Nov. 11, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732 Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21 and Mark chapter 13 the sign of disease.

Cholera claims 87 more lives in Somalia

Is Obama a Christian or is he lying to deceive the Christians. Obama told us all that he was raised a Muslim.  The Muslim faith teaches it is the right thing to do to lie to unbelievers. Has Obama been lying to the America people from day one?  It is clear from the video below what faith Obama really holds to. Before you watch this video let me ask you a question.  If you are a Christian, a real Christian, if someone asked you what faith you are, do you think you would ever say by mistake that you follow the Muslim faith?  Not on your life!

Now that you watched the video just let me say, Obama would have kept on talking if George didn’t stop him and say, “you mean your Christian faith”.  Here is a perfect example of the real fruit that is falling from the Obama tree.

What does the Bible say concerning how you can tell if a person is a real believer or not? Matthew 7:16 the Lord tells us how we will know a true believer from someone who really isn’t.  “You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”  Jesus isn’t talking about real fruits here, He is telling us watch what the person’s life produces.  Let us look at President Obama. He claims to be a Christian but his actions show his real fruit!  If you go to this link below it will take you to 7 reasons that show Obama is not a real Christian. There are seven videos at this link you can watch.

Obama's War on Christianity Continues

Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!

I warned you, you would hear more news about a depression coming. Read today’s news about the Euro crisis and the EU debt crisis.

Eurozone collapse 'will send continent into depression'

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