March 18, 2020- The Coronavirus and its Economic Impact



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   IDF: Hezbollah worked with Syrian troops to attack Israel on Election Day

An IDF investigation into an attempted attack on Israel on Election Day earlier this month has found that Hezbollah operatives worked with Syrian soldiers to carry it out from the Golan Heights. The inquiry into the thwarted attack near the village of Hader in the province of Qunietra found that Hezbollah attempted to attack IDF troops from a Syrian military compound in the demilitarized zone in the northern Golan Heights. On March 2, the IAF struck a vehicle, killing one man believed to be a Hezbollah operative. Syria’s SANA news agency reported that Israel struck Syrian government forces, wounding three soldiers and killing one civilian. In the weeks leading up to the thwarted attack, soldiers from IDF intelligence units identified suspicious movements by Hezbollah fighters and Syrian soldiers in sensitive locations in the area, “which indicated the planning of an attack,” the IDF said, adding that the operatives were seen filming the border with smartphones and cameras and measuring wind speed.
March 17, 2020

 Lawmakers Propose Bills Designed to Oust Netanyahu

 Israel Adds Another $1.3 Billion to Help Economy Deal With Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic cast a pall over the swearing in of Israel’s 23rd Knesset on Monday, with the Knesset’s 120 lawmakers being sworn in three at a time to avoid spreading the disease, while Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein delivered speeches to a nearly empty hall. This is the third Knesset to be sworn in fewer than 12 months, due to an ongoing political impasse that has paralyzed the country’s government. Nevertheless, lawmakers quickly got to work, introducing a series of extraordinary bills designed specifically to remove Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office. The first bombshell was sponsored by Knesset member Oded Forer of Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu Party. His bill would grant the Knesset the authority, with a simple majority and via a secret ballot, to oust an indicted prime minister heading a transitional government. Netanyahu is currently serving as de facto prime minister because three election cycles in a row have failed to produce a permanent government, and has been indicted in three corruption cases. So this legislation is specifically aimed at removing him from office.
March 17, 2020


Rabbis Praise Pope, Demand Return of Temple Menorah

A top Israeli rabbi this week related excitedly to the fact that Pope Francis had earlier in the month encouraged Christians to keep the Sabbath, just like the Jews. With the way things are now going, Rabbi Eliyahu said he “would not be surprised if soon the Pope “decides to return the Temple Menorah to us. Who knows, maybe even the Arabs will gain some sense and evacuate the Temple Mount so we can build the Temple there, understanding that the Temple is going to bring a blessing to the world.”
March 18, 2020


  Strict movement curbs in Jordan to halt virus spread

Jordan’s Central Bank Cuts Bank Reserves to Inject Liquidity

 Jordan took extraordinary steps to restrict movement of people in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus. A government directive ordered the closure of all non-essential organizations and institutions, and the limit of travel to essential services. Travel within districts will be restricted except for those on important humanitarian work.
March 18, 2020

Coronavirus, oil price may dash Lebanon’s aid hopes

Lebanon announces two-week lockdown over coronavirus

The impact of the coronavirus and falling oil prices may have damaged Lebanon’s chances of securing aid from foreign states, the economy minister said on Tuesday, adding that IMF aid should be considered as an option alongside others. Lebanon is suffering its worst financial crisis since independence in 1943. It has been unable to pay foreign currency sovereign debt for the first time and its currency has lost some 40% of its value, while dollar reserves are critically low.
March 18, 2020

Rights group raises alarm over new Saudi ‘corruption’ arrests

Oil Slumps to 18-Year Low as Saudi Arabia Ramps Up Price War

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has voiced concern over the arrest of about 300 government officials in Saudi Arabia on corruption allegations, warning of possible “unfair legal proceedings” in an opaque judicial system. Military and judicial officials were among the 298 people arrested over allegations of bribery and embezzlement amounting to 379 million Saudi riyals ($101m), the state anti-corruption watchdog Nazaha said.
March 17, 2020

Egypt takes urgent measures against Covid-19 as death toll rises

Egypt Makes Largest-Ever Rate Cut to Tackle Fallout of Outbreak

Egypt has taken tougher measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus after the number of confirmed cases has risen to 166 with four deaths in the country. Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Monday his government will suspend all passenger flights to and from Egyptian airports. “The flights will be suspended starting from March 19 noon until March 31,” he said in a televised press conference, adding that the suspension period would be also used to sterilise hotels and tourist attractions in the country. Madbouly added that that the government will also reduce the presence of government employees in order to control the spread of the virus.
March 18, 2020

Syria opposition blocks Turkey-Russia patrols on M4 highway

Syrian Central Bank improvises to keep the economy afloat

Syrian opposition forces blocked the key M4 highway in the north-western province of Idlib yesterday, in efforts to prevent a joint Turkish-Russian military patrol from being conducted. Following at least a week of Turkey bombarding and retaliating against the forces of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Idlib at the end of February, Russia and Turkey met for negotiations in Moscow on 5 March, striking an agreement to cease hostilities in the north-western province. Parameters of the deal included the establishment of a de-escalation zone stretching six kilometres either side of the M4 highway – 12 kilometres overall – in which joint Turkish-Russian patrols would operate from 15 March, the preservation of the Syrian regime’s territorial gains in the province, and most prominently a ceasefire between the regime and the opposition forces, along with both of their allies. There appeared popular resistance to the patrols from the local inhabitants, however, with large demonstrations and protests taking place around the highway expressing anger at the continuation of the regime’s and Russia’s occupational presence within the area. This resulted in the cancellation of the first patrol due last Sunday.
March 18, 2020

Rockets strike Baghdad’s Green Zone, fourth attack in days

US hands over base to Iraqi forces in area known to be a hotbed for Iran-backed militia

Coronavirus and oil price crash could plunge Iraq deeper into crisis

At least three rockets struck Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone near the United States Embassy late Tuesday, the fourth such attack in the span of a week. It came a day after an attack on a training base south of the capital, where US-led coalition troops and NATO trainers were present, Iraqi security officials said. At least three rockets struck the Green Zone, the seat of Iraq’s government and home to several foreign embassies, two Iraqi security officials said.
Marh 18, 2020


U.S. believes Russia killed dozens of Turkish troops in Syria

Russia to launch $4 bln fund to try to shield economy from coronavirus shock

The United States believes Russia killed dozens of Turkish soldiers during their military operations in war-torn Syria, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday. But Washington has continued to offer support to its NATO ally Turkey, Reuters quoted Pompeo as saying at a press conference at the U.S. State Department. The U.S. secretary of state gave no specific information on where or when the Turkish troops were killed. Ankara and Moscow, who back opposing sides in the Syrian conflict, earlier this month reached a ceasefire in the country’s last rebel-held Idlib province following intense fighting between Turkish-backed rebels and Syrian forces supported by Russia. The agreement followed the death of 36 Turkish troops in an air strike by Russian-backed Syrian government forces.
March 17, 2020

Erdoğan looking to cut deals with Putin, Trump on Syrian oil

Turkey unveils $15.5 billion stimulus package

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has set his sights on oil reserves in areas of Syria currently controlled by Kurdish-led groups and has proposed his idea to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Voice of America reported on Monday. Erdoğan said Syrian oil revenues could be used to rebuild the war-torn country after its nine-year conflict ends, adding that he had spoken of the idea with Putin who said it was possible, VoA’s Sirwan Kajjo reported. The Turkish president referred to energy reserves near Qamishli and Deir al-Zor, two areas in Syria that are under the control of the Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG) and its affiliates. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a $15.5bn stimulus package on Wednesday that seeks to revive the country’s economy and ease financial burdens on businesses and individuals impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Erdogan’s 21-point plan, dubbed the Economic Stability Shield, aims to protect small businesses, exporters, employees and pensioners affected by Turkey’s flagging economy. The package was announced after more than three hours of meetings with relevant ministers and representatives of labour and business unions, chaired by Erdogan himself.
March 18, 2020

Iran defends response as virus deaths surpass 1,000

Iran repeatedly attacks US troops as coronavirus outbreak distracts public attention

Iran’s Coronavirus Strategy Favored Economy Over Public Health, Leaving Both Exposed

Iran said its coronavirus death toll surpassed 1,000 on Wednesday as President Hassan Rouhani defended the response of his administration, which has yet to impose a lockdown. The COVID-19 outbreak in sanctions-hit Iran is one of the deadliest outside China, where the disease originated. Rouhani’s government said the virus has killed 1,135 people out of 17,161 cases of infection since it first emerged in the Islamic Republic a month ago. “Some ask why the government isn’t intervening, but I think we have intervened significantly,” the president said.  “Great things have been done [including] measures no other country has taken,” he said in televised remarks after a weekly meeting of his cabinet.
March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Disrupts Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan

The U.S. commander in Afghanistan is halting American and allied troops from entering Afghanistan and, in turn, preventing some troops from leaving, for the next month, American and European officials said. The planning reflects mounting concerns as the coronavirus has spread in the country in recent days. Gen. Austin S. Miller’s decision aims to protect his forces from the virus. But, in turn, it may complicate the drawdown of troops ordered by President Trump after the United States recently signed a peace agreement with the Taliban.
March 18, 2020

Sudan declares health emergency to combat coronavirus

Sudan economy in crisis almost year after Bashir ouster

The director of the Emergency Health and Epidemiology Department of the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr Babiker El Magboul, said that on Monday seven suspected cases were examined and the results were negative. He affirmed the continuous monitoring of all suspected cases, including the patient at the Royal Care International Hospital, until their safety can be confirmed. Dr El Magboul complained that citizens did not follow the health authority decisions to enter quarantine, stressing the need to raise awareness. He pointed out that entering quarantine is necessary for the higher interest of all citizens in the country. Following Monday’s declaration, member and spokesman of the Sovereign Council, Mohamed El Faki, announced in a press statement that a higher committee was formed to adopt all the measures that prevent the disease from entering the country and to mobilise all health, security and logistical capabilities that assist to perform its duties.
March 17, 2020

Fierce clashes breakout across northern Libya as LNA forces attempt to advance

Eastern Libya imposes curfew over pandemic

Oil crisis deepens in Libya as losses exceed $3 billion

Violent clashes were reported between forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA) forces near Tripoli’s international airport, on Sunday. Footage shows soldiers backing the GNA forces firing with a tank as well as firearms, while clashes are ongoing. “The enemy tried today to advance towards the al-Ramlah axis, but was repelled, and we are dealing with the last escaping remnants, and we are victorious, God willing,” said one of the fighters from the clash’s scene. According to local media, a GNA spokesperson reported that the LNA ranks suffered losses in lives as the tensions escalated into the use of heavy artillery. Fighting has been taking place around the Libyan capital since the LNA, which controls much of Libya’s east and parts of the south, first launched an offensive to gain control of Tripoli from the GNA in April 2019.
March 18, 2020

Tunisia imposes night curfew in bid to halt spread of virus

Tunisia Seeks New Program to Finance its Economy

Tunisian President Kais Saied has said a night curfew will commence from Wednesday in a bid to halt the spread of the coronavirus. Saied, who was elected last year with groudswell support, said the the army would patrol the streets with the curfew running daily from 6pm to 6am local time. The 62-year-old also asked Tunisians to stay at home, avoid moving during daylight hours, and consider donating half their salaries in the fight against the disease. “For those who are able to, it’s not unreasonable to donate half of their salaries, and I will be the first to do so, so that we can guarantee that everyone will face the current circumstances unharmed,” he said. Health authorities in the North African country have reported 24 cases of the coronavirus. There have been no fatalities.
March 18, 2020

Americans still stranded abroad amid coronavirus travel bans race to get home

Morocco sets up $1bn fund to tackle economic effects of coronavirus

American students struggling to get out of Morocco were among the many travelers stranded abroad on Wednesday as airlines continue to ground flights and countries close their borders to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The Morocco’s government began imposing bans on international travel in and out of the country on Sunday. The U.S. Embassy in Morocco has advised American citizens to check the availability of the remaining 30 flights bound to the United Kingdom that will continue to operate through Thursday, but it could not guarantee seats. Airlines around the globe have been grounding their fleet in response to the pandemic. American Airlines has announced a 75 percent decline in its international operations between March 16 and May 6 while United Airlines announced an 85 percent reduction in international flights for April. The remaining flights from Morocco outlined by the U.S. Embassy are operated by British and European carriers.
March 18, 2020

Anti-government protests thwarted as Algeria bans street marches over coronavirus

Algerians say oil price crash shows need for reform

Algeria has banned street protests over the coronavirus, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said on Tuesday, bringing to an end a year of unprecedented mass demonstrations that brought down the veteran president and convulsed the state. “The lives of citizens are above all considerations even if this requires restricting some freedoms,” he said. Algeria has confirmed 60 cases of the coronavirus including five deaths, mostly in the town of Blida, south of the capital, and has restricted much foreign travel and closed mosques. The protest movement, known as the Hirak, exploded onto the streets in February 2019 as it became clear that octogenarian leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika would seek another term as president after 20 years in the job. Demonstrators quickly moved from demanding he step aside to insisting that the entire ruling elite that had run Algeria since independence from France in 1962 must also quit.
March 18, 2020

India Wins Defense Deal With Armenia in Bid to Chasten Turkey

Coronavirus Cases in Armenia reach 84

Armenia economy ministry ‘comprehensively’ analyzing situation as ruble plummets in oil market chaos

In a major success for India’s defense sector, India reportedly outbid Russia and Poland to win a $40 million defense deal to supply four indigenously-built military radars to Armenia. These radars, known as SWATHI, were developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and manufactured by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL). Indeed, this deal is a major achievement for the “Make in India” program in the defense sector as it could open new opportunities in Europe for the sale of India’s indigenous systems, at lower costs than equivalent European systems. It could also help the Indian defense industry to make inroads into markets in Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. But this deal has other strategic implications. It is clearly aimed at countering increasing hostility from Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan toward India.
March 18, 2020


  UK and US stocks dive despite stimulus plans

Global stocks, oil prices and European bonds tumble 

 UN says pandemic could make another 25 million jobless

Trump pushes for massive aid from Congress, checks to public

How Coronavirus Could Be Used to Justify a Global Financial Reset

The Dow led the declines in the US, falling more than 4%, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq dropped more than 3%. The FTSE 100 index of top UK firms fell more than 3%, with aerospace, travel and housing firm among the hardest hit. The pound meanwhile fell to its lowest level against the dollar in over three decades, trading at $1.18. The US on Tuesday outlined a $1tn (£830bn) package to support the world’s biggest economy. UK chancellor Rishi Sunak also revealed a £350bn stimulus package for UK firms, including £330bn of business loan guarantees. It also included aid to cover a business rates holiday and grants for retailers and pubs. Help for airlines is also being considered. Mr Sunak told a news conference: “Never in peacetime have we faced an economic fight like this one.”
March 18, 2020


LGBTQ activists demand Harvard restrict religious-freedom clinic

Following other prestigious institutions, Harvard Law School announced the launch of a religious freedom clinic, but already officials are refusing to defend it in response to criticism by LGBTQ activists. The College Fix reported the activists want to restrict which clients and subject matter the clinic can take on. Leaders of the gay-rights organization Lambda wrote a letter published by the Harvard Law Record earlier this month complaining their objections to the clinic were ignored by Dean John Manning after he proposed the clinic in October. The activists said they wrote a letter to Manning in November “seeking a guarantee that the clinic would not weaponize ‘religious freedom’ to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people or jeopardize reproductive justice.”
March 17, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)


   Israeli Nobel Laureate: Coronavirus spread is slowing

Coronavirus Spreads To All 50 States As 1st Case Reported In West Virginia

We’ve got the coronavirus vaccine, says Pentagon-funded company

The coronavirus epidemic is slowing down in China, and will not pose a risk to the majority of people, an Israeli Nobel Prize laureate has said. Michael Levitt, an American-British-Israeli biophysicist who won the 2013 Nobel prize for chemistry for “the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems,” has become something of a household name in China over the last few months. February 7, something changed. “The number of new infections started to drop linearly and did not stop,” Levitt said. “A week later, the same happened with the number of the deaths. This dramatic change in the curve marked the median point and enabled better prediction of when the pandemic will end. Based on that, I concluded that the situation in all of China will improve within two weeks. And, indeed, now there are very few new infection cases.”
March 18, 2020

Visualizing the History of Pandemics

Mystery Illness Kills Ethiopian Nomads

More than 2,000 nomads in Ethiopia’s Somali region have died since 2014 after falling ill from a mysterious disease that caused bleeding from their mouths and noses. Other reported symptoms include swollen limbs and green or yellow eyes. The affected people roam with their cattle around the Ogaden Basin region, which is being explored by companies looking for oil and natural gas. Reports of the mysterious illness and deaths have drawn Western reporters and researchers from rights groups to investigate. Residents of Calub, Ethiopia, have accused a Chinese project that includes construction of a pipeline from Ogaden to Djibouti of destroying the environment where their animals are grazing.
March 18, 2020


 Violent cyclone hits Middle East, at least 21 dead in Egypt’s worst storm in 40 years

An unusually intense cyclone hit parts of the Middle East with very heavy rain and strong winds, starting with Egypt on March 12, 2020, before moving onto other neighboring countries. The worst affected was Egypt where it was described as the country’s worst storm in 40 years. Cairo recorded more than 60.9 mm (2.4 inches) before the storm moved on — 16 times its average March rainfall. Other countries affected were Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, and Syria. Unofficial names for this cyclone are Medicane Benjamin and Dragon Storm. The storm battered Egypt from Thursday to Friday, March 12 to 13, causing widespread flooding and sandstorms. Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly called it the worst storm in up to four decades.
March 16, 2020

 5.7-magnitude earthquake strikes near Salt Lake City knocking out Utah’s coronavirus hotline

A 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck just outside Salt Lake City, Utah, early Wednesday, knocking out the state’s coronavirus hotline, according to the governor. This was the state’s largest earthquake since 1992, according to Utah Emergency Management. Power has been knocked out to 55,000 customers, including at the ABC Salt Lake affiliate KTVX studio, where anchor Brian Carlson said he felt over 20 aftershocks.
March 18, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






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