May 10, 2015- Blessed Are the Mothers



    • bonnie on May 11, 2015 at 12:53 pm
    • Reply

    I was a single mom for 25 yrs. Shortly after I became a single mother I became a
    daughter of the Most High God. I know I would not of gotten through those yrs if I didn’t know and apply the love of God in my life. They were the hardest yrs of my life. My Boys are now fathers and if I look with my natural eye they are so far from the things of the Lord. But when I look at them through eyes of the word, my promises, I see them with their hands raised giving all to God their Father. I see their knees bowed be for their King with honor and revelatory fear of who He is and I also see that when they open their mouths I hears songs of praise, songs of worship and hear them speaking forth His word over their their own families. I can and I do look back with no regret in how I raised my boys in the things of the Lord. They will NOT depart for it.

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