Noah’s signs-Signs of America’s decline-Feb. 13, 2009


Upcoming Show today: 2/13/2009 2:00 PM   Pacific Time 

Call-in Number: 347- 215-8913 to ask Frank a questions

Host Name: Total-Deliverance

End times Special Guest author Frank Dimora

Length of show: 2 hrs 

What is “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”? It is a book, which has been the work in progress for 33 years. Author Frank DiMora has written a documentary on Bible Prophecy and current events. This is one of the most informative books written and it is backed by nothing but facts and evidence proving we have already entered the last days Jesus  told us to watch for just prior to the tribulation. We will take callers after he is done. Here is his site:  If you click to the link below it will take you directly to the show.

Links below will take you to videos from today’s interview concerning Rev. 13:15-17.

He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name” Revelation 13: 15-17.


Geminoid HI-1



Human or Robot



Frank DiMora invites you to download His book for Free.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009


“A student at Los Angeles City College has filed a lawsuit against the institution after a professor called him a "fascist b——" and told him to "Ask God what your grade is" following the student's speech about morality. The case has been filed by the Alliance Defense Fund on behalf of Jonathan Lopez after his encounter with Professor John Matteson in a speech class.”  The report goes on to say, “In the middle of the speech, he addressed the issues of God and morality; thus, he referred to the dictionary definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman and also read a passage from the Bible discussing marriage," the ADF explained. At that point, the professor interrupted him and refused to allow him to finish his speech, ADF said. Matteson then called Lopez a 'fascist b——" and dismissed the class.”  I think this professor is going to be in hot water because even he spoke about this same issue to the class earlier in the year. I quote, “The professor also warned on the evaluation form, "proselytizing is inappropriate in public school." Yet several weeks earlier, Matteson has announced to the class, in connection to the California vote Nov. 4 in support of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one man and one woman only, that, "if you voted yes on Proposition 8, you are a fascist b——."  As I said in my post Feb. 11, 2009 you are going to see this issue heat up.  If a Christian stands up for what he believes is truth he is looked at as someone who is hateful.  This just shows you the direction we are headed. If this professor is not dealt with say goodbye to free speech at this college!

In my Feb. 9, 2009 post I talked to you about the downfall of America.  I quoted Daniel chapter 2 & chapter 7 which shows us the last world power will not be the U.S. but rather the modern day Roman Empire or what we now know as the European Union.  I keep telling you what is going to happen to America and what signs to look for in the coming months.  When you revisit my previous posts you will read I warned you more banks would fall this year.  Many in the news are reporting the exact things I have warned.  I quote from a report out today entitled,” Large U.S. banks on brink of insolvency, experts say”. “Some of the large banks in the United States, according to economists and other finance experts, are like dead men walking.  A sober assessment of the growing mountain of losses from bad bets, measured in today’s marketplace, would overwhelm the value of the banks’ assets, they say. The banks, in their view, are insolvent.”  The reported continued and stated, “ But without a cure for the problem of bad assets, the credit crisis that is dragging down the economy will linger, as banks cannot resume the ample lending needed to restart the wheels of commerce.”  I said it before for but I need to say it again, America has to fall.  Her fall will help rise the EU to the position of that last world power God showed Daniel and which Jesus shows us in Revelation chapter 17.  How bad are things in the U.S.?  I just show the news where they said if you pile dollar bills on top on each other the debt the U.S. owes would be 57 miles high.  The U.S. can't even pay the interest on that debt, what does that tell you?

Still writing please come back.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

 You can view all of Franks video and radio interviews by clicking to links below:

The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:

Economic crisis

DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:

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