March 1, 2021- High Court recognizes non-Orthodox converts as Jewish



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Israel Strikes Syria “In Response To Iranian Attack” On Israeli Commercial Ship

Tehran hard-liners admit Iran attacked Israeli ship off Oman

Syrian state television is reporting new Israeli airstrikes against the capital of Damascus on Sunday. SANA state news said that Syrian air defenses were active in response to an “Israeli aggression in the vicinity of Damascus” after explosions were heard above the capital, according to Reuters. The strike was reportedly near the international airport. While the Israeli military has yet to confirm or deny the airstrikes, which is typical of such attacks which have occurred almost on a weekly basis for much of the past year, Israeli public broadcasting is now saying it’s in “response” to the “Iranian attack on an Israeli ship near the Gulf of Oman this weekend.” Defense Minister Benny Gantz had announced Saturday as part of an “initial assessment” that Tel Aviv believes Iran was behind a bomb attack on the car-carrier vessel, identified as the Helios Ray.
March 1, 2021

Jordan, PA accuse ‘Jewish extremists’ of storming Temple Mount

The Wakf in east Jerusalem said 230 “Jewish extremists stormed the mosque [on Sunday], conducted tours and practiced public Talmudic rituals and prayers inside its courtyard.” It condemned “Jewish extremists” for making “provocative tours” near the entrances to the Temple Mount. The Wakf accused the police of turning al-Aqsa Mosque compound into a “military barracks to protect Jewish extremists invading the mosque.” Israel was seeking to alter the “long-standing religious, historical and legal status of the mosque,” it said. Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have condemned visits by Jews to al-Aqsa Mosque compound, or the Temple Mount, dubbing them provocations and a violation of the status quo at the site. The visits were “an incursion by extremists into the mosque’s premises,” the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said Sunday.
March 1, 2021

Israel in talks with Saudi, UAE, Bahrain for defense alliance against Iran

Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain discussed expanding cooperation in facing its common enemies, an Israeli official with knowledge of the matter said on Monday. The matter is being “informally discussed,” the source said, pointing out that the countries are American allies. All four view a nuclear Iran as a major threat, and have been eyeing the Biden administration’s plan to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal with concern. “There is much to be gained by expanding cooperation,” the source said. The remarks came following an article by World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder in Arab News calling for a “NATO of the Middle East.” “Facing the accelerating threat of a malevolent Iran and the weakness of a coronavirus-hit world, the path toward self-reliance seems also to be the only path forward,” Lauder wrote. “Israelis and Arabs should seize the opportunity to work together to save the Middle East from the looming catastrophe of extremism and nuclearization.” The Prime Minister’s Office said it is “not confirming the report, but we are always interested in upgrading ties with our Middle East partners.”
March 1, 2021

High Court recognizes non-Orthodox converts as Jewish

After more than 15 years of petitioning, and just three weeks ahead of the March 23 election, The High Court of Justice ruled on Monday that those who have converted to Judaism through Reform or Conservative conversions in Israel will be recognized as Jewish by the state. The court also ruled converts will be allowed to become full Israeli citizens under the Law of Return. In their long-awaited ruling, the nine-justice panel said the court expected lawmakers would pursue legislation on the matter and stalled its decision. “We have refrained from ruling on the matter for the last five years out of respect for the responder [the state] to pursue legislation to settle the issue,” said Justice Dafna Barak Erez. “However, we cannot wait while people’s rights are hanging in the balance and no viable legislation is afoot.” Chief Justice Esther Hayut wrote, “The petitioners came to Israel and went through a conversion process as part of a recognized Jewish community and asked to join the Jewish nation.” Hayut added, “This is a civil matter and not a religious matter.” Both of Israel’s chief rabbis criticized the decision, urging Knesset to advance legislation to cancel it. “What the Reform and Conservative [movements] term ‘conversion’ is nothing but a falsification of Judaism and will mean including thousands of Gentiles among the people of Israel,” Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau said that “those who converted through Reform conversions and the like are not Jewish. No High Court decision will change that fact.”
March 1, 2021







Twenty-four hours of Iran’s total war in Yemen, Iraq and Syria

Saudi Arabia Says It Thwarted Yemeni Rebel Missile Attack Over Capital

Iran is supporting its  Houthi rebel allies and proxy in Yemen to conduct an increasing war against Saudi Arabia, the Saudi-led coalition, and also against Yemen government forces in Marib. Twenty-four hours have seen an increased offensive against Marib in Yemen, a reported ballistic missile attack on Saudi Arabia on Saturday night and an attack on a ship in the Gulf of Oman. It is part of a series of tensions across the region linking Iran to conflicts in numerous places. This could be seen as a kind of “total war” that Iran is pushing across the Middle East. The volume of attacks and the multi-layered nature of them illustrate that this is not a mere happenstance or coincidence.
Feb. 28, 2021






Turkey, Iran at odds over operations on Iraqi soil

Iran and Turkey appear to be on collision course in Iraq – analysis

The diplomatic crisis between Ankara and Tehran has escalated following the latest statement from Iran’s Ambassador to Baghdad Iraj Masjedi, who reiterated an opposition to Turkish military intervention in Iraq, a new move that highlights a broader rivalry between the two countries in the region. “Turkish forces should not pose a threat or violate Iraqi soil,” Masjedi said on Sunday. “We do not accept at all, be it Turkey or any other country, to intervene in Iraq militarily or advance or have a military presence in Iraq,” he said, calling on Ankara to withdraw its troops from Iraq and respect international borders. “The security of the Iraqi area should be maintained by Iraqi forces and (Kurdistan) region forces in their area,” he said. Turkey has deployed several military outposts deep inside Iraqi territories for decades to eradicate the presence of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Its forces conduct aerial and ground cross-border operations, which have increased in recent years. These operations have recently drawn anger from Baghdad over territorial violations of Turkish forces and aircraft. But Ankara has continued airstrikes in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to kill senior members of the PKK.
March 1, 2021

Iran rejects EU, US offer to hold direct talks on nuclear deal

Iran on Sunday ruled out holding an informal meeting with the United States and other major powers to discuss ways to salvage the unraveling 2015 nuclear deal, insisting Washington must first lift all its unilateral sanctions. “Considering the recent actions and statements by the United States and three European powers, Iran does not consider this the time to hold an informal meeting with these countries, which was proposed by the EU foreign policy chief,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said, according to Iranian media. The United States said it was disappointed but remained ready to “re-engage in meaningful diplomacy” and would consult with the other major powers to seek a way forward. Iranian officials had said Tehran was studying a proposal by European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell to hold an informal meeting with other parties to the nuclear pact and the United States, which reimposed sanctions on Iran after then-President Donald Trump quit the deal in 2018.
March 1, 2021






Myanmar coup: Deadliest day of protests as police open fire

Police have fired on protesters in Myanmar killing at least 18, the UN human rights office says, on the deadliest day of anti-coup rallies. Deaths were reported in several cities including Yangon, Dawei and Mandalay as police used live rounds and tear gas. Social media footage from Sunday showed protesters running away as police charged at them, makeshift roadblocks being erected, and several people being led away covered in blood. The police crackdown was expanded on Sunday as coup leaders sought to quash a civil disobedience campaign that has shown no sign of ending. Activists and medical workers said at least four people had been killed in the largest city, Yangon, as police fired bullets, stun grenades and tear gas. Some demonstrators were herded away in police vans. In the south-eastern city of Dawei, security forces moved to break up a rally. There are reports of live rounds being used. Four people were killed in the city, activists told the BBC. Police also cracked down on a large rally in Mandalay, where police used water cannon and fired into the air. One person was killed there, the BBC has been told. Protests have continued elsewhere, including the north-eastern town of Lashio. The UN said deaths had also been reported in Myeik, Bago and Pokokku. The number of arrests since the protests began has not been confirmed. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners monitoring group has put the figure at 850, but hundreds more appear to have been detained this weekend. Activists held rallies across Asia, including in Taipei and Hong Kong, to support the protesters in Myanmar. In Bangkok, police used tear gas and water cannon against demonstrators who were also calling for the resignation of the Thai prime minister.
Feb. 28, 2021

‘Crazed’ Antifa Mob Target Portland Businesses As ‘Defunded’ Police Stretched Thin

So much for President Biden’s call for “unity” as a mob of Antifa rioters (who as a reminder do not exist in reality as Biden previously noted that is “just an idea”) ran wild through the Pearl District of Portland on Saturday night, vandalizing buildings and spray painting anti-police messages.  Around 2100 PT Saturday night, Portland Police Bureau dispatched officers to the pearl District of town, home to shops, restaurants, bars, and residential living. A statement released by police titled “Windows Broken During Pearl District Protest, Arrests Made” said the march lasted for two hours. Officers had to intervene when Antifa rioters began “destructive acts” on private property. Police were in short supply last night due to “multiple shooting incidents across the city.” A dwindling police force is no thanks to the social justice warriors in the Portland City Council, who defunded the police budget by $15 million, eliminating 84 positions. Further, police have been restricted on the type of non-lethal weapons they can use. Tear gas is currently banned in the metro area. So while multiple shootings constrained officers – videos and images of the rioters, uploaded to Twitter last night, show numerous buildings vandalized, including a Chipotle, Starbucks, and Safeway. Rioters can be heard smashing windows. Some tagged buildings with the acronym “ACAB,” which means: “all cops are bastards.”
Feb. 28, 2021





Christians forced to eat pages of the Bible during horrific knife attack

Christians in Venezuela are reeling from a shocking knife attack in which they were forced to eat pages of the Bible and had crosses cut into their skin. The victims, all men, were beaten up by a hooded gang armed with knives and sticks in Venezuela, Open Doors reports. The men are from a Christian church in Libertador, in Mérida State, western Venezuela. They were at the House of Restoration, a rehabilitation centre for recovering drug addicts when the attack took place. Open Doors believes that the attack was perpetuated by ‘colectivos’ – a collective made up of members from different groups working closely with the regime. Director of advocacy and public affairs at Open Doors, Dr David Landrum said: “The cutting of crosses into the bodies these young Christians, and the forced eating of pages of the Bible is deeply disturbing. “This premeditated attack has all the hallmarks of the local ‘collectives’ of the Maduro regime.”
Feb. 27, 2021







Virginia joins 15 other states in legalizing marijuana

The Virginia Legislature approved adult-use marijuana legalization Saturday in a historic vote marking the first state in the Old South to embrace full legalization. The House passed the measure in a 48-43 vote, and the Senate approved it in a 20-19 vote. Not a single Republican voted for the bill in either chamber. The vote came after a conference committee struck a deal on Saturday to reconcile different versions of the bill that passed in both chambers earlier this month. Virginia is the 16th U.S. state to pass an adult-use marijuana legalization law, though sales would not start until 2024. Only two other states — Illinois and Vermont — have passed legislation to legalize, tax and regulate recreational marijuana through the legislature. The move puts pressure on neighboring states such as Maryland, where an adult-use legalization bill got its first hearing this month. New Jersey also recently enacted legalization, after voters overwhelmingly backed a referendum in November.
Feb. 28, 2021




New Covid Variants

UK variant: (also known as B.1.1.7) 

South Africa: variant (B.1.351) 

Brazil variant: (P1) 

California variant: B.1.427/B.1429

NY variant: B.1.526 variant


Negative polarity CH HSS sparks G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm

Earth is under the influence of a negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) on March 1, 2021, sparking G1 – Minor and G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storming. Solar wind speed started increasing late February 28, from 369 km/s at 22:00 UTC to 521 km/s at 06:33 UTC today. Geomagnetic K-Index of 4 threshold was reached at 03:45 UTC, followed by K-Index of 5 (G1 – Minor geomagnetic storm) at 03:59 UTC and K-Index of 6 (G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm) at 04:20 UTC. Under G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm, area of impact is primarily poleward of 55 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude. Potential impacts include induced currents – power grid fluctuations can occur; high-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms; satellite orientation irregularities may occur; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites is possible; high-frequency radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes and aurora may be seen as low as New York to Wisconsin to Washington state in the US. At 07:23 UTC, geomagnetic K-Index dropped to 5 — G1 – Minor geomagnetic storm.
March 1, 2021

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