May 19, 2016- Latest Edition Of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth (Another conflict in Israel?)


PLEASE NOTE: Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 IS NOW CLOSED

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 18, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora


As most of my viewers know my ministry is always trying to help people in need. I have a Christian friend named James who asked me to try and help his girl friend who just had to have part of her leg taken off. I have provided a message I took off the Go Fund Me site.  If you can find a way to give it would be a blessing! Thanks Frank DiMora


Thank you all so much for your donations. This means the world to my mom and family. While we are still a ways away from our ultimate goal, we feel blessed to have the support we have received. For those who are unable to donate, thank you for sharing this page and the heartfelt messages we have received. Things would be a lot harder without you. Please help us in getting closer to our goal by sharing this page. Thank you again and God bless.



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