May 9, 2022 Can you trust Jesus’ prophecies? Answer: YES

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 9, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 9, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

Do angels guide us through our lives? I certainly cannot speak for everyone but what I am about to tell you is a true story. On September 28, 2020 I had a dream about the number 27.  That number stuck in my mind and when I got up the next morning feeling that that number had to do something with my Lord Jesus I looked up the number 27 to see what it could mean in the Bible. Below you will see some information on the number 27 and how it is associated with angels. Read that information then I will get back to my story.



That same morning when I woke up I went to walk with Christian brother of mine by the name of Lou Emery, he is my witness to these events. We had been walking for exercise for the past two weeks. That morning I told Lou about my dream about the number 27 and the meeting behind that number. I told Lou I believe the Lord is trying to tell me something but I wasn’t sure what it was.  Two days later I would learn what the angel was preparing me for.

My wife asked me if I would like to take a walk with her which I did. We had walked less than a quarter of a mile when the Lord spoke to me and told me I needed to go to urgent care. I told my wife that Jesus told me that message and she asked me what was going on. I told her that something was going on in my chest but I didn’t know what. I had no symptoms whatsoever that there was anything going on with my heart.  My wife knew that when I said Jesus spoke to me it was serious because she knew times past when Jesus spoke to me things happened and so she said let’s go to the hospital right now.


When I got to the hospital I could not tell them that Jesus spoke to me so I just said I have something going on with my heart.  They immediately took me in and gave me a stress test of which lasted only about 50 seconds when the doctor abruptly stopped the test and said this is serious.

I was put in an ambulance and driven to cottage Hospital which is an hour away from my home. The next morning I had an angiogram where the doctor revealed to me my heart was totally blocked. October 1, 2020 I had open heart surgery where during the surgery the doctor found I had blockages in seven different places which he had to perform 7 bypass surgery. The doctor told me if I did not go into the hospital when I did I would’ve died.

As far as I was concerned I definitely had an angel watching over me and sent me a number 27 which was a warning which , I heeded  that warning and it saved my life. Did I thank  Jesus you better believe it.

From time to time someone will send me an article that I will post it at my website. The following information was given to me by Olivia Smith who writes about the Energy topic.


Government demands coal plants to stay open longer to meet energy demand, what will happen to energy supply?

The UK government has asked energy companies to slow down the closure process of coal plants. 

With the ever still present war between Russia and Ukraine, concerns about insufficient gas supplies being exported from Russia are an emerging topic in Europe. The UK government´s response was that they would be postponing the closure of coal-fired plants that were meant to begin in autumn. The goal surrounding this delay is aimed at preventing Britain from becoming even more reliant on burning gas for electricity, with the uncertainty over Russian gas exportation. 

Why is coal being phased out in energy production

It’s no secret that the UK has been trying to phase out the curation of energy from coal in the past few years in order to meet new pollution standards. The table below compares the emission in grams of co2/kwh. Clearly visible from the table, coal is the worst fuel type in terms of pollution. 

Fuel type



1000 g CO2

Natural Gas

450 g CO2


44 g CO2


11 g CO2


9 g CO2

The few remaining coal-fired plants in the UK serve as backup power generation, seeing as most of the UK has transitioned to getting their electricity from gas. However, with the current uncertainty surrounding the exportation of gas from Russia,  there has been some discussion of postponing the delay in coal-fired plants. 

How will the coal phase out process look like now

French energy supplier EDF had started decommissioning their plant in 2021, maintaining only the necessary amount of resources to enable them to supply electricity during peak times. EDF and other coal-powered providers are now in discussion with the National Grid Electricity System Operator, a private company that ensures that the UK electricity supply meets demand. Uniper, one of Germany’s largest energy cooperations, has stated that the government asked it to explore the possibility of keeping its unit at Ratcliffe power station open, which was due to close in September 2022.  

While the outcome is still unclear, the goal of the discussion is to receive subsidies from the National Grid Electricity System in order to be available on standby during peak energy spending seasons in order to ensure the UK doesn’t go through periods where they lack in energy supply. 

What will this policy imply for UK customers? 

What does this mean for UK consumers? Having a backup energy power plan within the UK decreases their reliance on Russian energy. Thus, there won´t be an existential energy crisis in the UK that goes beyond the point of recovery. This will disable a significant gap in growth between the rich and the poor due to further class segregation caused by an unsustainable increase in energy prices. These backup coal-powered factories will also allow the UK to remain more independent from Russian gas exportation

However, the coal usage will have a stringent impact on the environment. As mentioned before, coal by far has the largest CO2 emission per kWh of energy. If you are concerned about the greenness of your energy under these new measures, you might want to checkout an overview here of the green suppliers to ensure that you are still getting green energy. 

While this uncertainty surrounding energy has caused the discussion of delaying the closure of coal plants, the UK government has gone on record maintaining that it is still their plan to end the use of coal power by 2024.

You can write Oliva at

PROPHECY: The Rebuilt Jewish Temple Temple

“And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months” (Revelation 11:1-2).

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:  and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate” (Daniel 9:27).

“When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)” (Matthew 24:15).

“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

For years I have warned you all to watch what happens on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem. Why? Because I knew something major has to take place in order to allow the Jews to have full access to the Temple Mount just as the Muslims current have.  For the past two years whether or not the Jews will admit it little by little the status quo is changing. How do we know? By the number of Jews who have been permitted to go up to the Temple Mount in the last few year. The Muslims have seen those numbers increase and that is why the tensions have been getting worse over who can go up to the Mount. For those of us who have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior we know that everything He warned us about for these last days is taking place. The birth pains Jesus told us would come in chapter 21 of Luke are already upon us and getting worse.  We know by God’s word as seen above must also come to pass and that is why you are now beginning to  see so much news concerning rioting and rumors of war over the Temple Mount issue.

I keep writing about this topic to try and get people ready to witness the news that is coming showing us that the Jews in fact have been granted full access to the Temple Mount and, know this to also get ready to witness the building of the Jewish Third Temple.  Do you actually think that after all the information about the coming Third Temple that Jesus warned us about that He wouldn’t fulfill these prophecies concerning the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple?  It is going to take place soon. 

The Recipe for an Explosion on the Temple Mount: Israel and the Palestinians Live in Parallel Worlds


The events around the Temple Mount and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with the growing tension between Israel and the Palestinians, largely reflect the completely different ways the two sides view the reality around the mount, particularly Israel’s actions there. That disparity stems from different perceptual frameworks.

Arab arsonists hit Tomb of Benjamin
“The Third Temple is prophesied to stand on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,” Rabbi Berger said. “This is inevitable, but all of the forces in the world that don’t want the prophecies to manifest are fighting with all of their might against these prophecies.

Those who don’t acknowledge Christ is the savoir and true Messiah have come up with some really ridiculous statements. You will see in the report below that the Arab Ra’am party believes the coming Israeli election will determine what happens on the Temple Mount.  I don’t care who is elected as Prime Minister it is the Lord who will be the one who determines what happens on that Temple Mount and, we know what they is based on the prophecies about the building of the Jewish Third Temple.  At the end of the day Jews will be worshipping in the Temple.


The chairman of the Arab Ra’am party, Mansour Abbas, posted on his Arabic language Facebook page that his party’s position regarding the Temple Mount and their position within the coalition will follow the dictates of the King of Jordan.

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research MinistryNoah’s generation was an un Godly generation and, according to Jesus the last generation was also going to look like Noah’s generation.  Looking at just one aspect of our generation we see how this present generation is a copy of Noah’s generation. The one aspect I refer to is the number of babies that are killed each year via abortions. I read a Forbes report from May 7, 2022 which put the number of babies killed between 630,000 which according to the report below is at the low end and 886,000 based on other models.  There have been new laws passed in the last few years allowing the killing of babies up to the 9 month stage.  Has America sunk so low it’s morality that they don’t call killing a baby killing?  It appears that is the case.   It is said to see so many women go the route of aborting their babies. I am sure with each child that is killed there are tears that fall for our Lord’s eyes. I one thing that gives me hope to the stopping of so many abortions is the fact that I know these tiny young lives will be placed in the hands of Christ after the doctor kills that child and, I know that this last generation will be going home soon and the Lord will Judge an unrighteous world. Jesus warned He was going to deal with our generation as He did with Noah’s generation only this time the world will not be destroyed by a worldwide flood. If you have killed your child and you do not repent and ask Jesus to be your savior your judgement will be seen in the book of Revelation.  There is still hope for anyone who has had an abortion but you must really repent before there is any forgiveness.  No one on this Earth has the right to judge you that right has been placed in the hand of Jesus Christ.  Please go to Christ as no one goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

With Roe v. Wade in jeopardy, getting a safe abortion will become more difficult and costly.

Abortions have been legal in the U.S. for nearly 50 years, following the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. That could change with the Justices poised to overturn the historic ruling, according to a leaked draft opinion obtained by Politico last week. This means the right to an abortion would be kicked to the state level.

Estimates vary for how many people get the procedure each year, with 630,000 on the low end to around 886,000 based on other models. The median cost of a medication abortion, which make up just over half the total, was $560 in 2020 without insurance. For context, about one-third of American households would be unable or have difficulty paying a $400 emergency expense

(Natural News) The “Unzipped Staff” at Levi Strauss & Co. just announced that every purchase of Levi’s jeans from here on out will help pay for some woman’s abortion.

Levi’s employees who work in states where abortion becomes illegal or inaccessible will now be reimbursed for “healthcare-related travel expenses for services not available in their home state, including those related to reproductive health care and abortion.”

Does the Democratic party think those on the right are stupid?  Why do you think some of the Democrats wanted to get rid of the bill language saying men can get pregnant?  Because they know just how stupid that bill is and, the people who wanted to get rid of that bill know when the election comes they will get creamed by those Americans who still have a brain.  Show me one person who really believes men can have a baby and I will show you one who flew over the cuckoo’s next. In other words they are nuts!  As for me I wish they would have left that bill intact because it would only help make it clear just how crazy the Democrats have become.

     Democrats Quietly Scrub Abortion Bill Language Saying Men Can Get Pregnant

The latest version of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), which would effectively make abortion a statutory right, scrubbed references to transgender and nonbinary people’s pregnancies as well as language related to “reproductive justice.” Earlier versions of the bill used language tying race and transgenderism to the issue of abortion in its non-binding “Findings” section. Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, the bill’s sponsor, told Politico the language had been removed from the bill due to objections from some Democrats.

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry

As NBC Calls Elon Musk a Danger, Their News Director Was Busted Trying to Meet a Child for Sex
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‘Criminal, Inhumane And Unethical’: EU Passes Resolution Condemning Chinese Regime’s Forced Organ Harvesting
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution voicing “serious concerns” about the Chinese regime’s ongoing forced organ harvesting, while calling on its member states to publicly condemn the abuse. “Parliament expresses serious concern about reports of persistent, systematic, inhumane and state-sanctioned organ harvesting from prisoners in China, and more specifically from Falun Gong practitioners,”

You Cannot Maintain Biblical Morality If You Have Subverted Biblical Authority
Why do moral progressivism and theological liberalism go hand in hand? The quick answer is that both impulses are rooted in an attempt to escape or undermine Scripture. The long answer is more complicated—but really interesting.

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