May 23, 2020- Hamas Threatens to ‘Double Corona Patients in Israel’; Netanyahu implores Gantz to join gov’t, vows to rotate as PM



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   Hamas Threatens to ‘Double Corona Patients in Israel’

 Qatar offers $150M to support Gaza in coronavirus battle

Hamas has relayed messages to Egypt and Qatar threatening to “put half of the Israelis into shelters and increase the number of corona patients” if Qatari financial aid is not handed over to the Gaza Strip in the near future. The Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper, which has reliable sources in Hamas, claims that in response to Hamas’ threats, Israel responded that it would not tolerate renewed attacks from the Gaza Strip. Hamas’ demands come as it seeks to increase aid to the Gaza Strip due to the state of emergency in dealing with the coronavirus and following fears that Qatari aid to Gaza will be postponed.
March 22, 2020

Netanyahu implores Gantz to join gov’t, vows to rotate as PM without tricks

Imploring Benny Gantz’s Blue and White Party to join the Likud in a national unity government, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Saturday night to rotate as prime minister and to leave the role at the agreed transition date without “any shticks or tricks.” Netanyahu claimed in an interview on Channel 12 that the Likud and Blue and White had completed negotiations for what a national unity government would look like, and under which he would serve first as prime minister and would then be replaced by Gantz. “I will leave office on the agreed date,” Netanyahu said in a message to Gantz. “There will be no shticks and tricks. Millions of Israelis are waiting for us.”
March 22, 2020

Israeli forces open fire, killing Palestinian throwing rocks in West Bank

Israeli forces shot and killed a 32-year-old Palestinian man overnight Sunday who was hurling rocks at Israeli troops, the Palestinian health ministry and the Israeli military said. The military said it thwarted an attack – which has become a regular occurrence over the past days – and opened fire at a number of suspects who were throwing boulders at Israeli vehicles on a highway in central West Bank, near the town of Qaliqilya. It says one of the suspects, Sufian Khawaja, was killed while another was wounded and escaped. The troops launched a manhunt for the perpetrator in the Palestinian village of Ni’lin, west of Ramallah. Although the fugitive assailant was not located, the forces found rocks stacked in the vehicle of the perpetrator. Both perpetrators are believed to be in their 30s.
March 23, 2020


Guinea’s opposition says 10 killed in protests

Opposition activists in Guinea say at least 10 people have been killed in street clashes during Sunday’s controversial referendum on a new constitution. Critics said the vote was a ploy by President Alpha Condé to stay in power beyond his mandate. The deaths occurred in the capital, Conakry, where police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators. Opposition supporters attacked the police, burned polling centres and destroyed voting equipment. Mr Condé, 82, insists the new constitution will bring about positive reforms, especially for women.  Many people say they are worried about the vote taking place during the coronavirus outbreak. More than 30 people have been killed in months of opposition protests against the referendum.
March 22, 2020


   Fed will make up to $4 trillion in loans to businesses to rescue the U.S. economy, Mnuchin says

 Real Estate Billionaire Barrack Says Commercial Mortgages on Brink of Collapse

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that the Federal Reserve will play a key role in lending funds to businesses hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. “Working with the Federal Reserve — we’ll have up to $4 trillion of liquidity that we can use to support the economy,” Mnuchin told Fox News on Sunday. “Those are broad-based lending programs. … We can leverage our equity working with the Federal Reserve,” he said. The Treasury secretary said the plan is broad-based to help small and large businesses “get through the next 90 to 120 days,” he said. The bill would also include:  Small-business retention loans aimed at helping companies keep workers on their payrolls. This will cover about half the workforce, Mnuchin said. Payments will include two weeks’ worth of cash flow and some overhead. The loans will be forgiven if workers are not laid off. • Checks for Americans. The average check for a family of four will be $3,000, the Treasury secretary said. • Enhanced unemployment insurance for people who are laid off due to the pandemic.
March 22, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)


   Israeli Drug-Maker to Donate 10 Million Coronavirus-Curing Pills to Hospitals Across U.S

German virologist discovers new symptom of coronavirus

A third of coronavirus cases may be ‘silent carriers’, classified Chinese data suggests

Israeli generic drug manufacturer Teva Pharmaceuticals has announced that they will donate 6 Million tablets through wholesalers to hospitals across America by March 31.  The corporation added that they will donate over 10 Million within a month according to the company’s blog. TEVA announced on Friday that they will immediately donate over 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets via wholesalers to hospitals throughout the U.S. to supply the dire demand for the medication as an ‘investigational target ‘to treat coronavirus. The company is also considering alternative means to address the worldwide demand. “We are committed to helping to supply as many tablets as possible as demand for this treatment accelerates at no cost,” explained Brendan O’Grady, Teva Executive Vice President, North America Commercial. “Immediately upon learning of the potential benefit of hyroxychloroquine, Teva began to assess supply and to urgently acquire additional ingredients to make more product while arranging for all of what we had to be distributed immediately.”
March 22, 2020

Inside the US Military’s Plans to Stop “Civil Disturbances” Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Something They Haven’t Done in 30 Years

DOJ Seeks New Emgergency Powers Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Deploying National Guard to New York, California and Washington

With the National Guard now active in 22 states and governors continuing to declare more severe emergency measures daily, the U.S. military is preparing forces to assume a larger role in the coronavirus response, including the controversial mission of quelling “civil disturbances” and enforcing the law, a mission that the military has not engaged in for almost 30 years. There have been no requests yet to use the National Guard for law enforcement, he made an argument that the states keep “decisions at their level,” out of federal hands, touting the 450,000 strong National Guard as “ready when their governors call.” But planners involved at the Pentagon and U.S. Northern Command, while admitting that the National Guard is the best choice if there is a public breakdown, also say that the Guard may not be able to be relied upon, not just because of the scope of need, but also because it is a citizen force spread out across America and thus as susceptible as the rest of the general population to contracting the virus. These conditions—the enforcement of federal law—don’t apply to the current situation, the senior planner says. The president can determine that the situation exceeds either the capabilities “or willingness” of local authorities to restore law and order, he says, but the very language, the inclusion of the “willingness” clause, shows how much the contingency planning is still written for yesterday’s crises and not applicable to coronavirus. “I’m just not sure that our troops, as good as they are, can be ready for something as widespread and explosive as COVID-19,” the planner says. At the same time, he worries that the presence of uniformed personnel on the streets of America, rather than providing a comforting presence will instead signal the use of federal force and martial law—just making the situation worse.
March 22, 2020

Israel corona app tells you when you’ve crossed paths with a carrier

The Health Ministry launched Sunday a phone app that enables people to instantly be informed if they have unknowingly crossed paths with a coronavirus victim so that they can quarantine themselves. Called HaMagen (“The Shield”), the app “allows you to get a notification (time and date) regarding your exposure to a confirmed patient” within the past 14 days, said the ministry in an accompanying statement. The application, available both in the Google Play store and Apple’s AppStore, is updated in real-time with the history of every new patient’s whereabouts. This way, people do not have to keep studying the ministry’s website to see if they were in the vicinity of someone who has tested positive. Upon opening the app, Health Ministry data is automatically cross-referenced with all the places people have been with their phones. If a match is made, the app “redirects the user to a link to the Health Ministry’s website, which will let you know what steps to take and allow you to report to the Health Ministry for home isolation.”
March 23, 2020


  Earthquake rocks Croatia’s capital Zagreb

An earthquake has rocked Croatia’s capital Zagreb, damaging buildings and leaving cars crushed by falling chunks of masonry. A teenager is in a critical condition after a roof collapsed, local media say. The spire of the city’s cathedral also snapped off. After Sunday’s tremor, Zagreb’s mayor urged people to return to their homes given fears about the coronavirus. The 5.3-magnitude quake is the largest to affect the city in 140 years.
March 22, 2020

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