Earths to hit California?-Major sign that Antichrist is coming to take control-Warning America is going to decline very soon- Middle East war coming-Oct. 5, 2009


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Prophecy Sign:  Christ warned you to watch for many earthquakes in many places as well as great earthquakes.  Last week we witness many of these huge quakes and now there is a prediction that in the month of October California will have major quakes.  Some time ago the Lord laid it on my heart to by earthquake insurance.  I took this to mean we were going to see some big quakes coming our way.   If the people who are predicting these quakes are correct California is in for a pretty big shake up.  If you watch the video entitled, “ 09 October 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 2009 Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Earthquake Prediction, Forecast” you will hear him warn of a 6.4 to 6.8 earthquakes hitting on these.   To be honest, I don’t know of anyone who can predict a earthquake, but we shall see if these predictions hold water.   We know huge quakes are beginning to strike and since Jesus said they would come, we should keep on the watch for them.  They are coming one way or another, its just a matter of timing.


Prophecy Sign:  The Last world empire Jesus warned about is already here and standing in the form of the European Union.  Daneil and Jesus Christ both warned us that in the last days the old Roman Empire would again return.  Once this revived Roman Empire returned the Antichrist would rise up take control of the empire and then make his quest to conquer the entire world.  If you read chapter two of my prophecy book you will read the complete details about this revived Roman Empire, or the European Union.  I want to inform you that the news coming out of Europe today is major news to Bible prophecy, and this news proves what Jesus warned us would happen, is in fact taking place.  Let me explain this very important news.

If you go back and read my September 30, 2009 prophecy post you will see that I asked you to pay attention to two important things concerning the Irish vote to either accept the Lisbon Treaty or to resue it.  I told you that if Ireland votes yes that would mean that the Lisbon Treaty was passed by all the 27 member nations in the European Union.  In that September 30th post I quoted a statement by concerning what the Czech’s would do if there was a yes vote.  Here is that quote in read. “Czech senators opposed to the EU's Lisbon Treaty have filed a new complaint against it with the country's constitutional court. The complaint could create a new delay to treaty ratification, even if Irish voters back the treaty in a referendum on Friday. Czech President Vaclav Klaus, a Eurosceptic, says he will not sign the treaty until the court decides. “   After reading the news this morning it appears this revived Roman Empire will not have any more road blocks.  I quote, “The last hurdles for the Lisbon treaty — and to Tony Blair’s chance of becoming Europe’s first president — seemed to fall away yesterday when the Poles pledged to sign and the Czech President warned David Cameron that it was “too late” for him to stop the document taking effect. Vaclav Klaus signalled that he would pass the treaty once it had been reassessed by the Czech Constitutional Court, a process which could take some weeks but is unlikely to last until May or June, when Mr Cameron hopes to take power and then hold a referendum. With the Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, also saying yesterday that he would ratify following the emphatic approval of the treaty by Ireland in its re-run referendum, it could come into force as soon as January 1.

Many of you may not know just how important this news is today?  This means that the European Union is going to have their first ever EU Constitution signed, and it looks like it will take place on January 1, 2010, just a few months from now!  This document will make the EU a Super State.  This will also mean that Europe will not have to wait any longer to elect there first full time EU President.  This Super State is exactly what Christ warned would take place, and if the Super State, revived Roman Empire is here what makes you think the other part of the Lord’s warning won’t come to pass?  You may be asking what other part?  The part that informs us one man will control this revived Roman Empire, and begin his quest to conquer the world.  Do you understand what I am telling you?  There can be no doubt after witnessing this news and we are and have been in the last days.  Keep in mind, Jesus told us these very things were going to take place almost two hundreds years before this news was reported.  Watch the news, because you are going to witness the first man installed into the position that the Antichrist will rise up to.  Now that this part of prophecy has been fulfilled you will see how fast the rest of the unfulfilled prophecies are completed.  What prophecies am I referring to?  The war found in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel chapter 38-39.  

Many of you may be asking who will be the first full time EU President?   Tony Blair is one of the names on the list but he is running into trouble. I quote, "EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Eurogroup chief Jean Claude Juncker and the British Conservative party have attacked Tony Blair's bid to become the first EU president, as member states start horse-trading for the EU's top jobs after Ireland's Lisbon Treaty vote."  At this point no one can say for sure who will be the first man to take the position.  All we know is that the position warned us about is about to be filled.

Anyone who has come to my site since September 2008 knows I have been trying to warn everyone that America is going to enter the worse depression it has ever been in.  I didn’t just start to warn people what was going to happen to America’s economy and the dollar in September, 2008.  I started to tell people exactly what was going to take place in the future since 1977.  Everything I have warned about the future since 1977 has come to except the final fall of the American economy and her claim to superpower status.  What you see taking place in America will not only bring down America, but it will also bring down many poorer nations that have relied on America for help, such as food supplies. If you don’t believe my warning of what is coming to America soon you may want to read this report. I quote, ““When our leaders have no awareness of the disastrous consequences of their actions, they can claim ignorance and take no action. Or when our leaders have no hard evidence as to what might happen in the future, they can at least claim uncertainty. But when they have full knowledge of an impending disaster … they have proof of its inevitability in ANY scenario … and they so declare in their official reports … but STILL don’t lift a finger to change course … then they have only one remaining claim: INSANITY! And, unfortunately, that’s precisely the situation we’re in today: Three recently released government reports now point to fiscal doomsday for America; and one of the reports, issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), says so explicitly:”  Please take the time to clink to the news link and read what you may be losing.   America is going down in part to help rise the revived Roman Empire, or the new Super State European Union.   Thank about what is taking place.  If America remained the number one superpower how could the Antichrist rise to power?  However, get rid of the U.S. power and you open up the way for the rise of the Antichrist.   Everyone should get ready for the collapse of the U.S.  As soon as that takes place the new economic system, which the Antichrsit will rule over, will be born.  All of these specific details are spelled out in my prophecy book, which I encourage you to read.  It is a free book which you can download for free.

Here is more proof America is going down. "Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) — Applications for Social Security benefits rose almost 50 percent more than expected this year because of the recession, according to the federal retirement program. “We are seeing a significant increase in both retirement and disability applications as a result of the recession,” said Mark Lassiter, a Social Security spokesman. The 150,000 extra retirees may add to the financial pressure on the entitlement program. In May, Social Security trustees said expenses would exceed revenue beginning in 2016, one year earlier than their previous forecast. "  Can you now see where America is headed?

If you are new to Bible prophecy you may not even know that Jesus also warned us that when the Antichrist comes he would force everyone to take his mark in his or her right hand or in his or her forehead?  In 1977 I started to warn people to watch what happens with new technology that is introduced to the public in the near future.  I told people back in 1977 that you would see new technology which will be used to ID a person by use either the hand or forehead.  Since 1977 we have seen these warnings come to pass.  Let me give you an example in the news today. I quote, “In late August, Baylor installed biometric hand scanners in the Student Life Center in order to increase efficiency and security.”  "Your (Baylor) ID number is registered to your profile. The hand scanner takes your profile, and you put your hand on the scan pad and it looks at the geometry of your hand: the size, shape and weight," said Corpus Christi senior Sammi Gottlich.”  "Once you register, it matches it to your profile." If you read chapter one of my book you will see that marking people in their skin to ID them has already come to pass via technologies such as VeriChip.  This has taken place at the exact same time as the revived Roman Empire is getting ready to elect their first full time President.  What we are witnessing is not just a coincidence.  The world is moving faster than most realize to the fulfillment of every word Jesus warned us about.  When the global economic crisis gets worse one man is going to show up to bring the world back on track, this is the man Jesus told you about and is called the Antichrist, or false Shepard.   If you read my previous posts you would have read that VeriChip now has a chip that can be implanted in your hand that will detect disease and they also have a chip for the hand to ID and keep track of your every move.  These in the hand chips are all showing up under for what they call, “your own protection”.  We are in the last days, and if the Antichrist were to be revealed today he would have enough tools at his side to mark, chip everyone in their hands to keep track of them.

If you are new to my site please take a look at one of the newsiest reports on the VeriChip being used to detect swine flu.  If you go back and read my warning you will find that I warned the people that the VeriChip stock was going to skyrocket.  Anyone who read my warning now knows that to has come to pass.  Just in case you missed the news here is a short section from that report. “Shares of VeriChip Corp (CHIP.O) tripled after the company said it had been granted an exclusive license to two patents, which will help it to develop implantable virus detection systems in humans.”   As you can see from this news Jesus’ warnings take on a different light if you know what to look for.  Once again I must warn you that these very important signs informs the true Christians that Jesus will be coming back to remove them from this Earth soon.  Those who do not know Jesus as their Savior will fall prey to a very strong delusion that will mislead them to the truth.  Read what Jesus told Paul to write in ll Thessalonians 2:11. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie”.   We know from the Word of God that Jesus is going to take all the all the true Christians out of this Earth and it will happen so fast the unbelievers won’t even see it happen.  Millions and millions of people around the world will suddenly vanish.  Here is what the Lord told us. I quote 1 Corinthians 15:5-54. “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed– in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."   For the people who still don’t believe in Christ let me give you a warning!  Do you know all the news you have been hearing over the years about UFO’s?   I would expect than when Jesus removes His Church from this Earth that the Antichrist will tell the people left behind that UFO’s took them away because they were evil people, and now that they are gone this Earth will go into along period of peace.  This explanation would be a very powerful delusion and people who don’t know the Word of God will believe this lie!  I am telling you this now so that when the day comes that millions disappear you won’t fall for the lie, but will instead at that time turn to Jesus Christ for your salvation.  Of course if you are left behind that will mean you will be forced to die for Jesus if you refuse to take the mark of the Antichrist.


Prophecy Sign:  Jesus in II Thessalonians 2:4 warned us that when the Antichrist comes he will go into the Temple and tell everyone he as God.    We know that that a 3rd Temple is going to be rebuilt and it will be this Temple that we are warned about in II Thessalonians.   One very important part of prophecy you need to understand is that war, destruction, is going to break out at the time they are calling for peace and safety.  You can read about this in I Thessalonians 5:3.  First read today’s news then I will make the connection.  I quote, “JERUSALEM – The Temple Mount does not exist alongside the Western Wall, and neither Jews nor Christians should be allowed to pray on the Mount site, Dimitri Diliani, the spokesman for Fatah in Jerusalem, told WND in an interview. Fatah, once named by the U.S. as a Mideast "peace partner," is the party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Diliani spoke hours after Fatah and PA officials were accused of inciting a riot on the Temple Mount, claiming Jews were threatening the site. "Don't use the term Temple Mount," Diliani lectured WND. "It doesn't exist. I don't know where it is. I cannot see any Temple. Can you? No one can find any trace of it. The area you refer to is only a Muslim holy site." The PA, though, has found evidence of Judaism's historic connection to the Mount – the holiest site in Judaism. The Waqf, the Islamic custodians of the Mount, conducted an unsupervised excavation on the site in 1997. At that time, the Waqf, working under the guidance of the PA, ultimately were caught by Israeli authorities disposing truckloads of Mount dirt that contained Jewish Temple artifacts. To this day, Israeli archeologists are still sifting through the large amount of dirt, in which scores of Jewish Temple relics were found.”  Here is the connection.  Right now Israel and the Arabs are trying to work out some type of peace agreement in the Middle East.  Jerusalem and this Temple Mount are major issues blocking any kind of peace agreement from being signed.  Israel has stated they will never give up their holy city Jerusalem and they will not give up the Temple Mount.  Fact is the Jews are getting ready to rebuild the third Temple. If you read my book you will find the complete details as to what Israel is doing to get ready to rebuild that third Temple.  I believe this is what may happen in the very near future possibly even months from now.   The peace talks fail and the Arabs attack Israel just as we were warned about in II Thessalonians and Psalms 83.  We know from prophecy that Israel will not only win this coming war but will take land away from the nations who have invaded Israel.  Once this war is over Israel will feel safe enough to begin rebuilding their third Temple.  After all, if Israel’s enemies have been wiped out who would be around to stop them from fulfilling Christ’s Words.  Keep in mind, the Jews don’t believe Christ is God and they therefore won’t think they are fulfilling New Testament prophecy, but that’s exactly what they would be doing.    I am telling you all this now because we may be months away from either the war given to us in Psalms 83 or Ezekiel’s war found in chapters 38-39 of Ezekiel.

When the next war breaks out you will see Lebanon and Syria attack Israel.  There are going to be others nations as well but let me focus on these two nations.  For those of us who know God's Word we know that Syria and Lebanon join together to become close allies.  We know this because the Lord told us both of these nations would attack Israel.  This is the reason why you see Syria having an influence on Lebanon currently.  I quote, “When Syria's vice president recently boasted that his country is now stronger than ever in Lebanon, many Lebanese dismissed his words as wishful thinking. Months of political stalemate in Beirut may show how right he was. Lebanon's pro-Western politicians have been unable to form a government since winning June elections, and many of them blame Damascus, saying it is using its allies in Lebanon – led by Hezbollah – to stymie negotiations and show that nothing can get done without its say-so. The United States tried for the past four years to keep Syria out of Lebanon's politics and largely failed. Now the administration of President Barack Obama has sought to improve ties with Damascus, and Syria's allies and opponents here say that has given it a freer hand to exercise influence in its smaller neighbor.”  The events you are reading about are going to lead these nations into battle against Israel very soon.  Not only that but the report talks about the Hezbollah.  Do you know that the Hezbollah have a strong hold in the Gaza Strip with the PLO.  Do you know who these people are in prophecy?  They are the Philistines of the Old Testament and are the modern day Palestinians.  If you read Psalms 83 you will see these people mentioned in the attack against Israel as well.  Everything is coming together to bring about this next war.  If you don’t believe this war will take place you don’t believe in God’s Word, and if you don’t believe in God’s Word you are getting ready to enter the seven year tribulation for failing to accept Jesus Christ and Lord and Savior of this world.

Everyday we are watching signs from the Middle East that warn us that the Psalms 83 war is about to take place.  For example, today’s news we see fighting again between the PLO and Israel.  I quote, “The air force demolished a weapons factory in Gaza on Saturday. The strike took place outside Gaza City. In addition, IAF planes hit two smuggling tunnels between southern Gaza and Egypt, destroying them.  No casualties were reported.  The strikes followed two rocket attacks from Gaza on Friday morning. Gaza terrorists fired on the Shaar Hanegev region. No injuries were reported in the attack. A second attack took place several hours later. Again, no injuries were reported.”  Go back and read my warnings.  You will read that I told you to watch for new conflicts to arise again which will lead to a major war.  Did you notice that Egypt is in red?  The reason why I did that is to show you that Egypt is in the list of nations that will attack Israel with Syria and Lebanon.  Everything we are now seeing is all connected and will bring on this war.  Why do you think it is always the same nations mentioned in the news?  They are the exact same nations that God warned us about for this coming attack.  Why is it that your eyes are blinded from the Lord’s Truth?

Prophecy Sign:  In Matthew 24:9 Jesus warned everyone that in the last days, the days of the revived Roman Empire, Christians would be persecuted for His name sake.  For years we have been witnessing a growing attack on the Lord’s Church.  Here is a new report giving you some information on this subject. I quote, “A virulent hostility toward religion is threatening the very fabric of American liberty and prosperity: That's the alarm former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista, are sounding in their thought-provoking new documentary, “Rediscovering God in America II: Our Heritage”. In an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview, the former House speaker contends that American culture has been marked by "a steady increase in hostility to religion over the last 70 or 80 years, in ways that are a profound challenge, both to Western Civilization and to America as we know it." Christianity appears to be the primary target of the attacks, Gingrich says. “  This hostility toward Christians is starting to develop at the same time all the other prophecies are being fulfilled.  The world is turning away from Christ and has joined the ranks of Noah’s generation.  This is a major sign that you are about to enter the seven year tribulation period, for Jesus in Matthew 24: 37-39 told us this is exactly what would happen to this specific generation.  Why do you think the American’s are fighting two wars in the Middle East?

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming  to be a lukewarm Christian.

“Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for  adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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    • jyoti on October 5, 2009 at 10:43 pm
    • Reply

    Respeted Sir,
    I visit your site daily i am from India,and believe what is written will be true very soon.We in India are converted Chritians,Will God save as too along with all the true Chritians.
    I beleive in god and I know God loves me too much,many a times he has shown his love for me and my family.He has helped us in many hard times.
    I daily visit your site for the updates.Kindly answer me when this all will happen and who will be the antichrist,from where he will come and how much time is left for Jesus to come in his final glory.

  1. To see some rather unusual prophecy articles, Google “Famous Rapture Watchers – Addendum,” “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.” The author is a widely read evangelical historian (Google “Scholars Weigh My Research”).

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