by bombings and rocket-propelled grenades since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari announced at his inauguration May 29 that the command center for the war on the Islamic extremists is moving from Abuja, the capital in central Nigeria, to the group’s birthplace in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state at the heart of the war zone. Later, a second bomb exploded near the main market in Yola, the first such attack to hit the capital of neighboring Adamawa state, police and witnesses said. At least two people were killed, police Deputy Supt. Othman Abubakar said. Hospital workers said they were treating 30 injured. “I can see blood splattered everywhere, including my car, but I can’t give any detail because we are all running,” said bread seller Ayuba Dan Mallam. In Maiduguri, the bomber exploded the car as soldiers were checking it outside Brigadier Maimalari Barracks on bustling Baga Road during the evening rush hour, according to Bashir Malam, a fighter with a civilian defense group that works alongside the military. Malam said he counted the bodies of eight soldiers.
June 4, 2015


Headline:  Burundi police shoot dead demonstrator as anti-president protests resume

Police in Burundi on Friday shot dead a protester in the capital amid renewed demonstrations against President Pierre Nkurunziza, AFP reported. Residents in Bujumbura’s Musaga district, at the center of protests against the president’s bid to stand for a third term, said a group of around 200 people tried to gather in the area to kick-start the flagging protest movement. Police opened fire to disperse the group, and one man was reportedly hit in the chest and died while being treated by the Red Cross.
June 5, 2015



Headline: Kiev to allow foreign armed forces in Ukraine, incl. ‘potential carriers of nukes’

Headline:  Russian-backed Separatists Launch Offensive in Ukraine

The Ukrainian parliament has adopted amendments to state law allowing “admission of the armed forces of other states on the territory of Ukraine.” The possible hosting of foreign weapons of mass destruction is also mentioned in the documents. Amendments to Ukrainian law were adopted on Thursday by the Verkhovna Rada, receiving a majority of 240 votes (the required minimum being 226). The bill was submitted to the parliament in May by PM Arseny Yatsenyuk. It focuses on the provision of “international peacekeeping and security” assistance to Ukraine at its request. Peacekeeping missions are to be deployed “on the basis of decision of the UN and/or the EU,” the bill published on the parliament’s official website says. Previously, the presence of any international military forces on the territory of Ukraine not specifically sanctioned by state law was only possible by adopting a special law initiated by the president. Implementation of the new amendments “will create necessary conditions for deployment on the territory of Ukraine international peacekeeping and security” missions without the need for additional legal authorization, the explanatory note to the draft bill said. The presence of such armed forces in Ukraine “should ensure an early normalization of situation” in Donbass, the note added, saying that they would help “restore law and order and life, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens” in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
June 5, 2015



One World Government Cooltextprophecysign The Coming One world government -Anyone who read chapter 13 of the book of Revelations should understand that the Antichrist will be running a One World Government during the seven year tribulation. The Prophet Daniel in chapters 2 and 7 show us that the last world empire directed by the Antichrist will not be America, but a revived Roman Empire.

Headline:  TPP Begins to Unravel as Obama Launches Final Push For Votes

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade package is beginning to unravel, with more prominent voices slamming President Obama and the Republican leadership over the secretive deal that threatens to cost American jobs and hand big corporations new powers that would violate national sovereignty. House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Rules Committee chairman Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) refused to reveal to Breitbart whether they had read the TPP agreement but still said they would support the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and allow President Barack Obama to fast-track the TPP. Lawmakers claim that TPA is separate from TPP and that they will review the final TPP agreement before it is considered by Congress.
***Back in November of 2013, I gave you the information on the TPP; I will give it again here- click the 2nd link for the report (the 3rd link is where the information was given in 2013)

June 5, 2015


The Sands of Time- The TPP


Euro Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & Daniel 2:41-43– Decline of the Euro “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  Greece refuses to make €305m IMF payment in show of defiance

Headline:  Greek PM to address parliament as stocks slide and Athens looks to Moscow

Greece will skip its €305m (£218m) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday in a show of defiance as a deal between Athens and its creditors remains out of reach. The country invoked a rule created by the IMF in the 1970s that allows it to bundle all of its €1.6bn payments due this month into one. In a statement, Gerry Rice, the IMF’s chief spokesman, said: “The Greek authorities have informed the Fund today that they plan to bundle the country’s four June payments into one, which is now due on June 30. “Under an Executive Board decision adopted in the late 1970s, country members can ask to bundle together multiple principal payments falling due in a calendar month (payments of interest cannot be included in the bundle). The decision was intended to address the administrative difficulty of making multiple payments in a short period.”
June 5, 2015



Headline:   EU weighs unprecedented reform as Britain threatens to leave

The prospect that economic and diplomatic heavyweight Britain might leave the European Union within two years has pushed EU leaders to consider concessions to keep the country in the fold. EU founding members like Germany and France are moving outside their comfort zones, surprisingly receptive to British Prime Minister David Cameron’s call for change ahead of a referendum that will allow citizens to vote on whether to stay or go before the end of 2017. With Europe’s top priority the very real risk that Greece might fall out of the euro single currency, Cameron has found a surprisingly open ear in many capitals of the world’s biggest trading bloc. “If there are adjustments to be made, it must be in the interest of all – so, Europe – while allowing the British people to speak when the time comes,” French President Francois Hollande said. “We have agreed to work together very closely,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said after meeting Cameron recently. “Where there is a will, there is a way.” In the year since Cameron vowed to hold a referendum, he has not defined what changes he needs to argue for Britain to stay in the EU, which should leave room for compromise. One thing is clear: there is no will for wholesale change since it would be impossible to modify Europe’s treaties and ratify them in 28 parliaments in two years.
June 5, 2015


bye Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3– Worldwide- “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  Jobs Data: 92,986,000 People Not In the Workforce

The month of May saw 92,986,000 people not participating in the workforce, according to new data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals. May’s total represented slight decline compared to last month’s record, which saw 93,194,000 people outside the workforce. The BLS defines those not in the labor force as people ages 16 and older who are neither employed nor “made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week.” The labor force participation rate came in at 62.9 percent, a slight uptick compared to April’s 62.8 percent. According to the BLS, the civilian labor force itself rose by 397,000, reaching 157,469,000 in May. Of those participating in the workforce, 148,795,000 had a job and 8,674,000 were unemployed.
June 5, 2015







Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  More than 900 schools close to prevent spread of deadly MERS virus

The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, also known as ‘camel flu’, has so far claimed the lives of two people in South Korea and forced more than 1,300 into quarantine as a fresh outbreak continues to circulate in the Middle East – with travellers carrying it to other parts of the world. As a matter of drastic action, it was announced today by South Korea’s eduction ministry that more than 900 schools have been shut to help boost the desperate preventative measures put in place. The spread of the virus took the Asian country by surprise when the first case of the latest outbreak was reported on May 20. A 58-year-old woman was the first person to die from the infection after she tested positive for MERS on Monday.
June 4, 2015


Headline:  Biblical scenes filmed in China as tens of thousands of TOADS descend on town following heavy rainfall

A scene of biblical proportions descended upon China’s Liaoning Province following heavy rainfall. A plague of toads was filmed in the area of Ganjingzi Qu, Liaoning Sheng, swarming a pathway and making the ground look like it was moving. Hopping in their tens of thousands, the toads, which were all relatively small in size, escaped from a nearby lake. According to local news reports the amphibians arrived in the area after heavy rainfall in the morning. In the short clip people can be seen attempting to negotiate around the toads as they jump in every direction.
June 5, 2015









June 2, 2015 – Dead dolphins and sea birds continue to wash ashore due to oil spill in California

June 3, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in the waters of Michoacan, Mexico

June 3, 2015 – Tons of dead fish found in a lake in Aldama, Mexico

June 3, 2015 – 415,000 chickens to be killed due to new outbreak of avian flu in Minnesota

June 4, 2015 – UPDATE: 127,000+ antelope dead in a ‘sudden die off’ in Northern Kazakhstan

 Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring


Can you trust Jesus when He tells you earthquakes are coming in the last days?  You bet you can.

Copy (1) of Jesuasw1w

Headline: Earthquake injures 11 climbers, strands 137 on Malaysia mountain

A magnitude-5.9 earthquake that struck near Southeast Asia’s highest peak early Friday injured 11 climbers and left about 130 people stranded, officials said. The quake struck northwest of Ranau district in Sabah state on Borneo early Friday at a depth of 34 miles, Malaysia’s meteorological department said. Sabah Parks director Jamili Nais said two climbers who were injured on the 4,095-meter peak have been brought down. Nine more people are believed to be injured among the 137 stranded on the mountain, he said. Their climbing route is apparently blocked or made dangerous by rocks and boulders loosened by the quake and small aftershocks, he said. Some of the stranded climbers are foreign, but it wasn’t clear how many. Jamili said helicopters can’t land due to bad weather and the high altitude, but park rangers and mountain guides are trying to help down the climbers.
June 5, 2015


Headline:  Three homes destroyed; others damaged by Colorado tornadoes

Tornadoes that swept through Colorado destroyed at least three homes and damages over two dozen others, authorities said Friday. No injuries were reported. The tornadoes touched down near the towns of Berthoud and Simla on Thursday night also created a giant sinkhole about 15 feet deep on a street south of Denver that swallowed a police cruiser. The sergeant inside managed to crawl out and said he’s glad it happened to him and no one else. Lori Hodges, director of the Larimer County Office of Emergency Management, told the Associated Press that three homes suffered damage in the town of Berthoud, approximately 40 miles north of Denver. Crews were checking on reports of about 25 other homes that were possibly damaged, but they were hindered by foul weather and darkness. “The rain is so heavy in that area with hail that they are not able to get more damage assessments,” Hodges said. She added that flooding is a more immediate concern, with pelting rain expected to continue through the night.
June 5, 2015



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