May 18, 2022 Earthquake/drug generation/Record crime/Food crisis/droughts and heat/sign from the sky

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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 11, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

Quake1Magnitude 4.7 earthquake Hit Palca, Peru today May 18, 2022.



Jesus warned about many earthquakes he also warned about the great earthquakes I have listed all the earthquakes magnitude 6.0 and higher these are the great quakes so far of 2022

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Vanuatu January 3, 2022 A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Taiwan January 3, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck the Mid Atlantic Ridge January 4, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 quake struck SE of Nikkolski Alaska January 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake struck WNW of Polis, Cyprus January 11, 2022 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck SE of Nikkolski Alaska January 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck the Fox Islands January 11, 2022 A magnitude 6.8 quake stuck the Fox Islands January 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Australia February 1, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck SSE of Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala February 15, 2022 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck South of Fiji Islands February 16, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck the Balleny Islands region February 21, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake stuck NNW of Bukittinggi, Indonesia on February 25, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck Kermadec Islands, New Zealand February 25, 2022 A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck WNW of Cabra, Philippines, March 13, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck W of Pariaman, Indonesia March 13, 2022 A magnitude 6.5 quake stuck Japan March 16, 2022

A magnitude 7.3 quake stuck Japan March 16, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Fiji Islands March 19, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge March 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck S of Hualien City, Taiwan March 22, 2022 A magnitude 6.9 quake stuck New Caledonia March 30, 2022

A magnitude 7.0 quake stuck New Caledonia March 31, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck So. E. of Loyalty Islands March 31,                                              A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck WSW of Norsup, Vanuatu April 9, 2022

 A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck Nicaragua April 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake stuck Bosnia and Herzegovina April 22, 2022 A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Papua New Guinea April 28, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Papua New Guinea May 1, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck SW of Yonakuni, Japan May 9, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Bismarck Sea May 10, 2022

A magnitude 6.5 quake struck Jujuy, Argentina May 11, 2022

If after all this proof you still don’t believe what Jesus has warned you






The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 are the equivalent to the Greek word pharmakia from which our word “pharmacy” is derived. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high.” It has become common knowledge this generation is known as the drug generation. 


Fentanyl seizures up in San Antonio as drug dealers find customers on social media
Overdose deaths in the U.S. have officially hit the highest record ever, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Record high wheat prices after India declares immediate export ban, massive protests after 300% food price increase announced in Iran 

Wheat prices in Europe and Australia hit record highs this week after India – the world’s second-largest wheat producer – announced an immediate export ban due to a severe heatwave affecting the country since March. Global wheat prices have increased 40% since February 2022, increasing famine and sparking social unrest.



Food Riots In Sri Lanka Turn Deadly As Protesters Beat Up Police, Burn Down Politicians’ Houses
Two months ago, we noted the first Arab Spring 2.0 incident when, as a result of soaring food, energy (and everything else) prices, thousands of angry Iraqis took to the street to protest. Needless to say, their complaints did not get much traction, and in the meantime food prices have only exploded to fresh record highs, far surpassing the levels hit in 2011 when riots against, you guessed it, food prices toppled most MENA political regimes (not without some CIA backing).


Germany BLOCKS Russia from exporting food, then BLAMES Russia for causing brutal hunger |
The United States and the European Union (EU) have been ineffective in their trade war against Russia and are currently working on their sixth package of sanctions. These sanctions have caused price hikes and food shortages, severely harming innocent people all around the world.


Heat Image result for flames gif

“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a). 

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). 


Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon fire complex now largest in history of New Mexico, U.S. 
The Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon fire complex burning east of Santa Fe, New Mexico has spread to 121 000 ha (298 060 acres) on May 16, 2022, surpassing the state’s previous largest fire – Whitewater Baldy in 2012.


 Luke chapter 21 verse 11 “And  great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”



Another bright fireball over the United Kingdom, more than 800 reports received 
A bright fireball was seen over the southwestern United Kingdom at 20:46 UTC on May 16, 2022. The event comes just five days after a very bright fireball was seen over the same region. Interestingly, both events had very similar trajectories.1


Matthew 24:7 sign of  disease



At least 44.3K Dead & 4.3 Million injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination across Europe

The latest update to the European database of adverse drug reactions reveals there have been 4.3 million injuries reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections up to 7th May 2022, including 44,348 deaths. 


Reiner Füllmich and 50 lawyers: ‘The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet’


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