March 20, 2017- Real-life Robocops arriving in May 2017!

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 14, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline:   Liberman threatens to ‘destroy’ Syrian air defense systems

Headline: Netanyahu: Syria strikes were to block transfer of weapons to Hezbollah

Headline: Second Russian foreign ministry summons for Israeli ambassador

Headline: Israel said to strike Syria for second time in 24 hours, amid threats from Damascus

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Sunday threatened to destroy Syrian air defense systems after they fired ground-to-air missiles at Israeli warplanes carrying out strikes. “The next time the Syrians use their air defense systems against our planes we will destroy them without the slightest hesitation,” Lieberman said on Israeli public radio. Israeli fighter jets hit several targets in Syria on Friday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying the strikes targeted weapons bound for the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon. Syria’s military claimed it downed one of the Israeli planes and hit another as they were carrying out the predawn strikes near the famed desert city of Palmyra that it recaptured from jihadists this month. The IDF denied that any of its planes were hit. The Syrian government has made similar claims in the past. An Israeli army statement said “several anti-aircraft missiles” were fired following the raid but that none hit their targets. One missile was intercepted by Israel’s Arrow missile defense battery, military officials said, in the first reported use of the advanced system. Syria and Iran have asked the United Nations to condemn the air strike. On Saturday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said Israel is using ISIS to justify its interference in the Syrian conflict.
March 20, 2017

Headline: Syrian UN Envoy: Putin Sent Message to Israel That Its Freedom to Act in Syria Is Over

Headline: Assad to Israel: We have a right to defend our borders

Russia has sent a clear message to Israel that the rules of the game have changed in Syria and its freedom to act in Syrian skies is over, Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations said on Sunday night. “Putin sent a clear message,” said Bashar Jaafari, speaking on Syrian television. “The fact is that the Israeli ambassador [to Russia] was summoned for a conversation only a day after he submitted his credentials [to the Russian Foreign Ministry last Thursday], and was told categorically that this game is over.” Syria’s use of anti-aircraft fire against Israel last Thursday night has changed the rules of the game, too, Jaafari said, adding that Syria will not stand idly by in the face of an Israeli threat.
March 20, 2017

Headline: Trump administration boycotts UN council session over anti-Israel ‘bias’

The Trump administration said Monday that it is boycotting a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, amid growing concerns by the administration over the U.N.’s anti-Israel stance. The boycott, first reported by The Washington Free Beacon, comes as the council was expected to adopt a number of anti-Israel resolutions Monday. The council has long been criticized as one of the U.N.’s most anti-Israel bodies. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said that one particular agenda item — “Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories” – was “yet another reminder of that body’s long-standing bias against Israel.” “As an expression of our deeply-held conviction that this bias must be addressed in order for the Council to realize its legitimate purpose, the United States decided not to attend the Council’s Item Seven General Debate session,” Toner said, adding that the U.S. will vote against every resolution under the agenda item, and encourage other countries to do the same. The U.S. decision to boycott the council comes just days after the U.N. withdrew a report written by controversial scholar Richard Falk, calling Israel an “apartheid state.” Falk, a former U.N. special rapporteur to the Palestinian territories, is known for outlandish criticisms of both America and Israel, and has questioned what he calls “the official version of 9/11.”
March 20, 2017

Headline:    Israeli airstrike in Syrian Golan said to kill pro-Assad fighter

Headline: Israeli-Russian clash over Hizballah’s Golan grab

An Israeli drone strike reportedly killed a member of a Syrian pro-regime militia Sunday afternoon, amid spiraling tensions between Jerusalem and Damascus. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Israeli aircraft struck a truck driving near the town of Khan Arnabeh in the Quneitra province, on the road to Damascus.  The National Defense Force, a pro-regime militia set up in 2012, claimed the man killed was from among its ranks, named Yasser Hussien Assayed. The group, reportedly set up with the help of Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, published four pictures it said were from the scene of the alleged airstrike. The group said an Israeli drone carried out the strike. The IDF refused to confirm or deny the reports. debkafile’s military sources reveal that Jerusalem was further alarmed Sunday by discovering that an Iraqi Shiite militia was on the way, under the command of Iran’s Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleiman, to reinforce Hizballah’s Hermon-Golan offensive. This militia, called the Al-Nojba Movement, consisting of 1,500 Iraqi Shiite fighters, is the pet project of Hizballah’s deputy chief Sheikh Naieem Qassem, who sent officers to train them. Since the Al Nojba militia has been deployed in the northern Syrian town of Aleppo, its transfer south to fight with Hizballah could not have gone unnoticed by the Russian officers on the ground. The militia’s landing on the slopes of Hermon would herald the intrusion of additional foreign pro-Iranian Shiite forces in this embattled location on the fringes of the Golan. Israel can be expected to intervene again to put a stop to this dangerous Russian-Iranian-Hizballah ploy to exploit the turbulence in Syria for allowing Israel’s enemies to grab forward assault positions in Syria.
March 20, 2017



Headline:  Lebanon: PM Hariri forced to flee as protesters send bottles flying at tax hike demo

Headline: Is trouble brewing again in Lebanon?

Protesters threw bottles at Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri as thousands continued to gather in central Beirut, Sunday, rallying for the fourth day in a row against a tax hikes. Hariri attempted to address the protesters, but was booed and ushered away by his security staff as projectiles started to fly. Armed guards stood between the politician and the demonstrators, with the latter pulling down barricades blocking the prime minister’s headquarters, the Grand Serail. The cabinet decided to raise VAT from 10 to 11 percent in order to fund a new salary scale bill, which is estimated to cost LL 1.2 trillion ($800 million). The revenue will fund pay scales for government employees such as judges, teachers and military personnel. SOT, Samer Abou Khalil, protester (Arabic): “We ask Lebanese people today to participate in the demonstration to stop the corruption machine in the government. We hope they do because it is for all Lebanese.
March 20, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline:    Saudi-led coalition calls for UN supervision of Yemen port

Headline:     Arab coalition intercepts Houthi ballistic missile targeting Saudi city of Jazan

A Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen called on Sunday for the United Nations to place a strategic port under its supervision after a helicopter attack on a boatload of Somali refugees left 42 dead. The refugees had departed from the western port city of Hodeidah en route to Sudan when the gunship opened fire on Friday, the United Nations refugee agency said. While the Arab alliance denied responsibility for the attack on Friday, it called for jurisdiction over Hodeidah Port to be transferred to the UN. “This would facilitate the flow of humanitarian supplies to the Yemeni people, while at the same time ending the use of the port for weapons smuggling and people trafficking,” it said in a statement. It did not address a call by Somalia to investigate. Meanwhile, The Arab coalition fighting to restore legitimacy in Yemen have has intercepted a ballistic missile that targeted the Saudi city of Jazan. The failed missile attack comes just a day after three men were killed when they attempted to infiltrated Saudi Arabia’s southern border with Yemen. Another ballistic missile fired by Houthi militias on March 16 towards the Yemeni army outpost in al-Dhabbab province in Taiz was also intercepted.
March 20, 2017


Headline:     Egyptian, Palestinian leaders meet for reconciliation talks

Egyptian and Palestinian leaders are holding talks in Cairo in what Egyptian media reports are branding a “reconciliation” meeting. Relations between Egypt and President Mahmoud Abbas’ administration have been tense over a range of issues, including Cairo’s contacts with factions in the Gaza Strip that did not involve Abbas’ Palestinian Authority. Abbas and Gaza’s rulers, the militant group Hamas, are at sharp odds. Relations also soured when Egypt in December withdrew a draft resolution in the UN. Security Council against Israeli settlements. The draft was later resubmitted by other countries and adopted by the council. Osama Qawasmeh, spokesman for Abbas’ mainstream Fatah faction, said on Monday that relations with Cairo have been “a little bit cold” recently, but the time was right to “restore this very important and strategic relationship.”
March 20, 2017
***SEE ALSO SUDAN BELOW,7340,L-4937971,00.html

Headline:    Russia strikes deal with Syrian Kurds to set up base-Syrian Kurdish militia

Headline: Russia denies reports it plans to establish military base in Kurdish-controlled region of Syria

Headline:Putin’s Real Syria Agenda

Russia is setting up a military base in northwestern Syria in an agreement with the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia that controls the area and will be training YPG fighters as part of the fight against terrorism, the militia’s spokesman said on Monday. YPG spokesman Redur Xelil told Reuters the agreement with Russia was concluded on Sunday, and that Russian troops had already arrived at the position in the northwestern province of Afrin with troop carriers and armored vehicles. “The Russian presence … comes in agreement between (the YPG) and the Russian forces operating in Syria in the framework of cooperation against terrorism and to help train our forces on modern warfare and to build a direct point of contact with Russian forces,” Xelil said in a written statement.
March 20, 2017



Headline:      Assad: Oscar-feted White Helmets are part of Al-Qaeda

Syrian President Bashar Assad has hit out at the controversial nonprofit White Helmets, calling it a front for Islamic terrorism, and saying they are an example of Western narratives grotesquely distorting the truth about the conflict in the country. “White Helmets are Al Qaeda members and that’s proven on the net,” Assad told RT during an interview with Russian journalists in Damascus. “The same members are killing or executing or celebrating over dead bodies, at the same time they are humanitarian heroes, and now they have an Oscar.” The White Helmets, which calls itself a civil defense organization, operates in rebel-controlled parts of Syria, where they say they are involved exclusively in peaceful activities such as rescuing civilians after bombing raids. They are part-funded by donations, and by Western governments. Both Damascus and Moscow have repeatedly accused them of functioning as a propaganda operation that stages videos and manipulates coverage to generate sympathy abroad for the rebel cause, and as a jihadist rescue service that operates in tandem with Al Nusra and other radical groups in Syria. The Syrian president said that the unquestioning lionization of the White Helmets is symptomatic of the West’s “double standards,” in which heroes and villains are decided on the basis of “narratives.”
March 20, 2017

Headline:     Damascus sees fierce clashes after rebel attack

Headline:    Syrian rebels attack Russian embassy in Damascus

Headline: Syrian army retakes Damascus areas captured by rebels

Syrian security forces have engaged in fierce clashes with rebels on the eastern outskirts of Damascus. Artillery shells and rockets landed in the heart of the capital as part of a surprise rebel attack launched in the Jobar district. The assault began early on Sunday with car bombs and suicide attacks, activists said. State media said secret tunnels were also used. The military says it managed to push the rebels back. AFP correspondents in Damascus said the army had closed routes into the strategically important Abbasid Square as explosions reverberated across the city. The Observatory said the rebels had initiated the attack to relieve pressure on fighters under attack from government forces in the districts of Barzeh, Tishreen and Qabun.
March 20, 2017

Headline:   Syria Situation Report March 9 – 17, 2017


Headline:     Islamic State uses improvised weapons of war in Mosul, Iraq

Headline: Islamic State militants capture Iraqi police colonel, 8 officers in west Mosul

Headline: Abadi, Trump Set to Discuss Islamic State Battle

The Islamic State’s Ninawa province has released a 30-plus minute video promoting the jihadists’ role in the battle for Mosul, Iraq. The propaganda production is intended to buttress perceptions of the group’s capabilities, even as it loses ground in and around the city. Still, it provides a useful overview of the so-called caliphate’s improvised weapons of war, as well as the tactics the jihadists have employed to prolong the conflict. The Islamic State has become especially adept at turning various makes and models of cars into vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Armor is fixed to large and small vehicles alike in order to make it more difficult for Iraqi and American forces to destroy them before they reach their target. The US has been able to take out dozens of VBIEDs before their drivers could complete their missions. But the video showcases some of the jihadists’ more successful bombings. In one instance, one VBIED is driven into a security checkpoint and then a second snakes its way through an apartment complex until reaching the target. The footage is recorded from above, likely using small commercial-style drones, which have become a common tool for both the Islamic State and al Qaeda.
March 20, 2017

Headline:   Baghdad bomb kills at least 23, wounds dozens

Iraqi officials say a car bomb in Baghdad has killed at least 23 people and wounded 45 others. The police and hospital officials say the attack Monday night targeted a commercial area in Baghdad’s southwestern Amil neighborhood. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release information.
March 20, 2017

Headline:   Turkey condemns raising Kurdish flag in Kirkuk

The Turkish authorities on Sunday expressed concerns about the raising of Kurdish flag next to the Iraqi flag on official buildings in Kirkuk city, in northern Iraq. “The Kirkuk Governorate’s request from the Kirkuk Provincial Council for a motion to raise the flag of KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government] beside the Iraqi flag throughout the official buildings is disconcerting,” Spokesman of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu said. “The process that should be followed with regard to the disputed internal boundaries is set by Iraq’s Constitution. Unilateral acts on the status of Kirkuk that fail to follow this process would jeopardize the reconciliation and stabilization efforts in the country,” Müftüoğlu said.
March 20, 2017

Headline: Campaign for Mosul March 9 – 16, 2017










Headline:      Germany Turkey: 30,000 Kurds in Frankfurt anti-Erdogan protest

Some 30,000 Turkish Kurds have held a demonstration in the German city of Frankfurt against the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Protesters came from all over Germany ahead of Kurdish new year celebrations. They called for democracy and a No vote in next month’s Turkish referendum on increasing presidential powers. Many carried symbols of the banned PKK. Turkey condemned the gathering as “unacceptable” and accused Germany of hypocrisy for allowing it. A diplomatic row has been escalating between the countries since Germany refused to let Turkish ministers hold pro-government rallies in the country two weeks ago. Mr Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said in a statement: “It is unacceptable to see PKK symbols and slogans… when Turkish ministers and lawmakers are being prevented from meeting their own citizens. “We once again remind European countries: on April 16 the decision is to be made by the (Turkish nation), not Europe.”
March 18, 2017


Headline:   Iran in Crisis? Supreme Leader Challenges President, Calls for ‘Resistance Economy’

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called Monday for greater self-sufficiency in the nation’s growing economy, criticizing President Hassan Rouhani’s liberal post-nuclear treaty economic policies ahead of May’s presidential elections. Speaking in a televised, pre-recorded message for Nowruz, or the Persian New Year, Khamenei acknowledged Rouhani had made progress by opening the economy after signing the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, by which Iran agreed to significantly limit nuclear development in exchange for relief from international sanctions. However, Khamenei, who holds the most powerful position in the country, argued that Rouhani’s efforts to open the economy to international markets had not adequately addressed existing problems at home. “I feel the pain of the poor and lower class people with my soul, especially because of high prices, unemployment and inequalities,” Khamenei told viewers, according to Reuters.
March 20, 2017


Headline:     Afghan soldier killed after shooting, wounding 3 US troops

An Afghan soldier opened fire Sunday inside a base in the southern Helmand province, wounding three US soldiers before being shot dead. Navy Captain Bill Salvin, a US military spokesman, said coalition forces killed the soldier ‘‘to end the attack,’’ but Colonel Mohammad Rasoul Zazai, an Afghan Army spokesman, said the soldier had made a mistake and had not fired deliberately. Elsewhere in Afghanistan, Taliban insurgents attacked a district headquarters in the Kandahar province Sunday using a suicide car bomb, said Samim Khpolwak, a spokesman for the governor. He declined to say how many people were killed or wounded. A security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release information, said six police were killed and five others were wounded in the assault, which was claimed by the Taliban. Two Taliban commanders were killed in an apparent US drone strike Sunday in the Barmal district of the eastern Paktika province, said a spokesman for the provincial governor.
March 19, 2017


Headline:         Sudan seeks to ‘force Egyptians out’ of disputed area

Sudan has formed a panel to look into “diplomatic” means of forcing Egyptians out of a disputed border area. Abdullah al-Sadeq, the head of the Sudanese technical committee for border demarcation, said the panel has met to set the guidelines for its work regarding the disputed Halayeb and Shalateen Triangle. The meeting also tackled “a roadmap about the region and how to force Egyptians out of the area by diplomacy,” he told the Sudanese Media Center on Sunday. Al-Sadeq said that Khartoum has documents proving that the disputed triangle is a Sudanese territory. The statements came shortly after the Sudanese government reportedly threatened to reply to what it described as insults of Sudan’s civilization by foreign media. Sudanese authorities have criticized the Egyptian media coverage of a recent visit by the mother of Qatar’s Emir to the country. The Halayeb and Shalateen region has long been a sore spot in bilateral relations between Sudan and Egypt. The border dispute was revived after Egypt signed an agreement to cede control of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia last year. Though annulled by an Egyptian court in January, Sudan called for similar negotiations to take place on the Halayeb Triangle. Cairo has responded that the triangle is an Egyptian territory.
March 20, 2017


Headline:        Will Libya Become The New Syria Now That Russian Forces Have Arrived?

The Guardian reports that “Russia appears to have deployed special forces to an airbase in western Egypt near the border with Libya in recent days, in a move that adds to US concerns about Moscow’s deepening role in Libya.” Reuters news agency also reported that Russian special forces troops had been seen on the border between Libya and Egypt. The arrival of Russian forces in Libya presents a new problem just like it does in Syria. Egyptian security sources have actually offered more confirmed detail, describing the Russian special forces unit, but declined to discuss its mission. They added that Russia also used another Egyptian base further east in Marsa Matrouh in early February this year. Egypt is straddled by Iraq and Syria to the east and Libya to the west and has a strong interest in arresting any terrorist activity given its own fragile leadership. Like Syria, Russia appears to been asked to assist in the battle against what looks like a new level of upcoming instability in Libya. Whilst ISIS and other terrorist groups have poured into the country during last year, a proxy war between Russia and the West, just like the Syrian conflict could easily flare up. The Libyan president of the house of representatives, confirmed that Russia was assisting Haftar’s forces. The U.S. military declined to comment. U.S. intelligence on Russian military activities is often complicated by its use of contractors or forces without uniforms, officials say. Questions about Russia’s role in north Africa coincide with growing concerns in Washington about Moscow’s intentions in oil-rich Libya. One U.S. intelligence official said Russia’s aim in Libya appeared to be an effort to “regain a toe-hold where the Soviet Union once had an ally in Gaddafi.” “At the same time, as in Syria, they appear to be trying to limit their military involvement and apply enough to force some resolution but not enough to leave them owning the problem,” the official added, speaking on the condition of anonymity. March 20, 2017


Headline:      Beijing Goes Global: China Expands Marine Force 400%; First Overseas Military Base Almost Complete

Headline: Amid China-backed turbulence, Japan and Russia hold talks in Tokyo

Headline: Taiwan defense minister says China missiles pose threat

For most of its recent history, China has largely been a land power with no significant naval capabilities. They haven’t been able to exert much military influence beyond their coastline for hundreds of years. In fact, one of the reasons why Western powers had no trouble bullying China during the 19th and 20th centuries, was because the Imperial Navy under the Qing dynasty was incredibly weak. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that lately, China has been putting a lot of effort into building an effective overseas naval force. Not only have they been busy constructing their first combat-ready aircraft carrier, the Chinese have also been developing new aircrafts to accompany it. Of course, a navy can’t really exert much military influence if it doesn’t have soldiers to deploy. That’s why Chinese officials have recently announced that they are preparing to rapidly expand the ranks of the People’s Liberation Army Marine Corps. Chinese media is reporting the People’s Liberation Army’s ambitious new plans following the announcement of a 7 per cent increase to $200 billion in defence spending last week. Among the details to emerge is a move to boost China’s marine corps — highly trained and well equipped troops intended for rapid deployment and offensive missions launched from the sea — from an existing 20,000 troops to more than 100,000. Chinese officials have stated this is to protect arterial maritime trade routes and enforce its growing overseas interests. “What growing overseas interests” you might ask? Well, China has been in the process of building their first overseas military base in Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa. And that base is expected to be completed this summer.
March 20, 2017

Headline: Kim Jong-Un vows to reduce the US ‘to ashes’ with nuke strikes if Donald Trump fires ‘even a single bullet’ at North Korea

KIM Jong-un has threatened to reduce the US “to ashes” as tensions with North Korea continue to increase. The secretive state released a statement earlier this month warning Donald Trump of nuclear destruction if America fires “even a single bullet” towards Pyongyang. The statement said: “The Korean People’s Army will reduce the bases of aggression and provocation to ashes with its invincible Hwasong rockets tipped with nuclear warheads and reliably defend the security of the country and its people’s happiness in case the US and the South Korean puppet forces fire even a single bullet at the territory of the DPRK.” The menacing talk came as South Korea warned that its northern neighbour’s latest rocket-engine test showed “meaningful” progress.
March 20, 2017


“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:     British PM to begin formal EU exit process March 29

Britain will formally begin protocols to leave the European Union on March 29, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said Monday. The official notification will declare that negotiations should begin as soon as possible, May’s spokesman said. On Monday, Sir Tim Barrow, Britain’s EU representative, notified European Council President Donald Tusk to expect a letter invoking Article 50, the parliamentary procedure triggering the departure process, on March 29. Article 50 forbids any talk on the terms of departure until formal notification of withdrawal is given. It is expected that the 27 other EU member nations will agree to the start date, with an initial response from them with 48 hours, the BBC reported. A two-year timetable is expected to be followed, meaning Britain’s official break with the EU should occur in March 2019.
March 20, 2017


March 15, 2017 – Kelantan Malaysia declares ‘disaster’ over bird flu spread

March 16, 2017 – Bird Flu Hits Another Tennessee Chicken Farm Linked to Tyson

March 17, 2017 – Ministry of Environment confirms mass death of fish in Playa Toro Panama

March 17, 2017 – Thousands of dead fish washed ashore in Thirthahalli, India

March 17, 2017 – Millions of pipi washing up on Waihi Beach New Zealand

March 18, 2017 – Dead dolphin, fish and crustaceans washed ashore in Miri, Malaysia

March 18, 2017 – 7 tons of fish died abnormally in Bao Thang, Vietnam

March 18, 2017 – Kaohsiung Taiwan duck farm infected with bird flu

March 20, 2017 – Thousands of fish found in streams of West Sumatra Indonesia


Headline:    The homosexualizing of America: ‘Definitive’ study finds nation’s youth swayed by educators, propaganda

Hollywood, schools and the U.S. government have undertaken a broad effort to “homosexualize” the nation’s youth – and it’s working, researchers say. “Teenagers are acquiring homosexual experience and interests at a rapid rate. Young adult homosexuality is growing as well. What our grandparent’s generation tried to protect kids from is now being taught as a ‘civil right’ and an “obligation to support and join with sexual minorities. Our youth are obeying,” two researchers wrote, citing a “massive” and “definitive” 25-year study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). “Over the last decade, the relative proportion of U.S. teenagers claiming to be homosexual has increased 85 percent; the relative proportion who have not made up their minds about embracing homosexuality has increased 53 percent; and those claiming interest only in the opposite sex has dropped 6 percent. If you’ve ever wondered if homosexuality is learned, believe it, Paul Cameron, head of the Family Research Institute, and Dr. Kirk Cameron, statistical scientist at the institute, said in a March 17 essay published by WorldNetDaily. “No society has ever pushed homosexuality to its youth. Indeed, all have tried to protect them from it, (In 1950 a U.S. congressional report called homosexuals dangerous deviants who should not be allowed near youth in government employ.) From gay pride parades, to Disney secreting “little gay messages” into its films, to the CDC recommending that all schools have gay/straight clubs, boosting homosexuality is the flavor of our new ‘sensitive society.’ ”
March 19, 2017


Headline:   IRS granted Satanic cult tax-exempt status in 10 days, report says

While some conservative groups may wait years for tax-exempt status, the IRS swiftly gave approval for a Satanic cult that sponsored an “After School Satan Club,” according to records obtained by a watchdog group. Documents posted by the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch late last week show the nonprofit called Reason Alliance, based in Somerville, Mass., operates in the state of Washington as the Satanic Temple of Seattle. The group appeared to have the goal of establishing Satan clubs in public schools throughout Washington in districts which had similar clubs operated by a Christian-based group. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch included the process of establishing an after-school Satan club at Point Defiance Elementary School in Tacoma. Records obtained from the Treasury Department showed that the Satanic cult applied for tax-exempt status on Oct. 21, 2014, and received it on Oct. 31, 2014. The director of the Seattle temple, Lilith X. Starr, established the Point Defiance Elementary Satanic club with the purpose of “character development,” records obtained by Judicial Watch show, adding that adult instructors are vetted by the Satanic Temple’s “Executive Ministry.”
March 20, 2017


Headline:   Mini-nukes and mosquito-like robot weapons being primed for future warfare

Several countries are developing nanoweapons that could unleash attacks using mini-nuclear bombs and insect-like lethal robots. While it may be the stuff of science fiction today, the advancement of nanotechnology in the coming years will make it a bigger threat to humanity than conventional nuclear weapons, according to an expert. The U.S., Russia and China are believed to be investing billions on nanoweapons research. “Nanobots are the real concern about wiping out humanity because they can be weapons of mass destruction,” said Louis Del Monte, a Minnesota-based physicist and futurist. He’s the author of a just released book entitled “Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat To Humanity.” One unsettling prediction Del Monte’s made is that terrorists could get their hands on nanoweapons as early as the late 2020s through black market sources. According to Del Monte, nanoweapons are much smaller than a strand of human hair and the insect-like nanobots could be programmed to perform various tasks, including injecting toxins into people or contaminating the water supply of a major city.
March 17, 2017

Headline:    Real-life Robocops will soon replace human police

Robot police were once sci-fi fantasy, but soon the real thing will be patrolling the streets of Dubai. The first robot police officer will be on patrol in the wealthy United Arab Emirates city by May this year, Dubai Police have confirmed. Members of the public will be able to report crimes to the multilingual police robot using a touchscreen on its chest. The friendly robot, which can salute and shake hands, can also be used by members of the public to pay traffic fines and submit paperwork. Dubai Police, who unveiled the prototype at the Gulf Information Technology Exhibition last year, want 25 per cent of its force to be robots by 2030. Brigadier Abdullah Bin Sultan told Gulf News: “We are looking to have more robots in the future to handle policing. “By 2030, we are keen to make robots around 25 per cent of the total police force.” Brigadier Khlaid Nasser Al Razouqi added: “We are looking to make everything smart in Dubai Police. “By 2030, we will have the first smart police station which won’t require human employees.”
March 20, 2017


Headline:      The first solar eclipse to cross America in 99 years is coming. To some, it’s an act of God

On August 21, 2017, that shadow will sweep across North America as millions revel in a total solar eclipse. It’s the first one to grace the continental United States since 1979 and the first to run from sea to shining sea since 1918. Although a total solar eclipse — when the new moon passes in front of the sun and blocks its bright disk — happens once every year or two somewhere in the world, it’s still a rare sight. Roughly 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered in oceans, causing many to miss the land. Even then, the moon’s shadow might sweep across the isolated deserts of the Sahara, remote mountaintops in the Sierras, or the war zones in Syria. But this August, the shadow will glide across a strip (roughly 4,000 kilometers long and 120 kilometers wide) of solid and accessible ground. In certain religious communities, the talk surrounding the eclipse has to do with a different sort of preparation. Gary Ray isn’t worried about just travel plans and adequate eye protection. He’s focused on the Rapture. Ray, a writer for the evangelical Christian publication Unsealed, views this eclipse as one of several astronomical signs that the day when Christians will be whisked away from the Earth is fast approaching. “The Bible says a number of times that there’s going to be signs in the heavens before Jesus Christ returns to Earth. We see this as possibly one of those,” Ray said about the eclipse. He is even more interested in another astronomical event that will occur 33 days after the eclipse, on Sept. 23, 2017. The Book of Revelation, which is full of extraordinary imagery, describes a woman “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head” who gives birth to a boy who will “rule all the nations with an iron scepter” while she is threatened by a red, seven-headed dragon. The woman then grows the wings of an eagle and is swallowed up by the earth. Ray says that image will be created in the sky on Sept. 23. The constellation Virgo — representing the woman — will be clothed in sunlight, in a position that is over the moon and under nine stars and three planets. The planet Jupiter, which will have been inside Virgo — in her womb, in Ray’s interpretation — will move out of Virgo, as if she is giving birth. Astronomers don’t see this as a particularly unusual event. But to Ray and others, it could be the sign that the Rapture is ready to happen: “We think it’s God signaling to us that he’s about to make his next move.”
March 20, 2017

***We’d like to point out a few things about these dates: There is NO prophetical feast day (Leviticus 23) on August 21 of 2017.  September 21st at sundown is the Feast of Trumpets (also called Rosh Hashanah) and concludes at sundown Sept. 22nd.  The only known ‘holiday’ on Sept. 23rd (which is not in Leviticus, therefore not part of God’s Appointed Feasts or Moe’dim) is Shabbat Shuva, which is the only Sabbath during the 10 Days of Repentance between the Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur. But as usual, it’s always best to stay on the watch.

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