March 16, 2020- Israel’s new parliament sworn in under special coronavirus conditions as Syrian War enters the 10th Year



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A Never-Ending Shabbat

Israel has come to a standstill amid drastic measures aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Among the first things to be closed were universities, schools and kindergartens. It’s not meant to be seen as a holiday, but that’s how the kids are taking it, at least so long as the government doesn’t completely lock us all down to our houses. Children on bikes are racing down the neighborhood streets, the playgrounds are full and the kids won’t stop nagging us to have sleepovers. After all, tomorrow there is no school! Meanwhile, many of us parents still need to go to work, creating a difficult situation. At least at Israel Today, we have the flexibility to work from home a day here and there to help with the children. My wife, however, works at the hospital, and might soon need to give overtime hours as the burden on Israel’s health care system increases. In our modern day and age, man feels more powerful and in control than ever before. But the coronavirus has knocked a bit of sense back into our heads. We aren’t nearly as in control as we imagine. I, for one, am not scared, or even worried. For me, this is where faith really kicks in. Our belief in and reliance on God as our ultimate protector and provider must by necessity now transcend the weekly church service. That doesn’t mean we won’t be touched by coronavirus or its societal effects. But it does mean we have no need to fear. If nothing else, this is a golden opportunity to teach our children this critical lesson in a very experiential way.
March 16, 2020


 Gantz officially tasked with forming new government

 Israel’s new parliament sworn in under special coronavirus conditions

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin on Monday assigned the task of forming a new government to Blue and White Party chairman Benny Gantz, setting the wheels in motion for the possible end of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s record run as Israel’s longest serving leader. “The law gives you, sir, 28 days beginning tomorrow, to form a government,” Rivlin said at a ceremony where he handed Gantz the official papers authorizing him to form a coalition government. Both Gantz and Netanyahu failed to win enough seats in Israel’s March 2 elections to gain a majority in the Knesset, Israel’s 12-seat parliament. It was the third inconclusive trip to the polls for Israelis in less than a year after both leaders previously failed in attempts to form governments, forcing Israelis back to the ballot box. Although Netanyahu’s Likud Party won 36 seats to Gantz’s 33, the incumbent prime minister could only muster 58 votes in trying to build a coalition with smaller right-wing and religious parties. The breakthrough came on the weekend with the surprise announcement by the Joint List, an amalgamation of four largely Arab parties, that it would recommend to Rivlin that he choose Gantz to form a government.
March 16, 2020

Netanyahu’s Trial Postponed for Two Months Amid Court Restrictions Over Virus

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial, which was slated to begin Monday, has been pushed off by more than two months due to an order for all court activity to be limited to a “state of extraordinary emergency” as part of sweeping new restrictions imposed by Israel in a bid to combat the coronavirus. “In light of the developments regarding the coronavirus outbreak, and taking into consideration the latest guidelines given and the declaration of a state of emergency in the courts, we have decided to cancel [Monday’s] scheduled hearing,” the three Jerusalem District Court judges presiding over the prime minister’s case said in a statement Sunday.
March 15, 2020

UK reiterates desire for two-state solution

Britain on Friday renewed its commitment “to working to help advance a negotiated two-state solution that delivers peace for both Israelis and Palestinians.” In one of his first meetings with an Arab representative since being appointed as the UK’s joint minister of state in the Foreign Office and the Department for International Development, James Cleverly met with the head of the Palestinian Mission in the UK, Husam Zomlot. “Post-Brexit Britain has become a much more relevant actor for peace-making in the Middle East, in the absence of a US role or contribution because (President Donald) Trump has discredited the situation,” Zomlot told Arab News.
March 16, 2020


  Syrian Civil War Enters 10th Year

Syria’s bloody civil war enters its 10th year with the government of President Bashar al-Assad appearing to be consolidating his hold on power, backed by crucial military and political support from Russia and Iran. The conflict began when Syrians took to the streets on March 15, 2011, to protest against Assad’s government, which then launched a brutal crackdown that has led to a conflict that has killed more than 370,000 people and displaced millions. Geir Pedersen, the UN special envoy for Syria, said on the eve of the anniversary: “The suffering of the Syrian people during this tragic and terrible decade still defies comprehension and belief.” U.N. chief Antonio Guterres wrote on Twitter this week that “a decade of fighting has brought nothing but ruin and misery.” The conflict at times has resembled a proxy war among world powers, with Moscow and Tehran backing Assad while the United States and Turkey have supported differing rebel groups. The Islamic State (IS) militant group also entered the fray and were opposed by all other sides. They have been driven from most of their strongholds, although some extremists continue to hold out in Idlib Province in the northwest of the country.
March 15, 2020

US Moves Patriot Missiles To Iraq

Tensions rise after US launches retaliatory airstrikes on Iran-backed fighters in Iraq

With coronavirus pandemic dominating the world’s attention, it’s easy to forget that the US is essentially in a state of war with Iran, just Thursday night conducting a major aerial bombing campaign against multiple Iran-backed militia targets across southern Iraq. In response to prior rocket attacks on Camp Taji which killed two Americans on Wednesday the Pentagon declared that “all options are on the table” — suggesting there could be more strikes to come. The Pentagon said it initiated a “proportional” response against five Kata’ib Hezbollah weapons facilities. Iraq’s government immediately condemned the attacks as not only unauthorized violations of its airspace, but as having killed and wounded several Iraqi security force personnel. Top US forces general in the region, Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, brushed Baghdad’s condemnation aside, essentially saying it was Iraqi forces’ fault for being there. Many officers in the Iraqi Army essentially see Khatib Hezbollah as a de facto extension of national forces.
March 13, 2020

Iranian Proxies Escalate Against U.S. in Iraq

Crisis Brief is a special edition of the Overwatch podcast series intended to provide timely updates on unfolding national security crises. Iran’s proxies are again escalating against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. Kata’ib Hezbollah fired rockets at a U.S. base in Taji, north of Baghdad, on March 11, triggering an immediate U.S. reprisal. Today, another rocket attack targeted the Taji base. In this Overwatch Crisis Brief recorded on March 13, ISW’s Iraq experts Nicholas Heras, Katherine Lawlor, and Brandon Wallace discuss the implications for the U.S.-led coalition’s relationship with Iraqi security forces and the increasing cooperation between Iran’s proxy groups.
March 14, 2020

Two US soldiers seriously injured after rocket attack on military base outside Baghdad – Pentagon

Analysts mull coalition strategy in spat with Iran-backed forces

Two of the three US military personnel injured in the latest rocket attack on Camp Taji base north of Iraq’s capital are being treated at a military hospital in Baghdad, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said Saturday. Earlier in the day, Iraqi military said a number of the nation’s soldiers had also been “critically injured” in the incident. The Taji base has come under rocket attacks twice in less than a week. On Wednesday, three soldiers, two from the US and one from the UK, were killed at the military installation, while a dozen others were injured. The US military blamed that attack on Iraqi Shia militias and launched retaliatory strikes, which killed at least six Iraqi military and police personnel.
March 16, 2020

***Please note the news items for March 12, 2020 for further information on this situation

5.2-magnitude quake hits 96 km WNW of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran: USGS

Do nuclear tests affect tectonic plates and cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions?

So can an underground test cause an earthquake? The short answer is yes: a nuclear explosion can cause small earthquakes. But it is unlikely to affect the earth’s tectonic plates or cause a volcanic eruption.


 U.S. stock futures tumble after Fed slashes rates

Price Of Physical Gold Decouples From Paper Gold

 Philippines Is First Country To Halt Its Market “Until Further Notice”

U.S. stock futures plunged late Sunday after the Federal Reserve cut rates to near zero and unleashed additional measures amid the virus crisis. The U.S. central bank on Sunday cut its benchmark interest rate by a full percentage point to near zero and will increase its bond holdings by at least 700 billion U.S. dollars amid mounting fears over the coronavirus outbreak. U.S. stock-index futures tumbled to limit down levels with the Dow Jones Industrial average futures dropping more than 1,000 points after the Fed’s move. The Fed’s latest action came less than two weeks after it slashed rates by a half percentage point in an emergency move that failed to reassure nervous investors, as the coronavirus outbreak has posed “evolving risks” to economic activity. Vicious market swing has become a norm for U.S. equities these days as the number of COVID-19 cases increases rapidly across the country.
March 15, 2020

Grocery Stores Struggle to Keep Up Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Trump urges no hoarding as coronavirus panic strains grocery stores

Stores are racing to replenish depleted shelves and to calm shoppers anxiously preparing for coronavirus disruptions, but they are having trouble meeting the heightened demand. “Hand sanitizer is going to be very difficult to have 100 percent on stock on for some time,” Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said at a White House news conference Friday. “We’re still replenishing it and shipping it, but as soon as it hits the stores, it’s going.” McMillon said a stressed supply chain was responsible for the racks bare of paper products, water and cleaning supplies. “All the retailers have been working hand in hand with the suppliers to bring that to the markets as fast as we can,” he said.
March 16, 2020


Illinois mayor grants herself power to ban gun sales over coronavirus

Israel Takes Step toward Monitoring Phones of Virus Patients

In signing an executive order declaring a citywide state of emergency to address the coronavirus, the mayor of Champaign, Illinois also gave herself the power to ban the sale of firearms. Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen signed the executive order on Thursday. The order “comes with extraordinary powers for the mayor to enact over a short period of time as the city combats the spread of the coronavirus,” the Washington Examiner reported. Among the powers Feinen gained herself is the power to ban the sale of guns, ammunition, alcohol, and gasoline. Feinen could also cut off access to individuals’ gas, water, or electricity. The city also has the ability to “take possession of private property” or order the temporary closing of all bars or liquor stores. Jeff Hamilton, the city’s manager, told WAND, “The executive order allows the city to be flexible to properly respond to the emergency needs of our community. None of the options will necessarily be implemented but are available in order to protect the welfare and safety of our community if needed.” The Champaign City Council on Friday held a meeting to address concerns about the mayor’s order. Deputy Mayor Tom Bruno noted that each ordinance considered under the executive order would be ratified by the council. The city also released a statement claiming that the council and the mayor would only take steps “necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare” of the city.
March 15, 2020


Brawls and screaming matches break out at stores across the country as coronavirus panic buying intensifies and national emergency is declared

Disturbing footage has emerged on social media showing fights breaking out in stores across the country as panicked Americans rush to stock up on supplies amid the national coronavirus emergency. Two separate videos were posted from New York and Georgia on Thursday which showed intense and brutal fights erupting between tense customers battling through the crowds flooding into stores. A brawl erupted in a Georgia Sam’s Club packed with shoppers during which two feuding men slashed each other with broken wine bottles. A second incident in a Costco in Brooklyn saw an employee pleading with two women to calm down after a screaming match began when carts collided in the mobbed store.
March 15, 2020



  House Passes Coronavirus Bill That Provides Free Testing, Sick Leave Benefits

Fed Cuts Rates to Near Zero and Will Relaunch Bond-Buying Program

President Trump considering domestic restrictions, adds U.K. to ban

NYC & LA Mayors Order Bars, Nightlife, Gyms, & Restaurants To Shut

Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

The House voted overwhelmingly early Saturday morning to pass a bill that provides coronavirus testing at no cost to patients, and extends paid sick leave to workers who come down with the virus or have to go into self-quarantine. President Donald Trump expressed his support for the bill, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Friday night as House Democrats negotiated the details of the law with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. It passed by a vote of 363-40, with all dissenting votes coming from Republicans. Trump’s backing is seen as key to getting the Senate to sign on to the aid package.
March 15, 2020

Louisiana First State To Postpone Upcoming Primary Due To Coronavirus Pandemic

Georgia 2nd state to postpone pres. primaries over virus

Louisiana is moving to postpone its April 4 presidential primary due to concerns over the coronavirus outbreak, state election officials announced Friday. The primary – which includes mayoral races and local propositions as well as the presidential ballot – would instead be held June 20, Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announced at a news conference in Baton Rouge. Christina Stephens, a spokeswoman for Louisiana Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, told Fox News the governor will sign an executive order Friday moving the election to the later date.
March 15, 2020

China shuts all 16 temporary coronavirus hospitals in Wuhan

Corona Is Slowing Down, Humanity Will Survive, Says Biophysicist Michael Levitt

In a dramatic sign that the coronavirus crisis is improving in China, the last two of 16 temporary hospitals in the epicenter city of Wuhan have been shut down, according to a report. The final group of 49 patients walked out of the Wuchang temporary hospital in the capital of Hubei province on Tuesday afternoon to cheers, according to the Xinhua news agency. The 784-bed facility — which was converted from Wuchang Hongshan Stadium — opened Feb. 5 and received a total of 1,124 patients, according to the news outlet, which said 833 were discharged and 291 were transferred to other hospitals.
March 13, 2020


     Intense storms hits northwestern India, causing severe crop damage and claiming lives of at least 28 people

Very heavy rains accompanied by lightning and destructive hailstorms hit northwestern India, particularly Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, this week, causing severe crop damage and claiming the lives of at least 28 people. Meteorologists said the storms were triggered by a western disturbance — extratropical cyclonic storm originating in the Mediterranean Sea. The storms are following one of the coldest winter seasons on record. Delhi has already recorded its wettest March on record. Rains in and around Delhi started on Tuesday, March 10 and continued through Saturday, March 14, when the city recorded 37 mm (1.45 inches), according to data provided by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Other notable 24-hour March records are 56.8 mm (2.23 inches) on March 2, 2015, 27.2 mm (1.07 inches) on March 13, 2007 and 20.6 mm (0.81 inches) in March 2005 — making Saturday, March 14, the second-wettest March day on record.
March 15, 2020

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