March 27, 2020- Western Wall prayer to end coronavirus attracts thousands of viewers



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  Blue and White breaks apart as Gantz joins Netanyahu

Gantz elected Knesset Speaker as he heads into unity government

In an event that few would have foreseen, Blue and White appears to have disintegrated as its leader Benny Gantz led his faction into a unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday. Details are still emerging but reports say that Gantz will lead the 15 members of his Israel Resilience party into the government. Israel Resilience is one of the parties that makes up Blue and White, a coalition of parties brought together to better compete against Netanyahu’s Likud. It’s not yet known what position Gantz will fill in the year-and-a-half before he is expected to take on the prime minister’s role. The positions of speaker of the Knesset and foreign minister have been broached.
March 26, 2020

Western Wall prayer to end coronavirus attracts thousands of viewers

Tens of thousands of people tuned in to watch dozens of worshipers as they came out to pray at the Western Wall on Wednesday evening, praying for the end of the coronavirus ‘plague’ and the speedy recovery of the sick. 50,000 people watched the service live on the Western Wall Heritage Website and on Kol Lashon. The prayer was held on Yom Kippur Katan, the day before the beginning of the month in the Jewish calendar. The service was kept small, as the Western Wall Heritage Foundation stuck to strict adherence to the Health Ministry guidelines, creating designated spaces for the worshipers, and instructing people to keep proper distances apart before, during and after the service. Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz attended the ceremony together with Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion and Deputy Mayor Rabbi Yossi Deutsch.
March 26, 2020


 Two rockets hit Baghdad’s Green Zone: Iraq military

France to withdraw all troops from Iraq due to coronavirus outbreak

Two rockets slammed into the Iraqi capital’s Green Zone, the high-security enclave home to government buildings and foreign embassies, early on Thursday, the military said. An Iraqi security source told AFP the intended target appeared to be the US embassy, a sprawling compound a few hundred meters south of where the rockets hit. It is the 26th such attack targeting installations where foreign troops or diplomats are based across Iraq since late October.
March 26, 2020


 Coronavirus fallout revives talk of ‘universal basic income’

Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet Tops $5 Trillion for First Time

The scoffed-at idea of paying everyone a basic income as machines take people’s jobs is getting a fresh look as a possible remedy for economies cratered by the coronavirus pandemic. Lambasted until recently as too costly or too “socialist,” paying people for simply being alive and trusting they will be productive has new support as jobs vanish. The massive recovery package being considered in the US Congress to offset the tremendous hit to the economy would move a step closer toward idea of a “universal basic income.” Aspiring Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang argued for it on the campaign trail, even as his opponents and economic pundits shot down the idea as idealistic and impossible to finance.
March 26, 2020


  Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Jumpstarts Project To Issue Central Bank Currency On Ethereum

China to launch its central bank digital currency soon

Digital Dollar Project Names 22 New Advisory Group Members

As the U.S. House of Representatives scrambled to craft a draft bill that would authorize trillions of dollars in payments to “consumers, states, businesses, and vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 emergency” it introduced the digital dollar concept that could potentially let the Federal Reserve, responsible for printing U.S. dollars, send stimulus money directly to individuals. Meanwhile, a Global Times report has said that China’s CBDC’s launch is closer than expected. By teaming up with several local companies like Huawei, China Merchants Bank, Tencent and Alibaba, the Chinese central bank has completed the currency development process. Between January 21st and March 17th, Alipay – the financial wing of Alibaba – has reportedly publicized five patents related to the future digital currency. China’s approach to stabilizing its economy might significantly vary with the digital currency launch. Cao Yan, managing director of Digital Renaissance Foundation, believes that the People’s Bank of China should accelerate the development of the CBDC. According to him, there are two benefits to this. Firstly, it would establish China’s dominance in this new digitally-oriented world. Secondly, the currency would be more helpful during times of uncertainty.
March 27, 2020


 Iran refuses to release Christian prisoners despite coronavirus outbreak

Iran’s mullah regime refused on Tuesday to grant a temporary release to four imprisoned Christians amid a release of some 85,000 prisoners, including political prisoners, in an effort to stop the spread of the Middle East’s worst outbreak of the coronavirus. The religious freedom organization Article18 wrote on its website: “Four Iranian Christians serving 10-year sentences in Tehran’s Evin prison are being denied temporary release, even though their requests for retrials have been accepted.” According to Article18, the four Iranian Christians being jailed are Yousef Nadarkhani, 42; Mohammad Reza (Yohan) Omidi, 46; Zaman (Saheb) Fadaei, 36; and Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh, who is 58 years old and suffers from a number of serious health issues.
March 25, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)


 Israeli Researcher Discovers Why Being Male Doubles Risk of Corona Death

Shani Gal-Oz, a doctoral student at Ben-Gurion University specializing in immune system gender differences, explained various factors causing significantly higher mortality rates in men than in women from coronavirus. Though it is known that the elderly and immunocompromised are disproportionately affected by coronavirus and have a much higher rate of mortality, men fall victim to the dreaded virus in staggeringly higher numbers. Gal-Oz offered several insights into this phenomenon. She noted that women develop more macrophage cells from birth than men. Macrophages are a type of white blood cell in the immune system that engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, and anything else that does not have the type of proteins specific to healthy body cells on its surface. “We have seen that a portion of the macrophage population is active without immune stimulation, a phenomenon that has not been observed in males,” Gal-Oz said, according to The Ladders. “Portions of the X chromosome are involved in the regulation of gene expression of the immune system on other chromosomes and men have an X chromosome and a Y, while women have two copies of the X.”
March 26, 2020

World Leaders Meet Virtually to Coordinate Virus Response

Mexican protesters block Arizona border traffic, demand coronavirus screenings on travelers from US

Top US health official says coronavirus may be seasonal, not just one-time occurrence

Hospitals across U.S. consider universal do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients

Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus

Coronavirus prompts prisoner releases around the world

Conservative lawyer sues Chinese government over coronavirus outbreak

Leaders of the world’s most powerful economies convened virtually on Thursday to try and coordinate a response to the fast-spreading coronavirus, which has shuttered businesses and forced well over a quarter of the world’s population into home isolation. The meeting for the Group of 20 nations was chaired by Saudi Arabia’s King Salman. The kingdom, which is presiding over the G20 this year, said it organized the extraordinary meeting to advance global efforts to tackle the pandemic and its economic implications as people lose their incomes amid closures, curfews and lockdowns. The meeting comes amid criticism that the world’s wealthiest countries have not taken cohesive action to combat the virus or its economic impact on people around the world.
March 27, 2020

Millions of locusts cover streets in Oman with footage showing ‘ground moving’

Swarms of locusts have descended on Oman with footage showing what seems to be the floor moving after millions started crawling across the streets. The spooky video taken by Dominic Abu Hanna shows a road covered in the small insects. They all seem to be moving in the same direction which gives the impression that the floor is moving. He claimed in his video – seen more than 4.5million times since it was posted on March 15 – that the insects were ants. But journalist Hassan Hassan has since tweeted: “Omani authorities have responded to videos about a massive swarm of ‘ants’ circulated online, saying those are actually ‘small-size’ locusts.”
March 25, 2020


March 27, 2020- Belgium Confirms Case of COVID-19 Transmission From Human to Cat – National Centre


 5 earthquakes rattle West Texas; largest is magnitude 5.0

A series of five earthquakes centered near the same remote area of West Texas rattled the region on Thursday. The temblors registered between 3.0 and 5.0 Thursday starting around 4 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The epicenter was about 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of Mentone in Loving County on the border with New Mexico. The largest was a magnitude 5.0 about six hours later. That quake could be felt as far as 150 miles (245 kilometers) away in El Paso, Texas and neighboring Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. No major damage or injuries were immediately reported in the sparsely populated area.
March 26, 2020

 Destructive flash floods hit capital Aden, Yemen

Destructive flash floods ripped through Yemen’s capital Aden on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, turning roads into raging rivers and claiming lives of at last two people. At least 4 others were injured. Heavy rains are also expected on Thursday, March 26. Heavy rains caused severe flash flooding across the capital Aden on Wednesday, destroying homes and roads, washing away vehicles and leaving the city without power. Two people– a man and a woman– died after being caught by the waters. Rescuers were able to save the two and send them to a hospital, but the victims passed away before receiving treatment.
March 26, 2020

Indonesian volcano Mount Merapi spews massive ash in 2nd major eruption this month

Indonesia’s most active volcano Mount Merapi erupted Friday, shooting a column of ash some 5,000 meters (16,000 feet) into the air in its second major eruption this month. Ash and sand covered areas several kilometers away from the peak of the rumbling crater near Indonesia’s cultural capital Yogyakarta. Authorities did not raise Merapi’s alert level. “There has been no reports of damage from the eruption. We urge people to stay calm and not panic,” national disaster mitigation agency spokesman Agus Wibowo said. Merapi erupted earlier this month, shooting a massive ash cloud some 6,000 meters in the air. That eruption coated Yogyakarta and neighboring city Solo with gray dust and forced an airport closure. Mount Merapi’s last major eruption in 2010 killed more than 300 people and forced the evacuation of 280,000 residents.
March 27, 2020

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