March 2, 2020- North Korea ‘fires two missiles in first test of the year’ as Israeli election results loom



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  Israelis go to polls for third time in a year

With only hours to go, turnout surging to historic highs in Israeli elections

Live blog: 3rd elections underway, turnout highest since 1999

Israelis will get an opportunity to try to end the political stalemate when they go to vote in an unprecedented third election in under a year on Monday. Most of the 10,631 polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm, enabling the 6,453,255 eligible voters to cast ballots. There will also be 14 special polling stations for the 5,630 Israelis quarantined due to exposure to the coronavirus. Voting will continue until 10 p.m., with over 18,000 members of the security forces deployed at nation’s 10,840 polling stations. General closure on Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip to remain in place until midnight.
March 2, 2020


Turkey shoots down two Syrian fighter jets over Idlib

Turkey announces war on pro-Assad coalition in Syria

Turkey’s military shot down two Syrian government fighter jets over northwest Idlib, hours after forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad brought down a Turkish drone over the region. In a Twitter post on Sunday, Turkey’s defence ministry said its forces struck two SU-24 aircraft in response to the downing of the drone. Syria’s SANA news agency confirmed the aircraft were hit over northwestern Idlib province, but said no one was hurt in the attack. The pilots used parachutes and landed safely, it added. The shootdowns came as Turkey announced a full-scale military operation dubbed “Spring Shield” against Syrian targets. The Syrian military’s Al-Nayrab airport, on the outskirts of Aleppo city, was hit by air attacks “making it out of service”, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency cited “local sources” as saying.
March 1, 2020

US and Taliban sign historic agreement

3 killed, 11 injured in east Afghanistan blast as Taliban ‘resumes ops’ against Kabul forces

After a week-long “reduction in violence,” the US and Taliban signed a historic agreement Saturday which sets into motion the potential of a full withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and could pave the way to ending America’s longest-fought war. The agreement was signed in Doha, Qatar, by US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad — the chief US negotiator in the talks with the Taliban — and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar — the Taliban’s chief negotiator. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo witnessed the signing. Meanwhile, Three people were killed and 11 injured in a blast in east Afghanistan, AFP said on Monday, citing police. The report came as the Taliban said they were resuming offensive operations against Afghan security forces. “The reduction in violence… has ended now and our operations will continue as normal,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told the news agency. “As per the [US-Taliban] agreement, our mujahideen will not attack foreign forces but our operations will continue against the Kabul administration forces.”
March 2, 2020


  Thousands Rally in Moscow Against Putin’s Plans to Revamp Political Power in Russia

Thousands of people attended a rally in the Russian capital to commemorate a slain opposition leader in a rebuke to what they see as Vladimir Putin’s plans to stay in power once his final term as president expires. Saturday’s march was the biggest opposition gathering since Mr. Putin’s announced proposals to dilute the power of the president and boost the role of the State Council, a supervisory body that he already heads.
Feb. 29, 2020

Migrant Shot Dead by Greek Police as Border Clashes Grow- Video

Greek border police have shot dead a Syrian migrant attempting to reach Europe as clashes grow following Turkey’s announcement that the border was “open.” The Greek border is being besieged by thousands of migrants convinced they can reach EU welfare havens following Ankara’s decision to stand down. Following clashes that saw migrants pelt police with rocks and other objects, one victim was shot through the mouth and died at the scene. “This is the first reported death among immigrants trying to cross the border from Turkey to Greece,” tweeted journalist Jenan Moussa. “A Syrian man is shot dead by Greek border guards.”
March 2, 2020


North Korea ‘fires two missiles in first test of the year’

North Korea has launched two unidentified projectiles, South Korea’s military says, in its first apparent weapons test of the year. The projectiles were launched from the North’s east coast towards the Sea of Japan, also known as the East Sea. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said they were “believed to be short-range ballistic missiles”. Last May saw the first missile tests after an 18-month freeze. As the year progressed, many more followed. North Korea, which has historically stepped up missile testing in the spring, carried out its last test in November. Monday’s test comes just days after South Korea and the US announced they were postponing the annual joint drills that anger the North, amid concern over the coronavirus.
March 2, 2020


Wall Street Journal Declares That The COVID-19 Coronavirus Will Likely Cause Major Crashes In Stocks

Companies have endured financial meltdowns, civil wars and natural disasters. But nothing in modern memory has dented both demand and supply so quickly for so many industries as the coronavirus. The virus, which has infected more than 85,000 people, has quickly spread through Asia and Europe, disrupted global travel and hobbled supply chains that churn out everything from smartphones to pharmaceuticals. In days, it went from pockets of woe to the top concern of chief executives world-wide. Conferences are getting canceled, from the Geneva International Motor Show to Facebook Inc.’s F8 developer gathering in California. Disneyland Tokyo is closed. Auto suppliers are warning of parts shortages. Generic drug manufacturers are paying 50% more for some raw materials. The widespread nature of the epidemic and related uncertainty will put a hold on large corporate investments, mergers and hiring, said Stanford University economist Nicholas Bloom, who has researched the impact of uncertainty on business cycles.
March 1, 2020


AOC invokes her faith and Jesus Christ in screed saying religious freedom is used for ‘discrimination’ and ‘bigotry’ against LGBT people

Any religious person whose faith does not align with “progressive” orthodoxy on matters like human sexuality, marriage, or basic human biology has probably heard at some point or another that their beliefs are actually bigoted and that their faith is merely subterfuge for that kind of animus. Well, they would have heard something similar if they tuned into a House Oversight Hearing on religious freedom this week. At the hearing, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) invoked her personal faith, claiming that Jesus Christ would be maligned in Congress, and accused traditional believers of using religious freedom to defend “bigotry and discrimination.” The hearing, “The Administration’s Religious Liberty Assault on LGBTQ Rights,” was designed to “examine the Administration’s actions to erode LGBTQ rights in multiple areas, including healthcare, employment, adoption, and foster care.” “I’m experiencing this hearing and I’m struggling whether I respond or launch into this question as a legislator or from the perspective of a woman of faith,” Ocasio-Cortez began.
Feb. 28, 2020



  Coronavirus strategy faces new scrutiny after second US death

‘STOP BUYING MASKS’: Health officials beg Americans to stop panic-shopping

Nearly all of Canada’s most recent COVID-19 cases have links to travel from Iran

Coronavirus spreads to Ecuador and the Republic of Ireland

The White House coronavirus task force is expressing “great concern” there will be more person-to-person transmissions of the disease after two deaths on American soil — a message that strongly contrasts with President Donald Trump’s earlier rosy forecasts about the situation. Top administration officials are also going out of their way to show they are ramping up to counter the widening threat as new cases spring up from coast to coast. Trump, for instance, says he plans to meet leaders from the pharmaceutical industry at the White House on Monday to discuss the search for a vaccine. “Progress being made!” the President tweeted. Vice President Mike Pence, who is heading the task force, plans a late afternoon televised briefing.
March 2, 2020



February 6, 2020 – Turtles found dead every week in Vitoria, Brazil. Link

February 6, 2020 – Turtles found dead every week in Vitoria, Brazil. Link

February 10, 2020- 150 dead dolphins wash up this year in Krasnodar, Russia. Link

February 10, 2020- Mass die off of fish wash up in a lake in Northern Grampians Shire, Australia. Link

February 12, 2020- Dead whales wash ashore in Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago. Link

Feb. 15, 2020-  Half a million mussels found dead on New Zealand beach Link

February 15, 2020- Almost 40 tons of fish die in a river in Dong Thap, Vietnam. Link

February 16, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches, ‘a mystery’ in Fuengirola, Spain. Link

February 16, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Algeciras, Spain. Link

February 18, 2020- Thousands of dead shrimp wash up on beach in Aguilas, Spain. Link

Feb. 21, 2020- More than 100 wild animals in China died from poisoning in a mass die-off seemingly triggered by coronavirus disinfectant Link 

Feb. 24, 2020- Over 60,000 hens and ducks dead due to bird flu outbreak, Bulgaria. Link 

February 24, 2020- Thousands of dead fish due to drought, an ‘ecological disaster’ in Metztitlan, Mexico. Link

February 25, 2020 – Dozens of dead birds again found in North Wales. Link

February 25, 2020- Dead turtles found washed up in Northern Taiwan. Link

February 26, 2020- Hundreds of thousands of poultry killed due to avian flu in Vietnam. Link

February 26, 2020- Over 100 dead birds found along road in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, America. Link

February 26, 2020- Almost 700 dead dolphins washed up this year along coast of France. Link

February 27, 2020- Ten tons of fish dead in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia. Link

February 27, 2020- Hundreds of dead fish, ‘a mystery’ in North Maluku, Indonesia. Link

February 28, 2020- Three thousand pigs dead due to swine fever in Indonesia. Link

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