Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
To open and get a free delivery of my book just click link below. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 1, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.
Luke 21:25 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring
In the past there have been many prophecies that were fulfilled during the Blood Moons. This year we are going to see something that is very special. Not only are we going to see another Blood Moon but, it is amazing that the timing of the Blood Moon will be the exact hour that our Lord was crucified.
The Blood moon eclipse this weekend hits maximum eclipse at 7:00am CST on Saturday April 04, 2015 (Passover Day). What is amazing is that the time in Israel at this point is 300pm.: The Bible records that Christ was crucified at 3:00pm before the start of Passover and when he died there was also a solar eclipse. One would think that if there were ever a time when something major would happen it would be during this event. Only God knows for sure! All we can do is sit tight and watch. Maybe something big will happen and if it does I am sure we will all know it for what it really is. A sign from the Lord that His return is very close. On the other hand we just may witness the Blood Moon come and go with no major event. Since the Bible teaches us that there would be signs in the sun, the moon, and, the stars we should keep on the watch just in case. Here is some information for any who is interested.
April 4, 2015 — Total Lunar Eclipse The World Clock – Time Zone Converter – results
Watch the blood moon eclipse LIVE
Saturday April 04, 2015 – Begins 6:00am EST/ 5:00am CST/ 3:00am PST How the Passover Reveals Jesus Christ IntroductionThe festival of the Passover has been celebrated by Jews for thousands of years. It is the retelling of the great story of how God redeemed the Jewish nation from enslavement in Egypt.1 The celebration itself was given to the Jews while they were still in Egypt.2 The original celebration centered around the Passover lamb, which was sacrificed and its blood put over the doorposts as a sign of faith, so that the Lord passed over the houses of the Jews during the last plague poured out on the Egyptians – the killing of every firstborn.3 To a large degree, the Passover lamb has been eliminated from the Passover festival (with the only remnant being the roasted lamb shank bone).4 The New Testament says that Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb.5 The Passover lamb was to be a “male without defect,”6 which is the same description given to Jesus.7 In addition, when the lamb was roasted and eaten, none of its bones were to be broken.8 This fact was also prophesized for the Messiah, whose bones were not to be broken.9 It was customary during crucifixion to break the leg bones of the person after a few hours in order to hasten their death. The only way a person could breathe when hanging on a cross was to push up with his legs, which was very exhausting. By breaking the legs, death followed soon by asphyxiation. However, in the case of Jesus, they broke the legs of the other two men, but did not break His, since He was already dead.10 Passover symbolismMuch of the symbolism of Jesus’ last Passover week is lost to us because we are unaware of the customs of the time. For example, Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem five days before the lamb was killed in the temple as the Passover sacrifice for the sins of the people of Israel. Five days before the lamb was to be sacrificed, it was chosen. Therefore, Jesus entered Jerusalem on lamb selection day as the lamb of God.11 The people did not understand the significance of this, since they greeted Him with palm branches12 and hailed Him as King,13 shouting “Hosanna,”14 which means “save us.” However, they were not looking for a spiritual Savior, but a political savior. Palm branches were a symbol of freedom and defiance, since Simon Maccabeus had entered Jerusalem with that symbolism.15 Jesus’ reaction was to weep,16 since He realized that they did not understand the Messiah’s purpose in coming. Passover sacrificeThe day Jesus was crucified was the day of the Passover celebration and the day that the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. For the previous 1,200 years, the priest would blow the shophar (ram’s horn) at 3:00 p.m. – the moment the lamb was sacrificed, and all the people would pause to contemplate the sacrifice for sins on behalf of the people of Israel. At 3:00,17 when Jesus was being crucified, He said, “It is finished”18 – at the moment that the Passover lamb was sacrificed and the shophar was blown from the Temple. The sacrifice of the lamb of God was fulfilled at the hour that the symbolic animal sacrifice usually took place. At the same time, the veil of the Temple (a three-inch thick, several story high cloth that demarked the Holy of Holies19) tore from top to bottom20 – representing a removal of the separation between God and man. Fifty days later, on the anniversary of the giving of the law (Pentecost), God left the earthly temple to inhabit those who call on the name of Jesus through His Holy Spirit.21 BurialThe festival of unleavened bread began Friday evening (at sunset). As part of the festival, the Jews would take some of the grain – the “first fruits” of their harvest – to the Temple to offer as a sacrifice. In so doing, they were offering God all they had and trusting Him to proved the rest of the harvest. It was at this point that Jesus was buried – planted in the ground – as He said right before His death.22 Paul refers to Jesus as the first fruits of those raised from the dead in 1 Corinthians.23 As such, Jesus represents the fulfillment of God’s promise to provide the rest of the harvest – resurrection of those who follow the Messiah. Resurrection
Thank you and may YHWH bless you and your family in the name of Yeshua!
That was some really good, interesting info on passover. I never really reaized how much the feast that God set up 1500 years earlier resembled Jesus in just about every way!! From coming to the temple to being resurected. We definatly have an awsome God:) Thank you for all you do Frank. Ive been a pretty regular listener to your youtube videos for a few years now and you do a really good job and good work for the Lord!! God bless