Luke 21:25 in progress/Feb. 2, 2011


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

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Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 2, 2011 Edition pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25   “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;

February 2011 has turned out to be even worse for Australia. While Australia was still digging out of the massive flooding from the huge January storm, a category 5 cyclone named Yasi has slammed into Queensland. On February 2, 2011 report that “A massive, powerful cyclone has begun to slam into the flood-ravaged northern state of Queensland, as people take shelter from the devastating weather. Tropical Cyclone Yasi, a Category 5 storm, the highest designation on Australia's classification system, made landfall late on Wednesday night, local time. "The large, destructive core of Cyclone Yasi is starting to cross the coast between Innisfail and Cardwell with a dangerous storm tide and battering waves to the south of the cyclone centre," Australia's Bureau of Meteorology said in a statement.” “The cyclone threatens more devastation for Queensland, which already has been hit by deadly flooding in recent weeks. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced a one-off flood tax aimed at helping to pay for the estimated AUS $5.6 billion (US $5.58 billion) damage caused.” “Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi is forecast to bring winds of 230 kph (143 mph) and maximum wind gusts of 300 kph (186 mph), and is expected to maintain that intensity for several hours” (Ibid).

Category 5 cyclone slams into Australia.

You can see a time lapse video of the cyclone that has hit Australia by clicking to the link below:

While Australia is being toss around by these storms, America is facing one of the worse storms in history. ABC News reported, “A colossal winter storm dropping snow and ice from Texas to Maine has left two thirds of the nation facing downed power lines, shuttered highways and thousands of airport cancellations”. The National Weather Service has labeled the blizzard a "winter storm of historic proportions." “A colossal winter storm dropping snow and ice from Texas to Maine has left two thirds of the nation facing downed power lines, shuttered highways and thousands of airport cancellations”. 

Figure 2. Satellite image of the Groundhog's Day Blizzard of 2011, taken at 10am EST February 2. Image credit:

If the video below doesn’t play go to youtube and put in the following: The Great Blizzard of 2011. 

Are you beginning to see that what Christ has warned us is coming to pass?


    • Colleen on February 3, 2011 at 10:10 pm
    • Reply

    Sadly, the sheeple are still sound asleep.

  1. And what we want to see is true substantive power-sharing negotiations so that they can agree on a cabinet, and so that Zimbabweans can feel that they have a future

  2. Continuer à vivre sans atteindre son but – la lâcheté.

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