March 24, 2020 What will bring the mark of the beast?


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 24 2020 edition written by Frank DiMora



Revelation 13:17 where Christ warned us of the following: “ And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”. This a warning a reset to the global economy is coming and that one man who will take control of the new reset economy will be the man of sin Jesus warned us about.

Earlier in my time line in my prophecy book I wrote to you about the 2005 Real ID Act that would be forced on every U.S. citizen. Well here we are September 1, 2017 and the news is warning their citizens. “Starting Monday, the state of Michigan will begin to issue new and different driver’s licenses. A federal law is requiring everyone that wants to fly domestically to switch over to what’s called a REAL ID. The REAL ID has been in the works for nearly 12 years.” “Starting January of 2018, if your state has not been compliant, and has not been phasing in, for the the enhanced drivers license and the REAL ID to come to terms with that, you may have to present a different form of ID,” said Travel Authority Manager Bonnie Pintozzi. If you don’t have a REAL ID, which will have a gold star in the upper right hand corner, you will need to fly with a passport or enhanced driver’s license” ( Aug. 26, 2017). As I write this section of my book the date today is February 21, 2019. The REAL ID Act has already begun. By October of 2020, there will be no more wiggle room, and all IDs will need to meet compliance standards to be accepted. Take this as a sign of a global ID coming soon.

Looking now at the current events with the ongoing global coronavirus crisis the economic crisis of 2008, was nothing compared to the hit the global economy is currently taking. Take a look at a report issued via Zero Hedge that deals with the coronavirus and its effects on the economy. Here is the headline. “Will Coronavirus Lead to a Recession? What We Can Learn From Pandemics in History” “By John A. Tures • 03/12/20 Flu Viruses And Financial Meltdowns “The myth that viruses emerge only before elections may have been debunked, but the connection between influenza and recessions is a different story. As shown by data from the National Bureau of Economic Research, which tracks economic recessions, and the World Atlas site, the Russian Flu pandemic of 1889-1890 was followed by a recession in 1890 and 1891; the notorious Spanish Flu of 1918 emerged just before the twin recessions of 1918-1919 and 1920-1921; the Asian Flu, from 1957 to 1958, coincided with a dreadful recession during the same years; and there was the Hong Kong flu of 1968-1969, which preceded the 1969-1970 recession.” In 2020, we are witnessing a major global economic meltdown crisis caused by the coronavirus which as in previous years a virus brought a recession. This time most of the world has shut down and no one knows how long the global economy will remain at a standstill? From Jesus’s warning in Revelation 13:17 we know a reset on how the world does business has to take place. Currently there is a push to bring about a central bank digital currency and the coronavirus just may push that to happen.

February 25, 2020 Bitcoin News had this to say. “Since December’s outbreak in Wuhan, China, the government has been forced to quarantine large sections of the country, with more than 780 million people placed under travel restrictions. These measures are affecting the working class with offices businesses shut down since the start of the outbreak. Concerning the proposed CBDC, some pundits have argued that moving forward with its development may help to curb the spread of the virus, as digital currencies reduce the need for hand-to-hand exchange of fiat currency notes.” The report goes on to say, “Despite the delays caused by the viral pandemic, sources close to the development of the CBDC say authorities are intent on moving forward with their plans for the project. Some commentators say research teams working on the CBDC have enough theoretical and technological expertise to navigate any hurdles occasioned by the delay” (ibid). Let me make it perfectly clear for you. Digital currency being formed in our generation may bring on the mark of the beast.

March 24, 2020 issued a report entitled: “Disney World Economics: How Coronavirus Could Be Used to Justify a Global Financial Reset” I quote, “What in the world is going on’ has now become a question of real pertinence, instead of just a cliché for common bewilderment. As COVID-19 panic grips the world, ripple effects are crashing markets and effectively canceling economies across the globe, scrawling the writing on the wall for something big. Even the beloved Walt Disney World has announced it will close its doors for the time being. It stands to examine then, whether there is substance to the idea that the ‘world grinding to a halt’ could be used to implement a new financial paradigm. One that is digital, surveillance-based, and most importantly, covers the economic sins of unsustainable times past.”

On December 8, 2016 Tech Toons produced a YouTube video that was to explain how the new crypto currecy will work. At the very end of that video they ask the question you see in the picture below.

What are they alluding to? If the blockchain digital curreny does move to a digital central banking system, and people are forced into that system what will happen to anyone who refuses the new system? Is it possible the Antichrist could use such a cashless system to bring about Revelation 13:17 where Christ warned us of the following: “ And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”.

March 5, 2020 International Banker wrote the following: “On January 21, 2020, the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) announced that a group of central banks (Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland and the European Central Bank) will share their experiences as they assess the different cases for launching central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in their home jurisdictions. The recent announcement of a group of central banks stating that they will work together on potential cases for central bank digital currencies in their home jurisdictions, under the umbrella of the BIS, reveals an awareness that this is an area in which international cooperation is necessary. Two important central banks are missing in this group: the US Federal Reserve System (the Fed), which has made clear that it has no intention of issuing anything similar to a CBDC because there is no obvious problem to fix in the US retail-payment system8 (and probably also because they are happy with the status quo of the US dollar receiving most of the “external” seigniorage) and the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), which has announced that its pilot on CBDC is soon to be launched.” The longer the U.S. economy is shut down the greater the rick of a complete collapse. I believe before it is all over those like the US Federal Reserve System will be forced to a new global reset digital currency. As for China, they are in the process of launching their digital currency.

Keep in mind what I am saying here is only a theory. Things can swing in a different direction just as fast as the coronavirus rose to shut down the world’s economic engine. One thing that is not a theory is the coming fulfillment of Revelation 13:17!


If you want to watch the Tech Tools video that attempts to explain blockchain, that video is below.



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