March 8, 2018 Brazil with Yellow Fever Now Nigeria with Lassa Disease


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 7 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


One of the major warnings that Jesus gave us was the Antichrist man would come in the last days. This man of sin would come at a time when the world was in distress and looking for someone to straighten the course again. There are far to many people around the world who just aren’t paying attention to world events that are linked to bible prophecy. Many people think our world economy will tank and that tanking will cause the Antichrist to rise up and take control. I believe we are witnessing the steps that are going to bring what Jesus warned to a  conclusion. It is true there can be many factors that case the man of sin to rise. For example a major war could start again as we have seen in the past. Since Christ warned nation will be against nation we can not rule this out. Could a major disease begin to spread around the world such as the Ebola disease and cause governments to clap down on there citizens which could lead to rioting in each kingdom. I won’t rule that out either because diseases are on the rise and we saw what happened in Africa not long ago. I think if I asked a number of people what they think will cause the rise of the Antichrist they would respond saying the world economic state will take a dive. In any case, what would such a world look like if these types of things I have described happened.

Let’s take a look at just one case, the events being played out in Venezuela right now. That nation is in chaos. The government is literally falling apart and the people in Venezuela are in dire straits. People are starving, they are eating from garbage and those who are sick may God have mercy on them because the Venezuelan government has just about abandoned them and this nation is in the worse crisis it has ever seen.  If Jesus does us the global economy to bring on the Antichrist in order to fulfill the tribulation the scene taking place right now in Venezuela is only a prelude of things to come. What is current happening to the Venezuelans is just the tip of the iceberg of what will happen during the tribulation. Below is news giving you just a taste of what the beginning of the tribulation could look like. 

Image result for headline frank dimoraSick Venezuelans flee to Colombia in mounting refugee crisis

In a cramped hospital near Colombia’s border with Venezuela, migrants fill stretchers bearing the wounds of the deteriorating nation they left behind.

An 18-year-old woman rubbed her swollen belly after fleeing with her infant daughter when the wounds from her C-section began to ooze pus. A young man whose femur had torn through his skin in a motorcycle crash needed antibiotics for an infection. An elderly retiree with a swollen foot arrived after taking a 20-hour bus ride from Caracas because doctors there told his family the only treatment they could offer was amputation — without anesthesia or antibiotics.

“If you want to sign, sign. But we are not responsible for the life of your father,” Teresa Tobar, 36, quoted the doctors in Venezuela as telling her when they handed over the papers to authorize her father’s surgery.

As Venezuela’s economic crisis worsens, rising numbers are fleeing in a burgeoning refugee crisis that is drawing alarm across Latin America. Independent groups estimate that as many as 3 million to 4 million Venezuelans have abandoned their homeland in recent years, with several hundred thousand departing in 2017 alone.

Keep in mind, what happens to a nation usually effects other nations. In the case of Venezuela their burden has now been carried over into Colombia. Can you image the strain of trying to take care of millions of people who literally have nothing? The Colombian government is now living this real nightmare!  


If we could see the future through Jesus Christ’s eyes would you want to view before hand what the tribulation He warns about is going to be like? For millions living in Venezuela it is already their tribulation and, as more from Venezuela make their way across the boarder it is becoming Colombia’s tribulation.  Truely it doesn’t take much to see the direction our world is moving.  The news report below will also provide you information showing the signs of crisis coming. 


Image result for headline frank dimoraAre we heading for another developing world debt crisis?

“Global interest rates are rising. Poor countries are finding it tough to pay back money borrowed from banks in anticipation of a commodity windfall that never materialized. Stir in some dirty dealing that has seen funds stolen and what do you have? That’s right: the makings of another debt crisis.

Poor country debt was supposed to have been sorted back in 2005, the year the Guardian changed from a broadsheet to its Berliner format. Now, 13 years later, we are changing format again and debt is back albeit in a different form. Last time, the focus was on public debt, money that poor-country governments owed to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and individual rich nations – and which was mostly forgiven as a result of the Gleneagles G8 agreement in 2005.These days, the issue is private-sector debt and while as yet only a handful of countries – mostly in sub-Saharan Africa – are in serious trouble, the warning signs are there. The IMF and the World Bank both know it.”

I told you what happens to one nation effects other nations. This is the current case with China.

Image result for headline frank dimoraChina’s global trade plan is piling huge debt on smaller nations

Millions upon millions of people around the world are currently testing the the truth given to us by Jesus Christ. These people are walking around thinking that God doesn’t exist and they have fallen for the lie from Satan that when the time comes from them to die that it nothing less. This is not what Jesus said. Christ warned about the hell fire that would burn for eternity and if a person choose to deny  the salvation of Christ that is where his or her eternity would be spent.  You can joke about it all you want but I can assure you before you close your eyes to slip away into eternity Jesus Christ will be on your mind. Why wait to receive the Lord’s free gift of salvation when you can ask Him into your life today?  Give the Lord a chance to show you just how real and loving He is toward you. I know there have been many people who have said I will see you in hell. I know those people who died without the blood of the Lamb Jesus those words they spit out of their mouths while alive on the Earth will haunt them for their eternity as they continually burn in hell. Please do not test Christ and His truth.

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