New Middle East war signs between Israel and Iran/Dec 18, 2009-second post

Prophecy Sign: Earlier today I posted warning signs concerning the Ezekiel war, which is outlined in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  I told you to watch signs war is going to break out soon when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Here is new news confirming what I have been warning you.  I quote from the “U.S. President Barack Obama has warned his Chinese counterpart that the United States would not be able to keep Israel from attacking Iranian nuclear installations for much longer, senior officials in Jerusalem told Haaretz.  They said Obama warned President Hu Jintao during the American's visit to Beijing a month ago as part of the U.S. attempt to convince the Chinese to support strict sanctions on Tehran if it does not accept Western proposals for its nuclear program. The Israeli officials, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the matter, said the United States had informed Israel on Obama's meetings in Beijing on Iran. They said Obama made it clear to Hu that at some point the United States would no longer be able to prevent Israel from acting as it saw fit in response to the perceived Iranian threat.”  If you are a Christian keep on your toes because there is no dobut we are going to see Jesus Christ very soon.  You will know how close we really are when you see Israel go after Iran.  One thing is for sure the Arabs are going to be engaged in two more wars against Israel and they will lose both of them.  Read my post on the Psalms 83 and Ezekiel war for full details, or turn to chapter 10 of my free prophecy book.  You will find the link to the book below.

Prophecy Sign: Also, earlier today I wrote to you about the prophecy in Revelation 6:5-6 where Christ shows us the price of food will be so high you will have to work all day long for one small mail.  Here is some new news concerning this issue.  I quote, “Food prices in India have risen to a high of nearly 20% over last year, the highest rate in a decade.”  It would do you well to read the entire text because it shows we are the road to fulfill Jesus words.

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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    • Jeff L. on December 22, 2009 at 12:07 pm
    • Reply

    These 2 articles give a 1 month window when Israel will attack Iran.
    Israel says threat of attack on Iran, no bluff
    Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:55:16 GMT
    “If no crippling sanctions are introduced by Christmas, Israel will strike,” Sneh said. “If we are left alone, we will act alone.”
    Russia ‘will’ deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months
    Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:27:53 GMT
    “The delivery deadline has already passed, but the Russian side has cited technical problems which it said it was working on to fix,” [“Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi is an Iranian Ambassador “] Sajjadi added. “We feel that this question will be resolved within one to two months.” [Iran is evidently expecting an attack from Israel in 1-2 months, before the Russian S-300 anti aircraft missiles are in place.]
    This gives a about a one month window from December 26, 2009 to January 26, 2010 for Israel to attack as Israel set the Christmas deadline and they must attack before the Russian S-300 anti aircraft missiles are in place. Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi is an Iranian Ambassador is also expressing this opinyen too posible based on what he has got from the Iran government.

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