March 25, 2023





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 I hope those who are paying attention to what the Lord warned that you have seen the rash of these large earthquakes but not only that the many signs that are happening at the same time such as these many huge storms that are flooding many different parts of the world.


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Africa is splitting into two as new ocean forms, researchers say
Tectonic plate shifts in Ethiopia show that the African continent is splitting in two – paving the way for Earth’s sixth ocean to emerge, according to researchers. The shift between tectonic plates has been ongoing since the East African Rift – a 35-mile-long crack in Ethiopia’s desert – emerged in 2005. The separation of the Somalian tectonic plate and the larger Nubian tectonic plate will effectively split the world’s second-largest continent in two




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Expect more Northern Lights through 2025, and more risk
The strongest solar storm in years lit up the skies across North America Thursday night. If you were lucky enough to get a break in the clouds, it was one of the more brilliant displays in the Inland Northwest for some time. More opportunities to see the aurora are likely over the next couple of years, but that opportunity comes with a dark side.

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Earth Hit By “Strongest Geomagnetic Storm In Six Years” As Dazzling Auroras Spotted Across US
The coronal mass ejection we warned readers about days ago just blasted the Earth with solar plasma from the sun, unleashing one of the most intense geomagnetic storms in years. “A severe disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field,” an SWPC warned, calling the solar storm “severe.”





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Pelosi attacks Abp. Cordileone over opposition to abortion, same-sex ‘marriage,’ calls for women priests
During a recent event at the Jesuit-run Georgetown University, self-professed “Catholic” Rep. Nancy Pelosi picked back up her fight with Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and expressed support for the idea of women priests. ..the pro-abortion former Speaker of the House bizarrely claimed that her political advocacy is “pro-life,”





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