Major Earthquake hits-Aug. 3, 2009


DiMora will start to post again on Wednesday.

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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009


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My next radio/video show out of London will deal with the information I gathered from my 7 years research on the Jehovah's Witness Organization.

I will also be doing an interview out of New York on the 9th of August. I will post this information as we get closer to the date.

Prophecy Sign: I will still be off line until Wed. but I wanted you to see what I have warned you about witnessing major earthqakes is coming to pass. Jesus told us they would come and get much worse. In Matthew 24:7 and in Luke chapter 21 Jesus gives us this warning.  Today their was a major quake which hit 6.9. I quote, "IJUANA, Mexico, Aug 3 (Reuters) – A strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Baja California in northwestern Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings as far away as San Diego, California, and raising fears of a small tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck inside the Sea of Cortez, 76 miles (122 km) from the town of Santa Isabel on the Baja California peninsula and was 6.2 miles (10 km) deep. The figures were revised from its initial estimates. There were no initial reports of deaths or serious damage. Baja California, home to desert and mountains, is sparsely populated. Since my last earthquake warning their have been many big earthquakes. Fact is, since I wrote you last their there have been 28 big quakes and all but 5 of these quakes are above the 5.0 rating.  Stay tuned everyone, you are about to see earth shake.

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