June 5, 2017- ISIS claims responsibility for London attack

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Promises of treasures hidden in the sea and sand

“They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand.  And of Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head.  And he provided the first part for himself, because there, in a portion of the lawgiver, was he seated; and he came with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the LORD, and his judgments with Israel. And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan.  And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the west and the south. And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil” (Deuteronomy 33:19-24).

Headline: Bible-inspired Zion Oil Company begins drilling in Israel

Zion Oil & Gaza (NASDAQ: ZN), a Texas-based company, has announced that it has spud [started to drill] the Megiddo-Jezreel #1, a deep, on-shore well located in Israel’s Jezreel Valley, near Beit Sh’ean. “We anticipate drilling through at least four different geologic strata with oil and gas potential,” stated Victor G. Carrillo, Zion’s CEO. “It has been a complicated and difficult multi-year journey to get to this point, but our entire team is very excited to see this project finally come to fruition.” The company proudly states that it has been divinely blessed to have merited the privilege of “drilling for Israel’s political and economic independence.” Its website states that it is inspired by Genesis 49,25-26 and Deuteronomy 33,13-16. These verses speak of the physical and geographic blessings given to Joseph, son of the Patriarch Jacob – whose inheritance in the Land of Israel lies largely in the Jezreel Valley.
June 5, 2017


Headline: President Rivlin on Italy’s National Day: Time for our Friends to Recognize Jerusalem as our Capital

Headline: Major Majority of Israelis Want Sovereignty in Jerusalem, Not ‘Peace Deal’

President Reuven Rivlin on Sunday evening addressed a reception hosted by Italian Ambassador Francesco Maria Talo honoring Italy’s Festival of the Republic, and stressed that “it is time for our friends, including Italy, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.” “We might have some disagreement over the borders of Israel’s capital,” Rivlin conceded, “But we all agree that Jerusalem is and will remain Israel’s capital. It is time to translate this truth into a fact.”Speaking of the historic ties between Israel and Italy, the President said, “The lines between Rome and Jerusalem go back many centuries. This connection has shaped both sides, and both cultures, in many ways. Back then, the connection was one of tragedy and violence. In recent years, however, the relationship between Israel and Italy has become very close.”
June 5, 2017




Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemen army storms military camp in Taiz

Yemeni government forces backed by Saudi-led fighter jets seized control of a military camp in the southern city of Taiz as other forces are now engaging in fierce battles with Iran-backed Al Houthis inside the city’s presidential palace, army commanders and residents said on Monday. Brigadier General Abdo Abdullah Majili, a Yemeni army spokesperson, told Gulf News that government forces secured their grip on Al Tashrefat military camp north of Taiz and began defusing a large number of landmines planted by the fleeing Al Houthis. “By taking control of Al Tashrefat military camp, the national army forces would be able to cut military reinforcements to Al Houthi fighters in different locations.” Shortly after storming the camp, government forces staged two simultaneous attacks on Al Houthi-held Special Security Forces camp and some parts of the presidential palace compound that are remained under Al Houthi fighters’ control. Majili said that fighting raged on Monday inside the presidential palace where some Al Houthi fighters were hiding, adding that the rebel forces had sent military vehicles and new fighters to Taiz to reinforce their besieged troops. “Government forces seizure of Al Tashrefat military camp would help in winning the battle in the presidential palace,” Majili said. The camp is close to the presidential palace.
June 5, 2017



Headline: US-backed Syrian forces seize dam west of Raqqa from Daesh — SDF

US-backed Syrian militias said they seized a major dam on the Euphrates River from the Daesh extremists on Sunday, their latest gain as they push towards Raqqa city. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters, said they captured the Baath Dam in the morning, renaming it Freedom Dam. The hydroelectric facility lies 22 kilometres upstream of Raqqa, where the Daesh group’s operations in Syria are based. The spokesman for the Kurdish YPG militia, the SDF’s key component, said fighters were combing nearby villages for mines and shoring up their defensive lines. “The dam has been completely liberated,” Nouri Mahmoud said. The advance means the SDF now hold all three major dams along the Euphrates, after gaining control of Syria’s largest dam last month. With air strikes and special forces from the US-led coalition, the SDF have been encircling Raqqa, which Daesh has used as a hub to plan attacks abroad. The operation to storm the city will start in the next “few days”, Mahmoud said on Saturday. The Raqqa assault will pile more pressure on the extremist group’s self-declared “caliphate” as it faces defeat in the Iraqi city of Mosul and retreats across much of Syria. The Daesh group still controls swathes of Syria’s eastern desert bordering Iraq and most of Deir Ezzor province, which would be its last major foothold in Syria after losing Raqqa.
June 5, 2017



Headline: Iraqi Shiite paramilitaries take Baaj town west of Mosul from Daesh — army

Shiite paramilitaries have captured the Iraqi town of Baaj from the Daesh terror group, further shrinking the northern region under extremist control as part of a US-backed campaign to retake the city of Mosul, the Iraqi military said on Sunday. Eight months into the Mosul offensive, Daesh militants have been dislodged from all of the city except an enclave along the western bank of the Tigris River.Daesh’s grip on the Iraqi side of the northern region along the border with Syria, a desert area where Iraqi and US sources believe Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is hiding, has been ebbing as forces fighting on the side of Iraq’s government have advanced. The Iraqi air force provided cover for the thrust into Baaj of the Shiite paramilitaries known as Popular Mobilisation, said a statement from the Iraqi joint operations command.
June 5, 2017











Headline: Germany, Turkey fail to break deadlock over air base visit

Turkey on Monday refused to budge on its refusal to let German lawmakers visit troops stationed at a Turkish air base, a stance that left NATO ally Germany on the verge of a likely decision to move those troops to Jordan.Speaking after a meeting with his German counterpart that was widely viewed as the last chance to resolve an impasse over the visits, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called for “positive steps” on Turkey’s requests for Germany to crack down on Kurdish rebels and alleged coup plotters. Cavusoglu said Turkey would allow German legislators to visit a NATO base in the central province of Konya, but not Incirlik Air Base, where about 270 German troops are stationed with Tornado reconnaissance jets and a refueling plane.
June 5, 2017



Headline: U.S. and Iran-Backed Troops Head for Confrontation at al-Tanf on Iraq-Syria Border

The United States military is increasing its “combat power” in southern Syria around the American military training camp in al-Tanf, a Syrian town on the border with Iraq, on the Syrian side of Iraq’s al-Waleed border crossing. The military buildup is in response to the approach of Iran-backed Shia forces from Iraq and the Syrian regime. Some unconfirmed reports indicate that the Shia forces are backed by Russian paratroopers.Col. Ryan Dillon, a US military spokesman said:We have increased our presence and our footprint and prepared for any threat that is presented by the pro-regime forces. Dillon said of the Iranian-backed forces being massed, “We see that as a threat.” There are 150 US troops in the al-Tanf base. There is already been one deadly confrontation, as we reported two weeks ago. A pro-Syrian regime convoy was headed in the direction of the al-Tanf camp. US warplanes were scrambled in a “show of force” to dissuade the convoy from proceeding further. That show of force was only partially successful, as five of the vehicles continued approaching the base. In response, American warplanes launched a series of airstrikes against the military convoy, destroying all the vehicles. It’s not known whether there were any casualties. It has believed that the militia forces in the convoy were not from the regular Syrian army, but were Shia militias coming either directly from Iraq or from Iran or from Iran’s puppet Hezbollah militia in Lebanon.
June 5, 2017



Headline:    22-year-old Venezuelan burned in protest dies from injuries

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said 22-year-old Orlando José Figuera, who was set on fire last month during a protest, has died from his injuries. Venezuela’s Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Affairs, Justice and Peace said 80 percent of Orlando José Figuera’s body sustained first- and second-degree burns after he was attacked by “terrorist groups” in Caracas’ Altamira neighborhood on May 20. During a televised address on Sunday, Maduro said Figuera died on Saturday. The embattled leader blamed the political opposition — to whom he referred as “fascist groups in the right” — for Figuera’s death. Though there have been some demonstrations in support of Maduro’s regime in over two months of protests, most are anti-government demonstrations decrying the country’s economic collapse under Maduro’s government and what the opposition says is the deterioration of democracy.
June 5, 2017


Headline: Al-Shabab Claims Bomb Attack on Somali Police Station

A bomb planted in a police station killed at least one policeman in Somalia’s southern port city of Kismayu on Monday, and militant Islamist group al-Shabab claimed responsibility. “A policeman died and several others were injured after a bomb blast. We are investigating the cause of the blast,” Hassan Nur, a policeman, told Reuters by phone. Al-Shabab said the toll was higher. “We planted a bomb inside a police station in Kismayu. We killed four policemen and wounded 27 others,” its military operations spokesman Abdiasis Abu Musab said.
June 5, 2017


Headline: Five countries cut links with Qatar

Headline: Saudi National Guard brigade posted on Qatar border

Iran – long at odds with Saudi Arabia and a behind-the-scenes target of the move – immediately blamed US President Donald Trump for setting the stage during his recent trip to Riyadh. Gulf Arab states and Egypt have already long resented Qatar’s support for Islamists, especially the Muslim Brotherhood which they regard as a dangerous political enemy. The co-ordinated move, with Yemen and Libya’s eastern-based government joining in later, created a dramatic rift among the Arab nations, many of which are in OPEC. Announcing the closure of transport ties with Qatar, the three Gulf states gave Qatari visitors and residents two weeks to leave. Qatar was also expelled from the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen. Oil giant Saudi Arabia accused Qatar of backing militant groups – some backed by regional arch-rival Iran – and broadcasting their ideology, an apparent reference to Qatar’s influential state-owned satellite channel al Jazeera. “(Qatar) embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at disturbing stability in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS (Islamic State) and al-Qaeda, and promotes the message and schemes of these groups through their media constantly,” Saudi state news agency SPA said. It accused Qatar of supporting what it described as Iranian-backed militants in its restive and largely Shi’ite Muslim-populated Eastern region of Qatif and in Bahrain. Qatar said it was facing a campaign aimed at weakening it, denying it was interfering in the affairs of other countries. “The campaign of incitement is based on lies that had reached the level of complete fabrications,” the Qatari foreign ministry said in a statement. Iran saw America pulling the strings.
June 5, 2017



Headline: 7 killed, 3 suspects dead after ‘brutal terrorist attack’ at London Bridge, Borough Market

Headline: ISIS claims responsibility for London attack

Seven people were killed and dozens more injured in a “brutal terrorist attack” in London Saturday night after assailants used a vehicle to plow into pedestrians on London Bridge and attacked others with knives in nearby Borough Market, officials said. Three suspects were shot and killed in the wake of the carnage and all were wearing fake suicide belts, police said. A total of 50 rounds were fired, and one bystander was hit by bullets, police said. “There is far too much tolerance of extremism in our country,” U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May said at a press conference Sunday morning, calling the carnage a “brutal terrorist attack.”On Sunday, 36 victims remained in the hospital, 21 of them in critical condition, police said. Some of those injured are foreign nationals, according to authorities. Police said they responded to reports of a vehicle striking pedestrians on London Bridge around 10:08 p.m. local time. “The vehicle continued to drive from London Bridge to Borough Market,” Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said. “The suspects then left the vehicle and a number of people were stabbed.” Armed officers confronted the three male suspects, who were shot and killed by authorities in Borough Market, Rowley said. It was eight minutes, from the moment police were notified about the attack to when the three men were killed, Rowley said.
June 5, 2017



Headline: Marawi siege raises concern about regional base for Daesh

Militants holed up in a southern Philippines town stocked weapons and food in mosques, tunnels and basements to prepare for a long siege, officials said on Monday as the battle for control of Marawi City came to the end of its second week. Their comments underlined the level of organization among fighters linked to the Daesh group, whose ranks of several hundred included foreigners from Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya and Morocco. The battle for Marawi City has raised concerns that the ultra-radical Daesh is building a Southeast Asia base on the island of Mindanao at the southern end of the Philippines. Parrying questions on why the fighters had been able to resist an onslaught from the Philippines army for so long, senior officers said the main problem was that 500-600 civilians were still trapped in the urban heart of the town. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Saturday that Marawi City would be fully liberated within three days, but on Monday officials were more circumspect on the timing and gave conflicting estimates of how many combatants were holding out. Major General Carlito Galvez, head of the military command in Western Mindanao region, said as many as 200 fighters from the Maute militant group and others were still inside the town, and had made preparations in advance for a drawn-out standoff.
June 5, 2017



Headline: Japan Holds Evacuation Drills Amid Growing Concerns Over North Korea’s Missile Tests

The Japanese are no longer taking any chances against the rogue North Korean regime and Kim Jong-Un’s insistence on the continued testing of ballistic missiles. Japan is now participating in more frequent evacuation drills in the event that they are attacked by North Korea. Although drills of this type aren’t the first in Japan this year, they are increasing in frequency. Sunday’s evacuation drill in the town of Abu, Yamaguchi prefecture, is showing how concerned the Japanese are about a potential North Korean attack. The town of about 3,500 people some 760 km (475 miles) west of Tokyo involved a simulated North Korean missile attack. And more Japanese towns and cities are taking steps to brace for what they hope will never happen. North Korea has been increasing the number of its missile test launches in recent months. Launching 12 so far this year and three last month, with many splashing into the Sea of Japan, the Japanese are rightly concerned. Some of North Korea’s missiles have even landed inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, which extends up to 200 miles from its shores. Tokyo has repeatedly condemned the test launches, which are in violation of United Nations resolutions, yet it’s become clear that North Korea’s volatile leader, Kim Jong-Un doesn’t care about the rules imposed upon him. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government earlier this year instructed municipalities to hold evacuation drills, heightening a sense of urgency among the public. Although security experts in Japan have said that the drills won’t save everyone, they could save some, and that’s better than not having a plan.  “It’s hard to say how many people will be saved and how much effect it will have. But, with awareness raised and basic procedure understood, the survival rate will definitely be higher,” retired Vice Admiral Yoji Koda said. The Japanese government is actively attempting to help the public prepare for the worst by putting on its website a list of tips in case a missile lands in Japanese territory. The tips include “take shelter in a robust building nearby” and “move away from windows or, if possible, move to a room without windows.”  The government has previously stated that the Japanese public would only have ten minutes to react if North Korea launches a missile their way – minus the few minutes it would take for the government to alert the public to the attack.
June 4, 2017



May 22, 2017 –Dead whales have washed ashore in East Anglia, England

May 25, 2017 –Over 5,000 dead fish found in a river in Sabana de Torres, Colombia

May 25, 2017 –Thousands, of dead fish found in a river in Jinotega Nicaragua

May 29, 2017 –Thousands of lobsters are dying in Phu Yen Province, Vietnam

May 30, 2017 –Dead sardines found ‘due to red tide’ in port El Agallito, Panama

May 30, 2017 –Dead fish found in a river in Friborg, France

May 30, 2017 –17,000 fish have died in the river Saane in Switzerland

May 31, 2017 –Congo Reports Outbreaks of Severe Bird Flu in Ituri

May 31, 2017 –Birds dead due to avian flu in Ituri, Congo

May 31, 2017 –20,000 Chickens killed due to bird flu in Shaanxi, China

May 31, 2017 –Dead fish washing ashore in La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago

May 31, 2017 –Tens of thousands of fish are dying in lakes in Hyderabad, India

May 31, 2017 –Hundreds of dead sea birds and sea lions washing up on beaches in California

June 1, 2017–Tens of thousands of fish suddenly die in a river near Mandurah, Australia

June 1, 2017–Dead seals have washed up during the past 2 months in Mangystau, Kazakhstan


Headline: H7N9 Inches Closer To Vietnam’s Northern Border

While much of China’s H7N9 activity has shifted north to Shaanxi, Beijing, and Inner Mongolia, we continue to see scattered cases in the south – and on Friday the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region’s HFPC reported a human infection in Baise City, roughly 60 miles from the Vietnamese border. During the first four yearly epidemics of H7N9, Guangxi reported a total of only 3 human infections.  During this 5th epidemic wave, which began last October, Guangxi has now reported 27 cases. Given their porous border, and (often illicit) cross border poultry trade with China, Vietnam has watched this increased H7N9 activity in neighboring Guangxi with growing  alarm (see Vietnam Girds Against H7N9 and Vietnam Girds Against H7N9 As H5N1 Spreads.
June 4, 2017


Headline: Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever

Drug overdose deaths in 2016 most likely exceeded 59,000, the largest annual jump ever recorded in the United States, according to preliminary data compiled by The New York Times. The death count is the latest consequence of an escalating public health crisis: opioid addiction, now made more deadly by an influx of illicitly manufactured fentanyl and similar drugs. Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among Americans under 50. Although the data is preliminary, the Times’s best estimate is that deaths rose 19 percent over the 52,404 recorded in 2015. And all evidence suggests the problem has continued to worsen in 2017. Because drug deaths take a long time to certify, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will not be able to calculate final numbers until December. The Times compiled estimates for 2016 from hundreds of state health departments and county coroners and medical examiners. Together they represent data from states and counties that accounted for 76 percent of overdose deaths in 2015. They are a first look at the extent of the drug overdose epidemic last year, a detailed accounting of a modern plague. The initial data points to large increases in drug overdose deaths in states along the East Coast, particularly Maryland, Florida, Pennsylvania and Maine. In Ohio, which filed a lawsuit last week accusing five drug companies of abetting the opioid epidemic, we estimate overdose deaths increased by more than 25 percent in 2016.
June 5, 2017



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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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