Major Droughts Hitting the World: Major End Times Sign Nov. 25, 2012


Prophecy Sign


Revelation 16:8

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” 


Since 1976 I have been warning people what Jesus told us about the last days. In part of His warning message found in the bible you will see the scripture above.  Beside the Revelation 16:8 verse we see Jesus warn about famines, droughts, and lack of water in other parts of the bible as well.  We also know from Mark 13:8 that in these last days we would see the end times birth pains.  Since 1976 the droughts across the globe have become a major headline.  Each year we are witnessing more news concerning dire conditions in many nations as the sun intense heat pours down on Planet Earth.


Each year we are witnessing news telling us that this year was worse than last year.  Do you really think all these news events are just a coincidence?  Look, in Matthew chapter 24 Jesus told us that when you see all these things know that it is near even at the doors.  If  our generation were just witnessing one sign such as droughts then people would have a case to be made that our generation was not in the last days.  However, this is not the case. There is no other generation who has witnessed all the signs at the same time until our generation. Our generation has seen prophecy signs come to pass that no other generation could have seen. For example, God told us in the last days Israel would be born again as a nation. That came true on May 14, 1948.


We also see Russia would come to power in the last days.  How do we know this?  All you have to do is read Ezekiel chapter 38-39.  In these two chapters we see Russia leading an massive invasion against Israel.  How is it that it was only a short time ago that Russia was a bankrupt nation.  Then all of a sudden Russia finds black gold (oil), and in a matter of years becomes one of the most wealthy nations in the world and, with all their new wealth what did they do?  They went all out in rebuilding their armed forces and spending billions getting ready for war.  Today Russia is sending arms to most of the Islamic nations that are in facts listed in the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy.


 To some of you this to will only be a coincidence for those who know Christ we know this news is a warning of things to come to fulfill the prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled yet.  There are a list of very specific events Jesus warned us about that would show the believer the rapture is not far off.  If you download my prophecy book you will read for yourself all those specific last day signs.  Getting back to the drought news.  This is only one of the many specific signs but without question we are witnessing major changes on Planet Earth.  This report I am about to show you is not the first indication of major problems concerning the massive droughts we have been seeing and it most certainly won’t be the last! If you doubt what I am saying you doubt Christ because all I am doing is pointing out what Jesus has said to us via His Word.  So let’s see what the latest news is concerning the drought sign?


Headline: US drought worsens after reports of improvement


The worst U.S. drought in decades has deepened again after more than a month of encouraging reports of slowly improving conditions, a drought-tracking consortium said Wednesday, as scientists struggled for an explanation other than a simple lack of rain. While more than half of the continental U.S. has been in a drought since summer, rain storms had appeared to be easing the situation week by week since late September. But that promising run ended with Wednesday’s weekly U.S. Drought Monitor report, which showed increases in the portion of the country in drought and the severity of it. The report showed that 60.1 percent of the lower 48 states were in some form of drought as of Tuesday, up from 58.8 percent the previous week. The amount of land in extreme or exceptional drought — the two worst classifications — increased from 18.3 percent to 19.04 percent.


The Drought Monitor’s map tells the story, with dark red blotches covering the center of the nation and portions of Texas and the Southeast as an indication of where conditions are the most intense. Those areas are surrounded by others in lesser stages of drought, with only the Northwest, Florida and a narrow band from New England south to Mississippi escaping. A federal meteorologist cautioned that Wednesday’s numbers shouldn’t be alarming, saying that while drought usually subsides heading into winter, the Drought Monitor report merely reflects a week without rain in a large chunk of the country. “The places that are getting precipitation, like the Pacific Northwest, are not in drought, while areas that need the rainfall to end the drought aren’t getting it,” added Richard Heim, a meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center. “I would expect the drought area to expand again” by next week since little rain is forecast in the Midwest in coming days.  He said there was no clear, scientific explanation for why the drought was lingering or estimate for how long it would last.
This is the first post I have written for my new web-site but if you want detailed information about what will be happening in the future come back to my site as I will be posting news connecting the daily news with what Jesus instructed us what to look for.  You will be amazed to see via the proof we are about to witness things on this planet that no other generation  has ever seen nor will see again. By Frank DiMora, Director of the Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Ministry and, Director of The End Times Research Ministry

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