More earthquakes/Syria’s role in the Psalm 83 war/Oct. 6, 2011



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Frank DiMora P.O Box 732 Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (Christ warned us to watch for the many earthquakes.) 

“BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake hit at a relatively shallow depth in northwestern Argentina Thursday, emptying schools and houses as people sought safety outside. In the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, people tweeted that it was the strongest quake they'd felt in years, cracking windows and toppling furniture. But there were no immediate reports of serious damage or injury.”

Earthquake Swarm Keeps Icelands Katla Rocking”. We’ve been keeping an eye on Iceland’s Katla for quite a while now and over the past year; the volcano has been showing signs that magma is moving under the ice-capped edifice. There have been frequent seismic swarms around and within the caldera that is currently filled with the Mýrdalsjökull (glacier) and on at least two occasions, small glacial outburst floods (jokulhlaups) have issued from Katla. Part of the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap was seen as partially melted after each of these floods, which suggests that the area was at least getting hot — now, whether that meant an eruption (a very small one) or merely vigorous hydrothermal venting is still unclear. What is clear is that something is happening under Katla.”

Here are the quakes that have hit so far today. 

MAP  5.1   2011/10/06 15:26:25   -14.885    167.349  177.4   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2011/10/06 14:56:35   -19.642    -69.067  98.1   TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP  6.2   2011/10/06 11:12:29   -24.181    -64.250  9.5   JUJUY, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.8   2011/10/06 07:37:04    9.712    138.292  35.7   STATE OF YAP, FED. STATES OF MICRONESIA
MAP  5.6   2011/10/06 00:39:33    57.884    -32.563  10.2   REYKJANES RIDGE
MAP  5.0   2011/10/06 00:03:04    57.929    -32.363  10.0   REYKJANES RIDGE

 Prophecy Sign: Syria’s role in the Psalm 83 war. We know for sure Syria will attack Israel. How do we know?  Psalm 83 tells us Assyria will be one of the many nations that will attack Israel.  Even if there isn’t one person who can give you the exact scenario on what will cause the Psalm 83 war to start we have a pretty good Idea from current events being played out in the Middle East what may bring on this war.   In many of my pervious posts I warn that it is possible that President Assad might try to take the spot light off of his nation by forcing a conflict with Israel.  News from Arutz Sheva today says the same thing I have been warning you.

“A Kuwaiti newspaper reports that Israel has warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that if he will be targeted if he tries to start a war with Israel to take the glare off his brutal suppression of the uprising in his country. The al-Jarida newspaper reported that the warning was sent through mediators in Turkey following intelligence reports of exceptional movements of Syrian troops and re-location of long-range missiles.”

In another section of this same report it says, and I quote, “IBTimes noted that although Israel the protest movement exacerbates Israel’s fear of Assad’s next moves, “it seems however unrealistic to think that Assad would attack Israel since he knows that is one thing the country's western allies will not allow him to do.”

This is my take on this news.  When a man goes out hunting for an animal and then corners that animal, that animal will do anything to escape the hunter.  If President Assad is cornered anymore than he already is, and he thinks he is going to lose control of his nation for sure, I for one would not put it pass him to attack Israel. As far as I am concerned the order to attack Israel may be his last attempt to hold on to power.  In any case, whatever happens the outcome will be, Syria will engage Israel in that Psalm 83 war. 

 Here is another take on the events that are taking place right now.  The Arutz Sheva report said, “it seems however unrealistic to think that Assad would attack Israel since he knows that is one thing the country's western allies will not allow him to do.”  What if President Assad is crazy enough to attack Israel and doesn’t care what Israel’s western allies think.  It is possible that we may see Isaiah 17:1 come to pass when those western allies destroy Damascus?  Keep in mind, both Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-27 haven’t been fulfilled yet.  Is it possible that the western allies could take out Syria, and fulfill both those prophecies, and in the process cause a reaction from the rest of the Arab nations that border Israel to take revenge against Israel and move on her?  One thing is very clear. Since January of this year we have watched one leader after another loose control of their governments.  We know from the past that men do crazy things to hold on to power. Anyone who says Syria won’t attack Israel has never cornered a wild animal!

Forest fire (file) When you watch the news you can see the Arabs have stepped up their attacks on Israel.  These attacks will keep coming until the PLO gets what they want, which will be a war with Israel to reclaim the city of Jerusalem and drive out the Jews. The PLO is aware that the peace process isn’t going to give them what they want and they are gearing up for the next war.  In the meantime Israel has to endore events like what happened today. 

“On Thursday morning a large olive grove belonging to Jews in Park Bar-On was burned near the town of Kedumim in central Samaria. One hundred twenty olive trees were incinerated in the blaze.”

“Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Aryeh Eideliss, manager of the grove, said that Arabs have set fires to the olive trees under his care in the past. “This grove was also set on fire last year, but nothing was done about it,” he said.  Eideliss added that the purpose was not just to destroy Jewish-owned property. “Arabs burn down an orchard and quickly move in, planting their own trees, thus 'redeeming' the land from the Jews.”

The video you are about to watch is entitled, "IDF Drills 'Yom Kippur Surprise' in North". Israel was attacked in the past on Yom Kippur and this year Yom Kippur is on October 7-8 .  With all that is going on in Israel, Israel isn't taking any chances that the Arabs won't try another surprise attack on this Jewish Holiday.

Prophecy Sign: Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”   Matthew 24:9: “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.   Christ warned us we would be fighting against the devil.  Satan has stepped up his attacks against the Lord’s Church and the atheists are one of the groups spear heading Satan’s work.

“The Freedom From Religion Foundation, America’s largest organization of atheists and agnostics, continues to use the legal system to purge the nation of references and symbols related to faith and religion (as we reported yesterday, the group will hold its 34th annual convention this weekend).

In one of the foundation’s latest assaults on faith, FFRF is demanding that the town of Whiteville, Tennessee, remove a cross that stands at the top of a local water tower. The atheist group first requested that the cross be taken down last December, citing a citizen who is uncomfortable with its presence. The Jackson Sun reports:

The Freedom From Religion Foundation says the cross, located on public property, is in violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …”

If the town refused to remove the cross, FFRF threatened legal action against both the local government and its mayor, James Bellar. In a letter to the town, Alvin Harris, who is an attorney for FFRF, wrote, ”This letter is my clients’ final demand that the cross be permanently removed from the Whiteville water tower.”

In the letter, Harris gave the town a 30-day time frame during which the organization wanted to see the cross come down. If the town didn’t comply, FFRF planned to file a lawsuit, citing a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Bellar harshly responded to the atheists‘ and agnostics’ claims, saying, “They’re the terrorists. It’s not us…It will be a shallow victory for them if they win.”


I know that many of you are really upset with this atheist and agnostic organization, but let us not fall to their level and say we hate them.  Jesus loves these people as much as He loves us, and He desires that each one of these people come to know Him as their Savior.  Let us not forget where we came from!  At one point in our lives we too were lost just as they were. It was only by the grace of the Lord that you and I are already saved.  We as Christians must fight back but it is how we fight that will show the world who we really are.  We fight back by loving them, by praying for them, and yes even fasting for those who are not yet saved in Christ. 

 It is my prayer the atheists and agnostics organization will shortly come to know the meaning of Acts 26:18. “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'


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 Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


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